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"S4 Ultimate Gufu Award: Vote!"

Posted by dabo on 05-22-02 at 12:33 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-22-02 AT 01:35 PM (EST)

Alright, this is to decide the dangdumbest game move in Survivor: Marquesas, from the surviving contendors. Make no nominations, this is strictly a vote thread. You have three votes, for first place, second place and third place, and you should put these in your subject line. For example, if you think A should be first, B should be second, C should be third, your subject line should read A/B/C for first/second/third, okay. And the contendors are:

A. Sarah's Cleopatra Routine. Ep 1: She showed up and looked like herself in order to get a Playboy spread.

B. Peter's General Weirdness. Ep 1: He talked himself off the island, basically.

C. All the Idiotic Utterances of Sarah During TC2. Ep 2: She should have stuck to looking like herself, every time she opened her mouth she proved she had no concept of the game.

D. Kathy Alienates Herself. Ep 2: She got off to an awesomely bad start, hyper about the food, the fire, the shelter, just trying so hard to fit in with Rotu and not getting it.

E. Maraamu's Hunter Boot. Ep 3: The strongest player on the team, the most capable member of the tribe in the daily surviving, but the rest of Mara (except Gina) wasn't interested in being a team.

F. Sean's Slavery Rant to Gabe. Ep 4: Oh yeah, paint a great big bull's-eye on your back; being lazy is one thing, being lazy and loud about it is something else. Let's call this the "sure-hope-someone-is dumber-than-me" strategy.

G. Gabe Not Playing the Game. Ep 5: Sean or Rob would have been gone that time and Gabe could have continued his society-building safely, all he had to do was go along with the real players in how he voted, but instead he weirded them out.

H. John and Robert in the Canoe at RC6. Ep 6: Frick and Frack could barely control their canoe, and worst still at the end of things they'd forgotten and not followed the directions.

I. Rob Splashing at IC7. Ep 7: He knew he needed immunity and yet he lost because he couldn't help himself, he had to play around.

J. Rotu 4 Reveal Boot Order at IC8. Ep 8: What happens when an outnumbered alliance lords it over the rest of the players and makes it obvious how things are? Welcome to the jury, dumdums.

K. John Lulled Into Believing He'd Won Neleh and Paschal. Ep 8: Our reclaim winner: Cocky Leader let down his guard and paid the price.

L. Robert Acts Like a Big Baby. Ep 9: Pout, burn all the wood, burn everything in sight, walk away from Pappy and Neleh, just basically throw away any chance you have (aside from an immunity streak) to win the game.

M. Zoe's General Weirdness. Ep 9: Gee heck, where to start? Actually, she deserves marks for trying to shift into how the Misfit Alliance said they wanted the play to happen, but she should have known that was all just a lot of hot air.

N. Princess Neleh Talks Too Much. Ep 10: She didn't win the reward, just got dragged along, and yet she couldn't contain herself in sharing how good her fortune had been ... to everyone who hadn't shared in it!

O. The General Goes Down Without a Fight. Ep 11: (Sigh) Whatever chance he may have had to remain in the game, he just didn't try.

P. Sean's Performance at TC12. Ep 12: If there was any way he could have gotten Kathy to side with himself and Vee, he just didn't think it out, but instead got angry and flustered and asking to be voted out.

Q. Kathy Loses Final Immunity. Ep 13: After 38 days of not caring how she looked or anything, she fell for the old "we can see down your blouse" bit and lost the whole game. Damn, and I was rooting for her by then.

Okay, friends, those are the contendors for the Ultimate Gufu of S4. Read, enjoy, remember, evaluate... then vote!

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"J / E / H"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 05-22-02 at 01:19 PM
#1: J.Rotu's tribacidal behaviour at the coconut cracking IC. It changed the entire course of the game.

#2: E. If there hadn't been an extremly chidish competition for Alpha-Male status--not to mention stoopid Rob's Godfather complex; their might have been more than one original Maraamu sitting on the jury.

#3: H.Dumb and dumber looked like they couldn't have figure how to paddle their way out of a puddle. Had they have won this challenge, and selected the right individuals to compete in it; then Boston Rob would have never been given the chance to cause any trouble.

It may well be one the most dangdumbest game moves, but was the most entertaining--not to mention--heeeelarrrius part of the whole season.

It's too bad you can only pick 3. So many choices, so little time. Oh well.

Hunter: When I get back I'm going to call the Red Cross to come and find you guys, before you all die of starvation and dehydration.

Facts may weaken under extreme heat and pressure.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

Posted by SurvivinDawg on 05-22-02 at 01:32 PM
I - it seems there is always one idiot at the first post-merge IC.

G - Gabe... uh, Gabe.. GABE! This is not a camping trip... it's a GAME...

J - chopping Pappy's (coco)nuts gets Neleh riled...

"Pappy, you smuggled! I'm so proud of you!" -- Neleh Dennis

*** Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"Side Note"
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 05-22-02 at 02:05 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-22-02 AT 02:06 PM (EST)

First, just a quick question: Was it Princess Fluffypillows or Patricia that would've been voted out first? I think Peter wanted to vote out Patricia.

Next, the reason I didn't vote B (Peter's weirdness) was because Peter wasn't acting or following any particular strategy. That is just the way Peter really was! So I'm not sure what he might have done differently (besides maybe just keep his mouth shut), but he was just himself. And I think he was going to go first pretty much no matter what...

"Pappy, you smuggled! I'm so proud of you!" -- Neleh Dennis

*** Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"RE: Side Note"
Posted by dabo on 05-22-02 at 02:19 PM
According to what Gina said (don't recall when or where), there had been a discussion about voting out utterly useless Sarah. Patricia, Hunter and Gina were of one mind about this (and Sean and Vee went ahead and voted for Sarah anyway). But then Peter tried to talk things around to a Patricia boot, in front of everyone. The shame was that he actually was talking sense, though he had the wrong target (Sarah was saving her strength for the challenges, but gee she was useless even in the challenges). They should have stuck to their gameplan and convinced Peter to go along with booting Sarah, it would have made a big difference in the game (though Rob would still most likely have lost the next immunity for them anyway).


Posted by Bebo on 05-22-02 at 01:34 PM
J. Rotu 4 Reveal Boot Order at IC8.

The group in power handed it right back -- along with a lot of money. side note: Didn't vote for K as well because that is basically a subset of this one IMHO.

B. Peter's General Weirdness.

In the "what might have been" category...how would things have transpired if they had stuck to the original plan of voting out Princess Fluffypillows instead of someone who would actually have paddled? Rob loses his biggest (and not just in cup size) ally, which would have affected future voting patterns, even if the 'Mus still sucked wind in the challenges.

I. Rob Splashing at IC7.

Oh, we all know he was a dead man the moment he lost a challenge, but to give it away by flashing back to summer days at the beach with his drunken buddies was lame. Would've been interesting to see what havoc he could have wreaked in three more days with that group of idjuts.

Even ruder and snottier as the years go by.

'Canes Rock! Beat Canada!

Posted by DVK on 05-22-02 at 01:39 PM
J. the boot order reveal changed the whole game. It woke up the sleeping giant

P. I chose this because I think Kathy would have gone for Sean, Vee because she would have had a better shot at that point but Sean talked her out of it with his ranting. Changed the rest of the game.

H. Frick and Frack had the immunity by a mile gave it up and that changed the outcome of the rest of the game.

Sarah, Rob, Neleh, were really stupid and good nominations but I don't think that they were as game changing as the others. Kathy was in worse shape than Neleh or Vee and wasn't going to win that one anyway. Zoe Gabe and Peter have to be blamed on casting for the show they seem weird in real life to.


And your whiney butt opinion would be?

Posted by AyaK on 05-22-02 at 01:52 PM
1. J: "OK, here's my plan. First, we'll lie to Neleh and Pappy to lead them to think that we're all equal in the old Rotu alliance. Then we'll shaft 'em, after it's too late for them to do anything about it." ... It's a great plan, but the performance in this IC doomed it, by making "all equal in old Rotu" an obvious lie. So Neleh confronted John, and John told the truth, and the Rotu 4 then learned the hard way that they really weren't masters of Survivor.

2. L: Neleh and Paschal couldn't have been sure that they made the right choice. So, instead of trying to convince them otherwise, Robert decided to eliminate their doubt by revealing his true nature: 100% pure jerk.

3. B: Without Peter's weird spiel, Boobzilla (aka Sarah) goes in E1, and Rob doesn't form the "outcast bond" with Sean and Vee to protect his bimbo bedmate.

Posted by nailbone on 05-22-02 at 02:29 PM
The first two were dumb group moves:

J - Hey gang, we're gonna win anyway so let's just clear the air by letting everyone know EXACTLY the order we plan on removing them!

E - Hey gang, let's get rid of our strongest player. He works too hard and who needs to win those silly challenges anyway!

The third is an individual award:

I - Hey gang, I'm gonna regress to 3rd grade and try to start a splash fight rather than win immunity!!

The road goes on forever and the party never ends - Robert Earl Keen

Posted by PackMan on 05-22-02 at 02:37 PM
#1: J. Rotu 4 Reveal Boot Order - IC8. Four people sharing one brain, and not one of them knowing how to use it! These are the true "knuckleheads" of S4.

#2: H. John and Robert in the Canoe - RC6. Could these guys have been more pitiful?

#3: G. Gabe Not Playing the Game - Ep 5. Note to Gabe - if you want to build a community built on trust, cooperation, yada, yada, yada, you need to stay away from people who would vote off their own mother to win a million dollars.

"When the only tool you own is a hammer, all problems begin to resemble a nail." - Abraham Maslow

"P / J / I"
Posted by Femme on 05-22-02 at 02:56 PM
P. Sean's Performace at TC12
If he had kept his temper in check and had made a realistic offer to Kathy, she might have sided with him and won the whole game.

J. Rotu 4 Reveal Boot Order at IC8
This was just silly. What kind of morons would point out that they 1.) are gunning for you, 2.) have already made up their minds, and 3.) are of an inferior number. How silly, indeed.

I. Rob Splashing at IC7
He should have hung on to win immunity. (He obviously needed it.) Too bad he couldn't see past his own sense of humor. Might have changed the game.


Posted by Dianetic on 05-22-02 at 03:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-22-02 AT 03:44 PM (EST)

G. Anyone who shows up saying they aren't there to play the game will be excluded from all alliances.

P. Just like Robfadda, when Sean totally lost his cool he lost the game.

K. John was so stupid I can't believe he didn't get caught by his own pig snare.

Edited to add: I don't think Robfadda was messing around as much as trying to un-nerve the competition and get them to fall off. Unfortunately his plan backfired.

Posted by Strider on 05-22-02 at 04:25 PM
J. Rotu 4 Reveal Boot Order at IC8, or "Let's make sure they realize that they are four of us and five of them."

G. Gabe Not Playing the Game, or "Let's make sure that both voting blocs realize I'm not alligning with either of them."

P. Sean's Performance at TC12, or "Let's piss off the person who can save my ass."

Posted by George Tirebiter on 05-22-02 at 04:38 PM
Truly, a mind-boggling choice; I'm only really certain of #1:

J--Guess the "leaders" of Rotu4 just forgot to pay attention to the game; or did they fail to allow for the fact that EPM was just as likely to try to trip them up as their competitors?

I--Sorry, but da Robfadduh KNEW he needed immunity; that was NOT the time to screw around. (Does it still count if I'm grateful it happened?)

H--Perhaps the best example of ineptitude of them all; I wonder how Robert and John would fare with the proverbial wet paper bag. . .


Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly. - Mae West

Posted by GuessItRains on 05-22-02 at 04:42 PM
1. J (Coconut Challenge)--Anybody who doesn't put this one first is crazy. All the Rotu 4 had to do was lull Neleh and Paschal along until it was too late and they went and revealed their entire boot order. Once Sean was eliminated, they should have done everything in their power to not target anybody else and act like they could care less. The entire game changed on Day 24.

2. G (Gabe won't play)--Not only did Gabe's refusal to play along contribute to his own demise, but it also prevented the Rotu 4 from having the crucial fifth member to make the coconut challenge irrelevant. I would have liked Gabe's chances to take one or more of the last 3 immunity challenges and win it all anyway. Regardless, giving up at the first vote is just asinine.

3. N (Princess Neleh)--Kind of conflicted about my third choice, but the candy mint is symptomatic of Neleh's entire attitude toward the Rotu 4 from Day 24 on. Had she been the least bit friendly to either Tammy or the General instead of offering them used mints and laughing at them for their failed alliance, she might be $900,000 richer.

A huge honorable mention to H (Frick and Frack) . I didn't feel this had enough effect on the game to warrant a nomination for ultimate GUFU, but the ineptness of the supposed alliance leaders come challenge time was honestly the funniest moment of S4.

Posted by Survivorerist on 05-22-02 at 04:56 PM
J. Rotu 4 reveal boot order - Now c'mon Johnny John John, you should've known better than that. Shame on you, Richard Hatch wouldn't have been so silly.

H. John and Robert in the Canoe - Not so much of a gufu as just funny. Funnier even than the "Blind Leading the Blind" in S2.

E. Maraamu boots Hunter - Rule: Never vote off a crowd favourite so early in the game, it makes all of us not like you


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

(Courtesy of Strider )

"I mean to see that we had just turned around like that at the last second and beat 'em at their own game...I think it's just hilarious! Like, I just laughed my head off! Ah ha ha ha..."
-Neleh Dennis

Posted by dabo on 05-23-02 at 02:31 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-23-02 AT 11:51 PM (EST)

Okay, big surprise, I am not voting for J, the most potentially obvious winner of the whole season. Why? Personally, I have always considered individual gufus to be above and beyond group gufus, because the ultimate point is individually to win the damn game! J deserves high marks, don't get me wrong, and if that takes the ultimate prize (I have not crunched the numbers in any way as yet), so be it. Okay, about my own votes:

P. Sean's Performance in TC12.
Dumb as dumb could be. He could have cut a deal with Kathy which would have insured that he got to the final two (and perhaps Vecepia as well), but he blew it.

L. Robert Acts Like a Big Baby.
It's a game, the rules are pretty loose, who can't see that doing what it takes is ultimately the best strategy? Robert not only blew his own chances of winning, or at least surviving to the final two, he messed up things for his "sister" Tammy. Dumb as gosh.

Q. Kathy Loses the Final Immunity. AUUUUUUGHHHHH, she got distracted! She would almost certainly have won had she made it to the final 2, but in the end she just got lazy and allowed herself to be tricked by someone who needed it the most! Kudos to Neleh for having her head in the game at that point. And to Vee as well, for working it to her own advantage, though I think there was a better way to play it (but that's not up for votes).


Posted by DarkLotus on 05-23-02 at 08:29 AM
J. Rotu 4 Reveal Boot Order at IC8. - Obviously, they took math lessons from Jiffy. The only one of these that totally changed the course of the game.

E. Maraamu's Hunter Boot. We'll never know if it would've changed a lot, but imagine if they'd booted Sarah instead. A New Maraamu of Hunter, Gina, Paschal, Neleh, and Kathy. Totally different game.

P. Sean's Performance at TC12. I had him picked as F2 with Kathy, but he went and blew his cool, and played the race card once too often. So long, Sean, enjoy your car.

- Dark Lotus
"My balls... my balls... my balls..." - Sean Rector

Kathy O'Brien: The REAL Sole Survivor of S4!

Posted by NightScribe on 05-23-02 at 12:20 PM
J: No surprises here, J/T/Z/R slit their own throats and handed the power over to the misfit 5. Apparantly they couldn't count.

Q: Kathy had it in the bag and lost her focus. It cost her the game.

I: Rob is a dumbass anyway, but when immunity was so crucial to him he should not have been horsing around.

Honorable mention: Definitely the Canoe race with Frick and Frack. Although it didn't really affect voting, it was possibly the funniest thing I've seen on Survivor.

"RE: S4 Ultimate Gufu Award: Vote!"
Posted by Swami on 05-23-02 at 06:17 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-24-02 AT 09:27 AM (EST)

Edit: Q/I/J Sorry I messed up the subject line, dabo. Stuff happens when you're in a rush...

#1 - Q. Kathy Loses Final Immunity. Ep 13
Kathy could have won it all if she had not fallen for neleH's last ditch distraction. I'm convinced she would have outlasted both Vee & neleH.

#2 - I. Rob Splashing at IC7.
Another reason why Stupid is written on your forehead. You would have needed an immunity run to get far into this game, but you just had to be cocky.

#3 - J. Rotu 4 Reveal Boot Order at IC8.
Picked this one because it was a failure all four individuals in an alliance that could have gone to the final four if not for this piece of arrogance.


"RE: S4 Ultimate Gufu Award: Vote!"
Posted by Car84 on 05-23-02 at 08:38 PM

Q: That was a classic moment. It might not belong on this list, though, because Kathy probably wouldn't have outlasted Vee and Neleh anyway.

J: They gained absolutely nothing by revealing their pecking order. But, in the end, the revelation to Da Judge and Neleh and their impudent and brash (in John's view) defection certainly cost Neleh jury votes.

E: Hunter's boot was, shall I say, DUMB. The only way to get individual immunity before the merge is to have a piece of tribal immunity. And if you have to vote someone off, it should be the Mitchells, Jesses, and Mama Kims, and not a strong player like Hunter. Individual agendas have no place pre-merge - or at least not as much influence as they have.

"RE: S4 Ultimate Gufu Award: Vote!"
Posted by managerr on 05-23-02 at 09:23 PM
I voted on the ones which had the most impact on the game:

J.)Was the undoing of the Rotu-4.
K.)I would like to say, I don't consider this John's gufu only. Robert and Tammy put too much trust in the way he was handling things and should have told a few white lies of their own.
G.)Gabe's not playing the game hurt both tribes. It ruined any chance for the Rob voting bloc to try and tie and it eventually lead his tribe into a fracture of their own. He was the one player who could have kept Rotu together long enough to take out Sean-Vee-Rob.

"RE: H/J/E-D(tie)"
Posted by Dakota on 05-23-02 at 10:50 PM
H - This was possibly the funniest demonstration of alpha male ineptitude I have ever witnessed. No editing here, folks, just them and their canoe. Can u canoe?

J - Put da lime in da coconut and drink em both up, you put da lime in da coconut and eat em both togedder, put da lime in da coconut and oops, there goes my torch!

E-D Tie - E - voting out Hunter when Maraamu hadn't won a damn thing in spite of Sean's best efforts.
D - Kathy being a total neurotic imbecile for the first few days, weeks, I lost count.

Put da lime in da coconut and drink em both up

Posted by poisonenvy on 05-24-02 at 00:44 AM
1)if the babies of Maraamu (rob/sean/vee/sarah) had bothered to keep hunter they would hav definately survived as a team longer.
2)i think kathy may hav voted wth sean n vee if sean just kept his big gob shut!
3)SHUT UP NELEH! talk abt annoying!

"RE: J/E/I - first/second/third"
Posted by bubbastan on 05-24-02 at 04:41 PM
I don't even have to explain, because Nailbone summed it up perfectly way up in Post #8.

Posted by Dalton on 05-25-02 at 12:50 PM
G. MB selected 15 contestants and a Teddy Bear. It was a damn GAME Gabe!! If ya couldn't and wouldn't play, WTF were you doing there?? Blech.

P. Sean, who had come much further in the game than he ever deserved, self-destructed at TC-12. When Pappy (the most dignified person around) has to tell you to "Shut up and listen for just once...." hehehe...Loozer!

L. Robert's a Big Baby; fer sure. Geeze, a big, tatooed NY guy who refuses to have a plan; try to make alliances; or even figure some way to stay in the game is pitiful.

PS. How RobFodder being a constant User/Abuser/Liar and Loser failed to make the list is beyond me. Oh wait, I get it...Rob wasn't that important? Right? Right!!

Posted by Q on 06-05-02 at 02:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-05-02 AT 02:20 PM (EST)


K. John and that whole knowing you have two people who support you winning the million dollars! I mean come on, how stupid, or naive is he, and people say Neleh was naive but she sure one upped John. How stupid were you, you forgot the rule, Never Assume, when you do...

P. Sean at TC 12. He forgot the rule, It is better to remain silent and thought the fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Do not start something if you have no idea how to finish it.

C. Sarah. She did not have a clue how to play this game, or how to survive at all. I hope her monkey gives her ebola and her fake boobs fall off.

One thing about E.

I don't think the Hunter Boot was a GUFU. It may have been for Sarah, Rob and Sean, but definitely not for Vecepia. She had a hand in voting him out, and guess what she is a millionaire. I don't think she would have made it to the end if Hunter was around with Gina at the merge. So I don't agree with this. It sucked for Hunter and Gina, but Vecepia loved the way this one went, as did Neleh, John, Tammy, Kathy, and all the others who feared Hunter in individual challenges.

later all,
