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"Season Finale"
silentJ 336 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"
05-23-07, 10:55 PM (EST)
"Season Finale" |
I would just like to be the first to officially say.... HOLY FREAKING TWIST ENDING!!!!!!!
I was total not expecting that. This season has been something of a let down, but that ending made up for it big time. That is what LOST is all about. Now then, who was in the coffin? My money is on Ben. It was the bad part of town, so it was someone without money, and someone Kate didn't like. Hmm, couls have been Locke... he was poor before teh crash. Who was the "he" Kate refered to, Husband? Sawyer? Jack told the other doctor to call his dad, is that possible? So many juicy questions. If they switch to this type of flashback for the rest of the show. It's going to be get so good.
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Angel_K 79 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"
05-23-07, 11:07 PM (EST)
1. "RE: Season Finale" |
Yes, it would be really interesting if they showed the future rather than the past.. we pretty much know everyone's history by now. AND I WAS SO UPSET ABOUT CHARLIE. i cried a little...i was a big fan. There's no way he survived, is there? lol I'll keep some hope alive. Locke coming back wasn't a surprise but how does he know they're not supposed to get off? Who was in the coffin is a good question. First thing that came to mind was Locke, i don't know why. And Naomi? If she wasn't with Penny, was Ben right? Yikes i'm confused.
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Reddhawk 22 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
05-24-07, 00:06 AM (EST)
7. "RE: Season Finale" |
I had similar feelings about this finale. Like you, I'm hoping that Charlie makes it, unfortunately, it doesn't look good. As for the coffin, I got the feeling Ben was inside. The scene with Jack standing over it, but choosing not to open it, gave me a vibe that relations with Ben will improve to a point, but not well enough for them to ever truly be friendly with one another. Perhaps the Losties will come to an understanding with Ben and the others. In the end, I'm sure they have a good reason for their actions, even if their rationale is somewhat twisted.Overall, I thought this finale was incredible. Even though I read a spoiler, I still found myself yelling and cheering at the television. I especially liked the part with Hurley and the van. I definitely want to see Hugo take action more in future episodes.
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udg 3038 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"
05-24-07, 11:53 AM (EST)
38. "RE: Season Finale" |
the only other possibility is Locke but I think Jack would have considered Locke "an old friend"Jack and Locke have almost always been at odds with each other. Even when their goals were similar, they disagreed about the best way to accomplish those goals. At this point, I don't think Jack considers Locke a "friend." Heck, the man threatened to shoot him last night! Ben was finally telling the truth last nite to Jack about Naomi and the "bad people." We know from his discussion with Kate that he has come to realization that he should not have left. That may also be a matter of perspective. Kate didn't seem at all unhappy about having left the island. Leaving the island may be bad for Jack, but that doesn't mean it's a bad idea for anyone, or even everyone, else.  Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004
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trigirl 2844 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"
05-23-07, 11:10 PM (EST)
2. "RE: Season Finale" |
Not sure how I feel about it. Now we know they do make it off, but didn't like to see Jack like that. I know I am in the minority as a Jack-luver. Got a little warm and fuzzy when Jack told Kate he loved her. Any screen caps of the newspaper out there? Who is Naomi? Even though we knew it was coming and went through the emotional ringer last week, still sad to see Charlie's demise. Walt = Jacob? Cool.
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Angel_K 79 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"
05-23-07, 11:42 PM (EST)
5. "RE: Season Finale" |
Naomi is the parachutist who crashed into the jungle where Desmond, Jin, Hurley, and Charlie were. She brought the satellite phone to the island.
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emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-24-07, 10:18 AM (EST)
29. "RE: Season Finale" |
I actually loved seeing Jack like that....a chip in his "proverbial" armor...he's human...I loved that he was listening to alt rock on way to funeral home...and the fact that he came around to Locke's thinking...
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AugustGirl 11534 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-24-07, 10:32 AM (EST)
31. "RE: Season Finale" |
See, I have always felt Jack was human--that he didn't want to be the leader because he knew he was flawed, was painfully aware of his shortcomings. Everyone else thinks of him as "perfect", the "hero", the "leader", and he knew/knows he's not.He keeps getting called on to be the leader, the hero, but doesn't want to be. He is his own worst critic (well, other than the Jack haters out there, and you know who you are *grin*). Ben, on the other hand, is completely flawed and psycho with not a clue that he is, and yet wants nothing more than to BE the leader. Ben, the anti-hero. Jack, the hero. And then there's Locke. The man who wanted nothing more than to be accepted by his father, who couldn't even kill his father when given the chance. Locke, the anti-hero hero. ACK! Excuse while my head explodes.
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cycles2k 538 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
05-24-07, 01:08 AM (EST)
9. "RE: Past my bedtime" |
I hear ya. I am not sure I will be able to sleep either. So rich was this episode that I feel like I have just watched a dozen movies.
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AugustGirl 11534 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-24-07, 10:06 AM (EST)
25. "RE: Season Finale" |
Very true. Good point. So many questions, so much time until February.
