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"Be the Living Damned, HK3-7"
Seana 5044 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
07-17-07, 00:05 AM (EST)
"Be the Living Damned, HK3-7" |
Hello, my little chefs. So sorry about my bad back, ladies, or I would most certainly have helped you unload that order. Twice. I saw you look in the boxes. Did you not know what you were looking for? I cannot believe the gentlemen would be so ungentlemanly. It is not as if you ever taunted them while going to or coming from your reward trips. Julia: Well done. And I don't just mean the steaks. Chef recognises that the others of your team do not tend to consult you. This is very silly of them. They were thinking to impress Chef, while you were thinking to please customers. Rock: How is your back? It was a nice try explaining that you didn't think you needed to go rushing to help Josh since Brad was right there. When you were helping Aaron put on his pants, you lectured the viewing audience on teamwork and not leaving teammates behind. Your behaviour tonight is not consistent with this. On another note, yes, we all see what you meant about Josh not being able to handle pressure. Jen: Why so crabby? Does Bonnie's ingenue routine begin to grate on your nerves? Also, yes, you should have spoken up when Steak and Eggs was suggested. Surely you had an idea. Bonnie: You must be very afraid of fire from last week's blaze if you would not even turn on the gas for service tonight. Did you wonder at all why the food wasn't sizzling? Eh bien, you are saved for another week. Josh: You frazzle very easily. You should not be here, I think. If Chef had not been so upset with your teammates for leaving you alone on your station while customers went without meals, he would have tossed you tonight, I am certain. Brad: A bientôt, Brad. Have you ever watched "Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares"? Chef is death on people who create overly complicated dishes. "Simple and elegant" is best to impress Chef. And the customers, they had no idea what a "cassolette" is. Administrative notes: Please keep the game in the game thread. Come play with us! Scott the Chef is available. You may always post as a diner. Or how about a fish skeleton?
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mistyrose52 795 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"
07-17-07, 09:50 AM (EST)
1. "RE: Be the Living Damned, HK3-7" |
LAST EDITED ON 07-17-07 AT 09:53 AM (EST) > So true, there, Pierre, or whatever your name was. Since I've been tossed-FIRST you know, I just can't forgive, but I really DO forget!! Oh yeah, JON FREAKIN' PHILLIPE......whatever. I've basically been in seclusion since Ms. Melissa was thrown to the curb, so as not to have to pick her hairs out of my pool's filtering system-we all chose to disburse. Besides, we were missing our families, and decided to take refuge with our own until this Hell's Kitchen Nightmare is over! It's like a fatal re-run each week, isn't it? I was waiting for Ashton Kutcher to jump out somewhere last week when they sent Rock to the studio where the girls were being primped and pampered. You know, just to say to him, "Dude, chill! You're being Punk'd!!". But no, they just treated him ruder and ruder. Chef is a pig, and HE should have been on that menu last night instead of WTH?? Rabbit legs? Who eats little baby rabbit legs?? Wrapped in bacon, even? Bonnie, Chick, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??? But it went over, and THAT, my friends, blew me away! I've known since I got bumped that Julia was the only one with any amount of brains in that bunch of woosers. Bonnie needs to pick up her pom poms and head back to cheer leading school, Jen-well, after she gets her nose job, who knows where she could go??? Anyway, I'm outta here for now. I'm sure Brad will stop by with a sob story, so I really need to heat the pool, get a pitcher of Margaritas ready, and OH, a really big TOWEL, too! Chow!
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -