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"Undercover Boss"
jbug 17018 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-15-10, 03:35 PM (EST)
"Undercover Boss" |
Hooters  Interesting for the son who has taken over as pres & CEO to see how his dad's passing is seen by the employees. From the way I saw it, he never expected to go to work for the company, much less become CEO. I thought he was going to think the manager (military & cop background) who wouldn't "hire" him was too abrupt. To me, he (the manager) was condescending and belittled the "new" employee trainee. But he liked the way he ran the place. I only wish he had fired the one restaurant manager who was so disrespectful to the wait staff. &? that he realizes that guy is probably not the only male manager who treats them like that. Elvis in In The House - Capt'n 2010
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Colonel Zoidberg 3662 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
02-22-10, 06:32 PM (EST)
3. "RE: Undercover Boss" |
As Chris Rock put it: "No one goes to Hooters for wings."I do like that he cleaned up the one manager's act, but it's not like he changed the world; the whole thing was obviously made for TV. (So was the previous week's, in case one thinks I'm picking on Hooters.) Even if it's negative publicity for the show (and I don't buy the whole "degrading to women" argument - no one forces them to work there) it's still publicity. That said? I'm sure there are better wing places in most any city. Still recording the show. Still recording an hour past the show as well just in case CBS decides to be brain-for-brains and run over earlier in the day.
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-22-10, 10:41 PM (EST)
4. "RE: Undercover Boss" |
I get the feeling that the "office" that they use for the big reveal is the same every week. I saw the Hooters episode, and from what I saw of the advertisements for the Waste Management episode, it looked like the same place.........
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