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"S46 - Ep 8 - Hide N Seek - East Coast Update Thread"
Flowerpower1 4361 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
04-17-24, 07:43 PM (EST)
"S46 - Ep 8 - Hide N Seek - East Coast Update Thread" |
Please place all commentary in this thread until the show has aired in its entirety on the West Coast. And! Don't forget to have PHUN!
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Flowerpower1 4361 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
04-17-24, 08:13 PM (EST)
1. "Here we go...." |
Tiff is ready to get this game rolling, with the HII. Then we see Hunter getting the HII. Now they are all on platform, divided in to two teams of six...two people going home. see Q plotting, then Tevin, it's not Nami vs Siga, he wants to be the curator of the first blindside of the season says Tevin. Q writes Tim, should have stuck with the six. Ben is bummed This is a just in case vote says Tevin...when he wrote Venus. Tevin pissed that Venus got the credit Night 14 returning from TC Ok Ben: Yeah...Hash this out...Ben says not much to hash out, Tim was my first friend... Ben: Unnamed bromance happening, me and Tim, kept me feeling sane, definitely he was my rock... Q says we need to get Ben before these others get back. Q: when we got back, I need to lock in with the next plan, Tim was part of the six, but now we need to move forward....we have little time to discover valuable info, not okay to just he he he, I am a game change and I am here to change the way this game is played... Kenzie: we expect Venus to be gone....she waltz's in, no one trusts her. Tiff and I couldn't believe it. w votes against venus. Tevin and Soda voted for me...a man who says he plays an honest game, Soda gave me a big hug... Tevin laughing in confessional: Venus is taking the accolades that soda going home was on her....Soda, I didn't vote for you, told you I wouldn't write your name down, and I didn't, I will make that point at the end of the game. Liz and Tevin talking about Venus. She thinks it wasps her idea, I told you that I wanted Soda out... Liz: venus thinks she's a genius...Liz says ever since she met all o f you, it was me suggesting soda soda soda....I will let it lie until we get her out. Liz says she has to start taking action or the action will betaken on her... Intro
Q is hungry...the skirt is the hoodie flipped backward...the Q skirt. Tevin wants a Q skirt....Q talking to Charlie
Charlie: Q is a funny guy, doing my best to stay on his good side, he's bputting alliances and groups together that he wants at the end of the game Charlie says everyone talks and makes move at sunrise....see him talking to Q...and to Hunter. Charlie realizes that is an interview for an alliance, he wants the job. This is the first step of me wanting to work with you, says Q to Charlie. See Charlie and Maria talking about the 6. 2 namis, 2 sighs, 2 yang's. The six. The six is probably the shakiest 6 says Charlie, Tim was in the six. Charlie says this may be a way to the end with people I can't beat at the end. We are not the first group to say let's get to the end and duke it out...never works as something always goes awry, am I the one that is going to go awry?
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Flowerpower1 4361 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
04-17-24, 08:23 PM (EST)
2. "Post intro segment" |
Q says we could play hide and seek...Tiff isn't surprised he's been wanting to play for a while. Tiff comments, grown adults blah, blah Q is going to use it as his game play but everyone else is just for fun No one thinks it's a game play move Charlie is it counting to 40 what this will represent for me, who can hide in plain sight the best Charlie says S is a tense game, forget the strategy and just play a fun game. Charlie goes looking...Charlie finds Liz Charlie says they are not half passing this game. They find Venus This group of ten is competitive as hell, finds Tevin Venus says this reveals a lot about peoples underlying traits.They find Tiff and Q...Liz actually walked in the woods and found me, now I know she wants to twin Venus found Kenzie. Q says she is a camouflage likable person, she can go undetected... they are looking for Maria....Q finds her...Venus says Maria is super camouflage, works well with her surroundings Hunter and Ben are left. Split up...If I was hunter I would get in the tree. Hunter is hiding above the shelter. Q says the game is over, Hunter and Ben win....they find Ben....Finding out wh can hide in plain sight, he has to go. He is capable of playing an undercover game. Ben made a mistake says Q... Hunter has not come out, then Q finds him....avouve the shelter. Hunter made a mistake, if I can find you in hide and seek I can't find you in this game. He could take a shot at me, not happening boss. and that is what Hide and seek showed me, says Q
