LAST EDITED ON 07-23-07 AT 04:06 PM (EST)Where's Scarlett? Is it OK if I post this thread this week? It's getting down to the nitty gritty.
Edit to add: This is Episode 8, not 7. How silly of me.
1. Put the name of your choice for this week's boot IN THE SUBJECT HEADING! This is really easy. Just erase the bit where it says "Re: It's Time to Vote!" and replace it with your vote, e.g., Jen, Bonni, Rock, etc.
This makes it easier to tally votes quickly and accurately. Oh, and nicknames are tougher to tally unless they're really obvious without actually reading your vote.
2. Reply ONLY to this post! Curves on women are good. Curves on vote threads are bad. We like a nice straight vote thread around here. Don't take it personally, we're just funny that way.
If it just so happens that you want to change your vote for whatever reason, REPLY TO YOUR OWN POST! Your new post heading should read "VOTE CHANGE: Vinnie" (or whomever).
3. THIS IS NOT A DISCUSSION THREAD! DO NOT TREAT IT AS SUCH! There are plenty of places on the Spoilers Forum to debate the merits of people's arguments. Let's keep it out of here, please.
But feel perfectly free to discuss the logic of your own vote in your own post, we actually are interested in what you have to say.
3a. RC - Feel free to include the winners of the Reward- i.e., Blue team or Red team. Reward Challenge winners are optional though.
4. No sig pics! We're really particular about vote threads aren't we. We want everyone to be able to play, this could theoretically become a very long thread, the fewer graphics the better, it's a download issue you see.
5. Have fun! That's an order!