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"S46 - My Messy, sweet little friend. - East Coast Update Thread"
Flowerpower1 4399 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-08-24, 08:07 PM (EST)
1. "RE: S46 - My Messy, sweet little friend. - East Coast Update Thread" |
I made it home in time! See Liz freak out at the challenges... Previously on S...Maria says Q is a number to vote with me Tiff says she can keep her idol in her pocket cause Q is going home Maria is the one that suggested do not tell Kenzie....she ran the red light at TC...no one plays the idol. See ya Tiff see Maria smile, Kenzie is shocked at night 19... they return from TC. Final 7 Kenzie would have voted with them if they had told her. in conf: she was left out of the vote, what did I do to not be in the club, crying. she's mad, it was her idea to blindside Tiff, now someone else gets the credit... she was having a good time, let the game get away from her. Charley comes up...do you want a hug. It wasn't my move. he tells her it was Maria's move. everyone that returned to camp voted for Tiff except Venus and Kenzie. I needed to talk to Kenzie... Kenzie says there. is no time left, 6 days left, maybe this is what I needed, will have to get more crafty, pay better attention... Maria suggests a final five right here...Q, Ben, Liz, her, Charlie...pull out an epic blindsi9den a wonderful blindside...she can do this again, let's do it again Maria says. see Venus and Kenzie talk, let her think this is her move... Venus in conf: she's announcing to the world, this is my move and I am here to play...strong three with her Charlie and ben...(talking about Maria)
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Flowerpower1 4399 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-08-24, 08:12 PM (EST)
2. "post intro" |
NuiNui...morning Maria Q and Kenzie are awake...talking. She's shocked Tiff didn't play her idol. They suggest that it is time to start looking Q: With Tiff not playing her idol, only way to find it is to look for it... Q and Charlie talk, got to find it before Kenzie and Venus they all go look Charlie conf: idol fever has hit the beach...everyone is looking for Tiffany's idol... an ido l at this point int he game changes everything, it's a necessity at this point Venus: at last Tribal I was on the wrong side of the vote, need to find the idol and need to find it quick... Q is exhausted looking Venus: today the thing that calms me down is that I know this island better than anyone one. she knows where , and Venus finds the idol...I was so excited! I immediately started to walk away, but that is not the move right now, so I U turn it...looking hard...looking for 20 days, hard to hide the joy... then she\ asks where is liz...see liz sleeping in the shelter Venus reads the HI clue, can be used when there are 5 players left in the game, last time. An amazing feeling, if I play my cards correctly, I can make it to F4, you underestimated me and look who is here and look who is not...
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michel2 4555 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
05-08-24, 08:14 PM (EST)
4. "That must have felt Good" |
Venus suddeny looks better than she has since the merger...unless she is being set up to leave with the idol by her side!
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Sheldor 4693 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
05-08-24, 08:14 PM (EST)
5. "RE: That must have felt Good" |
No! She can't be the FOURTH player to leave with an Idol! Don't jinx her!
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Flowerpower1 4399 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-08-24, 08:27 PM (EST)
7. "RE: That must have felt Good" |
At the rate this season is going, I almost expect her to leave with the idol in her pocket...*snicker*
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Flowerpower1 4399 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-08-24, 08:26 PM (EST)
6. "There goes my vote for boot!" |
Of course she can draw the votes and not play her idol....just like everyone else, lol. Day 20 Ben and KIenz in the shelter...Kenzie: she got too comfy cozy...trying to balance your indie'l game everyone is lying, Kenzie and venus talk... kenzie: right now the only one who hasn't lied to me is venus....they talk...I like venus now, never thought we would be working together, me and my messy sweet little friend. she notes that venus is not looking...firl friend is not looking hard and I am like digging holes...what are you doing....she tells Kenzie she doubts that someone has found it. Venus says no one will ever know that I have it. venus tells Kenzie I cannot imaging going home with an idol in her pocket. In conf: venus says that it is such a comfort, I love you, this is my best friend on the island, talking about the HII Charlie and Maria talk, he congratulates her...Charlie: Maria wanted the Tiff vote to be something she controlled, asa the more you can claim a move is your own the jury will look to that, but it's a double edged sword, this has made her a huge target... Maria tells Charlie that people will know that we've voted correctly every time Charlie: Me and Maria have played from day one. but Q is in Maria's pocket and I want him out. My route to the end may start to diverge from Maria's. Liz and Kenzie talk about how Maria is the king pin. they are talking with Q and about Q... Kenzie: luckily people have realized that Q and Maria are the big threats. Liz says: Maria, she's got to go...Kenzie said that Charlie came to me yesterday and said that was a game winning move and it wasn't mine Liz and Ken plant to get Maria out Liz and Ken are in...Venus will be with them... they are talking about getting Maria out instead of Q. Liz Kenz and Venus agree that Maria is the king pin. Venus: I am certain that one of the Siga three will work with us. Charlie, he is smart and he needs to cut that cord and go with us. Charlie and venus and Kenzie talk, Q is in Maria's pocket. Charlie: in the build up last night I wanted it all to be Maria's, as it's best for my game. they are a strong pair. Maria and Q Kenzie nots that Charlie has no resume votes, so I think that Charlie is ready to make a move on Maria. Charlie: I've been building trust with Kenzie and venus so I could make a move against Q at any point. At some point I have to ask myself, is going to the final 3 with Maria , is that like handing her a million dollars? My best game may be making a move against Maria.
