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"Sean complains somone not pulling their weight"

Posted by Zentar on 05-03-02 at 10:53 AM

I almost fell out of my chair when Sean pointed out that Nelah is not pulling her weight. He went on about how she says she has so much energy but says 'if I sat around all day, i would have a lot of energy too'.

Isn't this the same guy that went on a rampage for people asking him to do his fair share, saying he ain't nobodies slave? People ask him do help out get food that he will be eating, to help build shelter he will be using, to collect wood for a fire he will be cooking on. That is not being asked to be a slave, it is called pulling your own weight. Funny how keen his eye sight becomes when somone else is not pulling their weight.

What a hypocrit.

I was very surprised when after they revealed the votes and showed Tammy was referring to Vee about not pulling her weight, it was her friggen birthday. Give her a break, she was very upset about being away from her family on her birthday. Currently i am pulling for either Vee or Paschal to win, they seem to be the only 2 nice people left in the bunch.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Sean complains somone not pulling their weight"
Posted by Bebo on 05-03-02 at 10:56 AM
Welcome to Blows, Zentar.

How 'bout joining the Sean hypocrite rant already started on this thresd:


fluent in Sarcastic, Blahblah, and Mockery

"RE: Sean complains somone not pulling their weight"
Posted by Dianetic on 05-03-02 at 11:46 AM
Whitey's always got to find something to pick on Sean about.

I have no memory of Sean not pulling his weight, lazing around camp, not rowiing the boat, having Tammy feed him, making racist remarks, having a short temper, or any other human frailty.
I deny these incidents ever happened. Sean is the hardest working, best human being out there.

Did I mention that I majored in "revisionist history" in college?

"RE: Sean complains somone not pulling their weight"
Posted by Fast Eddie on 05-03-02 at 02:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-03-02 AT 04:21 PM (EST)

I couldn't believe it either, until I realized what was going on: Sean is so caught up in this slavery thing, he now actually believes he is da massuh and dem whiteys are his slaves. I noticed that, after his comments, there were numerous shots of him sleeping. I wonder whose job he figures it is to bring him the mint julep. (No wonder he's so annoyed with Nay-lay. She brought him the mint, but not the julep. Lazy honkey.)

"RE: Sean complains somone not pulling their weight"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-03-02 at 02:26 PM
>I wonder whose job he figures it is to bring him
>the mint julep.

Yes, I really do wonder too... now that Tammy is gone and can't serve him anymore!

"I'm the General and that's that."
Robert DeCanio, April 11/02

"RE: R-A-N-T!!!!! Sean complains and complains and complains"
Posted by Dakota on 05-05-02 at 11:09 AM
What I remember all too well was Sean criticizing Pappy for taking Neleh on the ship instead of Vee. Yes, it was Vee's birthday. Yes, she cried on Sean's shoulder. But when you win something, you share it with someone you like. Someone who likes you. You share it with a friend. If you had won, Sean, you could have taken Vee. But whitey won. Even though he's older and not buff like you, Sean. It's because whitey didn't give Harlem swimming pools. But if there is anything a white person can do to satisfy you, please let us know. Pappy and Neleh kept you on the friggin island. So quit your bitchin'. Life suck for everyone a lot of the time and you still have it better than a lot of people in this world. I'm so sick of your complaining, bitching, self-righteous criticizing of everyone other than you and Vee, the perfect people whose few and minor shortcomings are all the fault of white people. Please stuff a coconut in it!

Whew! That felt good!

"I am so offended by that"
Posted by Dianetic on 05-06-02 at 12:44 PM
Well not that offended but let me explain.

>But when you
>win something, you share it
>with someone you like.
>Someone who likes you.
>You share it with a
>friend. But whitey

That's not fair. Sean implied that it would have been nice if Pappy had taken Vee since it was her birthday. That's all. I'm sure Sean knows that because of he and Pappy's friendship that Sean was actually next in line for dinner before Vee. It was naive of Sean to think Vee would get specail treatment on her birthday but I don't think he meant it in a racist way.

Vee doesn't strike me as someone who is easy to get to know while Sean seems very warm and open. Maybe if Vee had said 2 words to Pappy up to that point there might have been a chance she could have gone to dinner but I don't think race came into play on that decision. Sean was just saying something stupid again.

"Are you guys talking about my Dad again?"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 05-06-02 at 01:31 PM
My dad's nickname is Whitey (my maiden name was White), so every time I hear someone say "Whitey", I think they are talking about my Dad.

Just my feeble attempt at humor.

Getting back to bashing Sean - he has come down from the bonding high that he and Pappy had at their Marquesan Feast (man, can you pass the roasted pig, please) and now expects the Judge to behave as he (Sean) would behave.

It was a no-brainer that Pappy would chose Neleh to share in his reward.

Sean and the others also expected that food could be smuggled out from this fancy cruise ship, but I can see that it would be difficult to smuggle.


R.I.P. (Recreating In Paradise):
Peter Harkey: Alien from Uranus getting into the best shape of his life.
Patricia Jackson: Nacho Mama chillin' at the Loser Buffet.
Hunter Ellis: The Knuckleheads have spoken sending the Eagle to go scuba diving.
Sarah Jones: Miss No-nos begins her tropical vacation at last.
Gabriel Cade: The teddy bear hugger looks for a new commune where they don't play games.
Gina Crews: Happy trails to our nature guide as she and Hunter meet at the Lover's Lodge. Favorite buffet item: Watermelon
Rob Mariano: The Robfodder never caught a chicken and he ain't no friend of mine.
John Carroll: This isn't the crying game, dude. Take it like a man.
One hour of my life after watching the Recrap show!
Zoe Zanidakis: I hate to break it to you, Lobster Woman, but even Gabe had a better game plan.
Tammy Leitner: You should be proud of yourself, girlfriend. You have made it to the jury.

"RE: Are you guys talking about my Dad again?"
Posted by Bebo on 05-06-02 at 01:36 PM
Sean and the others also expected that food could be smuggled
out from this fancy cruise ship, but I can see that it would be difficult to smuggle.

I have the grossest mental picture now...Pappy, pulling a gooey hand out of his pants and saying, "But folks, it's creme brulee."


fluent in Sarcastic, Blahblah, and Mockery

'Canes Rock! Beat Canada!

"RE: Are you guys talking about my Dad again?"
Posted by Dianetic on 05-06-02 at 02:27 PM
Sean and the others also expected
that food could be smuggled out from this fancy cruise ship,
but I can see that it would be difficult to smuggle.

Not true. Neleh has a lot of empty space between her ears. They could have hidden a lot of escargot in there.

>I have the grossest mental picture
>now...Pappy, pulling a gooey hand
>out of his pants and
>saying, "But folks, it's creme

That is soooo wrong. Don't even get me started.

"RE: Are you guys talking about my Dad again?"
Posted by Dianetic on 05-06-02 at 02:31 PM
Your dad's nickname is whitey? I had no idea that your father alone was the one that is responsible for 400 years of repression of black people. I can't believe I finally tracked down the one guilty culprit. I'm calling the NAACP and ACLU now that we know who is responsible for our suffering.

Fight the power!