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"Flaw in the Cupid search process?"
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SurvivorBlows 15230 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-10-03, 11:43 AM (EST)
Click to EMail SurvivorBlows Click to send private message to SurvivorBlows Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
"Flaw in the Cupid search process?"
I also thought there was another flaw with this show that makes it unlikely that they will stay married for a year and that the producers will ever have to pay out the $1 mil (something I'm sure they don't have any problems with.)

I was kinda surprised at A) how desperately this so-called independant only 25 year old professional woman is already carrying on about wanting children and family, B) how important it is to her that she finds a guy who's all about family and close to his family. (And also C) that this girl's "best friends" are both significantly older than her and apparently both folks that she's only known for a couple of years, but that really has nothing to do with the rest of my posting and is probably more a comment on the "casting" of the friends)

So then naturally what do they do -- they go casting for guys in Miami, NYC, LA -- all places that are hundreds or thousands of miles away from her family. Then they prowl these places looking for local guys who are intensely commited to their families. Anyone see the problem with this picture?? What's going to happen when she picks one of these guys -- isn't where they live and who sacrifices their family relationships going to be an enormous issue both of them and bound to insert enormous stress on the relationship???

Honestly, it's as though the relationship is doomed to failure before it even begins...

Wouldn't it have made some more sense to at least do a search in the metro Detroit area?


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  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Flaw in the Cupid search proces... kyngsladye 07-10-03 1
   RE: Flaw in the Cupid search proces... SurvivorBlows 07-10-03 2
 Flaw in show's premise mikey 07-15-03 3
   RE: Flaw in show's premise Dysutopia 07-17-03 5
   RE: Flaw in show's premise DRONES 07-31-03 7
 RE: Flaw in the Cupid search proces... Canada Girl 07-15-03 4
   RE: Flaw in the Cupid search proces... wolfshead 07-24-03 6

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kyngsladye 2921 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

07-10-03, 06:17 PM (EST)
Click to EMail kyngsladye Click to send private message to kyngsladye Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "RE: Flaw in the Cupid search process?"
Yeah, I can definitely see my newer friends picking bad matches for me, whereas my friends I've had forever would do a better job. My SIL of 6 years is awful at picking men for me. *laughs*

If nothing else, they could have gotten them all from the Chicago area.

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SurvivorBlows 15230 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-10-03, 06:49 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Flaw in the Cupid search process?"
>Yeah, I can definitely see my newer friends picking bad matches
>for me, whereas my friends I've had forever would do
>a better job.

Well, my only point with that is that one friend (the one Simon calls "not attractive") is presented not even really a friend, but someone that works at another company that Lisa works with quite frequently during her copywriter job (huh -- that's someone that knows you well?)

The other is supposed to be a hairdresser at some kinda upscale salon of sorts that Lisa met when she started cutting her hair. Maybe she's been going there for 10 years (although I doubt it) but even still, and I know women chatter non-stop at the salon, but how close is the typical woman to her hairdresser? Are they friends outside the shop as well or her contact with Lisa just limited to her visits to the salon every month?

...I just felt they did a pretty poor job presenting it to us that these two woman were REALLY HER BEST FRIENDS and not just a couple of folks in her life that she happens to run into occassionally. And if they've since developed some close relationship beyond what were these initial business relationships, it would have been nice if they at least mentioned that part... instead they seemed to do the opposite.


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mikey 1136 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

07-15-03, 04:08 PM (EST)
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3. "Flaw in show's premise"
I think they should instead be offering $1 miilion for someone to marry and stay married to her beyotchy hairdresser friend for a year. That would be a true, survivor-type challenge, and no one would deny that they earned it when the check is handed over. Her "friends" could then pick out the guy they most wanted to see go through such torture.
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Dysutopia 8 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

07-17-03, 04:09 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Flaw in show's premise"
Yeah, it seems that she would be difficult to get along with, but geez ... I think it is great to expose how poorly we deal with each other. A lot of people haven't got a clue as to why they are valuable, and it comes across in their behavior and treatment of others.

It seems that many of us guys have some sort of belief that if we present a good argument (in the sense of rational thinking/logic) that the girl will have to submit to our will. Amazingly, many women play this game with us. We tell them that we want to honor them as if they are a beautiful mountain view in the dessert ... or that they hurt us and need to change ... or that we are the best guy for them because we are very special and they just need to see it ... they accept the game and begin to offer roadblocks ... we then tell them, with our repressed emotional responses that masquarade as logic, that they are wrong to have thrown up the objection, or offer some slide of hand to point out how wrong their objection was ... the game of logic and will continues until the guy gives up, refuses to give up and enters stalkerdom, or "proves" his argument and then demands her to submit ... suprisingly, sadly, she often does and encourages the games to continue.

NOW ... in this show ... the "uberbitch" stops the game from starting (in most cases). Yeah, I think she is crude, rude and pretty much worthless -- a one trick pony of a person -- but perhaps by accident, she elimates the usual game from being played. Maybe for once in her life, the uberbitch gets to experience her illusion of power ... as it does seem to be real ... she gets to shout down the guy games (like a child) and a fortunate by-product is that the game rarely gets started. I feel certain that she doesn't understand what good she is doing due to allowing a few control freaks to pass thru ... i.e., the Arnold clone. He seems to live within a seriously neurotic fantasy ... his own special world ... and if so, is obviously ALL about control -- the worst type actually -- because he thinks everything is destined within the mystery of the number seven. We'll see how he acts when confronted by the difference between his expectations and the reality of how it will go -- the cuteness will wear thin with "uberbitch" and the trophy girl. So, hopefully we will get to see "uberbitch" grow up a little. Or we could go ahead and look at it that she is mean and the guys are perfectly normal ... God, I hope not.

So, I am happy ... the guys' "I win my argument, so you have to submit to the way I want things in a relationship" game is getting exposed ... again, unless we over-focus and write off the "uberbitch".

Also, at some point, I hope to see a reality show that exposes some of the silliness and game playing of women ... for once, it would be nice to see real life examples of why it is not perfectly fine, and "empowering" to hook-up with guys as if trying on clothes (just because some poor excuse for a "man" acts like a whore doesn't mean that a woman will only be truly "equal" when she can act that way too -- that whole routine has gone beyond sick these days ...see real world Chicago with the cutey who truly "grew up" and became an empowered woman -- who is supposed to be exploring sex with different people ... <cough>).

Did I rant long enough? Good.

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DRONES 611 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

07-31-03, 06:37 AM (EST)
Click to EMail DRONES Click to send private message to DRONES Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
7. "RE: Flaw in show's premise"
Since she's acting like such a beyotch maybe they could have her where a leather outfit and carry around a ridding crop. She has that dominatrix thing going for her, so instead of being repulsed by her behavior most men are probably a tad aroused.


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Canada Girl 3340 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

07-15-03, 10:23 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Flaw in the Cupid search process?"
My husband has kindly pointed out that if she's 25 and looks 25, I look 12.

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wolfshead 27 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

07-24-03, 11:27 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Flaw in the Cupid search process?"
Right on Canada Girl! And who's doing her hair? Someone whose hairdressing career peaked in the 50's? Maybe it's her overtanned, overbleached girlfriend. That would fit.
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