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"E! Interview w/ Damon...then "Radio Silence""
Ice 9 288 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"
05-30-07, 11:08 AM (EST)
"E! Interview w/ Damon...then "Radio Silence"" |
Here's a link to Kristin's interview with Damon Lindelof. Apparently, he was not pleased with how the details of the finale got leaked. IMO, I think he's missed the point. Loads of people, myself included, knew the completely spoiled information was out there, but didn't read it. It's one thing to have hints, but I think most people realize that completely spoiling it ruins the experience.So don't expect much info from DL/CC before next season. *sigh* Anyway, here's the link... http://www.eonline.com/gossip/kristin/detail/index.jsp?uuid=9c9aafc1-e118-4d0c-9686-6b982fbd4e87 There's some good stuff (and one confirmation that I hadn't seen anywhere else) in there.
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AugustGirl 11534 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-30-07, 05:15 PM (EST)
1. "RE: E! Interview w/ Damon...then "Radio Silence"" |
I'm with you, Ice...I don't do spoilers specifically because it completely takes away from the enjoyment of watching the show. I had no desire to know anything about the ending.There's some good stuff (and one confirmation that I hadn't seen anywhere else) in there. Which was? (I'm pretty dense at times--okay most times-- so I'm not sure what you are referring to) Did you click on The Vine? Kristen has a bit of some news regarding a possible returning character, but it's really just a rumor and not confirmed. http://www.eonline.com/gossip/kristin/detail/index.jsp?uuid=c7ca2b22-a461-48c9-9c3d-444798ed50a5#commentstart
a J Slice original. bounce by Icey.
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Ice 9 288 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"
05-30-07, 06:52 PM (EST)
3. "RE: E! Interview w/ Damon...then "Radio Silence"" |
>There's some good stuff (and one >confirmation that I hadn't seen >anywhere else) in there. > > >Which was? "Alex is actually Ben's biological daughter. False." Granted, I never bought into that theory, but I hadn't seen it officially refuted until now. The finale took a lot of air out of that balloon first, though. >Did you click on The Vine? > Kristen has a bit >of some news regarding a >possible returning character, but it's >really just a rumor and >not confirmed. Yeah, I did. It would be interesting if it works out that way.
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zombiebaby 7355 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-30-07, 05:23 PM (EST)
2. "RE: E! Interview w/ Damon...then "Radio Silence"" |
Thanks Ice! I stopped reading spoilers in the middle of the first season on all shows and it really has made a difference. However after a season is over I like to go back and read what people speculated and found out. I am amazed that the whole episode was leaked. I would think that the episode itself, the reveal would dramatically diminish the experience. I agree...I like the hints but not straight up info. Sadly that's what it appears to be about all the time now, not just this show. Full elimination lists are given on shows like TAR and Survivor and it just is no fun. Febuary yet? One more of J Slice's Awesome Creations!
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CTgirl 7073 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-31-07, 07:36 AM (EST)
4. "TV Guide info" |
In TV Guide magazine (there's no link that I could find), a short interview with Cuse and Lindlof: (I liked their answer to the last question).Did you feel this season finale had to be the biggest and badest yet? CC: We're always challenging ourselves, especially in the season finales. And we were examining the notion of the show as a mosaic and what parts of our story have left to tell. It just seemed like the right time to show that this house has more rooms. More rooms? DL: You realize that you've been in this house, but there are a lot more rooms than you originally thought. We're opening up significant new story avenues that we think will make people want to continue investing in the show. Where does Lost go now? They basically say nothing and want us to "experience" Lost this summer with no clues from them. No hints? DL: The title of the finale this year "Through the Looking Glass" There's a specific reason we chose that title. It's not solely a literary reference. Alice lived in this world, but on the other side of the mirror there was this entirely different realm - a wonderland. Here is what TV Guide is saying about the spoiler leak:
Question: Does ABC know how the rattlesnake leaked?— Justin Ausiello: Not yet, but it sounds like an investigation is under way. "Disney security is trying to establish a full and complete list of all of the people through whose hands the show passed," said Cuse, who admits "it's incredibly frustrating" that the secret got out, even if the number of people who had the twist spoiled is miniscule when compared to Lost's overall viewership. "We did everything we felt we could do. There were only four copies of the rattlesnake that were distributed. Damon had a copy, I had a copy, Jack Bender the director had a copy, and Jean Higgins the producer had a copy. We even sent someone to Steve McPhersen's office with the pages. He read them and then they were taken away and returned to our office. I think it got out during the post- process, because that's when it broke . The finale is like a feature film, but as opposed to having six or eight months to do the post on it, we do it in about three weeks. As a result, multiple copies of the show are circulating to various people who do everything from sound design to color timing to visual effects. So it's kind of out there, and it's hard to say where it got spoiled from. Unfortunately, it might not even be somebody who works on the show. It could be somebody who plucked it off the desk of somebody who was somehow involved in the show." Cuse said he was heartened by the "backlash among the loyal fans of the show against these spoiler posters. I think once people realized what was being spoiled, they were very upset. That's why we work really hard to try to keep the show from getting spoiled, because I think it really does diminish your ability to enjoy having the revelations land on you while you're watching it. It's analogous to going to see Sixth Sense and having somebody tell you what the twist is at the end of the movie." http://www.tvguide.com/News-Views/Columnists/Ask-Ausiello/default.aspx I do know of one person who apparently was a big blabbermouth. DS is friends with someone who is related to a writer. That writer told way too many family members what was going to happen. Fortunately DS's friend didn't tell me too much ahead of time because I didn't want to know (and he was being restrained anyways), but he knew a lot. So if this info made its way across the country, its not surprising the finale was spoiled to a web site.
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -