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"S41 | Finale | Vote Thread"
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

12-14-21, 09:12 AM (EST)
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"S41 | Finale | Vote Thread"
It's time to VOTE! This season it's anyone's game so please come and VOTE. Please place the order of the finish in your subject line.....


Please place your rationale for the order in the message box, and don't forget to have PHUN!

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  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 R/D/X/H/E coldbrewer 12-14-21 1
 H / R / X / D / E PepeLePew13 12-14-21 2
 H/R/X/D/E Sheldor 12-14-21 3
 Deshawn/Ricard/Heather/Xander/Erika Flowerpower1 12-15-21 4
 Ricard / Deshawn / Heather / Xander... Chez 12-15-21 5
 R/X/H/E/D michel2 12-15-21 6

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coldbrewer 350 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

12-14-21, 10:33 PM (EST)
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1. "R/D/X/H/E"
F5 - doesn't win immunity
F4 - X wins immunity and pits D & E at fire making. E wins.
F3 - X no votes - none of the jury respects his game, didn't even work with anyone on the jury. I fear he's going to get crucified by the jury.
F2 - H no votes - like X but almost invisible. I don't think jury will want to even bother asking her anything.
WINNER - E - lucky she's at final tribal with X & H.
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PepeLePew13 26111 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-14-21, 10:46 PM (EST)
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2. "H / R / X / D / E"
Or: D / R / H / X / E

F5 - Ricard wins immunity and the tribe elects to keep Deshawn to help beat Ricard at F4 and Heather goes. (Alt: Heather is in goat territory, so they oust Deshawn instead)

F4 - Either Xander or Deshawn wins immunity and takes the other to the final TC. Erika beats Ricard in the fire-making challenge. See ya, Ricard.

F3 - Erika wins in a 6-2-0 vote. (if Heather is there instead of Deshawn, it'll still be a 6-2-0 vote)

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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

12-14-21, 11:10 PM (EST)
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3. "H/R/X/D/E"
I agree with Pepe's picks but I think there might be another path to that Final 5 order.

And coldbrewer's R/D/X/H/E is an even easier win for Erika but I just think Ricard will win F5 Immunity.

So my path for Erika to win is:

F5 Immunity = Ricard, Keep Deshawn to help defeat Ricard at F4 and vote out Heather

F4 Immunity = Erika

Erika last saw Natalie Anderson win F4 Immunity and save Michele and lose to Tony (who got to perform Fire Making in front of the Jury with an epic win over Sarah his pal).

Two seasons before S40, Erika saw Chris Underwood win S38 EoE after Winning F4 Immunity and giving up Immunity so...

Erika gives up Immunity, saves Deshawn and Xander (making them both goats like Gavin and Julie in EoE) and beats Ricard in Fire Making like Chris in EoE.

Erika vs Deshawn/Xander in Final 3 and gets the win for the bold move of giving up Immunity and Defeating Ricard. Too much negativity in the Jury for Deshawn or Xander to win.

Danny said in Gordon Holmes Interview that Erika was "up to this point - Lucky". I think after this point (Final 6) he feels Erika deserved the win. Naseer and Shantel called Erika Lucky in their exit interviews too and that makes sense for them and they probably wouldn't vote for Erika. Tiffany said Smart, Evvie said Savy, and Liana said Strategic. That sounds like 3 votes for Erika. Add Danny and Heather and that's 5 votes enough for the win.

Both Erika and Chris got solo helicopter shots Erika on top of the mountain on Exile and Chris in the middle of the bay on Edge.

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

12-15-21, 12:44 PM (EST)
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4. "Deshawn/Ricard/Heather/Xander/Erika"
LAST EDITED ON 12-15-21 AT 12:45 PM (EST)

This whole season has been a cluster for me. I feel like the theme matters more than the game and that outplaying and outwitting are things of the past and that with all of the twists, outlasting and luck are the magic ingredients required. In a season full of alphas, it's the beta that will win, and that proves true this season

Erika was a mouse, imo. Her big back story was that her parents sacrificed alot for her and worked so much they weren't around. There is a whole generation of kids like that. She was the least liked person on her tribe and landed last picked, so she got the crush the bottle experience. I felt that time and again she made poor decisions with the information she had.....choosing to go to Deshawn and suggest voting out Sydney, then choosing to go to F3 with him and admitting she wanted to get rid of Heather.

She can make fire, good for her. I would hope anyone out there could make fire.

I think that the big target after Ricard is Deshawn. If Ricard wins immunity at F5, and Xander plays his idol, then it's one of Heather, Erika, or Deshawn. I would think Deshawn as one of the most hated players out there at this point, would be targeted. But these people aren't thinking straight.

At F4, Xander wins immunity, takes Heather to F2, and sends Erika and Ricard to fire, thinking Erika has the best chance of beating Ricard. And, she does.

F3: Xander, Erika, Heather

F3: Heather
F2: Xander
F1: Erika

Bring on S42. Praying for a Ricard win.

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Chez 775 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

12-15-21, 06:34 PM (EST)
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5. "Ricard / Deshawn / Heather / Xander / Erika"
At F5, Ricard finally does not win immunity and is voted out.

At F4, Xander wins immunity and chooses to take Heather to F3, leaving Deshawn to make fire against Erika. Erika wins, as foreshadowed several episodes ago in a confessional by Deshawn.

F3 are Xander, Heather and Erika. Heather gets no votes, as her game is so weak.

Xander gets 1 or 2 votes from Tiffany and/or Evvie.

Erika gets all the other votes. Her win was telegraphed in that scene on the mountain top back when she was in exile.

Even though Erika is not the strongest winner ever, I will be glad to see a female winner this season.

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michel2 4059 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

12-15-21, 08:25 PM (EST)
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6. "R/X/H/E/D"
Can't have unanimity!!

Ricard doesn't win the 1st IC so he's an easy vote.
Xander loses the fire challenge
Heather, picked to go to the F3, is a goat
Erika wins the fire challenge thanks to her EI experience but misses out on the vote.

Deshawn, after winning F4 immunity gets just enough votes (Shan, Liana, Danny, Ricard, Xander and Evvie) to be the Sole Survivor.

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