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"5/02 episode"
pinksparkleguitar 1222 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"
05-03-07, 00:13 AM (EST)
"5/02 episode" |
Can I just say I love this show? Everytime we focus on different characters i am thinking 'Man, I love this character! I'm glad we get to see them!' Then the next week, different backstory, and I'm thinking again 'This is my favorite storyline, I'm so glad we came back to it!'I forgot how much I liked Locke's journey until tonight. To me he's more interesting because he's truly like he said, on a journey of his own. But I get frustrated with him too, because I feel he's vunerable to either side, because his loyalty is wavering. I think he gets taken advantage of. His dad is pure evil. Even up to the end, still evil. I'm still waiting for the real reason why Ben wanted him dead. Great episode. An EmyDi nickname on a Shar sig
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zombiebaby 7355 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-03-07, 07:17 AM (EST)
1. "RE: 5/02 episode" |
Each episode is getting better and better. Pfffft to all those that gave up! Sawyer was interesting and had depth! The actor did a great job. I wonder if his story is over though? Or is it now the struggle to be good or to turn to that dark side? (I still think this show is very Star Wars like!) One thing that bugged me was what a tool Locke's dad was. Why would he be so loose with all his confessions knowing that one admission would have someone kill him? I guess he truly believed he was in hell? Or was he a plant as well? Last night reminded me a little of the movie Saw to. Sayid and Desmond was too much hotness in one scene. Also what is up with Jack? So intriguing! Does he have a plan? Or did he turn too? Maybe he is working with Ben or he is double crossing the Losties! Why was Roussou there? I bet we get an explanation later on about that dynomite. I'm just rambling ain't I?
A PhoenixMons Creation
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zombiebaby 7355 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-03-07, 08:12 AM (EST)
2. "RE: 5/02 episode" |
LAST EDITED ON 05-03-07 AT 08:15 AM (EST)Just thought of something. Maybe nothing. But remember back in Season 1 when there were screen caps of the same car in different flashback accidents? I thought of that when Cooper said he was rear-ended. Is it the Other car? Spooky. Edited: One more thing. Locke's dad thought that John was dead cause he pushed him out the window? He had no idea that he survived(if he did). A PhoenixMons Creation
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AugustGirl 11534 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-03-07, 08:14 AM (EST)
3. "RE: 5/02 episode" |
Each episode is getting better and better.Pfffft to all those that gave up! Agree with you 1,000,000% zombie! But you're not surprised, are you? Loved this episode! Josh Holloway ROCKED as Sawyer last night. I wanted to cheer as he was strangling Locke's dad. And Locke's thank you at the end almost made me cry. That whole scene was so powerful. I don't think Sawyer's story is over, zombie. In fact, it could probably just be starting. Or at least I hope so. Jack! Do we trust him? I'm sure the majority of the Jack Haters here *waves to the Jack Haters* will say no, but I do. I think he is aware of Juliet's "mole-ness" and the two of them are working together to bring down the Others. Odds are Rousseau has a nice little plan to blast her daughter out of Ben's clutches. Or as least I hope so. And next week! The previews! Can't wait to get home tonight so I can rewatch the previews.
I always agree with zombie, except for her weird and unamerican hatred of cheesecake.
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cheezit 13 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
05-03-07, 09:55 AM (EST)
4. "RE: 5/02 episode" |
Liked the epi but what irked me was when Kate was tole the secret and asked to keep it on the DL she runs and tells Jack. ANNOYING
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geg6 14941 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-03-07, 09:58 AM (EST)
6. "RE: 5/02 episode" |
I have had a running debate with my sister about who we think the truly pivotal character on this show really is.That ep just confirmed for me that I'm right! I think. Regardless, there is no way that Sawyer's story is over. I agree that this may be a signal that his story is really just beginning. Josh Holloway impressed me as much last night as Adrian Pasdar did Monday night. Two simply amazing performances in one week by two of the hottest men on the planet? I may not survive that ever again. *fans self* "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." Albert Einstein
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Ice 9 288 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"
05-03-07, 11:26 AM (EST)
10. "RE: 5/02 episode" |
LAST EDITED ON 05-03-07 AT 11:44 AM (EST)First, I'd like to agree with ZombieBaby. Pffft to all those who gave up (family and close friends of mine who I've argued with for MONTHS now, included). This show IS getting better and better. Keep it coming! I have a feeling I'm going to be sad once the season is over and have to wait 7 months for season 4. Now to the episode... Josh Holloway was AMAZING last night. That's Emmy material right there. Cooper may be the only truly black/white recurring character the show has introduced. What a total bastard. 1. The Ben/Locke chess match continues: God I love this storyline. 10x better than the Jack/Locke science/faith battle, the chosen/not chosen conflict just gets better and better. It appears to me that Ben has been trying his whole life to get the island to accept him, and I don't think it has. Then here comes John Locke, a loser in life, a guy who has been a schmoe, and the island chooses HIM? Ben *had* to try to embarrass him. However, I'm wondering if Locke really stole the tape recorder, or if Ben set that up. I'm undecided on that, but I have a feeling Locke's big moment is just around the corner (not to jinx it or anything). 2. The Box, my new theory: It just occurred to me this morning that maybe the Box isn't some metaphysical/spiritual island manifestation, but rather is technological in nature...like some sort of super computer. Follow me on this. We know the Others have these enormous, seemingly all-encompassing dossiers on the Losties. Where did they come from? How are they able to get such detailed skeleton-in-the-closet information, exposing the soft underbellies of each person? Perhaps from The Box. Ben told Locke that Cooper "came out of it". We know that he was really kidnapped, much the same way that Juliet's ex-husband was run over by a bus. He wasn't teleported there. He was *brought* there, by Ben, Jacob, whoever. How did they know to who Cooper was and where to find him? The Box. It's like Google on steroids. Anything they want, they just plug it into the computer...and there it is. 3. Ben, continuing on the new theory: So if The Box is technological and not spiritual, then that furthers the idea that Ben is drifting further and further afield from the special intrinsic nature of the island. There is clearly a division amongst the Others. Locke hit the nail on the head when he said that if he really understood the island he wouldn't have chicken in his refrigerator. Ben is hung up on Dharma and its "toys". I think next week we may get to the root of that, or at least an introduction to it. 4. Juliet's "secret": I'm thinking this is about Kate. She surely thinks Kate is preggers...and may know it, if she was somehow able to get Austen's "sample". I don't think this is the case, though. I *think* that Juliet will use Sun to get Kate to be tested. Kate, thinking she might be in the same boat as Sun, agrees. I still think, though, that Juliet lied to Sun. The real target in all of this was Kate, all along. Sun is a means to an end. And Jack is totally being played. 5. Jack, being played: There was like a 3 or 4 episode window this season when I was really liking Jack. Now he's being a total tool, and more importantly, he's being a total FOOL. I can't wait for Sawyer to come back to camp and expose Juliet...and Jack. This will put him back in the position of reluctant leader, set up a few episodes back when Hurley conned him. Two camps divided. LOVE it! ETA... 6. Flight 815: I'm now convinced it was a coverup. They found the whole plane at the bottom of the sea, where only specialized underwater crafts could get to it and take pictures? Hmmm...any bets on whether those crafts were Widmore? AND, if it is Widmore, could that be the setup for season 4? We keep expanding outward each season. Season 1 was just the beach. Season 2 introduced us to the Hatch and Hanso/Dharma. Season 3 was about the Others and the history of the island as a whole. Season 4 could be about the island and the outside world. Just a thought...
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Rayalight 16 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
05-03-07, 12:11 PM (EST)
12. "RE: 5/02 episode" |
Just my two cents but....Assuming they are all dead already that would explain why babies conceieved off the island survive on the island (They are dead too and therefore can be born) and why those concieved on the island dont make it past the second Trimester (which is when the soul supposedly enteres the physical body). Becuase there is no soul to be born. That could be why the children are taken away, becuase they are innocents and everyone there has something to answer for??? Loved the line "its a little too hot to be heaven". LMAO. But if thats the case, how can they be killed as Sawyer killed that guy last night??? Also remeber back in the very beginning when Jack saw his dead father on the island alive...that would tie in too. Does anyone think the Michael and Walt aspect will ever be answered? they cant just have disappeared into the sunset on a boat can they?
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zombiebaby 7355 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-03-07, 12:28 PM (EST)
14. "RE: 5/02 episode" |
I've been waiting for you! I'm on board with the box theory and how Ben has misused the Island's "gifts". Also with the plane cover up and Widmore and/or Paik Industry that whole deal. I do wonder about Austen's sample. I mean we have been beaten over the head with it about she may be pregnant since cage sex with Sawyer. However maybe it is with someone else? Remember she was missing before being brought back to the other cage? Where was she? What was done to her? My other theory on that is a crazy as usual one. What if it is Sawyer who is pregnant. Didn't they say Juliet was able to have a male lab rat get pregnant! *giggles* I think there are numerous cons going on here.
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martih07 3 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
05-03-07, 02:31 PM (EST)
18. "RE: 5/02 episode" |
I'm trying to follow all your theories and my head is starting to hurt now.I'm not sure if this has been discussed, but Naomi mentioned, when Sayid was in the tent asking about whether anyone had seen the helicopter, "remind me not to save you Sayid." Save? Is she "the savior?" (Someone somewhere mentioned that Naomi is an angel.) I can't help but think that the people who are disappearing have been "saved" - like Rose and Bernard. Where are they? And since the island has magical healing properties, will Locke's "dad" stay dead? And what was up with Juliette and Jack? I thought in the previews for last night that the comment between those two referred to Kate being pregnant. But obviously, that wasn't the case. What does Jack know that they are not ready to tell Kate? So much mystery! I love it!
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michel 10812 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-03-07, 03:54 PM (EST)
19. "Where are We?" |
That was one of the most captivating hour of drama on TV that I can remember. We are back to the original question that Charlie had in episode #1: Where are we?Mind Games The Interactions between Ben and Locke are fascinating. Why did Locke have to kill his father to be considered special. Wasn't being able to walk after being paralyzed sufficient? Apparently not since Ben declared: "He's not who we thought he was." Richard tells Locke that there is tension amongst the Others and that they are on the island for "more important reasons" than Ben's plans. I like the idea of Ben being distracted by the technology of Dharma. But why did the Others consider "Conrad" to be Locke's "Mess"? It brings me to wonder if it ties to a story of the "Sins of the Father": How many Losties have lost their father? That I remember: Jack, Claire, Boone and his sister, Sawyer, Kate. I don't remember for Hurley, Charlie and Sayid but now we can add Locke. Do you need to be fatherless to be accepted by the island? We knew motherhood was impossible for the Others but now killing his father makes Locke "Special". Is there a connection? Is it a revenge for the babies killing the mothers? Sawyer was mesmerizing during the episode. From lover, comedian, tough guy, he became the killer Locke wanted. Sawyer's face as he had a knife to John's throat was evil. When the con man tore up the letter and Sawyer pounced, it was riveting. As the commercial came on, I wondered why I was still gripping the armrest! So, where are we? An Island and somehow the plane crash in the Pacific was staged and the box is Ice 9's super computer? I really like that idea. I have one to throw out which isn't as down to earth! It's too hot for heaven and it isn't hell or purgatory, so a parallel universe then? If so, could the Black Monster be the doorway between universes? When their time comes, some Losties (the pilot, Mr Ecko) get back? For the future: Sawyer has information that could make him the leader of the Losties. There is a question: Did Locke really steal the tape recorder or is it part of Ben's mind games? I'd think the latter but why sabotage Juliet's efforts?
And what did Juliet want to tell Kate but that Jack thought was too early to reveal? On a funnier note: For those who watch Survivor Fiji; the whole exchange between Charlie, Hurley, Desmond and Sayid reminded me of the 4 horsemen discussing the find of an Hidden immunity idol (Naomie!). They didn't want to tell Jack who wasn't trusted anymore. Kate made a "Dreamz" of herself and told anyway.

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cycles2k 538 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
05-04-07, 01:31 AM (EST)
20. "RE: Where are We?" |
Another excellent episode. Loved every minute of it. Ben said his health improved because Locke was around but he readily left him behind - something he would not do if Locke really did how the power to heal. We cannot believe anything Ben says. Perhaps there is no reason for Locke to kill his father. It may be that Ben convinced the others that Locke needed to do it simply to discredit him. Sawyer, Kate, Sun and Jin have become very compelling characters. Are these actors growing into their roles or is it the writing that is allowing us to see thier talent? Perhaps a little of both. The Kate/Dreamz analogy is pretty funny. Does that mean that Ben is Jeff Probst?
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CTgirl 7073 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-04-07, 12:52 PM (EST)
23. "RE: 5/02 episode" |
I feel like I should watch this episode again because there were so many levels to the stories that I’m sure I missed things! It was a complex episode and and raises a host of new questions and mysteries. This is the only drama I watch in real time every week; the show keeps on getting better and better.I like zombiebaby’s statement, “I think there are numerous cons going on here.” Ben and Locke, Locke and Sawyer, Ben and Juliet, Juliet and Jack, Desmond, Sayid, Hurley and Jack… I love the chess match going on between Ben and Locke how he drew Sawyer into it. Sawyer (Josh Holloway) was fantastic, and as I’ve said before, Sawyer and Locke are two of my favorites and to have them together like that was great. Richard is an interesting minor character who I bet will play a bigger role in the future. He’s creepy and smooth at the same time – what is his deal? Is he still working with Ben or does he have his own agenda? Although Jack has been a jerk this season (and to think he was one of my favorites during the first season) I think he still wants to “save” everyone that was on Flight 815. He and Juliet have some sort of plan, but I think Juliet has given him the bare facts and that there is a lot she is withholding from him. She is devious; Jack is not. The burning questions in my mind are how did Cooper get to the island and who exactly staged the fake plane crash. The mysteries and power of the Island is even more far reaching than I expected. It really does bring us back to the original question from the pilot, “Where Are We? I am excited that Ben’s flashback is next. He is incredibly manipulative and sadistic and it should be another episode that weaves more layers (questions and answers) into the story! Kate=Dreamz 
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warp_core breach 469 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"
05-04-07, 10:30 PM (EST)
27. "RE: 5/02 episode" |
Loved this episode! The kind of episode that had me talking/making noises at the TV. A truly emotional moment when Locke thanked Sawyer for killing Cooper. But I absolutely loved the exchange between Rousseau and Locke. Locke sitting there in the Black Rock (sharpening his knife?). Rousseau walks in, sees Locke and hears someone banging on the locked door behind Locke and yelling. Rousseau doesn't even bat an eye. The two have an almost pleasant exchange kinda like "Nice day out there." and then she just leaves with her dynamite. Classic! Siggie courtesy of Seana
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J I M B O 6839 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-07-07, 01:19 PM (EST)
29. "RE: 5/02 episode" |
I started to believe that the flight wreckage had actually been found. If it was staged, would they actually be able to show bodies? Would they really stage a replica plane underwater with fake dead people in it? And if they admit bodies were found, wouldn't loved ones want to bury them?? (Then countered that with the fact it was found in a trench so deep…maybe there's a reason to be given about the bodies not being retrievable.)The flight is pivotal. If found, then either they ARE dead, or there's some parallel reality going on here. After last night, I think we can definitively say they are not dead. How else could Naomi have flown/parachuted to the island? She didn't die first, she saw it while still in the air. Also, we've seen Others in mainland flashbacks…mostly in Juliette's recruiting. So I have to lean toward a parallel dimension--with the "box" possibly being the portal? In the "other" dimension maybe they did die. Speaking of the box, there must be something to it--or something along the lines of its power. Going back to Walt and the polar bear, Kate and the black horse, those were really on the island, and indications are they came from the thoughts of individuals. As for Locke's "purpose" I wonder if it really is to show everyone else the light. He worked on Boone to face his fears, he looked into the black cloud untouched, he made one of the first significant links that we've been seeing tie so many on the island together. (Was there speculation, or confirmation, that Sawyer killed Jack's dad? If so, does Locke already know that from reading his file?) If so, then I can't wait to see the future episodes when he leads each person to enlightenment. What are Hurley's numbers about? What is the deal with the fortune-teller's vision for Claire's baby? Those are the kinds of things I could see Locke uncovering.
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -