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"*Spoiler Thread Ep. 6.17/6.18: "The End""
Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-19-10, 11:39 PM (EST)
3. "RE: *Spoiler Thread Ep. 6.17/6.18: "The End"" |
So we know that David will play at the concert. Daniel should play also. He will see Charlotte and she him. Jack will see Kate again. If Sawyer gets dragged along by Miles, Sawyer will see Juliet who will be Jack's ex. Charlie could play, and if so he will see Claire and she him.But Miles and Sawyer both know that Sayid, Kate, Desmond should be in jail, so some kind of plot has to revolve around that. There's no time for Locke to be operated on, is there? The concert is tonight, so I'd think not. Will Locke go? Jin and Sun? Boone and Shannon should be there. They would run in the right crowd. Eloise and Widmore should be there. Desmond will end up doing something to the magic light and that will kill Smokey and sink the island and create the Alt? Just musing. I've not read any spoilers on the end, don't know what is out there.
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Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-20-10, 04:33 AM (EST)
5. "RE: *Spoiler Thread Ep. 6.17/6.18: "The End"" |
Some filming observations, a church, a waterfall, a tall rock structure, the water tank. Is spoiler font needed in this topic? HIGHLIGHT Sunday morninrg: - Sacred Hearts Academy & St. Patricks School - Darlton there - Ben, Jack, Kate, Hurley, Locke, Desmond - reference to Shannon - probably Sawyer, Jin, Rose, Frank, Juliet, Boone - 19 cast members there - call for babies - blonde boy around age 3 - Santa Rosa van there - Hurley in his hummer - most filming in the church, all dressed very well - Jack and Christian going up stairs to church - seemed like a funeral, but a thin, dark-haired woman in a wedding dress
Monday: - filming at Paradise Park - rebuilt polar bear cages, cleaned up, brand new - looked like filming orientation video - 3 unknown characters, 70's haircuts, one missing a part of his arm (might be for DVD) Tuesday: - filming at the distinct cliffs - Hurley, Jack, Ben - Jack Bender directing - maybe re-shoot? - two jungle locations too - Jack, Kate, Hurley filming - filming at LA X set Thursday: - Diamond Studios - a lot of water, stalactites etc. - waterfall set Friday: - Diamond studios again - Ben, Desmond, Hurley - really tall rock structure with an entrance with stairs - huge watertank truck - night shoot - moving red light, lava eruptions other things: - filming flying Ajira plane? it's pointed the other way now - talking about call sheet (seems to fit with filming
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Flowerpower 7012 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-21-10, 08:45 AM (EST)
6. "RE: *Spoiler Thread Ep. 6.17/6.18: "The End"" |
LAST EDITED ON 05-21-10 AT 09:18 AM (EST)Thanks for posting that, OFG. But, sorry, I just don't have the heart to look at it....I've been trying to avoid any big spoiler info. I really have hope that John Locke from Sideways will resume his life on the Island....be ressurrected there. Somehow I think that will be how they save the world. I went back to review season one, and I found this quote, that gives me hope. And let's face it, hope is a very bad thing to lose and has been a common theme throughout the entire series... From season one, Charlie responding to Jack when he asks him what he thinks of Locke, the freak of nature: No offense, mate, but if there is one person to put our absolute faith in to save us all, it'll be John Locke." And, this is what I believe will happen somehow. Maybe Locke will die on the operating room table...I don't know. But, like Charlie, I think John Locke will save them all....at least I hope so!  ETA: Taking this, my theory, a step further. Since Jack is the new Jacob, he now possesses special abilities. Especially with getting off of the Island....as Jacob used to do. I think Jack will figure out the way to kill the smoke monster lies with the real John Locke. He will time travel to the sideways and do the operation on Locke. After all, Locke came to the conclusion that it was his FATE to indeed get the operation afterall and that he was ready to get out of that wheelchair. Well, Jack WILL get him out of that chair by manipulating the events on the operating room table....he will kill him in sideways, so he returns with him to the Island. And, then, Locke will know what to do. This would be a fitting ending for me! ***Wanted to also note that it was Weltek that gave me the idea that Locke will die on the operating room table! You might say, I love the thought, as it explains a way to get John Locke back onto the island.
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Flowerpower 7012 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-21-10, 09:53 AM (EST)
7. "Press Images for "the End"" |
LAST EDITED ON 05-21-10 AT 09:54 AM (EST)Here are the press images, from www.tvovermind.com: ![]() 
Things I notice: 1. Looks like they find Claire sitting on the shores of Hydra Island, looking out to sea. Kate and Sawyer arrive, and Kate will convince her to come with them. Appears she will go with them. Then, it looks like they head to the main Island, in search of Desmond....this is a bit confusing, because we don't know where they were washed ashore from the sub explosion. 2. Jack all bloody, and notice, his NECK has blood on it. Notice he's in the bamboo fields, most likely seeking out the cave with the light? 3. Hurley and Ben at the cliffs on the shore....Ben was with XLocke, so it looks as though the two groups meet together. 4. Sawyer: one running with a rifle, the other, looks as though he's flagging someone down, holding a walkie talkie. Didn't Miles have one of the walkie talkies and Ben had the other? In sideways: 1. Hurley in the hummer with Sayid. The concert....we see Miles going, David is there, and of course Desmond. 2. Jack at the hospital. There he runs into James. We also have Locke, prepped for surgery. Jin and Sun at the hospital, then it looks like Sun is getting discharged.
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CTgirl 7073 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-21-10, 11:08 AM (EST)
8. "RE: Press Images for "the End"" |
Re: #2 - remember Jack had a scratch on his neck during the flash sideways on the plane and then last episode the injury was bigger. Could that be another blending of the two worlds? And like you said, Jack now has the power to travel off the island...
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Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-21-10, 10:43 PM (EST)
10. "RE: Press Images for "the End"" |
I am not doing any real spec on how they will connect the two worlds. In most SF and even Fantasy there is an attempt to explain the laws of physics or of magic that allow certain things to happen. We haven't had that with LOST, so basically they can do anything.As a fan of classic Sci-Fi and Fantasy I don't like this approach, and I am a little surprised by it, as Damon Lindelof is a Sci-Fi fan (and I guess Cuse is as well). "Whatever needs to happen, can and will happen" -- seems to be the only rule. The question is whether they will actually travel to and fro, or become aware. While I like the idea of Locke, our Locke, meeting up with Smocke and defeating him, there is pretty much no pseudo-scientific theory that I can think of that would allow that to happen. Dead, alive, whatever ... I haven't found any mind-blowing spoilers that tell me how it will work out, nothing that is any more informational than the press photos and the sneak peeks. It seems they filmed a church scene, funeral service, might be a funeral for Christian. This was set up last time. Desmond doesn't work for Oceanic, but maybe the airline did find the body, who knows? The script that was mailed to the Italian folks tells who rescued Desmond from the well. Not Jacob. Any guesses? As has been set up, some of them will head for the Light. Well, again, that was obviously going to happen as we have the whole build-up of Jack being directed by Jacob and Desmond as the failsafe, the light being the source of the EM energy on the island. How it ends, I have no idea, nor do I want to know in advance. So in the FS we have a funeral, a concert, a surgery or at least prep. Is there time to do surgery before the concert? In reality, Locke would have to fast before the surgery, and couldn't just show up in the morning and have spinal surgery that day, and it would need to be scheduled, all of that. But this is not trying to be realistic. Mostly I'm wondering if the concert is the climactic moment in the FS. I don't think there's time for a funeral and a surgery in Jack's day before the concert.
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Flowerpower 7012 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-22-10, 09:18 AM (EST)
11. "RE: Press Images for "the End"" |
LAST EDITED ON 05-22-10 AT 01:35 PM (EST)Hiya, OFG! Well the weekend is finally here, and it's ALL about LOST! YEAH! As to my guesses about the rescue of Desmond from the well...Well, with Dabo's posting regarding the clip from the Finale, and the siting of dog tracks, I would guess that it was either Rose and Bernard, who, as far as I knew, were the last ones to have Vincent. Or, in a reach, I suppose it could be Walt. After all, he appeared to the real John Locke when he was stranded and wounded in a pit? I also think the big reunion with most of the cast gathered in sideways will be at the concert. But, what will happen there, and what does Desmond/Hurley have planned? Cannot figure that out. As for Locke, well, we saw that morning that David was talking to Jack about the concert that night, so, no. IRL, you can't present at a Drs. office in the AM and expect to have your major back surgery right after the meeting. So, I don't know how they will present this, but sure enough, Locke is there, prepped and ready to go. IRL, he never would have returned to work so quickly either. I have real hope for the ending though...
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Flowerpower 7012 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-22-10, 01:38 PM (EST)
13. "RE: Press Images for "the End"" |
Well, that speculation with Walt letting Desmond out of the well, is indeed second choice. Most likely Vincent will be with Bernard and Rose...Also, want to point out something that my sister, Scarlett, called to my attention. Something that has been pointed out to us again and again. In order for them to get off of the Island, they all have to go together....they have to all be together. So, what is Desmond doing? He is gathering them all together, most likely at the concert. What will happen when they are altogether in sideways world? Will they be able to get off the island then? Where will they go and more importantly, When will they go?
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Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-22-10, 10:13 PM (EST)
14. "RE: Press Images for "the End"" |
Yes, I wondered if they will travel ... I don't know. Most Sci-fi that deals with alternate universes has rules about how Alt-versions can come in contact. Or not. We were never given any rules for this, as the genesis and relationship of the Alt has been made the big mystery of the season. (which I don't like, and would rather have known, as I may have cared more about the Alt if I did).So far, we have been told that Love helps people recover glimpses of relationships that happened in the original Lost world. I think I spec'd above about people meeting at the concert. Daniel - Charlotte, a given. Desmond may bring Penny. Jack can bring Claire, and Charlie is a musician. That plot line needs a pay-off. While Sawyer and Kate have some chemistry in the Alt, clearly they don't activate each other's memories. No flashes. My guess is that Juliet will come as Jack's ex and will trigger Sawyer. Whether Kate will trigger Jack I don't know. Jack of all of them is doing a lot of work on his own. Sun too had recognition of Locke on her own, after trauma. Sayid has seen his true love Nadia, and no flashes. But what will happen when he sees Shannon? Trauma seems to be the other trigger -- Desmond's unusual methods. Will he arrange for something scary to happen at the concert? Don't know, just running over possibilities. Rose and Bernard are with Vincent and must have rescued Desmond. If Smocke saw the footprints, he will track them and get Desmond. It was foreshadowed last episode and we know he is bent on finding Des. Jacob did not say anything to Jack & Co about finding Des, but Sawyer will follow up on Sayid's last message, which will put Sawyer in collision with Smocke and Ben. I would be shocked if they don't all end up at the Magic Light. Malcolm may be fit into the Alt world, or he may be a ghost. Either way he is too old to look right, so they have to do something to disguise his size. I don't know if Locke will die, but what we do know is that a near death experience such as what Charlie had, will produce the vision. That could happen with a stopped heart that is restarted, and he doesn't need to die to get the flashes. I lean against him dying because that would make Jack crazy ... OTOH, if Jack kills a patient that he talked into surgery, Jack would go round the bend and be all the more ready to spend his existence atoning for his mistake, because Jack isn't the kind of surgeon who deals well with failure.
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