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"Genetic Mirror Theory"
chick 49 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
09-22-05, 10:32 AM (EST)
"Genetic Mirror Theory" |
This is a good read (on the ABC Lost forums). I haven't been able to find any supporting info, but it's interesting none the less... I hope this link works.http://forums.go.com/abc/primetime/lost/thread?threadID=560350&forumStart=0 I'll copy and paste the post here... Posted by notlost17 I recently found an interesting natuarlly occuring thoery found in our world that states everyone has a mirror image somewhere in the world. You may have heard of this. Its called Roussau's genetic mirror theory, and I must say it is very interesting. Roussau's genetic mirror theory says that everyone in the world has an exact twin somewhere, however according to the theory you never encounter this person, by laws of probablitly and other natuaral occuring phemnomen. Its the theory that was devised by a French Mathematician named Marseille Roussau in the year 1988. He used a series of numbers to explain his theory. Now I know you're not going to believe this but here goes. 4 8 15 16 23 42
Let me explain...
The 4 stands for 4 degrees of separation (not 6 or 7 as commonly stated.) Roussau believed that everyone in the world was connected by four different people. So in theory could meet yourself by using four different people connected to you. Example: Your brother's, boss's, neighbor nephew, knows your mirror. Hard to believe, I know but keep reading. The 8 stands for the eight continent, or the only place in the world where you could meet your mirror. He calculated it to be somewhere in the south pacific. Now we know its not actually as large as the other contintents but its used figurtively because everyone in all 7 continents could meet there mirror on the 8th universal continent. The 15 stands for the chances of you acually meeting yourself on this place, as in 15 out of 4,815,162,342. Look at the second set "815." Ring any bells? Interesting huh? The 16 stands for the maximum amount of people that could encounter thier twin all at the same time. Think about the number of main characters. The 23 is the number of years apart your twin and yourself are. You are not the same age as your twin. By chance and probablity it takes 23 years exactly for the same genes that made you to be connected again to form another you. The 42 stands for the maximimum number of years your twin and yourself can be alive at the same time. However people do die at diffferent times so thats why everyone isn't dead at 75. For example my twin was born on Sept. 6 2003 b/c i was born on Spet. 6 1980. Now that doesn't mean i will die in the year 2045, I could, but its not set in stone. My twin could die when he is 16, and then the whole thing starts over again. This is all very complicated and I don't know how well I explained it but the connections with the show are too coinidental to not be real. Roussau and his team (wife, included) went to the 8th continent. You can figure out how they died and why by the numbers and equations. It also fits with every character. You can predict when they will die. There are others on the island who are twins of the survivors, but have been there 23 years longer. There is a book Roussau wrote 16 years ago in 1988 when he came up with the theory. Thats where I got it from. I appreciate any questions or comments.
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ladro 1168 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"
09-22-05, 11:39 AM (EST)
1. "RE: Genetic Mirror Theory" |
i think someone just made that up.
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Rhyn 524 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
09-22-05, 11:47 AM (EST)
3. "RE: Genetic Mirror Theory" |
LAST EDITED ON 09-22-05 AT 11:50 AM (EST)Certainly interesting, however, the original poster follows all the patterns of a liar rather than a true spoiler or theorist. - He only makes random appearances to the thread, always in a hurry to leave again, with sketchy information at best and assurances that this is real and to "spread the word."
- He has claimed to not be net-saavy. That's symptomatic of false spoilers.
- He cannot upload a photo of the cover. He cannot scan the cover. He alludes to maybe selling this rare, rare book on Ebay, and even setting up a website with the book scanned and displayed.
- He seems to know a LOT about the theory, but later suggests that he "still has a lot of reading to do" to figure it out. He knows how rare the book is, how old it is, when the author died, but still needs to read the book? Seems odd that he knows all the details, but still needs to "read" the book. Especially when there is absolutely nothing online about this author, book, or theory.
- You can google for days, with multiple spellings of the name, and never come up with anything related. You can search the Library of Congress, you can search the title in French, you can search any "library" or "research" site and come up empty-handed.
- When asked directly, many times by many posters, for the publisher information or the ISBN, the original poster disappears.
Seems very suspect to me, since he is playing the textbook "scammer role" to a T!
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chick 49 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
09-22-05, 11:57 AM (EST)
4. "RE: Genetic Mirror Theory" |
Thanks for the info. I'm not very message board active.....and I guess I can't spot a phony. This guy must have alot of spare time.....
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