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cycles2k 538 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
05-24-07, 01:01 AM (EST)
8. "RE: Season Finale" |
LAST EDITED ON 05-24-07 AT 01:18 AM (EST)Oh my, that was an absolutely incredible two hours of television (minus commercials). I was absolutely blown away. I may watch it two or three more times. I echo most of what has been posted above. Jack was incredible and for the first time I found myself identifying with him as a real human being. The scene with Charlie was very moving. The appearance of Walt was a great way to tie this season to season 1. The flash forward was the perfect twist and the producers found a way to illustrate that the world was somehow out of balance. There were a few things that I thought I saw and I wonder if anyone else noticed or saw the same thing? 1) Locke almost smiled when he said "you are not supposed to do this Jack". He did not look like a man who could not pull the trigger, he looked like a man who did not pull the trigger. Was not pulling the trigger was part of the work he had to do? 2) Kate seemed too emotional when she said "Why would I go to the funeral Jack?". It was almost as if she had an emotional attachment to the deceased but was unwilling to admit it. Does this suggest that it was Sawyer in the coffin? 3) Jack said "We have to go back Kate". Does it imply that they can choose to go back and do it over again? As someone who has been willing to criticize Lost as a declining series all I can say is that the producers, writers and actors have won me back. That was excellent.
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AugustGirl 11534 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-24-07, 07:00 AM (EST)
13. "RE: Season Finale" |
I give kudos to the writers because I completely and totally believed they had killed off Sayid, Bernard, and Jin. My heart sank when the three shots rang out, and it skipped a beat when they showed they were alive.Hurley the hero! You go, Hurley! How appropriate that a Dharma van would be used to rescue the Losties. And good for Hurley for not letting his second rejection in a row (first from Charlie, then Sawyer) prevent him from going back anyway. Sawyer? I didn't believe Tom had surrendered either. Never liked Charlie, but he completely redeemed himself. Such a powerful scene. The look Desmond gave him at the end was so poignant. Rousseau finally got her daughter! Walt! Wasn't prepared to see him. Like TriGirl, I want to know exactly who Naomi was, and who she was working for. If not Penny, then who? How did she get a copy of Desmond's photo? And who are the people Ben said wanted to destroy them? The original Dharma people who were not on the island when Ben orchestrated the purge? So many question. I guess we have three seasons to find out. a J Slice original. bounce by Icey.
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dabo 25344 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-30-07, 01:39 AM (EST)
105. "RE: Season Finale" |
I'd say the Widmore connection is Hanso. Same for Sun's father perhaps. Dharma was just a subsidiary within the Hanso organization.
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trigirl 2844 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"
05-24-07, 07:17 AM (EST)
14. "Coffin" |
Kate seemed too emotional when she said "Why would I go to the funeral Jack?". This is the only thing that threw me off. Made me think of Sawyer as well. The almost-bitterness in her voice. Intially I thought it must be Locke. The first hour of the finale began with Jack's suicide attempt and ended with Locke's. Both were thwarted by their destiny. Jack and Locke are so closely linked.
Could Naomi work for Charles Widmore?
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zombiebaby 7355 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-24-07, 07:35 AM (EST)
18. "RE: Coffin" |
Did they say that was Juliet's sister that he saved? How could you tell? Weird!
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SurvivorBlows 15230 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-24-07, 10:10 AM (EST)
26. "RE: Coffin" |
I didn't notice whether it was Juliet's sister and nephew or not, but wasn't there a point where the Jack was looking at the woman's chart and he and the other doctor actually mentioned her name?
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weltek 16933 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-29-07, 04:35 PM (EST)
104. "RE: Coffin" |
That wasn't the only Dr. Christian Sheppard reference. When Jack was arguing with the supervising doc, he said something to the effect of "If I'm more drunk that my father is right now..."
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Ice 9 288 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"
05-24-07, 01:09 PM (EST)
49. "RE: Coffin" |
I initially thought Sawyer as well for coffin-person. I was trying to think who would have a funeral that no one would come to? Ben and Locke are the only other options of people on the island, and they would both rather die than leave. Given what we know *now*, Sawyer's the more logical choice, especially when looking at the exchange between Jack and Kate at the end where he thought she would be there. I can't imagine Kate going to either Locke or Ben's funeral, again given what we know *now*.I thought they were going for a "if it's Sawyer in the coffin, who does Kate have to get back to, but if it's Sawyer she has to get back to, then who's in the coffin?" debate over the long hiatus. And I ABSOLUTELY think Naomi works for Charles Widmore. She had Desmond's photo and was looking for him. In the known LOST universe, who else could possibly A) have reason to look for Desmond, B) have the photo and know to drop Penny's name, and C) have the means to fund a search team like that?
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zombiebaby 7355 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-24-07, 07:33 AM (EST)
17. "Arrrgh!!!!!!!!!!!!" |
Noooooooo!!!!!!!! Is it February yet? So many things! Best.Ending.Yet.1. Future or parallel Jack? How did his father write him a prescription? The way he looked was amazing, bloated and so sad. Great job. The ending? When he was waiting I knew it would be a twist but I had no preparation for it being Kate! Guess she did not get thrown in jail. 2. Coffin guy? At first I thought Sawyer(obviously after the ending) then was going through who could have been so destitute. Could have been any of them... 3. Why did Charlie just go to the other side of the door and close it? Patchy is one evil dude. It was a very poignant death scene. I hate drownings. 4. This show reminds me more and more of Steven King. I still wonder if he is secretly involved. The flawed heros, the splitting up into groups, killing of main characters...I could go on(names of characters also). 5. Poor Jin, every finale he is sticking his neck out. 6. I thought for sure Locke was going to kill Jack. 7. Sawyer is slipping into straight up bad a$$ territory isn't he? 8. Tom we hardly knew ya! I thought we might get a flashback one day. 9. Loved the use of Roger Workman's van! 10. I am more clueless than ever about is going on. Any theory I might have been able to wrap my head around is gone. I have to start over and that is not a bad thing. Hopefully this rules out the "They are dead" theories! I'll be bak later I'm sure! A PhoenixMons Creation
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AugustGirl 11534 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-24-07, 07:57 AM (EST)
20. "RE: Arrrgh!!!!!!!!!!!!" |
Noooooooo!!!!!!!! Is it February yet? I know!!!!! As much as I love the summer, I really want it to be February. Now. Guess she did not get thrown in jail. I wondered the same thing. Maybe the Feds felt she suffered enough on the island and pardoned her? 3. Why did Charlie just go to the other side of the door and close it? I think it was one of those doors that could only be sealed from the inside. Since it seemed to be the control room it must have been built that way in case the facility did flood they could seal off the control room and keep the operation going. I also think Charlie knew he had to die and accepted his fate. Like I said in a post above, he really redeemed himself in the last two episodes. 6. I thought for sure Locke was going to kill Jack. Me too. My heart was pounding. 10. I am more clueless than ever about is going on. *sits on the clueless couch with Zombie* a J Slice original. bounce by Icey.
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zombiebaby 7355 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-24-07, 08:15 AM (EST)
21. "RE: Arrrgh!!!!!!!!!!!!" |
One More Thing!I could not sleep last night and was thinking about this show. If they are able to "correct" what they did and will be time looping...so to speak, do yu think that Charlie was "the musician" who programmed that password to "Good Vibrations"? Very weird that they mentioned a musician did it. Augie, *sigh* I am so confused.
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cycles2k 538 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
05-24-07, 06:56 PM (EST)
77. "RE: Arrrgh!!!!!!!!!!!!" |
I like that theory - i.e. that it was Charlie who programmed the password. The musician thing was a little too convenient otherwise.
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Scarlett O Hara 3259 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"
05-24-07, 08:45 AM (EST)
22. "RE: Season Finale" |
What a great episode!!First -- I think the future was a dream. I don't think the Losties will get off the island -- at least not yet. Did anyone else consider this? What if Ben is right? What if Naomi is/was working for a whole new set of "bad guys." What if the Losties and the Others must join together now to fight the new "bad guys?" It is interesting to me to think about how they will keep this show alive for however many seasons are ahead. After all -- how many Others are still around? That was really strange to see Walt back on the island helping Locke. We always knew that kid had special powers. Do you think it was Jacob appearing as Walt to Locke? We also saw Patch/Cyclops use up another of his nine lives. He has seven left. What a creepy guy. Wouldn't that grenade have killed him as well? Somehow, I don't think so. Sawyer -- you can tell he is screwed up after being forced to kill Locke's dad. I don't blame him for shooting the last Other standing on the beach. You cannot and should not trust them. We've seen that too many times before. Lastly, there is hope! Charlie spoke to Penelope and confirmed that Desmond is alive. She will not give up looking for him and we are left to believe that one day, they will be reunited.
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SurvivorBlows 15230 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-24-07, 10:23 AM (EST)
30. "RE: Season Finale" |
LAST EDITED ON 05-24-07 AT 10:25 AM (EST)>First -- I think the future was a dream. I >don't think the Losties will get off the island -- >at least not yet. I'm not convinced this is THE future, but if it is, I assume the next 48 episodes will involve more fast forwards but the cast will remain in the island until the final episodes of Season 6 -- not that most of the last three seasons will involve post-rescue stuff. Basically the next three seasons would "fill in" what happens between "now" and "the future" >Did anyone else consider this? What if Ben is right? > What if Naomi is/was working for a whole new >set of "bad guys." What if the Losties and >the Others must join together now to fight the new >"bad guys?" It is interesting to me to think >about how they will keep this show alive for however >many seasons are ahead. After all -- how many >Others are still around? The new "bad guys" could also be the "real" Dharma folks. There's little reason to believe every single Dharma person was on the island when Ben killed them, and you'd think the company's off-island employees would have been trying to find out what happened to the facility. Plus we still don't know the origin of the "indigenous" Others like Richard. >That was really strange to see Walt back on the island >helping Locke. We always knew that kid had special >powers. Do you think it was Jacob appearing as >Walt to Locke? I actually wasn't thrilled with Walt or Jacob. To me, they're both -- along with the mysterious black smoke monster and the magic box -- part of the show's biggest (and most unrealistic) mysteries. >We also saw Patch/Cyclops use up another of his nine lives. > He has seven left. What a creepy guy. > Wouldn't that grenade have killed him as well? >Somehow, I don't think so. If Charlie is dead, you'd certainly think Patch would have to be too.
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AugustGirl 11534 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-24-07, 10:48 AM (EST)
34. "RE: Season Finale" |
There's little reason to believe every single Dharma person was on the island when Ben killed them, and you'd think the company's off-island employees would have been trying to find out what happened to the facility. Plus we still don't know the origin of the "indigenous" Others like Richard.Regarding Dharma. One thing that has bugged me is if Ben killed off the on-island Dharmas during the purge, and if he did take over the communications, why are the Dharma food deliveries still coming? Maybe the off-island Dharmas are not sure what really happened, therefore are still delivering the food in the hopes someone is still alive? And Kelvin was a Dharma employee in the Swan station (I guess "employee" is the right term) up until 9/22/04 when Desmond killed Kelvin and the plane crashed. Desmond was under the impression the Others were evil. Can we assume Kelvin was really an Other and not Dharma, or did he survive the purge and not know what was going on? We know they (the Others) could see into the Swan station, therefore they were aware of who was there. Ooooo! Another question. Kelvin told Desmond it was dangerous to go outside the hatch. Could this be a result of the poison gas from the purge? Could Kelvin have been trapped there since the purge? We do know that Kelvin did go outside without proper protection because that is how Desmond figured out the ruse and followed him outside, leading to Kelvin's death and the plane crash. Kelvin--Dharma or Other? How long ago was the purge? How soon will my head explode from all the unanswered questions?
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Reddhawk 22 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
05-24-07, 11:36 AM (EST)
37. "RE: Season Finale" |
I'm lost when it comes to the food deliveries, but I think I have the Kelvin matter figured out.I believe that Kelvin was one of the original Dharmas. I seem to remember him telling Desmond about "the hostiles". This at least indicates that, like the other Dharmas, he knew about the Others, but considered them to be dangerous. Sure the others could see into the Swan Station, but why not let a guy they were going to kill anyways continue doing the tedious work? Thanks to the end of Season 2, we know that pushing the button was an important task. As to the purge, I think Kelvin was probably unaware that anything had happened. This would explain why he continued to wait for his long overdue replacement in the hatch, and also why he tried to place the burden on Desmond. There's only one thing I'm not sure about. Why did Kelvin say that it was dangerous to go outside? If I had to guess, I would say that this was just part of his plan to con Desmond into taking over his duties in the hatch. As long as Desmond believed that he couldn't go out, he'd be forced to stay down in the hatch pushing the button.
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Ice 9 288 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"
05-25-07, 08:23 PM (EST)
94. "RE: Season Finale" |
First, The Purge didn't kill *all* the on-island Dharmas. DL/CC acknowledged that the gassing that we saw didn't represent the entirety of the conflict between Dharma and Alpert's group. It may have been the death blow to Dharma, but it didn't extinguish them.We know this because of what you said above. The Swan Station inhabitants were Dharma, not Ben recruits. Kelvin definitely survived the Purge, and may have even arrived after the gassing incident. The earliest Kelvin could have been recruited by Dharma was 1991. Probably the latest that the gassing incident could have been was around 1993. The gassing looked as if it was limited to the Barracks, but we don't know that for sure. It was initiated at 4:00 PM, which means that they probably figured out when would be the best time for maximum casualties. The Swan Station, however, needed to be constantly manned. The button-pushers had their own bunks and their own food and such. Therefore, it's reasonable to assume that they were NOT part of the gassing, and that the Quarantine sign on the inside of the door was a result of that incident. Kelvin told Desmond that Radzinsky killed himself. We saw Inman himself in moments of despair. It's likely that they knew that they were in the world's worst dead-end job. They were pushing a button that had to be pushed for an organization that had forsaken them. Radzinsky took the easy way out, and Kelvin must have felt like he'd won the lottery when Desmond washed up. I don't know if the Others ignored the Swan because they knew that its inhabitants were too scared and too few to be a threat, or if there was some other reason they stayed away. They seem to have abandoned the Arrow, too. We know they used the Staff medical facilities and the Flame to communicate and the Hydra for "projects" and the Pearl to monitor things...and now we know that Ben had a use for the Looking Glass, as well. But I'm with you on the food drops. That still confuses me. It's almost as if Ben kept up the ruse that Dharma was still functioning. Maybe he did it to keep away outside force?
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Chez 670 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
06-04-07, 12:34 PM (EST)
107. "RE: Charlie" |
I just rewatched the finale and I noticed that Patchy did not have a scuba regulator in his mouth when he fired the grenade. This would be entirely unrealistic. Did they just skip the regulator so we could recognize him more easily?
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Fishercat 4168 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-24-07, 04:52 PM (EST)
68. "RE: Charlie" |
I'm not expect on pressure, but from what I've read, the water pressure that filled the cabin prevented Charlie from leaving the hole. Imagine fighting the concentrated pressure of the entire ocean in that little hole. Charlie had no chance.
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Emily RugBurn 663 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
05-24-07, 10:14 AM (EST)
27. "RE: Season Finale" |
Some Random Thoughts:1. I *loved* this ep. Absolutely loved it. THAT'S how you end a season! 2. A few thoughts on the deceased: Because no one showed (but Jack) and because of Kate's reaction, we can assume that s/he was not well-liked and/or well-known. Also, the funeral home seemed to be in a predominantly black neighbourhood, which leads me to believe that this person could be black (Michael, maybe?). Since the funeral was in LA, we can assume this person is from/based in LA. And finally, since we're having such a hard time figuring out who this person is, and this was a "flash-forward", perhaps we don't know this person yet and/or know why they are so disliked (or why Jack was the only person who seemed to care that they had died). 3. I just want to publicly take credit for stating (out loud) that I knew it was a flash-forward 10 seconds into the very first scene. (I have 2 witnesses!) Jack's "go get my dad" comment threw me, though, which leads me to consider 2 possibilities: 1) he was so looped on the drugs he didn't know what he was saying/forgot his dad was dead or 2) as has already been mentioned, this is an "alternate" future; i.e. what could or will happen if they leave the island. We've seen evidence of the alternate future theory in Desmond's flash-forward type dream where he re-lives several days of his life and chooses to buy the ring for Penelope, which is not what he did the first time around. Plus, aren't all Desmond's flashes flash-forwards? Maybe this is one of his flashes (i.e. this is what's going to happen if Jack & Kate leave the island, which is why Locke and Ben are so adamant about Jack not leaving.) Also, Kate didn't seem like she wanted to go back to the island - that was all Jack. 4. Locke couldn't kill his dad even though he did all these horrible things to him, but after his near-death/resurrection and a brief discussion with Walt, he can kill a woman he knows practically nothing about? 
Emily's RugBlog
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Ice 9 288 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"
05-24-07, 01:33 PM (EST)
54. "RE: Season Finale" |
I had the flash forward pegged in the first flashback, too. The "go get my dad" scene didn't really throw me, because the new chief of surgery looked at him like he was insane to suggest that. It was just more proof that he really had lost touch with reality.Throughout the episode I just kept thinking "there's no way this fits into his timeline if it's pre-crash". There simply wasn't enough time for him to have gotten divorced, gone to Thailand, come back, gone through chemical dependency, gotten clean enough to get re-hired at the hospital, ratted out his dad, and then gone to Australia. It just doesn't fit. Then again, Jack Bauer kicked heroin in about 4 hours, so I suppose it is possible. /sarcasm As for Locke, it totally makes sense to me. Locke is on a path *forward*. His whole agenda is staying on the island and serving the island. Naomi threatens that. Therefore, she must be stopped by any means necessary. It's why he tried to kill Mikhail. It's why he clubbed Sayid. As much as he hates his dad. He represents the past. Killing him would simply be revenge. Revenge doesn't fuel him. The island does. I think the only reason he didn't shoot Jack was because if he had, he would've had a full scale riot on his hands and wouldn't have escaped with his life. He did the best he could there. He bluffed. Jack called it and won.
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miamicatt 9247 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-24-07, 01:48 PM (EST)
55. "RE: Season Finale" |
LAST EDITED ON 05-24-07 AT 01:48 PM (EST)Wait...I take back what I said up there. It's not one of Desmond's flashes. It's Locke's. (I'm blatantly stealing this from someone else and as claiming it as my own. ) Wasn't Locke also in the hatch with Desmond when it blew? Ever since then Desmond's had these 'flashes'. If we assume the blowing caused them (heh, "blowing) then can we safely assume that Locke has them too? And he's not saying anything? Maybe he had this vision the whole time he was laying there in the pile o' skeletons. Maybe that's why he's so convinced they can't contact the outside world. Maybe that's why he keeps blowing important crap up. Or maybe somebody else already brought this up in another thread and I'm just catching on now. If not? This idea is totally mine. Yup. I just made it up right now.
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MrBigDog1974 25 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
05-24-07, 10:47 AM (EST)
33. "RE: Season Finale" |
How about this thought? Whoever Naomi was working for picked Michael and Walt up in the ocean. They are currently on the freighter in the ocean, but the freighter cannot get to the island because of the jamming signal, which also sends out EMPS to kill power to equipment. Naomi parachutes in to find a way to turn off the signals, etc. Walt figures out that Naomi and crew are the bad guys....Being close to the island, he "projects" himself to Locke and tells him his work is not done, because he has to stop the group from coming in. As a result, John kills Naomi instead of knocking the phone away. Jack and Kate, along with maybe Sawyer are taken away from the island and the other Losties are left there...that's why Jack is trying to find the island again.
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miamicatt 9247 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-24-07, 01:10 PM (EST)
50. "RE: Season Finale" |
LAST EDITED ON 05-24-07 AT 01:29 PM (EST)Holy kick-a$$ episode, Batman. Question regarding Jack's newspaper article: is it an article or an obit? I've seen the hi-res screencap and it looks like an article to me. The reason I ask is that I've seen it referred to as an obit elsewhere and here's where I'm going with this: 1. If it's an obit: who put it there? No one showed up to the funeral so who put the obit in the paper? What's more -- who made the funeral arrangements? Who arranges a funeral/places an obit and then doesn't show up to the services? Poor or not, somebody had to foot the bill for that. 2. If it's an article: I can see how that might be somewhat newsworthy -- a "body discovery" and all that. It also implies to me that the person found was somewhat important (maybe?) or that the circumstances are suspicious. The parts you can read seem to imply that the person hanged themselves. ETA: And here's another WackyCattism for ya: Maybe it is indeed Sawyer in the coffin and what if when Kate said "he'll wonder where I am" when she met Jack at the airport, she was referring to her son? Hey? Huh? Her and Sawyer's kid? C'mon who's with me? It would explain the random preggo talk that they threw in there...
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Ice 9 288 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"
05-24-07, 01:23 PM (EST)
53. "RE: Season Finale" |
Good point about the obit/funeral. Maybe Oceanic Air are responsible for submitting the obit and paying for the funeral. After all, they did seem to feel *really* guilty about what happened to the Losties.
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Angel_K 79 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"
05-24-07, 02:47 PM (EST)
59. "RE: Hi-res image" |
After reading it on the plane, didn't jack call someone to say.. "i read it, im sorry" ? I have to watch it again. If he did, who is that other person and why didn't he/she show up to the funeral.
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emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-24-07, 03:55 PM (EST)
63. "RE: Hi-res image" |
who is from new york? are you sure it's Jeremy Bentham...
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Ice 9 288 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"
05-24-07, 01:57 PM (EST)
57. "Things that totally rocked in the finale" |
LAST EDITED ON 05-24-07 AT 03:12 PM (EST)1) The Hurleymobile - That was so freakin' cool. I can't put into words how happy that made me. 2) Sawyer's final words to Tom - "That's for taking the kid off the raft." Great line. Great delivery. Gave me goosebumps. Payback's a b!tch, Tom. 3) Charlie's death scene - I know people will say "why didn't he just leave the room and close the door behind him?", but Charlie *knew* he was gonna die sooner or later. He might as well do it heroically than slipping on a banana peel and hitting his head on a rock later on. Seriously, I can't even imagine the stress of knowing that each day will represent a hurdle of staying alive. He had resolved himself to knowing that he was gonna die, despite the brief moment where he thought he had beaten fate. Once he saw Mikhail, he knew it was going to be like this FOREVER. You could see it on his face. It was a very well-acted scene. I'll admit I got choked up. I'll miss him. 4) Walt - How cool was that scene? I don't think that Walt = Jacob. I think Jacob = amorphous energy/spirit. Walt was just a familiar form that Locke would respond to. 5) Ben laying in a bloody, exasperated heap introducing Alex to Danielle - I know it wasn't supposed to be funny, but I laughed out loud. Then I was moved. But first I laughed. Things that did not rock? Jack's post-rescue life. Jesus, Mary & Joseph, that was rough. Well played, but damn, talk about rock bottom.
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michel 10812 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-24-07, 03:19 PM (EST)
60. "RE: Season Finale" |
I enjoyed that episode and reading everyone's thoughts. Here are mine:When Little Worlds Collide Jack’s worlds are tearing him apart: From his victorious present to the decay of his future, we meandered between his two worlds. But is it “his” future? More than ever, this episode showed that we are dealing with space-time distorsions, parallel universes, if you will. The glimpses into his future seemed to be dictated by what would happen if they get off the island with Naomie’s people. Death and despair are what awaits him back in the “real” world. There is a first continuity issue with this interpretation: Jack only got to the island because his father died. No future should be possible in which his father is alive. Putting that aside, the news of someone’s death almost pushed Jack to kill himself. I’m thinking that the funeral was for Locke, Jack feeling remorse for having forced him off his beloved island. It would have some symmetry as Locke also contemplated suicide when he felt the island’s power had deserted him. Back in the “real” world, Locke would think again of suicide. Present Jack, Moses if you like, will probably have to save his people again from the incoming search party to avoid becoming future Jack. Who are these people if they aren’t Penny’s staff? They would have to be Dharma since Ben considers them “Bad”. That poses a second possible continuity question: Dharma knew the location of the island before the “Purple Sky” event since they did at least one parachute drop. Why would they need to reestablish communications? Island Kate is torn between Jack and Sawyer but in the “real” world, she seems to have come to peace. She tells Jack that: “He’s going to be waiting for me” and that “It’s not gonna change” when Jack urges her to go back with him. The following exchange was quite telling: - Jack: “I’m sick of lying. We were not supposed to leave the island.” - Kate: “Yes, we were.” - Jack: “We have to go back.” Kate, the fugitive, was the one that had to lie in her past world. In the “future” she seems content with her new life and seems to have chosen who she wants to be with. What will hold “present” Kate on the island? Content doesn't mean happy. Ben’s world is falling apart. The combined threats of Locke’s abilities to communicate with Jacob and the impending arrival of a search team have forced him to change his plans: - When Mikhail asked Ben why he lied, Ben answered: “I’m doing this for the island…We’re about to be under assault.” - When Richard asked him what he will do with 40 people that will do anything to get off the island, Ben answered: “I’m gonna talk them out of it.” - When Alex asked him why doesn’t he simply let them leave, Ben answered: “Because I can’t.” Ben sees impending doom for his way of life, for his world and he is ready to die to save it. When his bluff failed, he found a strange ally in Locke who stopped Naomie’s attempt to contact her crew but couldn’t bring himself to stop Jack. We know Ben has let people come and go before so why are the Losties different? Locke had a powerful introduction in this episode. We were ready to see the island help him survive Ben’s bullet but not quite that way. Walt’s appearance was a nice surprise and showed that he is the “Special One”. Walt had spent most of his time with John after the plane crash, leading me to believe that he was the one that enabled Locke to walk again in the first place as he did this time. As far as the island goes, Walt is on the same page as Ben and Locke, because he tells John: “You have work to do” and that work turns out to be the same as what Ben had been trying to do. If Walt is with Ben, that would mean that Ben, despite everything, isn’t the bad guy. Just as Desmond had to save the world every 108 minutes, somehow Ben, by protecting Jacob perhaps, is also saving the world. The question becomes: Which world? As powerful as Locke’s introduction was, his exit was a let down. He had Ben right there so what better way to make Jack think about the call than telling him something like: “Ben shot me and left me for dead, yet I see he is right in preventing this call.” What does Locke do? Nothing but retreat, completely ignoring Ben. The Alex- Danielle reunion was also a let down. I expected it to be a key in understanding. What does Danielle first tell her daughter? “Help me tie him up.” I guess we have to wait for real emotions and revelations. Sawyer is also becoming a let down. For two episodes, he has become a catatonic bore and now he kills one of the few Others that seemed willing to talk. I know he had to leave room for Jack’s return to hero status but did Sawyer’s personality have to disappear? On the other hand, Hurley’s heroism was a nice touch. The possible time loop with “a musician” programming the jamming code could be interesting. A final thought: Desmond must be quite a lover if Penny was ready to send a message the second the jamming device went down. Did she spend 3 years constantly dialing? 
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CTgirl 7073 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-24-07, 08:26 PM (EST)
80. "RE: Season Finale" |
Yes, but Desmond has been on the island for three years pushing that button down in Swan station.
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CTgirl 7073 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-24-07, 03:30 PM (EST)
61. "RE: Season Finale" |
Great ideas everyone. Random thoughts that came to me:Ben was using a cane this episode. Is his health deteriorating because he shot Locke. Hadn’t he gotten better when Locke was around? No one has mentioned Juliet. She’s still shifty, but she has chosen her side, and it’s with the Losties. She has betrayed the Others too many times now. She can’t play the Others off the Losties and vice versa any more. I loved seeing Walt again and think it may have been the form Jacob took to save him. Hopefully this means we’ll find out what happened to Michael and Walt next season. Mikhail is turning into an intriguing character too. We’ve seen him lose two of his “9 Lives.” It seems as if his character will be around for the long haul and could have an impact on the good versus bad island in the future. I think that Ben is correct about Nadia being bad – Locke seems to confirm that, and Penny has no knowledge of Nadia’s boat - but he's lied so many times, no one will believe him. The flash forward was great and I didn’t catch on to it until Kate showed up (although I did wonder why Jack was using a very modern RZR cellphone). In this version of the future, Jack and Kate made it off the island. Did anyone else? I think not. Kate moved on but Jack is overcome with guilt with leaving people behind and has turned into his father. But I thought it was Sawyer in the casket. That’s the only person (that we’ve met so far) that Jack would offer his condolences to Kate over. However, I think the flash forward is something that may happen, but it is not definite. There are so many stories left on the island, that we may see flash forwards that change as things occur on the island (like with Desmond's reliving the bar fight). Although I think we’ll see Claire and Aaron in a helicopter during the finale of season 6! I also like that the island is becoming a character in and of itself instead of just a mysterious, dangerous place.
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bachluvr 3 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
05-24-07, 04:15 PM (EST)
65. "RE: Season Finale" |
First time poster here! I loved this season ending. I can't believe we have to wait until 2008 for more. I kind of feel okay about the short hiatus they took this season, especially if it meant they would bring the show back in September.One thing that really got me here, but I haven't seen anyone post about it yet was Jack's passion to get back to the island. In the conversation that Kate and Jack had, he said he was using his Gold pass to fly to Australia, Japan and all points east and prayed he would crash. At first I thought he just wanted to finish his life that way, like the first crash he should have died and didn't, so he wanted to make sure the next time he crashed it took. But then I remembered the scene before he meets with Kate and it shows him in his home with books, maps and what I can only think would be flight plans. It seems like he is trying to find the island again, but can't. So maybe Ben and Locke along with the ever young Richard are still on the Island and they have shrowded it again. Rousseau said she was staying there too, so maybe not everyone was rescued. Maybe my initial interpretation was wrong and he actually wants to go back to the island, but he can't find it. Also, if they continue the new season with flash forwards, it will be interesting to see how Hurly is doing? Did his act of heroism break the black cloud of bad luck he was having. (BTW-who thought the code to the transmitter was going to be the "Numbers"--I did!) I have to assume that Claire and Aaron made it on board a helicopter because Charlie fulfilled his proficy of unjamming the network and then dying. How are they doing? All I have to say is that the Writers got it right for the ending. Please continue that track with the new season. MAT
P.S. Anyone else notice that the new "head of surgery" and Naomi were both on the NBC show LasVegas together.
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FlyinBrian 37 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
05-25-07, 07:06 PM (EST)
92. "RE: Season Finale" |
I was confused because I thought Oceanic went out of business. The Oceanic Airlines site is still up. How can they give Jack a golden pass if they aren't opperating?
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Corvis 3116 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"
05-24-07, 05:59 PM (EST)
70. "RE: Season Finale" |
Great comments everyone!I think this is the key to the entire rest of the run of the show: Jack: “I’m sick of lying. We were not supposed to leave the island.” When we learn what that is all about, we'll be at the end of the series. I also don't think that was really Walt, but instead either Jacob communicating with John by using Walt's image or perhaps the smoke monster.
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Das Mole 2364 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"
05-24-07, 06:31 PM (EST)
73. "RE: Season Finale" |
LAST EDITED ON 05-24-07 AT 06:50 PM (EST)Wowwwwwwwwwwwww. Amazing finale. A few things: 1) I knew something was up with the "flashback" when Jack pulled out his phone and it was a MotoKrzr which came out only a few months ago. Although, before I realized it couldn't be in the past, I thought the producers just *#@!ed up with product placement or something.  2) Was I the only one who thought Juliet was the person in the coffin? Probably. Or did they say it was a "he"? I must have missed that. 3) Mikhail is...interesting. You'd think by now everyone would know to be thorough in their killings because of all the freaky things that happen. 4) I'm glad Charlie died (presumably). I'm sorry, but that is just one horrible character. Even if he did die "nobly", he still sucked for three whole seasons. 5) Yay for bloodbath episodes! Couldn't they have done more of this killing all season long? Honestly. 6) Walt...well, I guess we'll have to see about this one. 7) Ben is still a big fat liar. I don't think Naomi was the "bad guy" and that everyone's going to die. Obviously not everyone dies because they showed the "FlashFront" with Kate and Jack. Unless it's in another timeline in the space-time continuum or something StarTrek-y like that. Then again, in the flash-forward, Jack repeatedly says he's "not a hero" when people come up to him from being in the newspaper. Does this have something to do with guilt because a lot of people on the island did die? Hmm... P.S. Was it just me, or did the voice that said "Yeah, we'll lock onto your coordinates" sound like Tom? Weird.  das.
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Angel_K 79 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"
05-24-07, 11:07 PM (EST)
83. "RE: Season Finale" |
Yes it did sound like tom now that you mention it. I watched it over again, hoping i could see something i didn't last night, but didn't happen. Except .. someone here said that the woman who got in an accident bc of jack could've been juliet's sister. The boy did look like the one ben showed juliet, where he was playing in the park with his mom. Blonde hair and blue eyes.. The surgeon mentioned that her last name was, or sounded like, Arland.
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Rayalight 16 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
05-25-07, 00:44 AM (EST)
84. "RE: Season Finale" |
Wow what a brilliant show!!!Like all of you I was blown away and didnt see it coming. As for future episodes, I think the writers are on this forum and intentenionally change what we say might happen to trick us ...lmao. Jack, poor baby! ( I love jack and Sawyer!!!) I actually thought about the show all day today! My brain aches. Obviously there is still much to be answered which we will find out in the next season but my thoughts are...(And I apologise if im saying what anyone before me on this thread said but I couldnt read 83 replies in one night! lol) Jack will go back to the island, he can because they now know where it is. He can go back to the magic box and who'll be in there? Kate! sorted..LOL. I also thought at first Sawyer was in the coffin, but now I think it was locke, he had no family left and he was pretty much shot up and on deaths door, so when he was taken from the island, got worse and died. Walt?? no idea, thought he and michael sailed off months ago. Kate?? Jack told you he loved you! you cow!!!! (What a waste but if shes with sawyer I can hald understand it!!). Will Suns baby survive now shes off the island? Will Claire ever recieve Charlies message? and what about the ring still in the babys makeshift crib? Argh the mind boggles, positively my favorite show ever (even better than Heroes)!!! PS I love your theories guys!!! Kudos to the writers!!! You rock!
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mdld 22 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
05-25-07, 11:50 AM (EST)
87. "RE: obit or article" |
ok, was the paper that Jack was reading an actual obituary or an article out of the paper. Here is what some are saying it says:And finally, someone posted here in the comment section of my post below that the full text of the obit is: "The body of John Lantham of New York was found shortly after 4 am in the 4300 block of Grand Avenue. Ted Worden, a doorman at the Tower Lofts complex, heard loud noises coming from the victim's loft. Concerned for tenants' safety, he entered the loft and found the body hanging from a beam in the living room. According to Jaime Ortiz, a police spokesman, the incident was deemed a suicide after medical tests. Latham (sic) is survived by one teenaged son. Memorial services will be held at the Hoffs-Drawlar Funeral Home tomorrow evening." Got this from the following site http://nikkistafford.blogspot.com/ They also refer to Ben's diary; it' on the same site as above. All of it seems pretty interesting. They certainly have us hanging on the edge of our seats. Here's a question from a couple of episodes ago: When they were playing the tape of Juliet and Ben and then talking about the reason for the study- women that get pg on the island don't survive and Juliet told Sun she was sorry- was she sorry because Sun concieved on the island or maybe she was saying she was sorry because she lied to her and she concieved OFF the island which means it's not Jin's baby! Just a thought.
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trigirl 2844 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"
05-28-07, 08:35 AM (EST)
102. "RE: obit or article" |
LAST EDITED ON 05-28-07 AT 08:44 AM (EST)Now I am leaning towards Michael in the coffin. He is the only one whe have seen with a flashback in New York. He has a son. It might turn out in the next three seasons that he and Walt did get away and sold their soul for their silence...hence the bitterness in Kate's voice and lack of mourners as the funeral home.
eta: ...Latham (sic)... From Wiki:
John Aubrey Clarendon Latham, (February 23, 1921 – January 1, 2006, born in Zambia) was a conceptual artist whose work was founded upon his personal ethical and scientific beliefs. For instance he believed that violence and conflict between the people of the world is the result of ideological differences. He wed fellow artist and collaborator Barbara Steveni in 1951 and together they devised the idea of 'flat-time', based on the theoretical physics of Event Structure. You don't have an accidental spelling error of a name on Lost.
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Chez 670 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
06-04-07, 12:38 PM (EST)
108. "RE: obit or article" |
Maybe it is Mikail in the coffin. The reason it is short is because he loses both his legs in "future" accidents.
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michel 10812 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-25-07, 02:36 PM (EST)
89. "Ben's diary" |
LAST EDITED ON 05-25-07 AT 02:40 PM (EST)I followed mdld's link for the diary and it is interesting: Unless he is lying to himself, Ben really fears that nothing good will come from the call Jack made: http://bp2.blogger.com/_RrObyQ3XzcY/RlX2XVYihjI/AAAAAAAAFm4/jv9MLI7hVB8/s1600-h/bensdiary He talks about following J's Agenda (Jacob?) and of an incoming military strike, explaining why they left the village for the temple. Since Walt, whether he was an island apparition, Jacob manifesting himself or the real deal, also wanted John to stop the call, I think Jack will regret that call. Another let down I forgot to mention in my post above: Continuing on the redemption theme of the previous week, I was laughing when Kate spontaneously decided to circle around Ben to see if he was alone. With Danielle in the party, wouldn't it have been more natural for her to go? Or is Kate such a great tracker that she thought she didn't need help? Anyway, weren't we told that the Others don't leave tracks? At least, it made Kate look good.

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LoveMyTiara 45 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
05-25-07, 04:29 PM (EST)
90. "RE: Season Finale" |
I was floored by the season finale! When we first saw Jack on the plane my husband said "Hey, that's Jin sitting behind Jack". We rewound it & yes, it was Sun and Jin in the row behind Jack. This is going to be a long summer. Thank Heaven for DVR.
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CTgirl 7073 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-26-07, 11:11 AM (EST)
96. "RE: Season Finale" |
I rewatched it and it's not them, but I think those actors were cast because they look like Sun and Jin and they wanted to mess with us! (Kind of like Jack mentioning his dad, is Dr. Christian Shephard alive or not?!)
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -