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""Baby IV" Episode 9 Party, and Bonus Recrap!"

Posted by Swami on 04-24-02 at 05:48 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-24-02 AT 05:57 PM (EST)

The sun is toasty warm. The air is laden with the scent of frangipani blooms. Life aboard the BABY IV is good. Booze and BBQ—who could ask for anything more? Except, of course, a good old fashioned bash fest!!!

Where are those pathetic booted loozers anyway? We know where Sarah is. She is below decks being lovingly tended by the Basher Boys who are rubbing lotion all over her, to help heal those nasty nono bites. At least that’s what they say they are doing. I have some doubts about that myself. Gabe was thrown overboard, but snuck back on because he has the hots for Gina. Gina only has eyes for Hunter, and Hunter is all “tied up”, so to speak, by the Basher Babes. Swami hearts HunterPat is working her not-so-little ass off sweeping & washing & doing scut work. Rob is her assistant. He looks so cute with his new forehead tattoo. And Peter is back home with his balls.

Who will be the next lame-ass loozer? Spoilers are pretty confused right now. Could be Tammy! Or Robert, the kinder, gentler voodoo master. Think of the fun Dalton will have whipping him into shape! If it’s Paschal he can bar-tend (get it? The judge? The bar? …oh never mind. I've had too much to drink!) If it’s Zoe, Cap’n dabo and NightScribe will be dueling over her. That should be fun to see! Oh My Gawd <click> if it’s LoudKathy, can we just throw her overboard? And of course, if it’s neleH, Sir erist will be in heaven. Please not Sean! He may feel free as a bird with his flights of flatulence, but I say, put a cork in it!!!

So, fire up those grills, LRon, it’s party time! Pat & Rob will do all the work. Just watch Rob around those little sausages. I don’t trust the guy. OMG <click> we’re low on booze! Somebody make a liquor run, quick! OMG <click> Is John still in the bathroom crying? He needs to get into a clean sarong and ready for jury duty! Pepe, he’s scared of skunks—can you motivate him to hurry up?

But first, ReCrap Night! Who will be redeemed? Who will be redamned? Is Zoe really a liar? Will EPM show us more than 42 seconds of new footage, or will it all be recrapped? Popcorn! We need popcorn and a wide screen TV!

Let the bashing begin…


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Messages in this discussion
"Looser Escort Erist on deck, Miss Swami!"
Posted by Survivorerist on 04-24-02 at 06:19 PM
Yo ho ho, it appears the seas are smooth sailing at the moment! We should have no problem sighting out next victim tomorrow!

As for the alcohol shortage, keep me away from that stuff, whatever little we have left. In fact, I would like to know who the wiseguy was who slipped that vodka into my banana milkshake last time...

<video clip begins>

SirErist: <singing in a sarong with two straws in his nose and a pineapple on his head> Sha la la la la la la la la la te dah! You're my...brown-eyed girl!

I trust this won't happen again

Note: Ooh, I got mentioned in the summary! And with a love smiley no less!


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

"Okay, work with that eyeball right there..."
- Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien

"RE: "Baby IV" Episode 9 Party, and Bonus Recrap!"
Posted by aymelek on 04-24-02 at 09:10 PM
I don't think I saw more than a few minutes of actual new footage...that bastige MB was being pretty stingy with it! Hmph! All recrap! I CANNOT believe I wasted precious time like that!! Sheesh!

"Pffft--WTG aym. . ."
Posted by George Tirebiter on 04-24-02 at 10:11 PM
Now you went and spoiled it for the Left-Coasters with your in-depth analysis. . . I suggest you just drink heavily until midnight and hope no one gleaned anything from this post.

(just kidding)

(the girl who shouted out for the rubber sheets about 20 minutes after the Bedwetter headed for our captivity. . . Thankfully, no one seemed to notice--or at least give me the smackdown.)

"That's it."
Posted by samiam on 04-25-02 at 00:19 AM
I'll say one thing after watching the recrap show ("Now with MORE Kathy!"): if Kathy wins this farce of a reality show with her bossy, whiny, completely paranoid personality, I am never watching this crap again.

If I were a contestant, I'd not vote for her simply because preferable to the act of penning the letters of her name, I'd rather poke my eye out with the Marquesas-a-lot marker.

"You are a fluke of the Universe. You have no right to be here. And whether you can hear it or not, the Universe is laughing behind your back." - Tony Hendra, Deteriorata

"Just a thought"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 04-25-02 at 01:37 AM
LOL, Samiam! "Now with more Kathy" is right on, but don't worry, maybe all of her face time tonight is a good indicator that LoudKathy won't make the cut much longer.


R.I.P. (Recreating In Paradise):
Peter Harkey: Alien from Uranus getting into the best shape of his life.
Patricia Jackson: Nacho Mama chillin' at the Loser Buffet.
Hunter Ellis: The Knuckleheads have spoken sending the Eagle to go scuba diving.
Sarah Jones: Miss No-nos begins her tropical vacation at last.
Gabriel Cade: The teddy bear hugger looks for a new commune where they don't play games.
Gina Crews: Happy trails to our nature guide as she and Hunter meet at the Lover's Lodge. Favorite buffet item: Watermelon
Rob Mariano: The Robfodder never caught a chicken and he ain't no friend of mine.
John Carroll: This isn't the crying game, dude. Take it like a man.

"RE: "Baby IV" Episode 9 Party, and Bonus Recrap!"
Posted by Bebo on 04-25-02 at 08:55 AM
I was SOOOO dis-appointed with recrap night! I saw Sean talking before the opening credits and thought it would be interesting. Little did I know that was the only interesting part of the entire flippin' hour.

I need a frosty beverage after sitting through that crap. Oh Rob...oh Hunter...get your butts over here and bring me my 'rita!


"Permission to come aboard?"
Posted by ConningOfficer on 04-25-02 at 09:29 AM
Sorry I've been missing in action. I have a ton of reading to catch up on - you guys have been busy! I only caught the last five minutes of the last episode (John's ouster), but missed the recap episode last night. Anything worth seeing or will the summary save me time and energy?

I really need to get The Company (or dig into my own pockets) to invest in a laptop for me when I go on the road. <grumble> I'm having Basher Babe withdrawal, and it's only been a week! Yikes!

Hope all is well with the Captain, Crew, Babes, and Guests...

"Permission ?"
Posted by Swami on 04-25-02 at 09:44 AM
Gee, you're so polite, Con O. Most Bashers just climb aboard and head straight for the bar.

There was only about 42 seconds of new footage worth watching in the stupid recrap. We learned the secret of how Rotu kept winning all the challenges, *hinthintvoodoohinthint* Apart from that, it was a total waste of time.

For S5 I will NOT be suckered into watching the recrap episode! Never again!


"RE: Permission ?"
Posted by Bebo on 04-25-02 at 09:49 AM
>We learned the secret of how Rotu kept winning all
>the challenges, *hinthintvoodoohinthint*
>Apart from that, it was a total waste of time.

Now that we know the secret, it's time to put it to good use ourselves...

Hmm...which doll to make first? A Kathy doll, that we can pin the mouth shut? A Sean doll, and we can put the pins in the gaseous place? A Neleh doll -- where do we stick the pin to get rid of excessive cuteness?

Oh wait, I know...gonna get started on my MARK BURNETT doll for giving us that stupid recrap in the first place!


"Voodoo how-to"
Posted by George Tirebiter on 04-25-02 at 09:56 AM
Bebo, you don't put a PIN in there to fix Sean's fartage problems--that's a job for the hot glue gun. . . (that's the ladies' version of duct tape, boys.)

Sheesh. You need to watch HGTV more often.


All constants are variables. - Murphy's Twelfth Law

"RE: Voodoo how-to"
Posted by Bebo on 04-25-02 at 10:33 AM
>Sheesh. You need to watch HGTV
>more often.

*Hangs head in shame.*

Sigh. I guess it's time for me to give up my dreams of being the next Martha Stewart. I had visions of what my show could be like. Hmm, guess I ought to plan a home destruction show instead of a home improvement/decorating show. Whadda ya think of the name "Bebo Brings Down the House"?


"Excellent Swami...the barbecue is going"
Posted by Dianetic on 04-25-02 at 10:57 AM
The grill is fired up and just as soon as I'm done rubbing down Sarah I'll be up with the New Yorker and T-bone steaks. I suppose I could toss some pork ribs on for you vegeterians. The Robfathha might also have some grilled papaya for you, whatever that is. We still have lots of watermelon over at the buffett table so dig in.

Come on guys. Didn't you LOVE the morning show with everybody's favorite brutha Sean? Didn't you guys enjoy watching reruns of Sean talking about how Sarah was like Cleopatra or watching Sarah jump into the raft with Robfatha?

Can you guess what I was watching?

On another note: Swami, I loved all the smiley faces.

"RE: Excellent Swami...the barbecue is going"
Posted by Swami on 04-25-02 at 11:12 AM
Forget the grilled papaya. When did the Robfather ever have an original good idea? Now grilled slices of fresh pineapple--that is good! Have Rob make some of those. but watch your back while he has the knife--old habits die hard.


"Rehash Remix"
Posted by dabo on 04-25-02 at 11:37 AM
They jumped in the drink and headed for land
Heigh Ho Heigh Ho
Sixteen clueless castoffs in two sep'rate bands
Hardy-Hardy HoHo
Sarah arrived in regal style
Kathy got Nazi to get fire in hand
Sean started griping the very first day
Peter breathed deep from his diaphram
Maraa's were voodood by Big Bob and Rotu
I think that was about the only thing new
Then Patty got bossy about the tool tree
Oh darn they left out the bit
Where Boston Rob learned that chickens can fly
Heigh Ho Heigh Ho
Who can say who it was started the very first lie
Peter and Patty had both said byebye
Hunter lead an expedition in the heat of the day
The going was hard and they'd nowhere to go
For Hunter that was the end of the show
Hardy-Hardy HoHo
The twist came and happened the very same way
Yaddayadda Heigh Ho
Then Sarah was gone for being more clueless than Mom
Gabe wasn't there to play the game
I swear all of this is exactly the same
Though Tammy was happy to have humor in camp
Big Bob's voodoo doll gave up about then
Good juju of Sweatpea and Pappy broke that silly curse
Maraarotu was finally really a tribe
And over at Rotu the game hit its stride
Heigh Ho Heigh Ho Hardy-Hardy HoHo
Say goodbye Gabe thanks for weirding John out
And Gina wants a restaurant in Alaska
Way away from everywhere and the coffee is free
Kathy will help her just wait and see
Rob and Kathy finally meet for pizza and beer
Bed down for the night and get breakfast served
Rob played shake things up and got served his own head
Together with Sarah again, he's better off dead
Heigh Ho Yaddayadda Ho
And once again the Rotu 4 went chopping nuts
And the OnceMaraa 5 woke up all at once
They made a quick pact in whispers (why bother?)
And Johnny Babe went away and cried for his mother
Heigh Ho Heigh Ho It all happened the same
Then it was time for the morning show again


"RE: Rehash Remix"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 04-25-02 at 12:07 PM
Thanks, Dabo. That's a good summation of all the recrap from last night.

Does anyone think Kathy has real estate connections in Alaska so she can buy Gina's log cabin restaurant?

Billions and Billions Cloned


R.I.P. (Recreating In Paradise):
Peter Harkey: Alien from Uranus getting into the best shape of his life.
Patricia Jackson: Nacho Mama chillin' at the Loser Buffet.
Hunter Ellis: The Knuckleheads have spoken sending the Eagle to go scuba diving.
Sarah Jones: Miss No-nos begins her tropical vacation at last.
Gabriel Cade: The teddy bear hugger looks for a new commune where they don't play games.
Gina Crews: Happy trails to our nature guide as she and Hunter meet at the Lover's Lodge. Favorite buffet item: Watermelon
Rob Mariano: The Robfodder never caught a chicken and he ain't no friend of mine.
John Carroll: This isn't the crying game, dude. Take it like a man.
One hour of my life for watching the Recrap Show!

"RE: Rehash Remix"
Posted by Dianetic on 04-25-02 at 01:10 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-25-02 AT 01:11 PM (EST)

How adorable was that? Gina says she'll have her little log cabin restaurant, go aorund to the tables with her little coffee pot and serve me, and sometimes she'll make muffins for her wonderful guests.
I think that was a show called "Alice doesn't live here anymore".

Kiss my grits MEL!

It's so nice to see that there are still girls striving to be breakfast waitresses at Dennys. That's what America is all about.

Edited because I ordered the pancakes, not the waffles.

Posted by Silvergirl1 on 04-25-02 at 01:22 PM
Come on, now, surely you don't eat where they have had discrimination problems in the past, do you? Or has Denny's sufficiently redeemed themselves by donations to an AA charity?

I didn't think Gina was the type to make biscuits or to want to live such a labor intensive (owning a restaurant) lifestyle. No, wait, she wasn't one of the knuckleheads Hunter was referring to.

I wonder if she will take Kathy with her on her Alaskan cruise that Rosie O'Donnell presented to her? Will they meet up with Hunter and his Mom?

So many questions, so few answers. Gina, if you read here, please take videos of your Alaskan Cruise. Thanks.

I just hit the 200 DAW level. * happy dance*


R.I.P. (Recreating In Paradise):
Peter Harkey: Alien from Uranus getting into the best shape of his life.
Patricia Jackson: Nacho Mama chillin' at the Loser Buffet.
Hunter Ellis: The Knuckleheads have spoken sending the Eagle to go scuba diving.
Sarah Jones: Miss No-nos begins her tropical vacation at last.
Gabriel Cade: The teddy bear hugger looks for a new commune where they don't play games.
Gina Crews: Happy trails to our nature guide as she and Hunter meet at the Lover's Lodge. Favorite buffet item: Watermelon
Rob Mariano: The Robfodder never caught a chicken and he ain't no friend of mine.
John Carroll: This isn't the crying game, dude. Take it like a man.
One hour of my life after watching the Recrap show!

Posted by Dianetic on 04-25-02 at 01:35 PM
Congratulations on your 200th post.

You mean whuitey doesn't have to wait for 2 hours for a table at Dennys like I do? I wondered why the service was so bad. Do you mean there was a connection between my skin color and the lack of waitressing?

Biscuits is correct. It even sounds more old fashioned. That Gina, what a gal next door, every boys dream girl. Apple pie, baseball, sausages, and Gina. That's what America is all about.

"RE: "Baby IV" Episode 9 Party, and Bonus Recrap!"
Posted by Swami on 04-25-02 at 01:44 PM
I've had limericks on my brain all week, and I just have to let fly. Limericks are kind of like spray-paint vandalism for the printed page, don't you think?

Sean's New Strategy

I sat next to Sean, said Vee.
It was just as I feared it would be.
His rumblings abdominal
Were grossly phenomenal
And everyone thought it was me!

Whenever there’s no one around
To notice the rumbling sound
Alone in the tent
Sean lets it all vent
Killing sea life for miles around.

Two Peas in a Pod

There once were two peas in a pod
Together they looked very odd
He was smited like silly
With his sweet Mormon filly
But she wouldn’t even look at his prod.

Winner Wannabe

Winning the game is her goal.
And she’s doing quite well, on the whole
But her tops fit so tight
That her nipples are in sight
And her a$$ is a Parker House roll

(having trouble with Zoe rhymes...maybel later)


"RE: "Baby IV" Episode 9 Party, and Bonus Recrap!"
Posted by ConningOfficer on 04-25-02 at 02:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-25-02 AT 02:15 PM (EST)

Outstanding, Swami!

You're making me think in terms of "There once was a man from Nantucket..."

People are wondering whether I should be headed for the rubber room, since I'm snickering here at my desk. Good stuff - especially the Neleh/Paschal poem!

And, thanks for warning me off about the recap episode, too. It probably saved me years of therapy from the mental anguish.

Posted by Dakota on 04-25-02 at 05:45 PM
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Grilled pineapple, grilled vegetables, grilled brioche and a little chilled brie with a cool chardonnay. Love it, Swami! And GT: Hot glue gun is the ladies' version of duct tape! So true! Send that one to Carol Duvall (HGTV) and Martha Stewart!
Ok, so the recrap episode wasn't exciting. We knew this when we turned our sets on last night. Been there, done that. But really, kidlets, lay off Gina and her life's dream. I've often thought of moving to Alaska - clean air, streams, nature, wild animals and LOTS more men than women. Don't any of you remember Northern Exposure? Can't you just see Gina and Hunter living above the only restaurant in Cisely, Alaska, the little Hunters being delivered by Dr. Joel Fleischman (a/k/a Sean Kenikoff)? The local DJ (Colby) flirting with Gina, while the local rich guy (Mark Burnett) makes a fool of himself and MamaTheresa runs the general store? I think Gabe would probably be mayor while GoatmanTom would become the preacher. This could be better than the Brady Bunch! And Gina? I'm with you, girl!

Anyway, I'm staying sober tonight, perhaps a little vino, but no mas! I don't think I could stand to see Sean take the seat of power if I was seeing double! And Kathy? Whew! What a piece of work! Neleh gave some good advice--shut up about it! "They're all lying. They're all lying." Yea, Kathy, that's what they do on this show. Did you see ANY of the previous shows? If she comes aboard, we're putting a pineapple in her mouth for the duration.

"RE: "Baby IV" Episode 9 Party, and Bonus Recrap!"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 04-26-02 at 00:34 AM
well, you all have a new full-time Basher Boy here! All these losers SUCK! (except for Zoe who I refuse to bash)

Posted by dabo on 04-26-02 at 00:49 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-26-02 AT 00:50 AM (EST)

>(except for
>Zoe who I refuse to
... <sniff sob sob, sniff blow me nose 'n' wipe me tears> ... Ah, she ken take it, feller, be havin' no wories 'bout thet!

Me Buckos, Me Wenchers, we gorts us a real beaut o' sum booty here, why she be a reg'lar Salt by gorsh. She tuff en strong en gorts sea-legs en sea sense, O' but she be a pirate's dream! She kent lie worff a damn, though: Cor now, I know fiff-graders wort ken lie like anythin, we needs be larnin' this booty sum sensible pirate ways! Fetch out the Lobsters en th' Private Stock, en order me sum calendars whilst yer at it!


"RE: ARRRRRRRR!!!!!!!"
Posted by Car84 on 04-26-02 at 07:08 PM
She's the female Pop-Eye. Arf, scarf, scarf, scarf!

"RE: "Baby IV" Episode 9 Party, and Bonus Recrap!"
Posted by samiam on 04-26-02 at 01:30 AM
Does someone have Scribe sedated until Zoe's arrival? *grin*

"You are a fluke of the Universe. You have no right to be here. And whether you can hear it or not, the Universe is laughing behind your back." - Tony Hendra, Deteriorata

"RE: "Baby IV" Episode 9 Party, and Bonus Recrap!"
Posted by Frau Hexe on 04-26-02 at 03:44 AM
Does someone have Scribe sedated until Zoe's arrival? *grin*

Yes, Sami, she's been properly sedated--I had to do something before she jumped overboard to swim for her herself. Of course, it's probably best we not let her near her anytime soon--my guess is any ounce of bitch she has in her will drain right out when she catches sight of Zoe. Don't worry. I'll take care of this.

We love men. We just don't want to see them naked.~ Two Nice Girls

"RE: "Baby IV" Episode 9 Party, and Bonus Recrap!"
Posted by Swami on 04-26-02 at 09:52 AM
Goë Zoë !!!

No, wait--that was last week

Noë, noë, Zoë! You blowë Zoë! Didn't you knowë, Zoë? Did you never watch the showë, Zoë? I mean, how lowë can you goë, Zoë?

I had such hopes for you! (You were the winner on my PTTE, for cripes sakes.) Oh well, at least I am consistent. My guy Hunter was the third Mara booted off; now my gal Zoë is the third true Rotu booted off. Do I know how to pick them, or what?

The question is--now that you're aboard, what do we do with you? Hmmmm.... Suggestions, anyone?

For now, get belowë, Zoë! You're just another ho'ë now, Zoë. We will stowë you belowë, Zoë. Or maybe throwë you, Zoë, right off the boat. (A word of advice? Be very, very nice to a certain local pirate. Maybe he will let you go up to the crowë's nest with him sometime.)

Now here's a bucket of fresh-caught fish. Get belowë and clean them just soë, you stupid ho'ë. And save all the roë.


"RE: "Baby IV" Episode 9 Party, and Bonus Recrap!"
Posted by George Tirebiter on 04-26-02 at 11:03 AM
>The question is--now that you're aboard, what do we do with you? Hmmmm.... Suggestions, anyone?

I'm sorry this week will be so painful for such dear folks as Cap'n Dabo and Scribe, buuuuuuut. . .

The first bit of silliness on today's itinerary is a children's-type party, with Zoe as the main attraction. Sorry to you, too, Clown--but if there was ever a contestant tailor-made for target practice, it's gotta be this one:

Since the hole's going to be ridiculously easy to hit, you're limited to three attempts; a bullseye will get you a kewpie doll. Best shooter overall will have the opportunity to slap her in the face with a banana cream pie.

Later, we may inflate her, put some diving weights in her shoes, and use her as a punching bag. (Does anyone else remember those things you couldn't knock over?)

Obviously, we're not going to have a hard time getting her to pull her weight around here, but I'm guessing it's going to be April Fool's Day all week, as people compete to pull the wool over this girl's eyes and teach her what it REALLY means to be a good liar.

Oh--and Zoe? I'm afraid the "guest" quarters are a bit crowded right now, so you'll be staying in the hold with the bait. You should feel right at home with your "chums."

When puns are outlawed only outlaws will have puns.


Always be sincere, even when you don't mean it.

"RE: "Baby IV" Episode 9 Party, and Bonus Recrap!"
Posted by Swami on 04-26-02 at 11:19 AM
GT! My first two balls went right thru her hole. But my third shot just hit her in the eye.

Wait! According to the yogic wisdom of Peter Harkey she has seven holes in her head. I only hit two of them. Can i have five more balls, please?


"Sorry, only 3 to a customer!"
Posted by George Tirebiter on 04-26-02 at 11:31 AM
(otherwise, we'll be here ALL DAY, taking pot shots at this Loozer!)

Dangit--I left out one of the most important rules!

Just like in horseshoes, a near-miss gets you almost as much credit as a ringer. I suspect your peers will admire those beanballs as much (or more?) as the ones that are right on-target. This is going to be a very difficult game--to LOSE.


Always be sincere, even when you don't mean it.

"Zoe Is An Island"
Posted by dabo on 04-26-02 at 11:02 AM
ARRRRRRRR!!!!! All night long it be:
"Zoe has a calendar of her own."
"Zoe missed first day of lobsterin'."
"Zoe doesn't like Tammy."
"Zoe voted for John by accident."
"Zoe should have used semaphor in the S.O.S."
"Zoe wants to arm wrestle."
Oy should've knowed how she'd be when it turned out she didn't knows a horse is joost a horse! Scribey, ye warnts ter try larnin' this booty sum things, have at it, but be warned she's no too quick on ther uptake!


"It's hard for me to get motivated to bash Zoe"
Posted by Bebo on 04-26-02 at 12:07 PM
After all, I never saw her motivated to play the game. She was played by it. She is the flotsam on the Survivor sea, drifting from one side to another and never really making a commitment anywhere.

So whatever tasks we give her about this fair vessel, she will complete, but not in a fashion that will cause us to notice. Sigh.

What a waste of potential.


"On Board the Flash Forward IV Vol Whatever Number I'm At"
Posted by Survivorerist on 04-26-02 at 05:27 PM
On Board the Flash Forward IV

Zoe: Hey, kid. Are you taking me to the lodge so I can meet up with John? I'd love to see John again.
SirErist: Not yet, Zoe. You're not going to be headed to the lodge for a bit.
Zoe: Oh that's okay, I never really liked John anyways.
SirErist: <giggles softly> Okay, Zoe.
Zoe: Why are you giggling?
SirErist: I wasn't giggling.
Zoe: Of course you weren't. I never thought you were. Where are we headed?
SirErist: We are off to the BABY IV. It's the home of the SB.com Basher Babes and Boys.
Zoe: Basher...I don't like the sound of that.
SirErist: Don't worry, you've got some fans there.
Zoe: I like your little boat here, SirErist.
SirErist: Thanks Zo-
Zoe: But mine's nicer. Want a shell bracelet?
SirErist: Nah, I'm alright. Thanks for offering though.
Zoe: <rifling through SirErist's Papers, stopping at a sheet marked "Basher Babe Profile #91225"> Ooh, who is this strapping young lass?
SirErist: <glancing back> Oh, that's scribe.
Zoe: Ooooooooh...she looks nothing like Tammy. I never really liked Tammy you know...
SirErist: Sure. But you know what, Zoe? You did say you didn't like the sound of the Bashers. Maybe we shouldn't be going down to the boat...
Zoe: I never said that! I love the bashers! All ahead full, Sir!

Oh Scribe...I got a present for you...


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

"...We beat them at their own game...I think it's just hilarious!"
-Neleh Dennis