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"East Coast Spoiler Thread: 02/15/06"
volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-15-06, 08:34 PM (EST)
"East Coast Spoiler Thread: 02/15/06" |
The wait is over and here we are again. Is the stranger one of "the others"? Let's leave all the talk about it here until "the westies" have had a chance to see the show.
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chickgigi 20 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
02-15-06, 10:56 PM (EST)
7. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread: 02/15/06" |
I thought they looked like something out of wingdings font. Might be interesting to see if that's true and if they're translatable.
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Reddhawk 22 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
02-16-06, 04:24 AM (EST)
8. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread: 02/15/06" |
There was another reference to the numbers in this episode. It occurred when Sayid was being shown the video of the Iraqi village that had been attacked with Sarin gas. On the video there were words that read:EYES ONLY - TOP SECRET PROPERTY OF DIA REEL 23108-42 I Googled DIA and found the website for the Defense Intelligence Agency. I found the inclusion of DIA odd, mainly because the numbers have been associated with the Dharma Initiative which is of course a D I, though I wouldn't know what the A would be for. I'm probably just reaching here, but its interesting nonetheless.
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CattyChat 3379 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"
02-16-06, 08:39 AM (EST)
11. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread: 02/15/06" |
WOW, nailbiter at the end. I can't wait to find out what those hieroglyhphics mean and what were those sounds when the symbols were appearing? I have had it UP.TO.HERE with Jack's sanctimonious attitude. It's okay for HIM to go off half cocked and want to form an army and get revenge against the others, but heck if Sayid or Locke try to do anything and Jack becomes all high and mighty. Each week he just irks me more and more. So glad to have more of Sayid's backstory. I think the guy is an "other" -- he sure did have a lot of details in his lie, but I think he had plenty of tell-tale signs that Sayid picked up on. Darn that Jack!! I really loved the last scene where Sayid was talking to Charlie. That really capped this episode off perfectly. I really think Sayid is finally going to start emerging as a leader (I hope). Maybe Jack will fall in a big hole and be "Lost" for a few episodes. Oh and I was disappointed in the Hurley & his food stash. I guess it had to be done to explain why he's not losing any weight, but it was just a sad, sorry sight. A PhoenixMons Production
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chickgigi 20 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
02-16-06, 11:25 AM (EST)
19. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread: 02/15/06" |
I'm sure the guy is an other. He played a really creepy serial killer on the show that was the predecessor to Boston Legal (drawing a blank on the name). The look on his face at the end sent chills up my spine.
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Chez 669 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
02-16-06, 12:20 PM (EST)
22. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread: 02/15/06" |
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-06 AT 12:31 PM (EST)LAST EDITED ON 02-16-06 AT 12:26 PM (EST) I'm guessing that the hieroglyphics are an omen or indicator of something bad that has been set in motion. Like, perhaps a germ was let loose in the hatch that will cause them to get sick. Maybe the squished tree frog will turn out to make Sawyer sick. I did not see any comments on these occurrences in the episode: Wasn't the guy Sayid tortured the same person as his actual friend in the "Greater Good" episode from Season 1? Wasn't that Kate's father who was the first one to question Sayid (and had a photo of Kate with him on the truck)? (eta - I saw other comments on this)
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mrc 9360 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-16-06, 09:56 AM (EST)
15. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread: 02/15/06" |
The Good:1. The numbers counting down to zero. Despite Locke's "save," the numbers did reach zero, and I think that initiated something. We heard what sounded like a powering up when zero appeared. Maybe the sickness was released, maybe the magnetic force pulled in another ship or plane--I dunno. I don't think it was the letdown that peeps on other boards are calling it. 2. Henry Gale. The reference to the TWOO certainly makes one question his story. Is he an Other who read the Oz books and made up his story based on them? That seems more plausible than his story about getting lost with his wife. The look he gave Sayid at the end said a lot, I thought. 3. Sayid's backstory. Gave more insight into Sayid's actions. Seeing Kate's dad was predictable, but still cool. The bearded guy who told Sayid that by learning how to torture his commanding officer, he had learned something that would help him get information in the future--spooky! Was the guy a Dharma plant who gave Sayid the tools that he would one day need on the island? Why did he need Sayid to translate when he spoke Arabic to him at the end? Methinks we haven't seen the last of this guy. 4. Next epi's preview. O.M.H. That is going to be a cool episode, even if we have to wait two weeks. The Bad: 1. The CGI at the end. The earlier scenes with CGI weren't so bad, but the one with Sayid in the desert were pretty bad. 2. Jack/Locke. I don't like how easily manipulated these two gents are. Honestly, their character development seems inconsistent. Locke is the wise philosopher, the one who knows everything, but he can't stand up to Sayid? As for Jack, what can you say about him? He's a dunderhead most of the time, but he's had some good moments of leadership, so maybe he isn't a lost cause after all. (Pun intended.) The Ugly: 1. The Hurley/Sawyer story. Look, we get it already. Sawyer is a badass. So tell me something different. And Hurley is still fat b/c he's been scrounging food. Like we couldn't figure that one out. Unless it was a piece of the Fester puzzle that will come into play later, I thought it was a throwaway plot to fill up time. Overall, better than last week's episode and MUCH better than the Charlie episode. Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004
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zombiebaby 7021 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-16-06, 10:11 AM (EST)
17. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread: 02/15/06" |
Sayid's backstory. Gave more insight into Sayid's actions. Seeing Kate's dad was predictable, but still cool. The bearded guy who told Sayid that by learning how to torture his commanding officer, he had learned something that would help him get information in the future--spooky! Was the guy a Dharma plant who gave Sayid the tools that he would one day need on the island? Why did he need Sayid to translate when he spoke Arabic to him at the end? Methinks we haven't seen the last of this guyMy thoughts exactly. Plus that guy is Clancy Brown! I love him! I hope he does show up in the future. Man can play creepy like no one else(see Carnivale) The CGI at the end. The earlier scenes with CGI weren't so bad, but the one with Sayid in the desert were pretty bad
Agree again. I had a Stephen King vibe from it, I never read it but it reminded me of how the Gunslinger landscape would look like. Surreal. To add one thing to your comments. I am curious to why Sayid was talking to Charlie at the end. Does he think Charlie's experience with the Others would help him understand? I still think The OThers did something to Charlie and he is not right. Maybe Sayid can sense that? *squishes tree frog* Zombs<----bad motha! A PhoenixMons Creation
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AnaNg3 24 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
02-16-06, 11:51 AM (EST)
21. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread: 02/15/06" |
I totally missed that Clancy Brown knew Arabic. I love how he got Sayid to play off him. I would be so neat to see him in another episode. I love that guy! He'd be a great other. Totally creepy.
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Elaine0 1507 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"
02-16-06, 10:09 AM (EST)
16. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread: 02/15/06" |
I haven't read anyone mentioning Kate's dad or Kate's picture in the episode. I didn't catch it, but saw it on cubit. I saw the man looking at the picture and did figure it was his daughter, but didn't recognize Kate. I'll be sure to catch the one on the second time through.That was the first episode is some time that Locke didn't annoy me. He didn't sound preachy. I still don't have a problem with Jack. It is one thing to get fired up about attacking a group that took two of your friends, Michael and Walt, but another to watch someone, who may not have done anything wrong, be tortured. Maybe that doesn't make sense to everyone else, but it does to me. Ana Lucia looked like she was thinking about slugging Sayid when he told her to go back and not tell anyone. Oh please, let her try next time. It didn't hit me until almost the end how very few people were in the episode. How did all that happen without Kate being around? I agree with Sayid that Henry is an other. How could he not remember the details of burying his wife? Sure he had plenty of details about his past, but the others do have past lives. I don't believe they were born on the island. What was the timeline for Sayid's flashback? I thought they said it was during the first Gulf War, but that was 15-16 years ago. How old would that make Kate? Didn't Sayid say something about being a torturer for 6 years? How would Kate's dad being in Iraq tie in the Kate visiting her dad when Sayid was on TV?
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AugustGirl 11534 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-16-06, 01:18 PM (EST)
23. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread: 02/15/06" |
Elaine, you and I are on the same page with Jack and Locke. It seems that the losties all want Jack to be in charge, be the one they turn to when things are bad ("Get Jack" "Where's Jack?" "Go tell Jack", etc.) but the minute he makes a decision everyone is all up in arms over him being "controlling". And really, what is the difference between Jack holding Locke up from pressing the buttons to get him to open the door, and Locke changing the combination to the arms room on his own, or to Sawyer stealing all the arms? When Locke does something controlling, it's okay. When Sawyer does, he's just being badass Sawyer. When Jack does it, he's an jerk. I don't get it.I actually kind of liked Locke in this episode, and that is saying something. He was less creepy, and more human than he has been lately. I felt like he was struggling between the good/evil of letting Sayid torture Henry, and probably felt ill in letting Sayid do it. Sayid rocks! You don't ever have to wonder about where he stands. I admire his honesty. And I was very happy not to have one scene last night of Charlie mooning over Claire. The last shot of his conversation with Sayid was just enough Charlie for me.  Henry is totally an Other. Bad Henry!
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FesterFan1 5947 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-16-06, 02:10 PM (EST)
26. "Sayid" |
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-06 AT 02:11 PM (EST)OK, this guy might be a born torturer, but he's a piss poor interrogator. I'm not sure if this is intentional on the part of the writers, or if it's just shoddy writing, but it seems his method of information extraction is just beating someone to a bloody pulp while screaming "Tell me the truth!" Who knows, maybe he's just a masochist? What he's not is a good information gatherer. I thought of at least 10 questions that would have been verifiable, had Sayid really wanted to find out who "Henry" was and if he was telling the truth and I'm not a paid intelligence officer. It seems to me he just wanted to vent and found a guy with enough doubt surrounding him to be the victim. It was all very "Death and the Maiden". If he truly wanted to figure out whether this guy was an Other, it seems it would have been better to be more conversational. The likelihood of a slipup greatly increases the more comfortable the subject is. In short, he needed to be more good cop than bad cop. Oh, and his little tete-a-tete with Charlie at the end? It seems the island has a growing pariah club. Are we heading toward a Civil War before the war with the Others? 3 very dark episodes in a row. Looks like #4 is two weeks away. Fester
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CattyChat 3379 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"
02-16-06, 04:40 PM (EST)
30. "RE: Sayid" |
I disagree. I thought Sayid peppering the guy with all the questions about his wife's maiden name, describe the balloon, how long were you on the island, how did she die, how deep did you bury her -- he asked some questions more than once -- were all to feel the guy out and look for signs of the guy lying. I thought the guy started floundering a bit, was beginning to break -- he looked down and away a couple of times while answering (sign).Sayid was on the right track and I think he was going to get somewhere, then the guy found out that Sayid "lost someone he loved" and asked him about it and that sneering look he gave just made Sayid lose it. He knew the guy was lying and decided a little force was necessary to finally break him. I thought the "interrogation" was believable (although I have never been present to one, first hand). I have to say that another thing that ticked me off about Jack -- he's quick to stop Sayid from torturing a possible "other," yet he let's Sayid torture Sawyer way back when. Darn hypocrit. Time for Jack to be taken down a few pegs. I also liked the end when Sayid told Charlie he knew the guy was an other, because he didn't feel sorry for what he did.  Kind Creation of ARNutz
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AugustGirl 11534 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-17-06, 06:03 AM (EST)
33. "Locke is the biggest hypocrite" |
LAST EDITED ON 02-24-06 AT 09:38 PM (EST)I have to say that another thing that ticked me off about Jack -- he's quick to stop Sayid from torturing a possible "other," yet he let's Sayid torture Sawyer way back when. Darn hypocrit. Time for Jack to be taken down a few pegs. The difference between the Sawyer torture and Henry's is Sawyer was presumably keeping vital medication from Shannon, and Shannon could have died without it. To me trying to get that medication from Sawyer in any way they could was justified, including torturing. Just to torture someone because you *think* he might be an Other is kinda shaky. Jack is a doctor and weighing the option of inflicting pain on Sawyer versus letting Shannon suffer was probably hard, but was a no-brainer. Inflicting pain on someone for no reason other than you don't know who they are is a different story. And speaking of island hypocrites, Locke is the biggest one out there. He's upset with Jack about the "army", yet Locke has lied more, and bigger than anyone else. Let us review: -- Found the hatch and kept it secret -- Spent several weeks trying to open hatch and kept that secret -- Lied about how Boone was injured and ran off like a coward -- Knocked Sayid unconscious when he was trying to get the receiver to work and lied about it (thanks Fester) Those are pretty big whoppers. Don't think anything Jack has done equates to that, but that's just my opinion. edited to add additional Locke lie courtesy of Fester
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Reddhawk 22 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
02-17-06, 02:52 PM (EST)
37. "RE: Locke is the biggest hypocrite" |
The difference between the Sawyer torture and Henry's is Sawyer was presumably keeping vital medication from Shannon, and Shannon could have died without it. To me trying to get that medication from Sawyer in any way they could was justified, including torturing. Just to torture someone because you *think* he might be an Other is kinda shaky. Jack is a doctor and weighing the option of inflicting pain on Sawyer versus letting Shannon suffer was probably hard, but was a no-brainer. Inflicting pain on someone for no reason other than you don't know who they are is a different story. And speaking of island hypocrites, Locke is the biggest one out there. He's upset with Jack about the "army", yet Locke has lied more, and bigger than anyone else. I agree totally! Jack's not a hypocrite, he's just a doctor who would rather help people than hurt them. I think a lot of people misunderstand him because he doesn't assert himself until it becomes absolutely necessary to be a tough guy. I was actually cheering when he held Locke up from entering the numbers. And, I did it again when he told Locke to "shut up".
If I remember correctly, Locke told Jack that they don't see eye to eye because he's a man of faith and Jack is a man of science. What I find ironic is that, at times, it almost seems that Jack has more faith than Locke. For instance: 1. He has faith that nothing will happen when the countdown timer hits zero. 2. He has faith in people, until he is a given a reason not to. Maybe Locke's idea of faith is a bit skewed.
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blacknwhitedog 6480 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-16-06, 03:36 PM (EST)
28. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread: 02/15/06" |
Man, my first thought was everyone is going over to the dark side one by one over the past few episodes.Charlie takes Claire's baby and then helps Sawyer get the guns from Locke. Jack wants to form an army. Locke smacks Charlie around. Sawyer deceives everyone and gets the guns. Sayid is into torture. Hurley is hoarding food. It seems like everyone's personality is changing. I think Henry is an "other"- did you see the look he gave Sayid at the end before the door shut?
 2005 PhoenixMons
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Elaine0 1507 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"
02-16-06, 07:43 PM (EST)
32. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread: 02/15/06" |
you've also learned the others have contact with the outside worldThe others do have contact with the outside world. They have all the tailies they took, plus Walt and possibly Michael. Though I don't believe they are all sitting around chatting about current events, but you never know. We don't know how the tailies are being treated or if they are even alive. They could have been forced or drugged to tell what's been happening so the others can blend in better. But personally I believe the others do have regular contact with the outside world.
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Rhyn 524 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
02-20-06, 03:04 PM (EST)
41. "Henry Gale" |
I already deleted it off my DVR, but I am certain when Sayid asked Henry Gale where he met his wife, Henry says, "We were at the Univerity of Michigan together."No one else has mentioned it, but I remember gasping, then telling myself to remember that for later. Maybe I was mistaken, because I don't see any reference anywhere about it.  The Dharma Initiative began at University of Michigan, and earlier in the day on Wednesday, I finally got around to looking up "Geronimo Jackson" (because it seemed like such a blatant clue in the earlier episode) and they, too, are apparently a group that formed at Univeristy of Michigan. So, I think he's an other, and I agree with Fester: Sayid doesn't know how to illicit information. Not one bit.
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -