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"American Gladiators."
Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
01-05-08, 08:29 AM (EST)
"American Gladiators." |
According to ESPN, there's an ex-Real Worlder in the contestant pool. (Any bets on Mikethemiz? Anyone...?) They're also claiming that some severe injuries get racked up on both the player and Gladiator sides, Hogan had a hard time getting into the host role some days -- well, it's not as if he doesn't have an excuse -- the thing is arguably more painful than ever, you have to sign a lot of waivers before you get to wear the spandex, and the top prize appears to be $100,000. Format, exact injuries, events, and the total amount of spandex on non-display to come. Oh, and Senator Mitchell may or may not investigate the show, but only if the ratings are really, really high.
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
01-05-08, 08:34 AM (EST)
1. "RE: American Gladiators." |
I seriously doubt Mike the Miz will be on since he's currently 1/2 of the WWE Tag Team Champions...........
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Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
01-05-08, 09:17 AM (EST)
2. "RE: American Gladiators." |
Huh. Okay. Coral? Theo? Generic Drunk Girl?
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
01-06-08, 09:21 PM (EST)
4. "RE: American Gladiators." |
LAST EDITED ON 01-07-08 AT 02:00 PM (EST)First prize is two-fold: $100K and will also be a gladiator in the new season. First event of the night was women's Powerball and we have the first injury of the night: at bare minimum a twisted knee/ankle that the contender got by running toward one of the end areas which her colored scoring balls were at.......
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
01-06-08, 09:39 PM (EST)
6. "RE: American Gladiators." |
Men's Hang Tough, the 2nd men's event and we have the 2nd injury of the night. The gladiator Militia injured his arm/shoulder right after his first swing on the ring maze...... Will there be any gladiators/contenders/alternates left to finish the season?
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
01-06-08, 10:09 PM (EST)
7. "Event descriptions" |
LAST EDITED ON 01-15-08 AT 04:05 PM (EST)Powerball: Both contenders vs. 3 Gladiators all at once. The field is kinda like a football field with 5 scoring pods in the main field of play spread out like a "5" on a regular die. The contenders have "scoring balls" (color coordinated painted soccer balls) positioned at either end that they have to put ino the scoring pods which are like giant weebils. Outer scoring pods worth 2, middle scoring pod worth 3. One minute time limit. Joust: Battle a gladiator above a pool standing on 3 foot wide circular platform using a pugil stick to knock each other silly. Knock the gladiator into the pool (or if the gladiator DQs hirself), 10 points, manage to stay on the platform for the 30 seconds, 5 points. Hang Tough: One on one. Contender must move through a course of gymnastic rings to try to get to the other side. One minute time limit. If the contender manages to get to the other side you get 10 points. 5 points if you manage to stay on the rings for the full minute. Earthquake: Wrestle one-on-one in a circular ring suspended above mats that tips and turns. Get the gladiator off, 10 points, manage to stay on for the 30 seconds, 5 points. Hit and Run: Run across a 50 foot wobbly suspension bridge avoiding 100 lb. demolition balls swung by 4 gladiators. Each successful crossing is worth 2 points, which is received after you hit the button on each side. However, if you're knocked into the water, you're done. One minute full length time limit. Pyramid: 2 contenders vs. 2 gladiators. The gladiator is assigned to a contender. First contender to the top of the pyramid gets 10 points. If they get above a certain point on the pyramid, the contender is guaranteed 5 points. Eliminator: Humongus obstacle course. All the points that were scored in the previous 4 events now get converted into points: With a 1/2 second advantage for each point that the contender is in the lead. Wall: Contenders must climb up a 40' climbing wall with the gladiators chasing them after a 7 second head start. First to the top gets 10 points, the second one up gets 5 points. Assault: Gladiator with a gun, shooting tennis balls going 100 mph. Contenders are given various weapons at various semi-vulnerable shooting stations. Hitting the target sends the gladiator into the drink, and 10 points. One point for each successful shot gotten off (and acquiring the arrow for weapon 3...) if you don't hit the target. Gauntlet: 4 Gladiators in a half-pipe with fencing with the gladiators having foam blocking weapons. Contenders get 2 points for each gladiator passed with 10 points for getting to the end and breaking the foam wall. In each show the male and female contenders share two events and of course the Eliminator. They get seperate events for the other two events...
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
01-07-08, 01:01 AM (EST)
9. "RE: American Gladiators." |
Wikipedia says that the seasons were from '89-90 to '95-96........... so it's been almost 12 years since it's been on the air as a first-run series.........
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SilverStar 6205 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
01-07-08, 10:31 AM (EST)
11. "RE: American Gladiators." |
I floved this show when I was a kid and was so happy that it returned, but I was a teensy bit disappointed last night. I think they put too much "typical reality tv-ness" into it. Too many contestant interviews (a. I don't really care about the contestants, I just want to see the games, and b. I don't care about seeing Hulk and Laila interview people) and too many camera angles (could you even see what was happening in The Joust?) Also, some of the games were better the way they used to be, IMO. For example, Hang Tough. It seems like the field of rings used to be twice as long, and it gave the contenders more of a chance to use some strategy in the path they took. And it took longer than 5 seconds for them to meet the Gladiator. Assault seems worse, too. Now they have to dig around in a sandbox to get an arrow for their crossbow? Stupid.Oh, and Wolf is really annoying. But all that aside, I'm still looking forward to tonights episode. Subpar American Gladiators is better than no AG, I guess.  Drinkin' with Ahkie!
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skyhoneybear 158 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
01-07-08, 01:45 PM (EST)
12. "RE: American Gladiators." |
SilverStar I agree with you on everything. You know what I really miss? How the ref. would shout: Contestants Readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?! Gladiators Readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!! The way they do it now is so short and to the point. ESPN classic was going to have a mini marathon of old American Gladiators, but football was on. I am so excited this show is back. Brings me back to being a kid 
Created by PhoenixMons
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Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
01-08-08, 01:18 PM (EST)
25. "RE: American Gladiators." |
The version I heard was a little smoother and less repetitive, but that's the basic tune. Call it Fanfare for the uncommon man.
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Colonel Zoidberg 3662 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
01-08-08, 10:46 AM (EST)
22. "RE: American Gladiators." |
Full agreeance on the music - the original Gladiators music was classic. Sure, the updating of the set and everything was good, but the music? Don't change it, and if you must, change it to the same tune with cooler instruments, like the electric guitar.Also, cram the whole interview process, add at least one event and preferably two, and let's level here - Earthquake is the dumbest event I've ever seen. Greco-Roman wrestling with hanging wires and a wobbly platform? Come on now. Breakthrough and Conquer from the original was far better. Also, I'm one who believes that Wolf should cram it. He looks like a cross between an insane werewolf and Ben Stiller's character from Dodgeball. No part of that should be anywhere near American Gladiators. Also, please retire the "travelator" or whatever the hell that thing is at the end of the Eliminator, which had more bunching points than a typical TAR leg. Sheesh, it's as if the first four events are completely invalidated by the Eliminator, and overcoming a deficit of 20-odd points is just a matter of your opponent running out of gas. Also, the top prize is only $100K? They actually gave away more money than that on the original, if you can believe that.
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
01-08-08, 11:50 AM (EST)
23. "RE: American Gladiators." |
I believe it, because in the original format they had a tournament/season broken into two halves, and you got prize money for each win with the grand prize being around $100k and the car.This time, we don't know about preliminary/semifinal wins, just that the champion will get $100k, a new car, and a chance at being a Gladiator (which has to pay well, you'd think....) in the following season. The travelator/incline treadmill has been in the Eliminator course since at least the 2nd season. It was at the beginning of the course up until about season 4 or 5 when they got the even weirder sounding "versaclimbers" (an excrcise device that uses both arms and legs and went up a rail, but had a minimum speed so you'd at least get past that part of the course....), then they moved it to the end of the course after the zipline. One thing that's bugging me: Assault. It appears that you have to carry the charge for the first station (slingshot), then at the third "safe zone" you have to find the charge for the third weapon (air-powered crossbow) which is in the 4th "safe zone", and who knows what's after that because that's the furthest anyone has gotten so far.....
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Fishercat 4168 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
01-15-08, 12:01 PM (EST)
33. "RE: American Gladiators." |
Actually, I believe that a second season or at least new eps were ordered.
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
01-08-08, 09:47 AM (EST)
19. "Top 8" |
From what they were saying last night, they're gonna take the top 4 winning Eliminator times for each gender and then have them compete in the semifinals........
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Kamio 6 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
01-08-08, 10:08 PM (EST)
30. "RE: American Gladiators." |
The show was alright. I also could do without the interviews and any other talking segment. I used to watch AG when I was a kid and on ESPN classic and I can not remember so many injuries or exhausted contestants. What's up with that? I like the escalator thing in the Eliminator. It's funny to me that something that seems so easy could be like the hardest thing in the compeitition and people falling is pretty good stuff. I know that they are tired, but they should have prepared better. Did the contestants watch previous episodes and train before they came on the show? It doesn't seem so.
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Molaholic 8989 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
01-21-08, 11:50 PM (EST)
36. "RE: American Gladiators." |
So, what are the odds of a Gladitor coming in next season with the nameButterfly ?? Or maybe Snookums ??
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
01-22-08, 01:48 AM (EST)
38. "Current Top 8:" |
Men:Evan 1:29* Andy 2:04 Anthony 2:10 Molivan 2:13 *competed on the 1-21-08 show Women: Monica 2:00 Shanay 2:22 Siene 2:22 Venus 3:37 (neither competitor last night finished the Eliminator in less than 4 minutes......) These are the winning Eliminator times. Top 4 times for each gender advance to the "Top 8" round (Semi-Finals)
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-03-08, 08:52 PM (EST)
42. "Season 2 is almost upon us......" |
and I went to Wikipedia and they got some details!1. Our winners, Monica Carlson, and Evan Dollard have been rechristened as Jet and Rocket, respectively...... *groan* on the names...... 2. There is another new female Gladiator, named Phoenix...... 3. New events: Sky Track: However it's the UK version... contenders travel around a figure 8 track chased by a gladiator. Trailing the contender is a detonator that the gladiator can use to eliminate their contender before they finish the track..... Vertigo: (from UK) Contender and Gladiator race across a course of seven flexible poles. The game begins with both participants racing up a laddered pole. Upon reaching the summit, they must then sway their pole in the direction of the next, crossing onto it. The winner is the first to complete the course, grabbing the large hoop at the end which returns them to the ground. Rocketball: Two Gladiators and Two Contenders begin the match at the corners of the arena. When each competitor presses a button, they are launched via their harnesses into the air toward two goals at the center of the arena. The contenders try to score by throwing balls into the hoops, while the Gladiators play defense. 4. Changes to some of the events: Assault: Gone is the sand pit! It's replaced by a bazooka, and the turret doesn't swing horizontally anymore....... Powerball: They've shrunk the opening on the scoring pods and added caps to prevent the contenders from just shooting the balls into the pods......
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Colonel Zoidberg 3662 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
05-05-08, 12:58 PM (EST)
43. "RE: Season 2 is almost upon us......" |
1. Agreed on the last-season champion names..."Rocket" just doesn't sound powerful. "Missile" would have worked better, and I'm trying to think of a Gladiator name that conveys something having to do with a fighter jet but can't...2. "Phoenix" isn't bad for a GLadiator name. 3. Rocketball sounds like a variation on Swingshot. Vertigo might be fun, even if the name is a little weird. 4. Those are much needed changes. Now I hope they revert to the old seven-event format and make it tournament-style like in days of yore.  GO RED WINGS!
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-12-08, 08:15 PM (EST)
46. "Some notes for season 2...." |
LAST EDITED ON 05-12-08 AT 08:32 PM (EST)that weren't in the wiki entry...... 1. Zen who? Try Beast! The TNA wrestler Matt Morgan's Gladiator name is actually Beast. 2. Atlasphere is back! 3. With the newer arena, some of the events have been modified: the Wall is bigger and they're climbing seperate walls...... the Eliminator is much, much bigger and will still end with that Travelator..... although I saw that the rope is now knotted a lot more than last year..... an earlier post noted the changes in Assault and Powerball........ 4. There may be more new events/Gladiators that have been hidden.... they're gonna reveal something new each week, I think...... (There's supposedly 8 new Gladiators total..... 4 each....)
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-12-08, 08:21 PM (EST)
47. "RE: Some notes for season 2...." |
Hang Tough is now a bigger grid than last season (which probably puts it around the same size as the original......)
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-14-08, 06:09 PM (EST)
50. "RE: Some notes for season 2...." |
Even if Evan/Rocket doesn't have a "special" event that he's only gonna be brought out for, he's the new Ace Gladiator for the Wall.......
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-24-08, 11:10 PM (EST)
52. "RE: American Gladiators." |
Starting at 9:00 Monday morning MTV will have a marathon of Season 1 of NBC's version of American Gladiators..........
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Colonel Zoidberg 3662 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
05-28-08, 04:13 PM (EST)
54. "RE: American Gladiators." |
I think Zen is Japanese...at least based on his appearance (I had a few professors in college who were of Japanese descent who are spot-on for Zen's face) and the name (come on. How many other Japanese words make sense for Gladiator names? "Ninja" might work. Actually, I think "Ninja" would have been a better, albeit far too stereotyped, name.)Steel is kind of odd...the whole "never speaks" thing is an obvious gimmick; maybe speaking only in one-word or two-word phrases would work just as well. Also, I find Wolf less annoying this year. And who the hell designed the Eliminator this season, the U.S. Marines? That thing is brutal to watch, let alone run.  GO RED WINGS!
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
06-09-08, 08:01 PM (EST)
56. "Titan Smash!" |
LAST EDITED ON 06-09-08 AT 08:04 PM (EST)In tonight's Incredible Hulk-themed episode, so far we have a green lighting scheme for the Gladiator Arena, the use of the Hulk Power Gloves instead of the usual blocker pads in Gauntlet, and the Powerball balls being green (one contender had solid green and the other had green soccer-style.....) Now, we get Titan with complete green bodypaint to make him Hulk-like.......... complete with a slight voice change..... Also, Lou Ferrigno is in the house! (He was the Hulk part of the Dr. David Banner/Hulk character in the 70's TV series......) Apparently, they also would now rather prefer to have a 90 minute slot, because they are doing 6 events plus the Eliminator now. They showed highlights of two events for both the men and the women that they went completely scoreless on. (Full version of the events are supposed to be on NBC.com, however......)
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Duffer 2 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
06-12-08, 03:32 PM (EST)
57. "RE: American Gladiators." |
I went to a taping. Since they tape several episodes simultaneously, It's pretty ridiculous, but I love watching it. Unfortuantely I work til 9 on Monday, so I can't watch the show at 8. Thank god for DVR!
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
07-14-08, 08:49 PM (EST)
59. "RE: American Gladiators." |
Let's see if I can pick up from where we left off, shall we?Events: Sideswipe: 3 Gladiators become Human Cannonballs with the intention of knocking the contender off of a series of platforms that the contender is racing across with a ball and put through a target at either end. (The balls are attached to the lip of the platforms where the targets are.) Snapback: The Gladiator is holding on to a bungee cord attached to the contender. The contender's job is to try to hit a button at the end of the course to score 10 points and lauch the Gladiator into the pool. There are scoring zones for however far the contender gets at the end of the time limit. Gladiators: Huuricane: Sounds like a superhero, looks like the Miz. Allegedly an Olympic Javelin thrower.......
Panther: Feline. Female. Fluid. She's African-American, with a frizzed out hairdo. Next Week: It's the Semifinals! Atlasphere returns! (Classic mode, no less!) The Beast is unleashed!
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
07-21-08, 08:19 PM (EST)
62. "Semi-Final Round 1" |
Well, the semi-finals are upon us and that means that Atlasphere has returned!Atlasphere: Both contenders and gladiators are inside steel hamster balls/cages and the contenders' mission is to roll the 'sphere over the center of the 4 scoring areas and trigger the scoring mechanism and release a steam burst. 2 points per score. There has also been a change to the scoring of Gauntlet: to score you must now complete the course: 5 points for doing so within the 30 second time limit, 10 points for doing so within 20 seconds (this is one of the scoring versions used on the original series.....) Now to the Beast: he's listed at 7'0, 310 lbs (the announcer's reaction to his appearance: "Holy *beep!* He's big!") He made his debut on Joust and obliterated the contenders in nothing flat.
Both matchups had the record holders win their semi-final match and improve their record times to boot.........
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Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
07-21-08, 08:36 PM (EST)
63. "RE: Semi-Final Round 1" |
They have to be very careful with these new Gladiators. I didn't catch most of tonight's episode, but I did see the final scores for the men. When your semi-finalist is going off with seven points, something's starting to go wrong. The players must be able to beat the Gladiators every so often: there have to be events which neutralize size and strength advantages. Too much like Joust, Gauntlet, and Pyramid turns the show into a bullyfest.
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Colonel Zoidberg 3662 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
07-27-08, 02:13 PM (EST)
65. "RE: Semi-Final Round 1" |
It's definitely getting to the point where the Gladiators are virtually unbeatable, or at least some are. Winning at Pyramid is usually on accident, winning at Joust is either impossible (Beast, Justice, and Crush come to mind) or a fluke, and Skytrack and Tilt are the most inane events ever contrived. No wonder Atlasphere is a fan favorite.I say they need to bring back Breakthrough and Conquer (Wolf would work well for either event, and imagine taking out Hellga in Conquer) and incorporate the Gladiators into the Eliminator so that way the whole game doesn't turn into "let's showcase people getting the snot beaten out of them for six events and then marginalize whoever did best by riding everything on the Eliminator." As such, the Gladiators could play a role in a toned-down Eliminator, much like on the old-school Eliminator, and for crying out loud, do away with the contraption at the end. The travelator, or whatever they call it? The drama-killer.  Congrats Red Wings! 2008 Stanley Cup Champions!
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
07-28-08, 08:23 PM (EST)
66. "Semi Final Round 2" |
More hard-hitting action this week, with the biggest highlight being an incredible male Eliminator. The lead was about 12 seconds, and by the time they got to the rope swing that lead had evaporated, except for the trailing contender landing practically face-first on the rope swing's landing platform and falling into the pit of the commando lines. No matter, because he climbed back up, crossed the hand bike and the rolling pin and practically pinned his opponent at the start of the climb up the Pyramid to the zip lines. At the zip lines, he ended up going down backwards (just a tad dangerous......) and was also sporting a cut above his left eye which may be why on the teeter totter he was a little unsteady. The challenger who was in the lead at the start ended up winning the Eliminator, but it was probably a lot closer than it could've beenNext week, the third and final Semi-Final, in which those who win the Eliminator must beat the time of the slower of the first two Semi-Finals to advance to the Season Finale, which will air immediately afterwards. 2-hour Finale next week!
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Colonel Zoidberg 3662 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
08-09-08, 03:04 PM (EST)
67. "RE: Semi Final Round 2" |
And as predicted, the short, zippy guy won, thus proving that you need to do well in exactly one event these days - the damn Eliminator. All the Gladiators are officially just props with cool nicknames (well, some are cool nicknames...still not feeling "Hurricane," and I'm thinking "Raptor" might have fit the season 1 champ better than "Rocket.") But that's neither here nor there.It's time to make a few changes for next season: 1. No more Skytrack. If the contenders can't even beat Zen, and the event is always aired during the recap, maybe it's time to toss that event. 2. No more recaps. Either compress the show and get more events into less time or just cut out an event. Or do 90-minute episodes and cut into the airing of some crappy NBC repeat sitcom. If an event is so dull that it has to be crammed into the recap all the time, it isn't worth even having. That also goes for Tilt. 3. Bring back Assault. That event fvcking rocks. And do whatever old-school Gladiators did that made Joust winnable. Even I could beat most of these contenders. 4. Make the Eliminator more layered. Involve the Gladiators - maybe make them do a human cannonball at one point, start off by Jousting each other, with the loser having to climb up the pedastal and jump off it to start while the winner dives right in (the "head start" could be settled by a Gladiator enforcing the time limit...preferably Justice, Beast, or Hellga,) and while we're at it, make them try to get past a Gladiator Gauntlet-style and, say, pull a rope to release a drawbridge or something while we're involving the Gladiators. I could think up a doozy of an Eliminator - I've been a fan since I was about nine. 5. Either retire Jet and Rocket or use them more. We hardly see them. I was watching a really old episode of Gladiators on ESPN Classic the other night, clear back from the dawn of the show, and I realized just how low the production values were. The host wore a warm-up suit and so did the referee, who reminded me of Happy Gilmore's caddy, and the Eliminator could be finished by a retired offensive lineman in under a minute. It's just so weird looking at the very beginning of the show (and realizing the reason they have a pool now - it's a hell of a lot easier to set things up in a pool than it is to move mats in and out) and even seeing that some of the Gladiators back in the day just weren't so tough. Beast would make most of the cry for mama.  Congrats Red Wings! 2008 Stanley Cup Champions!
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samboohoo 17173 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-11-08, 01:12 PM (EST)
68. "RE: Semi Final Round 2" |
Short, zippy guy? Are you referring to Tim? He might have been a little on the dorky side, but I thought he was a great all-around player. Gamble was a short, zippy guy, who should have been gone long ago. He barely edged out the doctor.There was one guy, I can't remember his name, but he was the one who had lost the 100 pounds, and he was awesome. Physical master. I wouldn't be surprised to see him back. Skytrack: Not a big fan, so I will agree with you. Recaps: Again, agree. Assault: Now that I think about it, I don't recall seeing it and can't figure out why. So again, I agree. Eliminator: I would rather see them joust each other than to have someone like Tim or even Gamble go up against someone like "The Beast" or even Titan. When your gladiator is knocking them out in one or two seconds, something is really wrong. Jet was around a lot more than Rocket this year. I wonder if it's because they had lives outside of Gladiator. I thought Jet looked awesome. surfkitten summer sigshop 2008
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Colonel Zoidberg 3662 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
08-11-08, 10:55 PM (EST)
69. "RE: Semi Final Round 2" |
The short, zippy guy was indeed Tim. I doubt that, as a Gladiator, he could hold a candle even to Rocket (who, if I had to guess, wasn't used much because he has one specialty event - the Wall.)As for the guy who lost all that weight, you're probably thinking of James, the guy who manhandled Wolf in his first match. He was pretty awesome...would have like to see him go all the way and could even see him as a Gladiator. Hey, if Hurricane can do it, so can he. For the Eliminator, I would have the players joust each other, not a Gladiator. It's one thing to put them up against the likes of Beast, Justice, or Titan in an event. Do it in the Eliminator, and it's a foregone conclusion that they're going to get killed. As for my doozy of an Eliminator...as in, the kind of thing that would make the producers look at me and ask, "Dude, what the hell is wrong with you?" The contenders start off by Jousting each other. The one who stays on can drop their helmet and stick and dive right in to start the race by swimming under the flaming metal bars like they do now. The one who gets ducked has to climb to the top of the platform and dive in from there. After the flaming metal bars, they reach the cargo net. At the top of the net, they do a human cannonball against a randomly chosen Gladiator (well, sort of...it's not like one person draws Justice while the other draws Zen.) If they knock the Gladiator off or if th eGladiator is deemed to have wussed out, the player continues on. If the player fails, they get a 5-second penalty. After that, they must cross the hand bike and then run across the Hit-and-Run bridge - across, back, and across again. Falling on the first attempt is a 10-second penalty, the second is a 5-second penalty. The third? Dust yourself off and keep going. It is at this point that all time penalties - the one from human cannonball, the one from the hit-and-run, and the one from the first six events - are enforced all at once. After this, the contenders climb to the top of the Pyramid and fly down on the zipline, where, instead of a lame teeter-totter, they face down with a Gladiator Gauntlet-style (the first to arrive gets their choice of Gladiators.) Once they reach the other side, they pull a rope to release a drawbridge, which they cross to reach the travelator. At the top of the travelator is... ...a rope bridge. At the other end of the rope bridge? The contenders strap into safety gear and prepare to scale the Wall. The first up the wall wins. But wait - once they reach the halfway point, a Gladiator starts chasing them. If the Gladiator pulls them down or they fall on their own, they get another shot at the Wall, but with no Gladiator. I'm guessing that something this insane would be saved for the finalists.  Congrats Red Wings! 2008 Stanley Cup Champions!
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samboohoo 17173 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-12-08, 02:19 PM (EST)
70. "RE: Semi Final Round 2" |
Yep, James was the one.If I recall correctly, Tim actually beat Evan up the wall in the final. I liked Evan, but I thought Tim was a better contender. surfkitten summer sigshop 2008
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