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"Ummmm...they forgot to give us Laura and Kimberly's picks!"
HappyDayz 278 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"
08-11-03, 01:13 PM (EST)
"Ummmm...they forgot to give us Laura and Kimberly's picks!" |
I rewatched last weeks episode this morning, to see if there was anything I missed the first time through. At the end of the show, Chief Wanna-Be-A-Star..er, I mean Brian (sorry, I just loved Schnookie Palookie's names so much....) said that they would be right back to get the final words from Laura and Kimberly. When they came back, all they did was get the guys picks for who should go (very clever guys, pairing off so that each of you could vote for the other!). I'm sure Laura and Kim were probably going to say Robert A....but still, I would have liked to have heard it!Oh, I did see one little thing I didn't notice the first time through. When Kim told Hank that she was afraid if he didn't kiss Lisa soon he would lose her, Lisa shook her head! (She did! As a Hank supporter, I thought it was really cool!). Also, does that statement from Kim mean that she believes Lisa is Hank's to lose???? Hmmmmmmmmm.
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HappyDayz 278 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"
08-12-03, 10:36 AM (EST)
4. "RE: Disagree" |
You could be right about that (the booing, etc....). I hadn't really thought of that. The reason I thought they would have said Robert was that Kim and Laura, though they dissed Scott's date, seemed kind of oblivious to how creeped out Lisa was on the date. They didn't mention how uncomfortable he made Lisa (which looked pretty obvious!)....for once, Lisa seemed to be the one to call the guy out on something he had done wrong. However, they both laid into Robert..and strongly!
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