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"An open letter to Jameka and Amber"
zipperhead 3442 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"
08-13-07, 01:40 AM (EST)
"An open letter to Jameka and Amber" |
Dear Sinners,Your "faith" is no more than a feeble and sad attempt by you to use God as an enabling device for you to behave any way you want. God is not your tool. Nor is He a big red "easy" button. And I'm pretty sure He doesn't work for Fleemco. The Almighty, as such as there might be, does not have some grand plan that involves you winning a reality show. I'm pretty sure that you're supposed to just be a good person. Saying things like, "Your mother's a bitch" or "Give me strength because that man is so mean" will not cause God to grant you any favors. I'm pretty sure it just pisses Him off. Any fortunate events during this show are either luck or they happened because you made the effort to improve your life. He or His Son or somesuch reportedly came down to earth and was persecuted to the point of death, and you think that He cares if you go through a little emotional roller coaster while you're trying to win the grand prize on a game show? You're stupid. Really. With nothing even remotely resembling love, Your smile bothers me
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agman 11158 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-14-07, 07:03 PM (EST)
25. "RE: An open letter to Jameka and Amber" |
>someone who has had two >abortions is not what I'd >call "bearing good fruit". And what gives you the right to judge her?
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newsomewayne 9065 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-13-07, 12:30 PM (EST)
3. "RE: An open letter to Jameka and Amber" |
So showing that Christians are fallible, susceptible to anger and frustration and generally not-perfect (and a Christian should never suggest that they are perfect, which is something I don't think I've seen Jameka do, either) and then confessing it to God, asking for forgiveness and strength is somehow un-Christian? You're right, saying those things about Dic's family isn't Christian. But as a fallible human myself, I can understand her frustration that led to it. I think Jameka realized it also, once she got away from the situation, which is why she took it to God in prayer. Gee, taking a personal concern to God and asking forgiveness from Him for sins. Sounds completeley off-base from most of Christianity to me. </sarcasm> Tributes to Wayne by Agman, 2007.
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Snidget 43862 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-13-07, 12:52 PM (EST)
4. "RE: An open letter to Jameka and Amber" |
If it was just "God forgive me for my sins and give me strength to be better" it wouldn't bother me.God is telling me which guitars have the $ signs in them as evidence that God has predestined that one is God's chosen in teh game or using God's will as an excuse for a decision that you made in the game is what bothers me. They also sometimes come off a bit like my game play is OK because I go to Church but yours is evil because you don't believe in Jesus. That bothers me. That they can't pull off the love thy neighbor as yourself or turn the other cheek in the face of Evel isn't a problem. That they seem to feel they are more worthy or deserving because they are God's Chosen and don't really have to try to treat the heathens the way they think they should be treated, bothers me. I do think God cares how his children play any game and takes that into account when judgement day comes. I don't think he picks and choses which of His children are his favorites this week and rigs the game so they shall win. (Doesn't matter which game, I do not think He picks the Superbowl winners either although plenty of people seem to use their team winning as a sign of divine favor) YMMV. Cooling off with Agman!
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newsomewayne 9065 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-13-07, 01:24 PM (EST)
6. "RE: An open letter to Jameka and Amber" |
For the record, I don't disagree with your post. I just see things a little differently. And I don't get the live feeds, though I do read jokers quite a bit, so I definetely don't have "The Whole Picture".God is telling me which guitars have the $ signs in them as evidence that God has predestined that one is God's chosen in teh game I don't think it is beyond reasonable to think that God would bless a follower with a supernatural guidance, an angel-on-the-shoulder, so to speak. It's conceivable that Amber asked for strength and guidance in accordance with God's plan in this challenge and she received it. I'm not saying that God has determined who will win and is making it happen. I'm just saying that God does choose to bless people and maybe by leading Amber in this challenge, he blessed her. I agree with the "God doesn't care who wins a game" statements, but I believe that BB is more than just a game compared to, say, Monopoly. There is a good deal of 'life' in BB which makes bringing your faith into it fair game, IMO. Just because you are Christian who prays for guidance or strength doesn't mean God is going to give you the win; it also doesn'tmean that that is what you are asking (demanding?) of God. I will admit that Amber's prayers seem selfish and/or misguided. Perhaps that is because she is, or seems to be, a relatively new Christian. Learning how to pray, what to pray, seeking God's will, and submitting to God's will are things all Christians have to learn. using God's will as an excuse for a decision that you made in the game is what bothers me. Since I am neither God nor Jameka or Amber, I cannot defend this. I can see your perception of this. J/A should be more up front of what are their own decisions and what they feel to be the leading of God. They also sometimes come off a bit like my game play is OK because I go to Church but yours is evil because you don't believe in Jesus. That bothers me. Understood. I think this comes out because ED tries to play just the opposite. I would like to see where Jameka lied for gameplay in the house - which is not to say it didn't happen, I just don't know about it. I don't think he picks and choses which of His children are his favorites this week and rigs the game so they shall win. I agree. I do, though, think God can/will/does bless individuals in very specific ways when they seek Him. God is not a wish granting genie, but He does bless. Tributes to Wayne by Agman, 2007.
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Snidget 43862 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-13-07, 01:47 PM (EST)
7. "RE: An open letter to Jameka and Amber" |
I guess I usually see God's blessings as less tangible. Being able to have peace within oneself when one should be quite freaked out, or the strength to survive something terrible emotionally intact, etc. Although healing that can't be explained is fairly tangible, but still is out of magic Genie range for me.How do you tell the difference between God and Occult/ESP which are usually considered of the Devil by the peeps I know that are the I gotta talk about how Christian I am all the time type. Some of them would see some of Amber's statements on the feeds and her knowing which guitar to pick as proof that she is being guided by something occult. Some people are much more "New Agey" about Christianity than others. I just wonder if one believes most supernatural stuff is occult and demonic and makes you a witch that shall not be allowed to live (or however that bible verse reads), how do you know your supernatural stuff is really from God? Just because you want it to be so? I mean Satan lies and all that. Seems more like she is using The Secret than The Bible as her model. YMMV
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zipperhead 3442 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"
08-14-07, 11:31 AM (EST)
16. "RE: An open letter to Jameka and Amber" |
Sunday night's episode. Y'know - where they followed him into the kitchen and then tried to get into a verbal pissing contest with him.
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sencnes 22 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
08-13-07, 06:00 PM (EST)
10. "RE: An open letter to Jameka and Amber" |
What I enjoy about these threads is even Zipperhead doesn't quiet grasp what it's all about. I too don't believe in using God as a tool to behave badly or the easy I win button.Amber and Jameka have one problem, they are using God in a way God doesn't want to be used. If you take a part from The Lord Pray And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. I have not seen Amber or Jameka forgive ##### or anyone else for what they have said to either Amber or Jameka. The most common prey out there holding the key to God attention and people now and days forget this most vital statement. The Lord will only forgive those you can forgive themselves and forgive those who have done to them. If you take solid believe in Christianity remember what Jesus said while hanging on the cross. "Forgive them Father for they know not what they are doing" I hope Amber and Jameka read this one day and then look back on what they did in the House and then hang their head in shame. If they want strength and forgiven for treating anyone like they have, they need to forgive those first. The stupid thing about all this is, Evil-D LOVES this, he thrives on it. If Amber and Jameka just said "It's OK ##### I forgive you and therefor the Lord forgives you as well." And leave it at that. He may have some comment about it but there is no retaliation to it. Evil-D wants to see conflict, it distracts from his pompous behavior.
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -