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Posted by dabo on 04-05-02 at 00:15 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-05-02 AT 00:25 AM (EST)

And they do keep on happening, there are three from tonight's episode I am considering nominating/voting for, decisions decisions decisions. Anyway, the Gufu Award was establsihed to determine the dangdumbest game move in Survivordum: Seriously, it's about stupid strategy and the life! If you have a gufu nomination that would relate to production/post-production, ie. decisions made by the executive producers, directors, the smarmy host, they should be directed to the Production Gufu at:

But dumb things the contestant did, they belong here. Each week a contendor is determined for that week, for the ultimate GufuAward determination/vote at the end of the season. You have two votes this week, you can use them to make two nominations, support two nominees, or do one and the other, or not; you may not, however, use both votes for the same nominee. Previous contendors for this season's Ultimate Gufu Crown:

episode 1
Sarah Make Like Cleopatra
Peter's General Weirdness (honoraryly given by me for total votes over several nominees, from episode 1, so now I have officially decided to make it a contendor)

episode 2 (tie)
All the Idiotic Utterances fo Sarah During TC2
Kathy Alienates Herself

episode 3
Maraamu's Hunter Boot

episode 4
Sean's Slavery Rant to Gabe

episode 5
Gabe Not Playing the Game.

Okay, and on a final note, it now appears that there will not be a recap episode this season (I won't explain for those who don't care to follow spoiler stuff) so the reclaim vote I was going to do that week, I'll figure out something else. All Right...
On Your Mark
Get Set

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Messages in this discussion
Posted by I_AM_HE on 04-05-02 at 00:30 AM
Well, the obvious one:

John and Robert blowing such a big lead in the RC. too bad Rob wasn't party to that, I'm sure he'd love losing to a couple of girls (WTG Gina and Kathy!)

I have three others that are competing for #2, but all are waaaay behind #1, so i'll have to give it some thought

Posted by Jonnycumlately on 04-05-02 at 00:39 AM
Cingular Wireless! (shameless plug for other thread.)

Ok, I'll say John for his continual self-imposed "leadership."

Posted by ulalame on 04-05-02 at 00:41 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-06-02 AT 05:51 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 04-05-02 AT 00:44 AM (EST)

A#1 Gufu of all time: John letting Rob be the 4th on the immunity challenge. He must have been as swayed as we are, that Rob really has "stupid" written on his forehead. If you were in charge of the alliance that wanted to throw the challenge, why would you play Rob? John is the one with stupid on his forehead.

#2, John and Robert in the kayak. Okay, I'm not on the show, I can't relate to how hard it is to row in the ocean (well, yeah, I can, but, that's not the point). John suffers from the classic all-importance syndrome. He's gonna take the fall for it. But still, the gufu goes to John and Robert for, after having the mega lead, not being able to a) follow the rules and get their kayak close enough to the chain and b) the "general" not having his ass in the right place at the necessary time.

Edited because I just re-read this, and realized I must have been drunk when I wrote it, as there were so many mistakes. Ack! Sorry.

Posted by Ra_8secs on 04-05-02 at 09:17 AM
I'd say there were two GUFUs this week.

#1: Not the paddling in the RC, but that John and Robert somehow managed to throw that challenge instead of the IC

#2: John, virtually standing up and saying "Hey, look at me! Do i have to paint a bullseye on my tush? I'll make the merge, but then I want THAT FOOD they have at the production camp."

Posted by ConningOfficer on 04-05-02 at 07:24 AM
John and the General blowing the lead in the RC. I haven't seen more inept people in a boat since my first day of Academy sailing training (and most of them had turned the boat over and buried the mast in the radioactive mud across from the submarine base).

Come on, it was almost exactly when the 167-4 Seattle Mariners blew a 14-2 lead to the not-quite-as-talented Cleveland Indians last year (who won 15-14 in the bottom of the 11th).

Posted by TechNoir on 04-05-02 at 08:17 AM
1. John NOT LYING TO ROB. Here Zoe has gone ... oh I can't say that ... Zoe has shown some degree of testicular sufficiency (more than I can say any of the guys) and just lied to Rob's face. And here comes wimparoni John saying yeah, we have an alliance. You DORK !! Ok, now Rob not only has you in his pocket, he knows just how wimpy you really are. So now you are toast. <boggle>

2. Paschal and Neleh of the cow voices for voting off Gina instead of Kathy. Gina would have stuck with Pap and Neleh when the tribe merged. Kathy just isn't a reliable "partner." They shot themselves in the foot/feet

60 Pixel Series, No. 2

Posted by Bebo on 04-05-02 at 08:18 AM
#1 - Going with the obvious choice -- John & the General in the kayak. My family was shrieking with laughter during that one.

saving my other vote up, because I can't even think of a distant second right now...

Posted by SurvivinDawg on 04-05-02 at 08:54 AM
I have one that may show up in the future: Rob being SO open about these alliances AND being so confrontational about it. He clearly agitated the others in the tribe and painted a HUGE target on himself.

*** Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

Posted by starshyn99 on 04-05-02 at 08:54 AM
#1 - I had tears in my eyes laughing so hard when those two idiots, John and Robert, we trying to paddle their boat. Too funny. I esp. liked when they were rowing backwards and the other tribe memebers were like - what the hell?

#2 - Duh John, why would you let the one person determined to win the IC as leader if you wanted to throw it. John is so setting himself up for a big fall from the top.

Posted by MeToo on 04-05-02 at 09:54 AM
1) Rotu letting John back in the water!!! Haven't they learned yet?

2) Rotu letting John AND Robert team up together!!! Come on - somebody is likely to lose an eye!!!!

Posted by Swami on 04-05-02 at 09:58 AM
1. John & Robert's 'Two Stooges in a Boat' routine which led to blowing a huge lead & losing an RC that Rotu really wanted. Idiots! Which leads nicely into my second nomination:

2. John's total ineptitude as a leader. He blows the RC then tells his starving tribe that food is bad for them, all that gas & bloating. He wants to lose IC, then sets things up so the 3 ex-Mara (who do NOT want to lose) are the IC team, with Tammy who also isn't sure about blowing the challenge. And I could go on, and on, and on.... This guy is a walking mistake.

S.O.B. (Save Our Bashers)

Posted by Cin on 04-05-02 at 09:59 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-05-02 AT 10:00 AM (EST)

I'm gonna have to say John's intention to throw the IC.(especially after he screwed up and was the reason the lost the RC) I think that will come back to bite him in his butt later.


Posted by George Tirebiter on 04-05-02 at 10:00 AM
For humor, it has to go--hands-down--to those two idjuts in the canoe. . . they couldn't have looked more clueless if they had never SEEN water before!

For strategy, it's probably got to be allowing the desperate-to-win Robfaddah to lead the IC.

Lots of good input for secondary votes, but I guess the irony of the winning Rotu suddenly not being able to win when they need to--or even LOSE when they need to!--is just too much to comprehend.


Society attacks early when the individual is helpless.B.F.Skinner

Posted by dabo on 04-05-02 at 11:08 AM

My first vote: OOOOOOHHHHHHH, TAMMY! It's about time you got a nomination.

I'm nominating Tammy for balking at the idea of throwing the IC. Granted, it would have been tough losing to Kathy-lead MaraaMOOOO, but still. You've got a newly solidified alliance with Mr. Bill gladly taking the leadership bull's-eye for himself, so why create the potential for a rift! You're getting this nomination for just being too darned competative to look at the long-range strategy. John, boob that he happens to be, was so right about getting rid of the conniving Robfodder, who is the biggest threat of all to your alliance. But no, you had to go ahead and put a crack on your shiny new alliance, one of the more subtle gufus that happened last night.

Posted by Sheila on 04-05-02 at 11:22 AM
The entire Reward Challenge was a GUFU:

1) Paschall nearly having a stroke attempting to keep up with Rob all the while Neleh screaming

2) Dumb and Dumber in the ocean --- I'm pretty sure they were going backwards at some point

3) Dumb and Dumber on the shore --- JOHN: "Rob, you take a break while I run this flag up k?"

4) Jeff Probst incorrectly shouting "ROTU WINS". I'm sure he was having a hard time controlling his laughter after the Dumb and Dumber routine in the water but he was totally clueless about the rules at that point.

"Poor strategy"
Posted by Fast Eddie on 04-05-02 at 12:20 PM
Sitting out Sean & V in the RC. All three members of the A$$hole Alliance should have been in that. And that way, they would have sat out the IC, which the Rotu originals could then have thrown.

Posted by smiles on 04-05-02 at 03:46 PM
#1- Dumb and Dumber in second half of the RC. Nothing could have been funnier. How did they loose such a big lead? Oh yeah, they went backwards! AND didn't pull boat close enough!

#2-MooMoo in IC. Hasn't this tribe learned? Never follow Kathy! Not even if your life depended on it. I don't care who Rotu had in the immunity challenge, if Moo Moo were racing snails they would have still lost!


Posted by wildchickenhunter on 04-05-02 at 04:03 PM
1) Dumb and Dumber in the ocean --- That was hard to believe. They had a huge lead. I don't think I have seen anything like that since Kelly (The white water rafting guide) got beat by Jurv-ass in S1.I was laughing so hard I damb near missed Jiffy miss call the winner.
2) The hole thing with John after they lost the RC. ------We didn't want that food it would give us gas and make us all bloated. What does this idiot think is going on.You are on a F*ing island, there aren't any guys to date here. The rest of your tribe is hungry and they really don't care if they bloat a little.

****Beware of the wild chickens --- they already out smarted Rob.

Posted by FesterFan1 on 04-05-02 at 04:23 PM
There were so many worthy candidates last night, I need to sort through them before making my picks. BTW dabo, allowing 2 picks this season was incredible foresight on your part. Who knew this crew would be even more idiotic than their forebears.

This week however, two is not enough. Before I get to my picks, deserving consideration are...

John's Napoleon Complex. He just can't shut up about being the leader. Even Robfaddah knows better than that.

Rotu putting clueless John in the boat while leaving experienced Zoe on shore for the relay. Nice plan guys, good thing you didn't want to win the thing anyway.

John, Robert, Gina, and Kathy not paying attention to the rules of the stinkin' race. The only thing that saved G & K's arses for forgetting the FLAG (HEL-LO!) was J & R's failure to properly dock their vessel AND R deciding to kick it on the beach instead of finishing the race. Karma's a b.itch, ain't it.

BUT my picks this week go to...
1. Rotu lets "cornered animal" Robfaddah lead them in the maze IC. Man, if he had this kind of intensity during his Maraamu days, he might not have sores on his behind from taking up permanent residence on a TC stump.

2. Maraamu lets spatially-challenged Kathy lead them in the maze IC. As if they didn't learn their lesson with the weave puzzle, passive 'Mu's Pappy, Neleh, and Gina let Kathy lead them to yet another embarrassing defeat. Psychotic Jack Nicholson had more sense of direction at the end of "The Shining" than our girl Kath had last night.


Posted by moonbaby on 04-05-02 at 04:35 PM
Fester, you beat me to it regarding Kathy. If anyone needs a big flag thingy on their car antenna even more than I do (and oh I sooo do),it is Kathy. I can't imagine the trouble she might have finding her car in the mall parking lot.

I do have one of my own to add regarding the same lady- putting sand on the fire and totally killing it! A lesser GUFU than the rest but a GUFU nonetheless!

Posted by Mitrelleum on 04-06-02 at 02:27 AM
1.All of the various mistakes made by John and Robert in the RC.

2.Gina not wanting to discuss the vote with Kathy.

Posted by Car84 on 04-06-02 at 10:57 AM
My GUFU nominations are:

1) Kathy smothering the fire with dirt. It didn't cost her, but it should have. If the Great White Hunter had been around to see that, he surely would have given her a piece of his mind and would have been promptly voted off for it.

2) John letting Rob control his own destiny. The self-proclaimed leader of the free world and guardian of the shiny futures AmaZoe, Invisible Tammy, RudderMan, and himself, really goofed here. He should have joined in the chain gang and acted like he had been shot through the knees.

Posted by Survivorerist on 04-06-02 at 11:10 AM
1) I'll support the nomination of Tammy not throwing the IC. Not because of her, but because it meant another New 'Mu being voted off...<sigh>

2) Zoe for lying about the alliance. I think you've got some singing to do, Ms. Zanidakis. Just follow the bouncing ball, "I've been a bad, bad girl..."

"So if this is the top, we got eyeballs here..."
- Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien

Posted by dabo on 04-06-02 at 01:24 PM
Well, about Zoe lying, I think we have to put her in the Sue Hawk Liar Brigade: It wouldn't have been half so bad if she weren't such a horribly bad liar. I agree, that was a gufu moment, though it does say something in her favor IRL that she is such a bad liar. Personally, I think she should have looked Rob straight in the eye, thanked him for his entertaining posturing, and asked him to do it again: He was going to believe what he wanted to believe, what he was up to was not about getting the truth.

Cap'n Zoe Just YoHoHoee!

Posted by laureli on 04-06-02 at 06:59 PM
Hi all you bashers! I'm a first time poster, lurker since S4 began. While I have enjoyed simply reading, this weeks episode and the resulting posts have given me sufficient courage to dip my toe into the water... so to speak. So here goes, please be kind!

My nominee for this weeks GUFU award must go to Kathy, although not for the reasons that most of you have cited. Was it just me or did anyone else think that she was painting a huge "KICK ME OUT AFTER THE MERGE" sign on her back with all that bellowing at the RC that Robert was missing at the tiki??? She was not winning any warm fuzzies from her old tribe mates! I know that all of the Muu-Muu's were calling to Jiffy, but really! They must have heard her mouth all the way over at Loser Lodge! I'm afraid she's not long for the game after next week.

Posted by dabo on 04-06-02 at 09:56 PM
Welcome to Blows, laureli! Excellent gufu you've spotlighted, as well.


Posted by Naked on 04-06-02 at 11:21 PM
Hey Dabs,

I think that this is my first post on a Gofu thread. I have loved reading them, but haven't ever posted on one, as so many funny things are usually said in these, that I didn't want to be redundent.

But redundency is called for in this case...

1. John and Robert go to the races....
Starring Prince John as Team leader
and Robert "duh what the hell do you do with a paddle" Limo Man as the supporting role.

2. John and Robert go to the races....
Starring Prince John as Team leader
and Robert "duh what the hell do you do with a paddle" Limo Man as the supporting role.

Posted by Drive My Car on 04-07-02 at 11:43 AM

One word, ROW!!
Dumb and dumber trying to row.
Does it get any more Gufu then this?

Posted by Connie E on 04-08-02 at 08:25 AM
GUFU One- To great white leader John for his entire strategy in this episode, specifically allowing the three ex Moomoos to lead the immunity challenge (Thought of throwing it a bit late, didn't you, Johnny Row Your Boat Ashore???). I think it cost him his throne, with his walk of shame coming up this week.

GUFU Two- Keeping the spacially challenged Kathy and dumping Gina. Stupid move, Pap and Backwards Helen!

Posted by managerr on 04-08-02 at 09:09 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-08-02 AT 12:47 PM (EST)

1.)Entire ROTU for mis-management in the RC. Putting the Track Star, John, in the boat, while leaving the fishing captain, Zoe running on ground. All the upper body strength in the world can't help you if you don't know how to row.

2.)John and Robert -- Not knowing how to row. If it were Day 4, I could understand--but on Day 16?

Honorable Mention: Maraamu (esp. Gina) for choosing to not discuss the impending vote.

Posted by GuessItRains on 04-08-02 at 09:17 AM
1) Old Rotu's selection of RC challenge participants: This combines a whole bunch of GUFUs but seriously folks. Sitting out Sean and Vee made it much harder to throw the IC. And then selecting John and Robert (Duh, what's an oar?) instead of Zoe and Rob to row their boat ashore? Nice strategy of "putting your strongest people" on the RC.

2) Rob calling out John and Zoe on the Old Rotu alliance. This was unnecessary. Even the Pagong Tribe could have spotted this alliance; all Rob did was antagonize John and move himself in front of Sean in the boot order,

Posted by AresMars on 04-10-02 at 09:33 AM
1) Robert and John blowing the RC

2) John Doing his Dique impression and showing his little general to the General.

God Bless America

There are two types of people, predators and prey, and the sound you hear is the sharpening of my claws.

Posted by Dakota on 04-10-02 at 11:32 AM
Two just aren't enough for this week:
1. John and Robert playing with sticks in the water. I HAVE rowed a canoe in the ocean. I'm not 26, not male, but the canoe went in the direction I paddled. AND I grew up in Chicago, far away from oceans. (1a. The fact that John and Rob were rowing. Guess they figured on brute strength instead of brains.)

2. Kathy being allowed to lead a second challenge after the totally inept performance during the weave-the-eyeball challenge, getting them lost in the woods, putting sand on the fire to keep it going(?).

3. Rotu's choices for the challenges - as eloquently stated by so many before me.

Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest = Rob, Kathy, John

"Voting Closed"
Posted by dabo on 04-11-02 at 12:00 PM

And this week's contendor, with a whopping 16 votes:

John and Robert in the Canoe!

The other nominees finished as follows:

John's Self-Proclaimed Leadership: 4.
John Letting Rob in the IC: 5.
John and Robert Not Following Directions: 1.
John Not Lying to Rob: 1.
Pappy and Neleh Vote Off Gina: 2.
Rob Being Confrontational: 2.
John Goes Back Into the Water: 1.
Tammy Balks at Throwing IC: 2.
Pappy Running in RC: 1.
Poor Sit-Out Strategy: 3.
Kathy Leading NM in Maze IC: 4.
John's Gassy Food Posturing: 1.
Kathy Puts Out Fire: 2.
Gina Not Discussing Votes With Kathy: 1.
Zoe the Bad Liar: 1.
Kathy Protesting Rotu's RC Win: 1.
Rotu's RC Strategy (runner in canoe, sea captain running): 1.
John as Fat Naked Guy: 1.
(And I, for one, never ever understood the naked strategy.)

Looking forward to Week 7 and all the merge gufuing. And now the recap episode is on the schedule, but it will be the day before episode 9 rather than having a week of its own.

Cap'n Zoe Just YoHoHoee!