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"Yet another parody..."

Posted by I_AM_HE on 04-05-02 at 02:32 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-06-02 AT 02:20 AM (EST)

to the tune of "Anything you Can Do, I Can Do Better" from Annie Get Your Gun...didn't even have to change some parts much
changed who got some lines, and some of the "No you can't/Yes I can" parts just cause its funnier that way IMHO
***also note, any gay references are not to bash John, but the interaction between John and Rob. just so no one takes offense, I hope. and sorry about the sarah reference, it was just too good to pass up and fit the song so well***
hope it hasn't been used before, but here goes:

Any Tribe You Can Lead, I can Lead Better!
sung by John and Rob

John: I'm superior, you're inferior
I'm the big attraction, you're the small.
I'm the major one, you're the minor one
I can win Survivor, that's not all

Any tribe you can lead, I can lead better
I can lead any tribe better than you.
Rob: No you can't
John: Yes I can
Rob: No you can't
John: Yes I can
Rob: No you can't
John: Yes I can, yes I can!

Rob: Any time that I can, I'm gonna getcha
Soonah ah latah, Ahm gonna get you
John: No you're not
Rob: Yes I am
John: No you're not
Rob: Yes I am
John: No you're not
Rob: Yes I am, yes I am!

Rob: Obey me and feah, I think I'm Godfathah
John: I say I'm the leader, you're the bottom feeder
Rob: I can do most anything
John: Can you catch a pig?
Rob: No
John: Neither can I. (my note: I know "pig" and "I" don't rhyme, so sue me )

John: Anyone you can play, I can play better
I can play anyone better than you
Rob: No you can't
John: Yes I can
Rob: No you can't
John: No I can't
Rob: Yes you can
John: Yes I can, yes I can!
(Rob: Damn!)

Rob: Any ho you can buy, I can buy cheaper
I can buy any ho cheaper than you
John: Fifty cents?
Rob: Forty cents
John: Thirty cents?
Rob: Twenty cents
John: No you can't!
Rob: Look at Sarah, yes I can!

John: Any lead you can blow, I can blow bigger
I can blow any lead bigger than you.
Rob: Thirty feet?
John: Forty feet
Rob: Fifty feet?
John: Sixty feet
Rob: Yes you can
John: Yes I can, yes I can!

John: So what if they were quicker, they'll get even sicker
Rob: I'd still like the chicken, and all of those fixins
John: I can live on roots and sticks (alternate: "taro roots" or "coconuts")
Rob: And only on that?
John: Yes
Rob: So can a rat

John: Anything you can reach, I can go higher
I can sing anything higher than you
Rob (high): No you can't
John (higher): Yes I can
Rob (higher): No you can't
John (higher): Yes I can
Rob (higher): No faiah, yahr a queeyah!
John (highest): Yes I am, Yes I can!

Rob: Any gufu you make, I can make bigger
John: I can gufu much bigger than you
Rob: Do you chill?
John: No, I work
Rob: Get injured?
John: Got peed on.
Rob: Fine, you win
John: Yes I can, Yes I can!

John: Any shcool where you went, I could be master
Rob: I could be master much faster than you
John: Can you spell?
Rob: No I can't
John: Can you add?
Rob: No I can't
John: Can you coach?
Rob: Yes I can, yes I can!

Rob: I got rid of Huntah, what a great stunt, huh?
John: I got rid of Gabe boy, cause I'm paranoid
Rob: I can choke down Fafaru
John: Without throwing up?
Rob: No
John: That's what I thought (liar)

John: Any length you can last, I can last longer
I can last any length longer than you
Rob: No you can't
John: Yes I can
Rob: No you can't
John: Yes I can
Rob: No you can't
John: Yes I ca-a-a-a-a-a-an!
Rob: Yes you ca-a-an.

If you're still here, I hope you enjoyed it

EDIT again to fix some square brackets
and once more to make some wordings fit better

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Yet another parody..."
Posted by Bebo on 04-05-02 at 02:46 PM
OMG! <click>

You definitely get a Bebo SWOOMNA for that -- Snorted Water Out Of My Nose Award.


"RE: Yet another parody..."
Posted by Cin on 04-05-02 at 02:54 PM
*clap* Great one I am he!


"RE: Yet another parody..."
Posted by Survivorerist on 04-05-02 at 05:53 PM
Omg, I love it I love it I love it! It's so nice to see the resurgence of song parodies on the boards, and this one is really great I_AM_HE! I could just imagine John and Rob sitting on the beach singing this one!

"Okay, work with that eyeball right there..."
- Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien

"RE: Yet another parody..."
Posted by I_AM_HE on 04-06-02 at 03:39 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-06-02 AT 03:40 PM (EST)

one more verse i thought should be added...i had originally conceived of the song taking place after the "Do I have stupid written on my forehead" and "Don't lie to my face" confrontataion, but here's a verse for that too:

Rob: Do I have stupid writ-ten on my forehead (yeah, odd break in the middle of a word on this line)
I know that you're lying right to my face
John: No I'm not
Rob: Yes you are
John: No I'm not
Rob: Yes you are
John: No I'm not
Rob: Yes you are, yes you are!

the only problem is i don't know which verse in the song i'd let it replace
probably the Sarah one, although I think something should be said about her, and it would take away one of the "haggling" verses. i suppose it could be just added in the middle somewhere *shrugs*

anyway, thanks for the kind words (and I'll wear my SWOOMNA with pride Bebo ) i'll be working on another parody from a musical (since I'm blissfully ignorant of pop culture and its music, I hardly ever know the tunes to song spoofs) I'm thinking something from Fiddler right now

"RE: Yet another parody..."
Posted by dangerkitty on 04-06-02 at 03:59 PM
This is great, IAMHE - really original and clever and HILARIOUS!!!! Just dead-on of those two. And I have to give a special notice of your ingenious rhyming of "Huntah" with
"stunt, huh". Too funny!

I loved it all. More, more!!!

"RE: Yet another parody..."
Posted by I_AM_HE on 04-06-02 at 04:34 PM
hehe, thanks dk
that was probably the hardest verse, to somehow fit Hunter and Gabe in the same one
Hunter was hard enough to rhyme, but then Gabe was almost harder to get something that was relevant rhymed. finally i decided "Gabe boy" and "paranoid" works if you don't pronounce, or at least don't release the "d" (silent d's, howdya like that? )

"Bravo!! Bravo!!"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 04-06-02 at 05:05 PM
I have visions of "Survivor on Broadway" which simply MUST include this little number! I love it!! Fabulous! I was singing along - not like I don't have a life or anything. Well, yeah, like that.

- Vixen

Why are you looking at me? Stop looking at me. I said, STOP -- wait, what? OK, never mind.

"RE: Yet another parody..."
Posted by Swami on 04-06-02 at 07:01 PM
I loved this, HE! Encore, encore! ( I love old Show tunes, something from Fiddler would be great!)


"You asked for it!"
Posted by heresy on 04-06-02 at 09:17 PM
You asked for it, Swami!

To the tune of "If I were a rich man"

If I was the leader,
I'd be taking all my clothes off,
and then show you my pee-pee,
All day long I'd show off my sad rump,
If I was the leader man!

If I was Godfather,
I would give you such an offer,
and you'd never vote for me,
In your bed you'd find a horse's head,
If I was the Godfather!

"RE: You asked for it! (More from Fiddler On the Roof)"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 04-08-02 at 02:56 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-11-02 AT 09:39 PM (EST)

How 'bout this?
Not exactly a song parody, but a take off on the opening act of FontheR.

To the theme of TRADITION:

John, "Alliance! Alliance!

Without an alliance, I would be just as shaky as a leader of no tribe,

or me and Rob D in a boat,

or gas with no food,

or a sea urchin under my hand,

or a ruler without a throne,

or a . . .

No wait just a cotten-picking minute;

I'm running this thing!

I don't need to apologise,

or rhyme, or make any sense . . . or"

He then does a Tarzan yell and dives into the water in his

Birthday Suit, then beats his chest:

"Alliance? I have NO Alliance. LOL.

*Note: edited for legibility.

"RE: Yet another parody..."
Posted by George Tirebiter on 04-06-02 at 09:29 PM
Oh, Yammy--this is priceless! Don't apologize for injecting a little culture into this cesspool--even we hardboiled headbangers have been known to mix it up with a little classical or acoustic stuff (though I can't for the life of me think of a way to adapt Mozart to Survivor. . .) And don't take Sarah out--that struck me as one of the most clever bits!

I wonder if MB had any idea that the comic misadventures of this season's Bevis & Butthead would help to salvage his little empire. . . Seems to me that comedy is what really MAKES the experience.


Society attacks early when the individual is helpless.B.F.Skinner

"RE: Yet another parody..."
Posted by Drive My Car on 04-11-02 at 07:00 PM

I Am He !!! OMG!!! I loved this ( I can't believe I missed it)
I had to do it twice, because I started out singing along and then started laughing too hard. Terrific post!! Don't change a thing!

John: Any lead you can blow, I can blow bigger
I can blow any lead bigger than you.
Rob: Thirty feet?
John: Forty feet
Rob: Fifty feet?
John: Sixty feet
Rob: Yes you can
John: Yes I can, yes I can!


"Great Parody!"
Posted by IceCat on 04-11-02 at 08:18 PM
Very Funny!

Oh BTW... this showed up in the latest shipment:

"RE: IceCat"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 04-11-02 at 09:28 PM
Please IceCat, make one for me--preferably, a teadybear that looks lke Gabe's and moves. I would be so very greatful .

"RE: Great Parody!"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 04-12-02 at 01:18 AM
ooooh! thank you so much Ice Cat, it's great!!!!