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Flowerpower1 4399 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-08-24, 08:45 PM (EST)
8. "Challenge" |
ICbalance ball on pole wihile navigating obstacles, maneuver ball through winding snake trap, get one ball in both traps Guarenteed f6. also for reward pizza delivery... For immunity and reward... keep the ball balance d on the pole, if falls off must go back...ben is through first obstacle first, then Maria then venus, Charlie Kenzie, q is last... ben is adding extra sections of pole, must go over a balance beam, Charlie whipping though this....Charlie is at final stage with big lead. Charlie is working on snake trapKenzie is next to snake trap Jiffy says there is a learning curve, you will get better at it. Maria is at last section and so is Liz..venus is at the d but drops at the end. Q is very close, Q on snake trap. Maria has momentum. Ben is struggling Maria drops her first ball in the pocket, a big lead Venus finally finishes. now ben is in last Maria working on her second and last ballvenus is doing wellVenus has her first ball in the pocket, and Charlie has his first ball in the pocket and Q drops the first ball in pocket then Liz, then Kenzie then ben...everyone is working on the second ball. Maria is close to the end, venus just behind, Maria drops venus drops any one of the seven can win Venus with a shot to win and drops, Maria drops then q drops, they are all dropping venus in the leavens is so close....and she drops the ball and it missed. Mari now trying to drop and she wins....her second IC pizza chose one to join you....talks about Liz, ben is falling apart, q took me last time, really hard decision chose one. Ben Ben crying.... bring one more with you. three will have pizza, 4 will not who is physically falling apart right now, whose body is failing? Charlie says he will take himself out of it Q says he's lost weight...Liz is not too proud to beg, she hasn't pooped in 2 weeks. Maria is agonizing over the choice. taking a long time...she tells Liz and Q to do rock paper scissors. Q won. Liz is pissed again. says that is F'd up... Maria Ben Q get pizza Kenzie: I'm shocked, liz has made it abundantly clear that she hasn't eaten, my jaw? I'm still picking it up off the floor
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michel2 4555 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
05-08-24, 08:48 PM (EST)
10. "Read the Room" |
Maria really dropped the ball: If Cjarlie and Kenzie dropped out it was EVIDENTLY for Liz.
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Flowerpower1 4399 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-08-24, 08:53 PM (EST)
11. "Venus, Liz, Charlie, Kenzie....." |
left at shelter with no pizza. Boy are they going to plot...can't be Maria, see ya Q...?day 21, they return to camp...the pizza is there...Q thanks Maria.... Venus was not going to beg...Liz says I knew it was going to be Q. they are talking crap about Q... Charlie: the pizza picking was a joke. Thought she would choose venus or Liz, and le the tell you that three losers were PISSED! they talk, what are we doing tonight? Q? Liz isays it's blatantly freakin obvious that Q is her number 1...Liz says he is an idiot Charlie was piling everything on...the pizza losers want to vote out Q, and that is great as I want him out. Charlie says things have been turning a diff't corner regarding how close he and Maria are Pizza winners: Liz pierced my with her eyes...I'm sure I pissed people off, gives me piece of mind, means I am safe tonight, with 7 left, I gotta keep Q happy right now, I trust him and he trust me...We know that you and Charlie are close, that is all we need Q says I just ate a big meal a few days ago, and I just ate about 22 pieces of pizza and I don't feel guilty at all. Q wants to take Venus out first. she' is the real problem pushy, complaint and she has the greatest shot at winning immunity, she's got to go. Mari says it is time to get her out, she's ready!
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michel2 4555 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
05-08-24, 08:55 PM (EST)
12. "WTF?!" |
They want to eliminate Venus because she COULD win immunity? How about Kenzie who HAS won immunity? Not even a peep about her.
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Flowerpower1 4399 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-08-24, 09:10 PM (EST)
13. "RE: S46 - My Messy, sweet little friend. - East Coast Update Thread" |
Day 21Pizza people return... Charlie narrates, do our classic niceties, how was the pizza, seconds before the arrived I thought they were going to eat them aliave. see Q tell Charlie that the plan is venus. Maria had fun but feels like she doesn't want to talk about it Liz grills her. she apologizes if I hurt your feelings. Liz says I cannot stand Q, don't know why you would want to make him happy. she's done not expressing herself... she's spent her whole life not speaking her feelings, this sounds so cozy but she thinks this is why she has so many allergies. she's said her piece. income: Q, for some reason he just keeps surviving and she doesn't like how that feels. Maria talks to Liz. Maria comes to Liz as she like s working with you. let's play the game... Maria thinks the ladies want Q out, but we want venus out. Maria says in her mind the people I am working with are solid, but... see Kenzie and Charlie talk...it would be so dumb toot get rid of Q right now. Charlie is fine with everyone think ing that Q is bad, as down the line he wants a F4 without Q I n it. Venus notes that Charlie is in the power position. if he sticks to the q vote this vote I will have something for him next week. Venus talks final 4 with Charlie. Venus doesn't want to use it, she wants to save the idol for another vote. Charlie asked her if he had the idol, and she said no. Charlie eluded to having something up her sleeve. I was trying to get venus to tell me what it was... she tells him that there is something I will tell you after Q is out. they are trying to set up a final 4 deal with venus and she is stone walling me... she's fine with going to the f4 with me and you...she alluded to having an advantage. Ben says she has to go she creates more drama, freaks out before every tc. Charlie I''s head is going in 20 diff't directions, wants to figure out which direction to go. Kenzie says venus is chaos...Kenzie in conf: the boys are being babies and don't want to take out Q. She wants to take out Q while they have the chance. Maria and Charlie talk...he has power tonight but could sink my game moving forward. Right now I am a little bit of a threat but people are not made t me, can I pull people that I have burned int\o a position that works for me. really really tricky where I am right now.
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michel2 4555 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
05-08-24, 09:11 PM (EST)
14. "WTF? Part II" |
If you ever play Survivor DO NOT talk to anyone the way Venus talked to Charlie. Either say nothing about the idol or come clean but do not hint about it.
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Sheldor 4693 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
05-10-24, 02:22 PM (EST)
19. "RE: WTF? Part II" |
That conversation Venus had with Charlie was awful and probably swayed Charlie from Q to Venus! Argh!
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Flowerpower1 4399 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-08-24, 09:26 PM (EST)
16. "Tribal counsel..." |
Tiff looks pissed. Jiffy brought his cushion, no popcorn but brought the licorice. he's giving them one piece of licorice.. a long time to pick someone to go with you on reward. Maria says she had to give them both a chance so decided rock paper scissors. Venus calls her out, I wanted to choose someone that is physically weak and needs it, it was an act and a farce to take Q. Q says if venus would have won the reward, she wouldn't have taken Maria or me. Charlie: his take: the big threme of this reward is decisions. who are you putting on the jury, who will you leave left sitting with you. Everything has consequences, makes the game incredibly hard Kenzie says she got baby boozed by the blindside last time and it wasn't even me. Liz is vocal, she's very vocal about Q. she can't trust anyone right now. in her head Maria wants to play with Q more than I thought. Venus says up until the last vote I don't know who is telling me the truth, who is lying. Q says everybody knows don't say a name in front of venus. if you tell her a name she will run and tell everyone. venus says she will not talk voluntarily with him... Jiffy notes that every tribal is full of paranoia. Charlie says even if you can't trust someone can you point them in the same direction as you Time to vote:
Venus votes Q. Please get off the island, I'm sick of all your lies Q votes venus vote tally venus does not play her idol Q Venus Kinsey venus venus venise OMG, these people are so bad. I bet Charlie voted for Kenzie... she said great game you guys
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Flowerpower1 4399 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-08-24, 09:33 PM (EST)
17. "NTOS" |
Q: I've been calm but I need the storm!NTOS: Maria: I feel like I got a good friend Charlie: I love her to death, but I have to vote her out... Kenzie seen making a Q sign to Ben in the shelter Ben to Charlie: This is going to be my favorite blindside of the season. See Maria laying down, crying, she says: something died inside of me today. It's going to light a fire under me Ben is the one that voted for Kenzie, Charlie voted for Venus...
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michel2 4555 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
05-08-24, 09:43 PM (EST)
18. "BEN?" |
What was he thinking doing that? When everyone agrees on a target, go with it. A rogue vote can only put a target on his back unless he can lie about it.
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -