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"Hank's the real deal, here's why!"
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Joyful 232 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

08-27-03, 06:57 PM (EST)
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"Hank's the real deal, here's why!"
I'm totally behind Hank in this! I think he sweet and genuine on his dates. If he stepped it up a notch last night then good for him! That's what the dating pit bulls told him he should be doing. I don't think it was fake, I think he was excited to have Lisa on "his turf" and that excitment was expressed in his actions on the roof. And come on....what girl doesn't want a little romance on a rooftop!! And as for the whole "dark side" thing about his actions in the house, let's be real. He's stuck in a house with guys who are dating the same girl he is!! Are they supposed to sit around and play monopoly with big fat smiles on there faces? Of course he seems a little frustrated and angry, it only goes to prove he REALLY likes this girl. If he was all happy happy nice with them I'd be worried he didn't care for her as much because it wouldn't bother him to be eating at the same table as the guy who kissed his girlfriend while he was forced to watch on the mega screen TV! Also, (last point I promise) Hank is the only one who has not been ripped apart by the pit bulls, of course this is going to cause resentment and the others are going to try and find a way to tear him down because it's not happening on the show. And may I also point out (sorry, I know I promised but, one more) that unlike the others, Hank just said "there's a couple of guys I don't like in the house" he didn't name names and he didn't call them names. Shows Hanky-poo has some class!!! Whew...I feel better. This is my first time posting but I felt the need to stand up for Hank after some of the stuff I've read. And to answer the enevitable come back, no I don't want to marry him myself because (dang-it) I'm already married! Thanks for reading
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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Hank's the real deal, here's wh... HappyDayz 08-27-03 1
 RE: Hank's the real deal, here's wh... Cupidcruiser 08-27-03 2
   RE: Hank's the real deal, here's wh... Bloss 08-27-03 3
   RE: Hank's the real deal, here's wh... kcstrip 08-27-03 4
       RE: Hank's the real deal, here's wh... redefine_perfection13 08-29-03 6
   RE: Hank's the real deal, here's wh... bubbastan 08-29-03 5
       RE: Hank's the real deal, here's wh... Joyful 08-30-03 7

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HappyDayz 278 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

08-27-03, 07:40 PM (EST)
Click to EMail HappyDayz Click to send private message to HappyDayz Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "RE: Hank's the real deal, here's why!"
Welcome to the board! (and I like the way you think! Hank all the way, baby!)
~ And no, I don't want to marry him myself either, because I'm also already married....but he is a rare find and I think Lisa should grab him while she can!
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Cupidcruiser 128 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

08-27-03, 07:56 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Hank's the real deal, here's why!"
Guys usually like other guys in groups--they're team players, good hearted competition, etc. No one else in the house is complaining about anyone else in the house, including Robert who will probably win thanks to the prankster voting. Nobody else is seeming a little frustrated and angry like Hank is. In fact, Ken had such class when he said he was leaving the best group of guys ever.

Doesn't that say something to you that Hank is the ONLY one who is getting bad things said about him by the guys in the house? They are seeing another side of Hank than we are.

I thought Hank came across as angry and defensive when Kim asked him to explain the Jekyll and Hyde comment. I do think sticking his hand between Lisa's legs and telling her what he wanted to do to her on the rooftop was inexcusable--this is CBS, for heaven's sake, not Fox, and he knew the mike was on. Gee, where was the sweet bashful guy then? Was that the Jekyll or the Hyde?

Back up a little and remember everyone's reaction when Robert was a little disrespectful toward her. How come it's okay for Hank to feel her up and say those things?

Stepping it up a notch is one thing--I now think Evan has the inside track with Lisa's feelings (although Robert will still win, thanks to prank votes). The show is being manipulated, of course, and we are probably going to see yet more "unHanklike" activity from him in the next episode.

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Bloss 11 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

08-27-03, 08:59 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Hank's the real deal, here's why!"
I'd have to disagree about Hank being the only one bad mouthing the guys in the house. Joe came out and said that Robert was a pervert for heaven's sake. I think the tension is getting to them and we are seeing the frustration of having to watch each others dates with Lisa AND of being cooped up in the house with little outside contact.

As for the infamous football incident everyone is bringing up, (I know you didn't but frankly I don't feel like finding that post at the moment and replying)it showed Hank AND Dominick throwing the football at each other. Does that mean that Hank threw it in anger at Dominick? Not necessarily. It could be the guys were all partaking in that activity and CBS has chosen to edit it to look like Hank is a freak. I think that they realize that a majority of people had been rooting for Hank and they wanted to stir the pot. What fun is it if Hank is a sure thing? Robert's antics are getting old so maybe they thought this would create new controversy. Just my thoughts on it.

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kcstrip 76 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

08-27-03, 09:00 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Hank's the real deal, here's why!"
You took the words right out of my mouth. Hank's behavior was disgusting. I thought I was watching an episode of "Blind Date" or one of those other trashy dating shows. And I think his actions show that he has no regard for any of the other guys' feelings. He's not the gentleman everyone thinks he is.
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redefine_perfection13 114 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

08-29-03, 01:56 PM (EST)
Click to EMail redefine_perfection13 Click to send private message to redefine_perfection13 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
6. "RE: Hank's the real deal, here's why!"
I'm still having difficulty figuring this out...people who thought Robert's behaviour was appauling and still don't like him are being bashed for not being able to get over the shoe incident...I'm sorry but nothing Hank said was all that bad in comparison to Robert and plus dear lord how many times will I say it LISA LIKED WHAT HE SAID she snuggled in even more but when Robert had done things she was put on the spot and uncomfortable...altho i really do enjoy the idea of Lisa stuck with Robert for a whole year
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bubbastan 625 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

08-29-03, 01:07 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Hank's the real deal, here's why!"
I've gotta respectfully disagree. I think that Hank is dead on when he mentions that it's a competition. He's not there to become buddies with the rest of the guys, he's there to win over Lisa. I think that his attention is focused more on her and way less on the other guys. It seems to me that Hank is a bit more mature and disciplined than a lot of the other guys there (football throwing incident aside). In the clip where they tried to show Hank as the "bad" guy, he was actually trying to get someone to do the huge pile of dishes. He's an adult who probably finds making a big mess in the kitchen and leaving it there less than charming. I'm betting that he's used to cleaning up after himself (which is a great trait for a future husband to have ).It's not surprising that he probably doesn't have a lot in common with some of them. Some of these guys are treating things like it's a big old frat party, while Hank is approaching it in a more serious manner.
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Joyful 232 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

08-30-03, 11:04 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Joyful Click to send private message to Joyful Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
7. "RE: Hank's the real deal, here's why!"
Here here bubbastan!! If Hank getting upset that the dishes should be done by someone other then himself (I got the impression he must have to do them a lot)is the reason he's a "Hyde" then I must be the meanest person on earth as I'm always telling my kids put their dishes in the dishwasher!
And if a houseful of ants doesn't convince the rest to keep the kitchen clean then Hank, in my opinion, has every right to put them in there place! 10 to 1 Joe does the least housework!!!
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