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Thread Number: 1361
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Original Message
"Top Ten Spolier Posts"

Posted by Dianetic on 06-04-02 at 08:40 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-04-02 AT 08:42 PM (EST)

From the home office in Wazzoo, Illinois we bring you tonight's Top Ten list.

The Top Ten Spoiler Posts

Number 10:
Do you have any vidcaps to prove this?

Number 9:
Vecepia is getting voted out in the third episode because SNewser said so.

Number 8:
That is the dumbest theory I've ever heard.

Number 7:
Did your mother marry her brother or what?

Number 6:
I agree with Shakes.

Number 5:
Me too!

Number 4:
If you look at the vidcap, you'll see that she isn't wearing the immunity necklace so we know that Vecepia doesn't win immunity tonight and will be booted with a 4 to 2 loss in favor of Sean.

Number 3:
Moving this thread to Bashers

Number 2:
Moving this thread to Fanatics

Number 1:
Locking this thread

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Messages in this discussion
"Silly boy. . ."
Posted by George Tirebiter on 06-04-02 at 09:31 PM
How'd you manage to leave out Chartboy?!


Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

"Chartboy revisited"
Posted by Dianetic on 06-05-02 at 12:33 PM
The up down movements correspond to the alternating colors and you do the Hokey Pokey and shake it all about. Only one other person understood the chart but he died.

"RE: Top Ten Spolier Posts"
Posted by Survivorerist on 06-04-02 at 09:41 PM
Excellent job, LRon! I don't even read spoilers and I LMAOed! I especially loved the top 3 and 6-5! Aren't running gags great?

Side Note: To add to your collection...

Top Ten Fanatics Posts

10. Come check out my cool new website <followed by a dead link>
9. Something involving the word hypocrite
8. Sarah has nice boobs!
7. Rob has a cute butt!
6. Some random quote from the Bible
5. Play online Survivor!
4. S***! (Survivorerist only; after finding out about a certain engagement)
3. Jerri, some of us love you! (Does anyone even remember this one?)
2. Oh my heck!
1. Hey, where'd everybody go?


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

(Courtesy of Strider )

"Oh my heck, I'm so very glad that that's over. The 2001-2 television season was, for this sofa spud, cruelly and unusually punishing."
-Antonia Zerbisias, The Toronto Star

"RE: Top Ten Spolier Posts"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 06-05-02 at 02:11 AM
LAST EDITED ON 06-05-02 AT 02:11 AM (EST)

You could add "I don't understand why everyone hates _______" (insert your choice of Sarah/Rob/Sean/etc.) to your Fanatics list, Surv.

"My friend told me of a guy who lives down the street from the uncle of a cameraman and he swears that he saw a seafaring kangaroo swim by with the lockbox votes in his pouch and you could see a 'K' peeking out of the corner, therefore Kathy wins it all."

And who can forget all these first-time posters who scream "I'VE GOT IT, LISTEN UP Y'ALL, THIS IS HONEST-TO-GOD A GOOD SPOILER!" and then ask us to be gentle as it's his/her first post and doesn't want to get flamed to a crisp.

"RE: Top Ten Spolier Posts"
Posted by Dianetic on 06-06-02 at 02:33 PM
You forgot one of the most common posts on the Fanatics board:

"I met Debb and it was the most exciting day of my life".

I can't tell you how many times I've seen that one.

"RE: Top Ten Spolier Posts"
Posted by Bebo on 06-05-02 at 12:37 PM
Strong list, Sir. I'd add "______ IS SO HOT!" as a Fanatics one as well.

LRon, your list is great too!

Even ruder and snottier as the years go by. Let's add mean, horrible, nasty witch while we're at it. Got it down to a science.

Card-carrying member of the PGSA

Carolina Hurricanes - Eastern Conference Champions
Bedeviled NJ, nabbed the Habs, and raked the Leafs!

"Why is Bebo so mean and nasty?"
Posted by Dianetic on 06-05-02 at 01:28 PM
Bebo said Sir's list was strong but mine was only great. I'm very hurt. Don't you know about the Zero Tolerance Policy about hurting me? Why are you so cruel to me?

Why Bebo why?

"Keeping the peace"
Posted by Bebo on 06-05-02 at 02:14 PM
In the spirit of a kinder and gentler basher board...

Sir's list was strong and great.

LRon's list was great and strong.

Even ruder and snottier as the years go by. Let's add mean, horrible, nasty witch while we're at it. Got it down to a science.

Card-carrying member of the PGSA

Carolina Hurricanes - Eastern Conference Champions
Bedeviled NJ, nabbed the Habs, and raked the Leafs!

"RE: Keeping the peace"
Posted by Dianetic on 06-05-02 at 03:21 PM
Thank you Bebo. I've been crying hysterically for the last two hours over your original mean, nasty post. I'll dry my eyes now.

Will you hug me now? You know how I was rooting for you during S4. I'm the president of the Sarah fan club you know.

"RE: Top Ten Spolier Posts"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-05-02 at 01:21 PM
>Top Ten Fanatics Posts

>10. Come check out my cool new website <followed by a dead link>

>9. Something involving the word

>6. Some random quote from the Bible.<

Are nubers 6 & 9 from the same thresd?

>5. Play online Survivor!<

Is that the one with the dead link?

>4. S***! (Survivorerist only;
>after finding out about a
>certain engagement)

Don't worry Sir Erist, I'm sure she has lots of siblings.

>2. Oh my heck!
>1. Hey, where'd everybody go?


It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"Hey Svist !!!"
Posted by Drive My Car on 06-05-02 at 09:54 PM
3. Jerri, some of us love you! (Does anyone even remember this one?)

*raises hand and jumps around*

Oh I do I Do!!!!!

"RE: Top Ten Spolier Posts"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-05-02 at 03:52 AM
Dianetic, that was brilliant; you have encapsulated every single thing that happens to inappropriate or duplicate spoilers.

I especilally loved the lasr 3:

>Number 3:
>Moving this thread to Bashers.

>Number 2:
>Moving this thread to Fanatics

>Number 1:
Locking this thread


It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Top Ten Spolier Posts"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 06-05-02 at 05:37 PM
A little rhyme about Teddy's sig pics


Hide and seek Teddy Bear,
A Jewish Millionaire,
and a flying dove not going anywhere.

"RE: Top Ten Spolier Posts"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-05-02 at 09:35 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-05-02 AT 09:39 PM (EST)

>A little rhyme about Teddy's sig pics

>Hide and seek Teddy Bear, A Jewish Millionaire, and a flying
dove not going anywhere.

So Silvergirl1, do you think that if we can connect the dots; we will be able to spoil s5?

Do you see a pattern here?

Does this riddle give any clues about the next millionare?

I think that your sig may reveal some clues.

You are dressed in--what would be for Sarah--a very refined outfit;

therefore, I think that one can make the logical inference,

that the winner of Survivor Thailand, will be a blonde yoga expert with killer abs. LOL.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Top Ten Spolier Posts"
Posted by Swami on 06-06-02 at 01:07 PM
Great post, Dianetic--especially 3, 2 & 1- locking thread. LMAO. And Sir Erist, loved your list too. (Btw, though I used different words, I loved both posts equally in every way.)

And look, Teddy_Bear--your dove can fly!

It must like the music my little lizard guy is playing.


"RE: Top Ten Spolier Posts"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-06-02 at 02:29 PM
>And look, Teddy_Bear--your dove can fly!<

Lol Swami, and it's not the only one.

>It must like the music my little lizard guy is playing.

All bow down to the compellingly melodic Pied Piper of SB.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Top Ten Spolier Posts"
Posted by Swami on 06-06-02 at 06:05 PM
Hey, I kinda like flying birds. I want some too.

One of my favorite posts is on Fanatics. "I missed Thursday's show because (insert stupid reason here). Did anyone tape it?"


"RE: Top Ten Spolier Posts"
Posted by herekittykitty on 06-06-02 at 06:12 PM
>Hey, I kinda like flying birds. I want some too.

BIRDS!!! I like birds too.

"RE: Top Ten Spolier Posts"
Posted by Dianetic on 06-10-02 at 01:23 PM
This is just so wrong. Birds are not a spoilier unless they are killed during a reward challenge or something.


What happened to your other kitty head anyway?

"RE: Top Ten Spolier Posts"
Posted by MakeItStop on 06-06-02 at 11:50 AM
Great list LRon! Or should I say strong and great? I especially liked #1, 2, and 3. And how about this one,
I didn't have time to read all the posts, so could someone tell me _____________

"RE: Top Ten Spolier Posts"
Posted by Dianetic on 06-06-02 at 02:27 PM
>I didn't have time to read
>all the posts, so could
>someone tell me _____________

You better watch out. I think you're about to get flamed.
Why can't newbies like you read the guidelines and read every single post ever made before you think of writing anything?

"RE: Top Ten Spolier Posts"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-06-02 at 02:55 PM
>>I didn't have time to read all the posts, so could
>>someone tell me _____________

Another variation of this is: If I read, I don't have time to post.

>You better watch out. I think you're about to get
>flamed. Why can't newbies like you read the guidelines and read every single post ever made before you think of writing anything?

How 'bout this one?

Please be gentle; don't flame me, okay?
If you do, I'm prepared;
I've got my flame-proof, asbestos, flame-retardant, bullet-proof, neoprene wet suit on.

And let's not forget the classic: I won't be checking in for any replies. LOL.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Top Ten Spolier Posts"
Posted by Bebo on 06-06-02 at 03:59 PM
And let's not forget...(this is probably not a direct quote, but the tone has been implied on numerous occasions)

And who is this Shakes person anyway? Why does this clown think he's an expert on reality TV?

Even ruder and snottier as the years go by. Let's add mean, horrible, nasty witch while we're at it. Got it down to a science.

Card-carrying member of the PGSA

Carolina Hurricanes - Eastern Conference Champions
Bedeviled NJ, nabbed the Habs, and raked the Leafs!

"RE: Top Ten Spolier Posts"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 06-06-02 at 04:27 PM
>Why does this clown think he's an expert on reality TV?<

Are you referring to Burn-it or Jiffy Probe? LOL.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Top Ten Spolier Posts"
Posted by MeToo on 06-06-02 at 01:14 PM
Number 5:
Me too!

I'm offended!

Posted by Dianetic on 06-06-02 at 02:25 PM
I hope I didn't accidentally violate the Zero Tolerance Policy.
I think we both know that post was definitely directed at you.
I'm sorry I had to drop such a subtle hint.