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"My Letter To Martha"
iwannabearealitystar 592 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
09-22-05, 02:26 AM (EST)
"My Letter To Martha" |
Dear Martha, I think it is really sweet that you write a personal letter to your rejects. I hope it comes in a scented envelope with some dried and pressed flowers. No glitter pens for you! I must point out though, you looked a little TOO gleeful when you told that guy who looked like Moby he "didn't fit in". What an abrupt goodbye! I must admit you were right, as he wished bad things on his "in crowd" teammates. What a meanie. I was also a little disturbed by that whiny woman (with the most-likely-fake Chanel jacket). If I knew I could get an "in" with you (short of getting prosecuted) by sleeping with an executives son (and/or daughter?)--I'm in. Seriously, I've slept with guys for less. I am kind of a whore. Maybe I should be on Trumps show?!? I won't keep you much longer and I promise to continue watching the show, even if I thought it could have been better. Even though I am soo bored of the concept. I'll give it another try, if only to watch you revert back to the "Bitchy Martha" and pummel one of these tools with an organic pumpkin. Decorated tastefully, of course. It could be worse, you could be up against Lost. Sincerely Yours, Wannabe P.S. Who told your daughter that was a nice haircut? Really. It's not a good thing.
HobbsofMI: "Can you put T.O.'s stats in a few more places....I might just miss them and not know how he did". WannaBe: "Okay.." TO: 143 yards, 5 catches, 2 TD'S.
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ladro 1168 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"
09-22-05, 11:33 AM (EST)
3. "RE: My Letter To Martha" |
Sadly, I missed the premiere. "You don't fit it" sounds pretty weak for a tag line. Many of the guesses that I read were better than that. Hopefully it will be rerun on CNBC or BHG
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RealityRyan 218 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"
09-26-05, 08:28 PM (EST)
6. "RE: My Letter To Martha" |
I'm a fan of No soup for YOU!, personally... maybe they should have a soup nazi edition... why not, if CSI can have 20 simultaneous editions.
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