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Flowerpower1 4361 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
04-17-24, 08:35 PM (EST)
3. "Q has a serious spike in confessionals" |
See a shark. see Tevin and venus sitting together. Venus wants to have a debrief chat. feelings were hot on both sides. Tevin tells her you had an excellent move. Venus in conf: in her mind it was my vote, and first to pull off a blindside. She tells tevin that soda wouldn't have worked with me long term. In terms of damage control with Tevin, wanted to air out our laundry....Tevin says he's moment to moment...she tells him we would benefit each other by communicating more. Venus says how could you nt see it in the first place Tevin....Tevin plays dumb with her. Liz: These two are running around these two are saying it was my idea....I love Tevin but people are seeing him as the mastermind, so now I need to give a signal to the torahs that I need to play this game , I'm sorry Tevin, but you gotta goTiff and Tenvin says it's not a bad thing to keep Venus around for a bit, just another body. Tiff: venus thinks she a powerful player but she is not a threat. Tiff says Venus is not a threat. Tevin is in my alliance, but venus is no threat, see tevin go to talk to Q, she wants to go after people who don't win immunity, she is trying to keep members in this game that are not in the end. she wants to take a goat to the end. she is not playing my game. If she is not with the six, maybe we send her home. Q needs to confirm that we are on the same page. Tiff says Maria, Ben for me Q: Tiff has made multiple mistakes wants to bring goats, and now she put up Maria's name and she is in the six. She's not playing my game. Q tells Maria. Q tells Maria that Tiff has an idol. So surprised that Q told me, makes me trust Q. Q, Maria, Charlie all want to vote Tiff. the minute you start looking shady, you are out. Q tells Hunter and Tevin that she needs to blindside Tiuff. I need to keep my alliance under my rule, it's like I am a mob boss and if they do, I will send that packing. I'll send them a Q skirt though...
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Flowerpower1 4361 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
04-17-24, 08:47 PM (EST)
4. "Summary...." |
Q had a talk with Tiff. Tiff wants Maria or Ben out. Because she mentioned someone in the six, Q has decided that she cannot be trusted and has to go. cut to IC: hold onto the pole as long as you can something else to deal with...start with very little, now being given a chance to earn some food. enough rice to last you to end of the season. 4 players have to agree to sit out this challenge, no chance at immunity. They try to negotiate with him. 4 agree to sit out, or 2 must agree to vgive up their vote at TC. They say hell no. nobody wants to sit out. Charlie what does that say: everyone iout here is competitive, we are here to compete, give us a survivor classic. Q says he will sit out, Liz will sit out. Venus says she thinks she could win this challenge. Charlie says if there is someone that will step out with me. he wants to play it. Jiffy starts counting down from 10. Jiffy says we don't have a deal. Jiffy says everybody here is playing. See Charlie, Liz, Q, Venus
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Flowerpower1 4361 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
04-17-24, 08:57 PM (EST)
5. "Pole challenge" |
gave up rice for a shot at security....Liz is slipping. Kenzie says it's scary up here, Q is first out, then Liz....now Kenzie is out, down to seven. Ben is struggling Maria moving down the poleBen is sliding down and out Maria is out, down to 5 Charlie Hunter Tevin Venus. Tevin is chatty, he'd be a peacock. Longest this challenge has gone is 2 hours by Ozzy Charlie is asking about Tayler swift songs Tevin Is slipping, Tiff is slipping and she's out Tevin says he's going down, he's out down to three Charlie Hunter and Venus Venus looks really strong at 15 minutes Hunter is adjusting. Charlie is moving down Charlie adjusting, slipping, Venus tells him to shake it off. Hunter adjusting and slipping Venus looking good . Charlie slipping. Venus adjusting. Venus is sliding down and out show down vs Charlie and Hunter for immunity. 20 minutes. Charlie is sliding down, hanging on by the fingers. Charlie asks Jiffy, how about some rice. Jiffy says no, Charlie is trying to go back up and is out, Hunter wins IN Of course he wins. Survivor MacGuyver Liz calls him well earned IN. After 16 days someone will be voted out. Tevin and Tiff shown HUnter: I'm ecstatic to win, my game plan is to vote for Tiff. I don't see why anyone would want to change it.
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Flowerpower1 4361 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
04-17-24, 09:09 PM (EST)
6. "Post IC drama" |
they congratulate HunterQ is pissed, we gave up rice. It was idiotic...this man chose to hide in a tree, do you think you are going to hang on a pole longer than Tarzan...now we have to go out and try to find food. Time to send Tiff to the jury, if you target anyone in the six, you have to go home tevin says Tiff has to go, messing with the six alliance she has to go. Tevin believes that Liz will vote with them Charlie and liz talk....do you just want to stay in the game or have a shot, she says to Charlie and Maria and Ben. Liz wants Tevin gone. Ben asks do you think he is the most logical threat right now? Yes Liz: is looking back at myself when letting someone else out of the game, liz tells Venus Tevin, she's on board Ben and Kenzie talk, try to get Tevin Kenzie in Conf: Tevin hs the social charisma, he's got to go the yang three is driving a lot of votes, tells :Liz and Tiff, they are on board to get Tevin Tiff says he has abn extra vote in his pocket. Right now Q and I have a great relationship in this game. ;she tells Q that they all want Tevin. she says if you don't vote tevin people will be looking at you next. Q goes to Liz and asks her if it's her idea to get Tevin, she says yes. Q says he's not the driver of the tevin vote, so I wanted to be in the drivers seat tonight. Q says we can't stop it to Hunter. If we write Tiff 's name out tonight, she will know. Hunter wants to keep Tevin here, wants to get ahead of this so it doesn't wreck my game. Hunter is doing exactly what I did not want him to do....I made a mistake and now this plan is all screwed up. Hunter is asking Liz, Charlie, Maria, Q...trying to talk them out of Tevin. Venus is seeing this conversation she's not happy about it, what's up....Venus says the sun is setting and we have to go. Liz wants to know what Charlie is thinking. Hunter asks them to go back to Tiff....Liz says you'll do what you want but I'm voting Tevin. Maria tells Charlie that Tiff has an idol. Charlie: half of the tribe wants tiff, the other half wants Tevin. I think Tevin should go, they just want Tiff as she threw out one of the six. Maria and I have to commit and we have to make a decision.... as the walk to TC
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Flowerpower1 4361 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
04-17-24, 09:26 PM (EST)
7. "Stage is set for a hot mess at TC" |
Night 16Start with the rice negotiation. 16 days with very little food. Q: I had a bit of a temper tantrum back at camp, I was upset and mad...everyone suffered when the otds were in our favor to feed everyone longer Liz was surprised that Q sat out, she can't eat coconut, hasn't even gone to the rest room yet nobody feels safe enough to step out says Tiff. Food is not as important as safety. Q says the only one that is going home tonight is me. he is asking everybody to vote for me as they are all going back he asks if this is news to everyone. there are 5 people right now saying who am I voting for tonight all because IU made a mistake. Tevin says this is out of the blue this is off brand. here is someone saying marry Christmas, Ben says he's playing hard in a genuine way, even me trying to skirt around him, this is the most bonkers thing tiff is very confused, he's a competitor. Q: it's not me giving up, but when something don't sit right with me and I don't feel good about it I will not still someone else's dream, etc. He knows you don't want to vote me out but I feel partially responsible for this....everybody will have a new opportunity Kenize notes he could be undoing the plans I've made Tevin says Q is a grown man and if someone wants to walk out of the game than I am not going to coddle them to stay. They all want to talk together....Tiff, Q, Maria, etc Tevin still ants Tiff, but they know....Q tells them that Tiff could be at risk. Liz is sticking with her plan...Charlie says that Q told them that Tiff has the idol. Tiff calls Kenzie over and asks if she told and Kenzie says ohhhh spicy time to vote. they all get up there and say dumbest tribal ever Tiff is voting Tevin, want to flush the extra vote tonight Hunter says whatever
Tevin says he doesn't know what is going on with Q but he's voting Venus Charlie throws his arms up in the air.... this is funny! Q is a hot mess. Votes: No one plays an idol Venus Tevin Venus Tevin Tevin Tevin Tevin Tevin out Tevin is incredulous so shocking we love you tevin. Hunter is bummed good luck y';all
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -