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"Worst Cook in America"
jbug 17018 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-02-10, 02:41 PM (EST)
"Worst Cook in America" |
I've been watching  No one has been discussing? I didn't like the ending - I disagreed with the chef judge panel. 1st, if they had not had the challenge where the chef of the winning group got to "steal" a member from the other chef? then Jenny V might have made it to the final 2. When Chef Beau stole Jenn C, that pitted the 2 Jenn's against each other; that was unfair. They should have been the final 2. Course I realize that for Chef Beau & Chef Ann it was about which one could teach the best; and stealing Chef Ann's best was supposed to give him an advantage. Chef Ann & her cook won (Rebecca?) but I didn't see why they made that decision. Another show that I enjoyed but guess they can't repeat as the judges would know that they aren't eating the Chef's food. I? would like to be on this show  for talking a lot? me? Jan 2010
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mindy23 1319 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"
02-08-10, 08:35 AM (EST)
3. "RE: Worst Cook in America" |
I saw that they were asking for applications on one of the last episodes, so it looks like they ARE going to repeat this show.I personally thought it was one of the WORST shows ever! I hated both those chefs-they were rude, abrasive, and not at all what I'd consider for people who don't know how to boil water! They started them out with quite complicated recipes, and expected them to MEMORIZE them right off the bat! I just was not fond of this show at all! 
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