LAST EDITED ON 05-02-14 AT 08:00 PM (EST)LAST EDITED ON 05-01-14 AT 11:53 PM (EST)
Shut Up, Dave: Part Deux!
How dare they U-Turn Dave/Connor, a team that couldn't possibly ever win a leg and/or the race!
...Oh hey guys, you win a Ford Mustang. Good job.
Meanwhile, Caroline and Jennifer continue to prove how completely and utterly worthless they are at tasks, by being unable to find two numbers on signs. Sigh. I'm starting to miss the hyper-competitive "every man for himself" days of old. 
Week 8 Results
1st place - Dave/Connor (2x)
2nd place - Jet/Cord (1.5x)
3rd place - Leo/Jamal (even)
4th place - Brendon/Rachel (.5x)
5th place - Caroline/Jennifer (0x)
Pretty good week as a whole for the group. Jet/Cord were a very popular pick overall, so a lot of nifty 1.5x gains were to be had. Some sneaky ignore team picks also helped some players boost ahead. The loans generally worked out, as most players were able to squeak out at least a small profit.
We did lose one more player this week: FFantasyFX. The bad news is your loan made you end up in the red. But the good news is that it was only 6 points, so I'll spot you those. THIS TIME. 
Seriously, though, thanks for playing, sir.
This week's Greatest Gainer Award goes to IanQuentin, who jumped 4 ranks this week. Way to go!
The Perfect Bet Award also goes to IanQuentin (2.7x) who made a snazzy Dave/Connor wager, defying the super-low-old-man-expectations of Dave. Nicely done. 
1. michiganlargefan - 2676 (Brendon/Rachel)
2. Georganna - 2626 (Jet/Cord)
3. flipxcyd01 - 1995 (Dave/Connor)
4. Yogi - 1891 (Jet/Cord)
5. louislam - 1297 (Dave/Connor)
6. IanQuentin - 1262
7. Ontheroadagain1 - 1000
8. coldbrewer - 966
9. Jims03 - 818
10. taffnic - 722
11. tribephyl - 670
12. Molaholic - 423
13. Chiubakka - 386
14. sarah12345 - 347 (Leo/Jamal)
15. bbenz - 246 (Caroline/Jennifer)
16. pepperz - 228
17. MzTee - 183
18. starshine - 120
19. FFantasyFX - -6
Once again, michiganlargefan is in the top spot, but look at how close it is between him/her and Georganna. We're talking about a 2% difference between their scores. Looks like we're heading for a photo finish.
Week 10 Payout Table
1st place - 2x
2nd place - 1.6x
3rd place - Break even
4th place - .4x
5th place - 0x
Max Individual Bet - 800 points
Ignore Price - .4x
Hooray, I'm Mr. Median this week. Kind of.
Bonus Game - Quotable You
This week, you may bet on which contestant says this week's title quote, "Bull Down." Unlike other games, you will be wagering on a specific contestant, not the entire team.
So, your choices will be:
It's weird how almost all of the remaining TAR teams are alphabetically at the beginning, but a lot of the remaining Survivors are at the end.
You may only make one bonus guess, so pick carefully.
Quotable Payout Table
Correct Answer - 10
Incorrect Answer - 0x
Max Bet - 80 points
TAR24 Teams Remaining
Good luck! 

And now let's hope the previews don't spoil the answer to the bonus game...