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Thread Number: 1153
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"with robs Brains and Sarahs body they just thought they might win..."

Posted by ivoryElephant on 04-10-02 at 04:18 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-11-02 AT 02:32 PM (EST)

"I know I don't know you, and you're probably not what you seem, but I sure would like to find out so why don't you climb down of that TV screen"

Gina Crews, the Sole Survivor!

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Messages in this discussion
"With Rob's brains and Sarahs body they just thought they might win..."
Posted by Dianetic on 04-10-02 at 04:30 PM
They thought they were a team that couldn't be beat like Bonnie and Clyde. Unfortunately, they broke up like Ike and Tina Turner.

It's kind of scary that Rob is one of the smartest people on this show. If I met a girl with Sarah's body and Rob's brain I think I would run for my life before she turned me into her love slave.

Posted by AyaK on 04-11-02 at 06:36 PM
A picture that only Baron von Frankenstein could love!

"RE: Ugh!"
Posted by George Tirebiter on 04-11-02 at 10:01 PM
>A picture that only Baron von Frankenstein could love!
LMAO--that was my EXACT thought, too!

When I looked in on this thread earlier, the image link was broken--when I saw it back at the top of the page, I figured I might find out what I'd missed. . . Gawd. . . wishing now I'd never come in here. Too horrible for words. I should know by now that IE would have this effect on me. . .


Nothing is as terrible to see as ignorance in action. .-Goethe 

Dare I claim that "great minds. . . yada yada?"

"RE: with robs Brains and Sarahs body they just thought they might win..."
Posted by JeffGator on 04-11-02 at 07:27 PM
I think I'm gonna be sick

19 year old Student at the University of Florida--Go Gators, Go Gina, and Go Gary and Dave!
"I may be alot of things, but I ain't no Hershey Bar."

"RE: with robs Brains and Sarahs body they just thought they might win..."
Posted by aymelek on 04-11-02 at 07:59 PM
*reaches for the Pepto Bismol*
Ugh. Thanks, IE, I really needed that.

"RE: with robs Brains and Sarahs body they just thought they might win..."
Posted by Ra_8secs on 04-11-02 at 11:49 PM
symelek, that's a cool graphic

Can you do it with earth and a Gaia-type character? Maybe a mermaid?

"RE: with robs Brains and Sarahs body they just thought they might win..."
Posted by Swami on 04-11-02 at 09:46 PM
AAAAAAHHH! That is the ugliest thing I have ever seen. Repulsive. Disgusting. Scary. And yet...somehow believable. I really like the belly folds. Very masculine.

And the smug look on Rob's face? Perfect posing!


"RE: with robs Brains and Sarahs body they just thought they might win..."
Posted by Drive My Car on 04-11-02 at 11:38 PM

" they said I'd never do it, but I did. Pay up suckers!!"