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"How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
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cobra281 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

06-28-05, 10:48 PM (EST)
Click to EMail cobra281 Click to send private message to cobra281 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
"How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
Real Bad. I just happened to watch it the other day and i really thought it sucked. It makes you wonder with all the people they probably had tryout for the show they picked the ugliest ones. The casting directors were probably drunk when they made their choices. First everyone is ugly, the guys are not built, which is probably one of the reason why they always get beat up on the show, like that one geek that is walking around the house like a baby constantly crying with that thing on his face from getting smashed out side the night club for trying to act like a tough guy, and he wears those stupid hats everywhere he goes, and what about that serious nerd with the blonde hair, talk about bigtime nerd, i just dont get it, and the girls! they pretty much all look like crap, they may look ok when they get dressed up but other than that, they are brutal, even the camera work looks like crap. Does anyone agree with me? Get some cool people on the show, i wont be watching this one anymore.
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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... volsfan 06-29-05 1
   RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... FlowerChild 06-29-05 2
 RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... stinkykris 06-29-05 3
 RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... cambo 06-30-05 4
   RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... volsfan 06-30-05 5
       RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... stankgirl 06-30-05 6
           RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... volsfan 06-30-05 7
               RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... stinkykris 06-30-05 8
                   RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... cambo 06-30-05 9
                       RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... volsfan 06-30-05 10
                           RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... ginger 06-30-05 11
                               RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... JerseyChica 06-30-05 12
                                   RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... volsfan 07-01-05 13
                                       RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... JerseyChica 07-01-05 14
                                           RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... DaveThe Dude 07-02-05 15
                                               RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... volsfan 07-02-05 16
                                                   RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... DaveThe Dude 07-02-05 17
                                                       RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... volsfan 07-02-05 18
                                                           RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... DaveThe Dude 07-03-05 19
                                                               RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... motormouth 07-03-05 20
                                                                   RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... DaveThe Dude 07-03-05 21
                                                                       RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... volsfan 07-03-05 22
                                                                           RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... DaveThe Dude 07-05-05 23
                                                                               RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... Fox41 07-05-05 24
                                                                                   RE: How bad does the Real World Aus... volsfan 07-05-05 25

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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-29-05, 08:18 AM (EST)
Click to EMail volsfan Click to send private message to volsfan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
LAST EDITED ON 06-29-05 AT 08:19 AM (EST)

I like bash the RW idiots any chance I get but are we watching the same show?

These peeps don't look like crap and are very attractive.

Welcome to the boards cobra!

Handcrafted by RollDdice

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FlowerChild 1168 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

06-29-05, 10:10 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
Dang Cobra! I actually thought this season looked pretty promising!!

I like the cast so far. They keep me mildly entertained.

Danny had his face BASHED in...I thought he should be cryin' more than he fact, I don't think I saw him cry yet. Did he?

Ugly cast? Have you SEEN the blonde Cowgirl? Gotta be talking about a different show.

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stinkykris 103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

06-29-05, 06:33 PM (EST)
Click to EMail stinkykris Click to send private message to stinkykris Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
3. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
I agree that this season is going to suck. It reminds me of a long drawn jerry springer show. Its getting trashier every season.


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cambo 286 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

06-30-05, 00:21 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
This will be the first season I'm gonna pass on altogether. I stopped watching halfway through Vegas, saw all of San Diego and saw maybe 3 episodes of Philly.

How do I describe the Real World in past seasons? Same s***, different cast. The exact same situations seem to happen every season.

I miss the days when they casted normal, everyday people.

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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-30-05, 08:16 AM (EST)
Click to EMail volsfan Click to send private message to volsfan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
5. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
The exact same situations seem to happen every season.

How many different situations can MTV get when they put people in a house in a strange city? What types of situations would you create to make it different?

I miss the days when they casted normal, everyday people.

The sad part is...I think they are casting everyday people. Have you seen the youth of today? What types of people would you cast that would make them more normal?

Like I have said before...I can and will bash when need be but I don't understand peeps saying that this is the worst cast ever when we have seen two episodes (did anyone watch the past three seasons?). The fact that Danny got his face bashed in within the first two days of being there already adds a different set of situations ANY of the other casts have had to go through.

Convince me...what am I missing that makes this cast so horrible?

Handcrafted by RollDdice

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stankgirl 59 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

06-30-05, 01:59 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
I have to agree that the Real World seems to be the same every season. Castmates hooking up with each other. Always a bunch of ho's in the house. Maybe I am getting older or the show is getting more and more trashier.
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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-30-05, 02:39 PM (EST)
Click to EMail volsfan Click to send private message to volsfan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
7. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
How could you keep the idea of the show in tack and not have the same general stuff happen? Bring strangers together to live and work for a certain amount of time.

So far, and it is only 2 shows and 4 days into the season, there has been more happened in the Austin show than during the entire seasons of San Diego and Philly.

During San Diego other than getting drunk and Brad getting arrested...what happened? The rape occurred but it wasn't even mentioned on the show.

During Philly Karamo went off the deep end a couple of times but what else?

In Austin Danny got hit so hard his skull got broken/crushed (however you want to say it) and Danny and Ho bag got it on. Ho bag broke up with her boyfriend and this has been 4 days! Also from the previews on the third episode Danny will have his surgery to fix his crushed head. I don't anyone has been as seriously injured during any season of Real World than this one. Am I forgetting something?

I don't think the show is getting more and more trashier...our entire culture is getting trashier. As I said earlier, I think MTV has done a fairly decent job of finding people with different backgrounds that do reflect our society.

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stinkykris 103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

06-30-05, 02:54 PM (EST)
Click to EMail stinkykris Click to send private message to stinkykris Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
8. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
Maybe society is getting trashier, and the contstant hookups represent society accurately, but I can't help but think what the message is that they're sending the 13 year olds watching. I wish they would try to represent the downsides of irresposible drinking and random hookups as well...maybe including a castmate with AIDS again, or by having thier job be working with teenage mothers or recovering alcoholics or something. It just seems like there's no lessons that they're trying to show.
Previous seasons have shattered stereotypes and shown stories that many people may not have been exposed to. Now it's just "watch the good looking people drink, hookup and break up and pity themselves" No thanks.


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cambo 286 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

06-30-05, 03:25 PM (EST)
Click to EMail cambo Click to send private message to cambo Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
9. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
I think it has everything to do with the casting. They're specifically looking for people who are prone to get drunk and hook up at the drop of a hat to keep younger viewers interested. If there aren't people hooking up with their housemates and getting drunk, the season is called 'boring'. The first season wasn't about that at all and it was great television. I guess times have changed...
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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-30-05, 04:35 PM (EST)
Click to EMail volsfan Click to send private message to volsfan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
10. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
San Diego was ALL about getting drunk and it was one of the worse seasons in my opinion. BORING BORING BORING!

Times have really changed since the first season. When the first season aired it was breaking new ground for television. It really was the first reality show.

As mentioned above about lessons being shown...well, to a lesser extent I guess you could say they have tried. Last season they had a gay black male, I am sure they (casting) thought they had a chance for it to be a learning experience for many. They had the "freak" with Frankie in San Diego. If you look at the last 3-4 seasons they have had different "types" of people. I think casting is trying...I just don't think MTV is controlling them the way they should.

If lessons are to be taught (or not), I think MTV should give them jobs that have meaning and award them for a job well done but also punish them for bad things. Take things away from smaller children how to be responsible.

No matter if we agree or disagree...the show is what it is. There is never a perfect reality tv show. There is always someone/some group of people that don't like aspects to shows. I know we have been discussing this issue with The Cut. Many people went into it thinking the show was going to be like Project Runway and were disappointed when it wasn't. However, the same peeps were upset that it was too much like The Apprentice...there never seems to be a medium

Handcrafted by RollDdice

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ginger 22511 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-30-05, 04:53 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
Once Upon a Time, there was a show called Real World. And after some success, especially with its New York and San Francisco seasons, its ratings began a stately decline. Until one day, the Giant and Giantess who run MTV saw that their darling was in decline and took it to Hawaii for some fresh air. Enter Ruthie and Tek Money (know idea how that is spelled, actually), who took off their clothes and dived nekkid as the day they were born into the communal volcanic pool, and the ratings SKYROCKETED. Ever after, at least 60% of the Real World has been cast based on an ability to perform sexual acts on cable television. Period.

So every now and then, someone kind of weird or interesting sneaks in, and they will ALWAYS cast some form of virgin to shock and dismay, but in general I think the show is just gonna be What's My Skank for the next four hundred years. Oh well.

Frankly, I prefer "Real Sex" on HBO if I wanna watch. But that's just Ole Fart moi.

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JerseyChica 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

06-30-05, 11:16 PM (EST)
Click to EMail JerseyChica Click to send private message to JerseyChica Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
12. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
Real World has been on for 14 years now and the problem i see with it is that its lost what was so "real" about it, the first few seasons roommates walked into the experience not really knowing what to expect. After about the 8th season, people know the formula of what to do for "shock-value, ie-ratings" Another thing i've noticed is that when the show started out it profiled a majority of people who had an idea of what they wanted to do with their lives, people who had morals and values instilled in them that may have been different from other people in the house. The cast today seems like all they know for sure is that they wanna do as many challenges as possible to hold onto that 15 minutes of fame. For example, i'll use the LA cast, Aaron was in school for business, Irene was a court bailiff, Jon an aspiring country music star, Tami worked for a clinic. Their life didn't revolve around being a "reality star" and "do you think they'll still call me for challenges when i'm 40 years old and have not done much else with my life?"
As far as MTV doing their best to cast the roommates, i agree, they are doing the best with what they are given and are trying to showcase a diverse group of people. Yes there is a huge majority of 18-24 year olds that like to party 24/7 however it doesn't make up the entire country. I think that "normal" young adults aren't sending in videos to be on the show b/c maybe they aren't willing to be shown on national television engaging in a threesome or exploiting themselves. Yes, maybe the seasons with "normal" people such as Jamie and Jacquese are boring and don't grab the same attention as people taking group showers and drinking, being arrested every week, however the "boring seasons" did have their own style of "shock value" one word: Puck

No matter how much the Real World has changed, as long as its still on i'll watch, if i didn't i wouldn't know what to do with my tuesday nights at 10pm

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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-01-05, 06:55 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
I don't disagree with much of anything Ginger said however, I contend that the boring seasons of late are the seasons where the peeps are getting drunk and sleeping around...WAY after Puck! The Puck years were the good/interesting seasons. IMHO.

Yes there is a huge majority of 18-24 year olds that like to party 24/7 however it doesn't make up the entire country.

If it is the majority then MTV casting is doing a good job of accurately representing the young people that make up this country. Even in the boring seasons there have been people that drink, sleep around and get thrown in jail...I believe it is these types of people that make it boring. There is nothing new and unique about the housemates.

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JerseyChica 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

07-01-05, 10:57 AM (EST)
Click to EMail JerseyChica Click to send private message to JerseyChica Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
14. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
I agree with you volsfan that the Puck years were the good and interesting seasons. As far as my post saying a huge majority, it was late and i wasn't thinking clearly, what i should have said was yes there are alot of 18-24s that like to party, but they don't make up the entire country (or maybe that's just the optimist in me this morning)

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DaveThe Dude 967 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

07-02-05, 03:59 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
I agree with most of the opinions here that The Real World has gone down hill in the past few seasons. But, the show is being cast and put together in a different way than it used to be. At one time it really was "the real world," where "real" people with "real jobs" were put together to see how their lives progressed. These days they cast numbskulls, nymphos, and dopes, and the fun and excitement (if you want to call it that) is the hedonistic behavior that inevitably follows. Relatively normal people, like Jacquese and Jamie from San Diego come across as boring, where idiots like Ruthie and Frankie add some spice to the equation. Maybe it is just time to pull the plug, because more and more young people watch this nonsense and are duped into thinking that the rampant drinking, sex, and gross irresponsibility really is the "real world." The producers need to change their priorities and do a better job of casting.
But hey! After a night of heavy drinking we got to see someone's head bashed in, didn't we? YAHOO! Good clean fun!
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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-02-05, 07:28 PM (EST)
Click to EMail volsfan Click to send private message to volsfan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
16. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
Dave, I responded to your post on my summary but I was afraid you wouldn't go back in there so:

WELCOME HOME! We have missed you. I even asked where you were the other night in the episode discussion thread. Your negativity is most needed here. Please keep posting. Monday night/Tuesday you better be in the discussion thresd ripping these bitches a new one!

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DaveThe Dude 967 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

07-02-05, 10:43 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
Hi Vols!! Let's hope this season will be full of fun, fun, fun!

I think a bunch of us should get together, rent the chateau in Paris that they used for the Real World Season #13, and spend a month there. Let MTV film US - We'd give 'em a show!!!!

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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-02-05, 10:45 PM (EST)
Click to EMail volsfan Click to send private message to volsfan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
18. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
Let's do it Dave! Set the date and I will reserve the chateau...we can do much better than these losers.
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DaveThe Dude 967 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

07-03-05, 00:17 AM (EST)
Click to EMail DaveThe%20Dude Click to send private message to DaveThe%20Dude Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
19. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
A bunch of us in Paris together? My God what a dream that would be! In fact, when I stumbled onto the RW Paris opener, I couldn't believe how lucky those guys were. I was actually envious of them. I was just so in awe of how great it must have been to be picked out of a gang of thousands to spend almost 4 months in a chateau in what is perhaps the most beautiful city in the world (I've been to Paris 3 times).

I'm not knocking Austin - which is supposed to be the most interesting, civilized, and liveable city in a barbaric state - but those slugs who were on RW Paris never seemed to understand what a great opportunity it was to stay all those weeks in Paris. Good grief! If I was in Paris all that time I'd gain a hundred pounds just visiting all those wonderful restaurants!

Hey, I'm rambling. Actually, rambling is another reason why I stayed away for a few weeks. Though quiet in person, I am a motormouth when in front of a keyboard.

Hi Vols! Hi Batts!

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motormouth 4507 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

07-03-05, 00:47 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
I am a motormouth when in front of a keyboard

Weird, so am I...

A totally rockin' RollDdice design

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DaveThe Dude 967 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

07-03-05, 00:51 AM (EST)
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21. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
You see, I'm not the only weird one here!!
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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-03-05, 08:02 AM (EST)
Click to EMail volsfan Click to send private message to volsfan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
22. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
That is why we all belong here!
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DaveThe Dude 967 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

07-05-05, 07:41 AM (EST)
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23. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
So far this Nehemiah dude seems fairly smart and pretty normal. So, how on earth did HE get picked for the show? Hmmmm, there must be some hidden and sinister defect with this guy. Stay tuned.......
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Fox41 251 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

07-05-05, 10:24 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Fox41 Click to send private message to Fox41 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
24. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
Nehemiah got picked because he's
black. Maybe they thought they were
getting a militant black male. But
I really don't think that's his style.
But I agree with you ... he is the normal
one in the group. & he's the only cast
member that I like.
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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-05-05, 10:49 AM (EST)
Click to EMail volsfan Click to send private message to volsfan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
25. "RE: How bad does the Real World Austin suck?"
LAST EDITED ON 07-05-05 AT 10:50 AM (EST)

edited because it isn't worth mentioning!

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