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"East Coast Spoiler Thread For The 03-22-06 Episode"
AugustGirl 11534 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-23-06, 06:47 AM (EST)
4. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread For The 03-22-06 Episode" |
LAST EDITED ON 03-23-06 AT 06:48 AM (EST)I don't think for a second that Sun cheated on Jin. Like MCmom mentioned *waves to MCmom*, it's the island, therefore it's a miracle. Locke was in a wheelchair when he got on the plane, now he can walk. Jin was sterile when he got on the plane, now he is going to be a father. Anyone else surprised at Sun's english teacher? I have to say that Sun and Jin's story is my favorite. Just when you think you know everything about them, they spring something new. Speaking of pushing buttons, Henry sure knows how to push Locke and Jack's buttons.  Can't wait for next week! It's an Arkie!
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zombiebaby 7355 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-23-06, 07:46 AM (EST)
6. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread For The 03-22-06 Episode" |
Most touching moment for me? When Sun told Jin it was him that could not have the children, not her. She really did not have to there...plus it set her up to be accused by him of cheating. He accepted it was a miracle. What trust and I think it shows us how deep and true this love is! I also like how they reminded us in the beginning that Jin has not done such nice things, controlling Sun, angry about her fertility and the blood on his hands. I also like how they showed the other married couple Rose and Bernard and their bickering. Anyone noticed "Widmore Labs" on the pregnancy test? I googled it and got some Lost page that said "Widmore" has been mentioned in other episodes. Subsidary of Dharma?
A PhoenixMons Creation
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trigirl 2844 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"
03-23-06, 09:30 AM (EST)
7. "Widmore" |
Widmore Contstruction - in Charlie's episode. Damon said it was important.Widmore Labs - Sun's episode. Let's play... W I D M O R E L A B S som weird lab wil morse bad W I D M O R E weird om (fits with the namaste and malas beads). wm or die
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miamicatt 9247 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-23-06, 12:26 PM (EST)
13. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread For The 03-22-06 Episode" |
LAST EDITED ON 03-23-06 AT 12:27 PM (EST)My most touching moment was when Jin said "I love you" in English. Something about that got to me and I felt that usual pang in my heart. I however, do believe that Sun could have slept with that other man for whatever reason. I do not think the child is his though. I think we are dealing with yet another of the island's "mystery miracles" here. Or perhaps the Korean doctor was just plain wrong. Edited cuz I spelled Jin's name wrong. Hmm.
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FesterFan1 5947 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-23-06, 10:37 AM (EST)
10. "Commentary" |
I can see why people are bailing on this show. I mean last night's episode? A TOTAL suckathon. Henry Gale? Pfft. Brings nothing to the storyline, and brings nothing out of the characters and does nothing to expose their true motivations. And that ending? Completely stupid.Jin & Sun's relationship? ZZZZzzzz. The Sun pregnancy conundrum? Totally predictable. I mean, what's with the writing on this show? </sarcasm> Look people, it's very simple. This continues to be the most original and inventive show on TV, despite the lags in scheduling. If folks choose to walk away from it, bully for them, but I'm sick of hearing how bad this show has become. Watch or don't watch, but take your complaining elsewhere. Me? I'm still as entertained with the show now as I was at the beginning of Season 1. They can't all be masterpieces, or you wind up with "24" Syndrome--trying to outdo yourself every week, until the story becomes preposterously laughable. Episodes like last night's are why I watch the show. Totally-effing-brilliant. Fester
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SenecaTurtle 63 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"
03-23-06, 11:35 AM (EST)
11. "Curious about the map..." |
LAST EDITED ON 03-23-06 AT 11:36 AM (EST)Was it written on a page out of the book Henry was reading? I didn't pay close enough attention. *ST*
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AnaNg3 24 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
03-23-06, 12:53 PM (EST)
15. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread For The 03-22-06 Episode" |
I'm a huge lost fan but my interest is waning. I mean they made the Sun and Jin pregnacy thing to be a big deal. They're married. So What? If they want drama have Kate sleep with Sawyer and Jack then get pregnant and see the sparks fly. I'm fine with an episode that doesn't have a lot of action. I really liked the Charlie one a few weeks ago. And the Claire ep was excellent but I forget that when there is 2 weeks between them. It's just not fun. I'd rather have them take a whole month off than for them to do the have an ep then take 2 weeks off crap. I'm sorry but Grey's Anatomy is my new favorite show b/c unlike Lost and Desperate Housewives it actually manages to air almost every week. I still love the show. I just want it to be consistent.
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Siren 246 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"
03-23-06, 03:40 PM (EST)
17. "Addressing the re-runs" |
It sounds like a lot of people are still upset over the amount of re-runs. For what it's worth, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse addressed the "Why so many re-runs?" question during their podcast this week. Here is my messy transcribed version of the answer for anyone interested:It takes us about three weeks to one month to make an episode of the show. We work pretty much year-round on the show, but by the time we actually write the episodes, produce the episodes, do all the post-production on the episodes, we physically cannot produce more than 22 to 24 episodes a season. This year we're doing 24 and we are killing ourselves to accomplish actually making 24 hours of the show. The problem is, there are 52 weeks in the year and the network business works in its own mysterious ways, but they have certain periods when they really need to have original episodes. One is at the beginning of the season when they are launching new shows and, because "Lost" is successful, they want the ratings of the show to launch the show behind it. And then there are three sweeps periods, which matter to the networks because that's when ratings are measured on a much more intensive level and they use those ratings to set advertising rates, and since this is a business about making money, they want to get the most ratings that they can during sweeps. So, basically, the show has to be on at the beginning of the season, it has to be on during November for November sweeps, it has to be on in February for February sweeps and it has to be on in May for May sweeps. As a result, the 22 episodes get scattered across those four periods and, you know, I think the whole schedule is 36 weeks or something like that. It gets very frustrating and I think, more importantly, the season catches up with you - that is to say right now, at the time of this podcast, we are basically writing the final three episodes - four hours of the show, but production is right up against us. We're going to be shooting the last three hours simultaneously with three different crews in order to get the episodes on the air by May sweeps. We're delivering the episodes wet, which is the best we can do, which is why you probably see shows like "24". They can do a consecutive run because they start in January, as opposed to September when "Lost" starts, but they're writing the show at the same rate that we are. So, essentially, all of us are cramming at the end stages.  another fantabulous Kittyloaf® creation
Take what you wish from that, but I forgive them. I still love this show and there's no doubt in my mind that each episode is not easy to write and produce quickly - that's what makes it a good show, IMHO.
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FesterFan1 5947 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-23-06, 05:36 PM (EST)
21. "The Network problem" |
I agree that ABC needs to address the growing frustration surrounding re-runs and commit to a schedule, but the problem is a little more complicated than that. Ratings, which is what drives Networks, are compiled by Nielsen. Nielsen is the engine that drives survey periods. "Sweeps" periods are the times when all markets are surveyed (November, February, and May), not just the top 25 or so. Those periods are determined by Nielsen, not ABC. So, considering that their advertising revenue is based in large part on the Sweeps ratings, ABC's choices are limited. Unless they're willing to say, run "Desperate Housewives" September through January and "Lost" January through May, or some such "outside the box" arrangement, then I'm afraid we'll still be saddled with a 40-week season, with 24 episodes. That's nearly 4 months of dead programming weeks, unfortunately. Now if they could just convince Nielsen to change their methodology... Fester
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trigirl 2844 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"
03-25-06, 07:52 AM (EST)
33. "RE: Addressing the re-runs" |
I guess I just don't get all of the fuss about re-runs. Every other show has them, so why should we expect Lost to be any different.I think it is different from other shows. When I sit down to watch CSI I am committing to an hour of my time for a story. If it is a rerun that week, it does not affect the overall story. Lost is different. We are committing to 24 hours of a story per year. The sequence matters to the storytelling. The timing matters to the storytelling. Each episdoe is part of the overall story and not a self-contained piece such as a CSI or a Law and Order episode. Would you watch a rerun of Survivor out of sequence? I understand the need for re-runs, but don't have two weeks on, two weeks off. If there needs to be block scheduling, then have six episode blocks or something. Timing is everything.
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Rhyn 524 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
03-23-06, 04:28 PM (EST)
19. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread For The 03-22-06 Episode" |
The Sun and Jin plotline was brilliant. You just never see character development like that on television anymore, and it was phenomenal.(And for the question asked earlier... I don't think Sun cheated. The "other man" said, "Don't go to America. Stay... but for me, not Jin." From the first season, we know she didn't take that advice. I don't think she stayed for him at all, even temporarily.) The Sayid and Ana subplot was tense and well-written. I thought it entirely well done. And Charlie was the perfect level of comic relief, not at all over-the-top. The show was brilliantly written. Even Henry's wondering about the food in the hatch was so outside "stock character" stuff. It was brilliant, and the writing for all of his stuff was wonderful. The whole episode was well written. I'm wondering about Henry's beard, though. The fact that he was cleanly shaved at capture coming up so immediately after the beard and theatrical glue just made me wonder a little. (Yeah, I know it was Zeke's, or whatever, but still, it seems to mean something, Henry's being shaved.)
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pumpkinqueen 220 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"
03-23-06, 07:34 PM (EST)
23. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread For The 03-22-06 Episode" |
The Sayid and Ana subplot was tense and well-written. I thought it entirely well done. And Charlie was the perfect level of comic relief, not at all over-the-top. i agree. Sayid and Ana have always reminded me of each other, but for the whole "killing Shannon" thing they would work great together--as they kind of did with Henry. I'm wondering about Henry's beard, though. The fact that he was cleanly shaved at capture coming up so immediately after the beard and theatrical glue just made me wonder a little. Henry really gives me the creeps. he has be one of the Others. the parachute as test idea--they find a parachute and that means his story is true? i guess asking where he buried his wife is not much better--if he's an Other. the whole creepy/devious factor would make me keep a really close eye on him either way. why would someone who has been stranded on an island, lost his wife, caught in a trap, shot with an arrow, locked in a cell, and tortured f with his captors like that? seems a little odd to me. maybe he's mad as a hatter because of all that.  actually, it's a PhoenixMons
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skeetergirl87 136 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
03-24-06, 09:25 AM (EST)
29. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread For The 03-22-06 Episode" |
When they first showed Sun and her tutor, I was really disappointed that they were going to have them have an affair and have the "Is Jin the Father" plotline. Even though Jin was being an a$$ to Sun at the time, I still wanted her to not go down that road. The writers could have very easily done that and I'm glad they didn't go for the soap-opera angle, even though it could have added more "drama". I much prefer the Island Miracle angle. I think it makes their characters much deeper.
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Silvergirl1 9320 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-24-06, 01:05 AM (EST)
27. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread For The 03-22-06 Episode" |
That gibberish is what Jin was hearing, because he doesn't understand English.  Spring sig pic by Arkiegrl!
Swim with me
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trigirl 2844 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"
03-25-06, 08:08 AM (EST)
34. "Sun and Jin's Miracle" |
Could there be a scientific explanation for Jin's newfound fertility? Okay, I am exposing myself as a wack-job in telling my story but here it goes.... When DH and I decided to have babies I was travelling on the road for work a lot. During one journey my co-worker and I decided to work in the car and I sat with the lap-top and battery charger in my lap while we worked. At one point, he said "move that battery charger, you don't want to fry an ovary". I didn't know that I was already pregnant at the time and I subsequently found out I was having twins. From the ultrasound it was estimated that my little zygotes split during that business trip. Okay here is my crazy part....I firmly believe that it was some electromagnetic thing that happened while I was working with the laptop and charger on my lap. To furhter my miracle, I have subsequently found out that I cannot have more children and that was my only shot. I'm glad my reproductive organs got zapped. Maybe Jin's did too. Crazy story over.
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1derfool 185 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
03-25-06, 10:33 AM (EST)
35. "RE: Sun and Jin's Miracle" |
I don't think you're a wack-job. Magnetic and electro-magnetic therapy has been said to be a cure or fix for so many things from excessive hair loss in dogs and cats to infertility and cancer treatment. I really don't know how many of these thousands of claims are true but I have heard and read enough to know a lot of things can be cured or fixed with magnetic therapy of some sort. It wouldn't surprise me if your miracle twins were at least influenced, if not completely the result of the electromagnetic field of the charger. As for Sun and Jin..... well, we do have one heck of a strong magnetic source on the island, don't we? Fertility treatment for Jin would go well with The Others' plan to collect kids. Get every fertile woman pregnant, more children to collect later on. I mentioned last year in one thread that I wouldn't be surprised if the mystery magnetic field that affected Sayid's compass (we didn't know about the magnetic wall in the hatch at this point) might have something to do with Locke's ability to walk again. One of the claims for magnetic therapy is along the lines of 'nerve regeneration'. That could fit in with Locke's paralysis disappearing.
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1derfool 185 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
03-26-06, 11:51 AM (EST)
38. "RE: Sun and Jin's Miracle" |
Here's one of the sources where I got the idea about Locke being cured by the magnetism. There are other studies in 'real life' to support the possiblity of the island's magetism allowing him to walk again. I do admit that the healing process was rather fast (or instantaneous to be exact), but they had to speed up his healing for story purposes. They could explain the speedy recovery by the sheer strength of the magnetic force on the island compared to the weak magnets used in medical studies -- the stronger the magnet, the faster the cure .http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3701365.stm BBC News website: Magnetic therapy for spine injury Tuesday, 11 May, 2004 > > Doctors at Imperial College London administered magnetic stimulation to the brains > of people with partial damage to their spinal cord. > > The therapy led to improved muscle and limb movement, and increased ability to feel > sensations. > > Details of the technique - known as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) - are > published in the journal Spinal Cord. There are also claims and studies about magnetism curing or at least improving infertility, cancer and a host of other ailments as well as pain relief and healing. In a plane crash were most of the people 'should' have died, you'd think there would be a lot more survivors in agonizing pain, yet we didn't see Jack administering too many Tylenols. Could the pain have been lessened by the magnetism? Excrutiating pain that Booth experienced when he was injured could have been too much for the magnet to eliminated completely. Just some thoughts. It seems they made such a big deal of showing the magnet(s) that it is too important to just pass up as nothing.
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -