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"S41 | Ep 11 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-01-21, 09:06 PM (EST)
1. "Let's go!" |
Night after TC and SHAN was booted...night 19 D/D talk to Liana I was blindsided at TC, had a plan for final 4 and that went south. See them blame Ricard, they all turned on us....look at what's voter there did we just move to top? After all this kicking to get out of bottom, I took out shan with Ricard, what is this? Xander tells them all that whatever twist comes I still have an extra vote and an idol to the four, I'm with this four... Heather s\\\ Xander: all of a sudden I am with a group that I can finally work with , we are saying final 4, this is too good to be true Deshawn: we blindsided shan, before she leaves she says that I am a snake, so I am pissed at ricard, you backstabbed her and she didn't call him a snake. Ricard: tells him that we knew we were gunning for each other....the plan to get me out today is what rushed me to take out her. If I ddidn't win immunity today I would have been gone. He's taking a lot of heat off of me...Deshawn says that he is fighting for his life for stuff that he didn't even do...at the end of the day I have to be the snake Ricard says Deshawn is very emotional, eh's all over the place, can't commit to any one person and doesn't know who to connect to next day, Ricard tells Deshawn to chill out...that can help your game. Deshawn is talking in circles. thought if he exposed Ricard, then the group would want to take him out, but that didn't happen. If I could redo after TC, I would re do and just shut up Desahwn and liana: I would never write your name down. Liana: people will lie to you intros game, hurts the most from people you think you can trust...last night hurt, of course I want revenge, that was a snake move, I am open to revenge right now...
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michel2 4059 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
12-01-21, 09:10 PM (EST)
2. "RE: Let's go!" |
Didn't Xander sound a bit too confident in that confessional
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michel2 4059 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
12-01-21, 09:25 PM (EST)
6. "RE: Question..." |
I haven't paid as much attention this season to be able to answer that but I know that there have been a really unusual number of such flashback. Almost season 1 feel to them. I trhibnk Liana has had one and Erika also during her sojourn on EI
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PepeLePew13 26111 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
12-01-21, 09:28 PM (EST)
8. "RE: Question..." |
Okay, thanks. Just feels like these personal flashbacks could somehow be spoilerish in some way.
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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-01-21, 10:07 PM (EST)
28. "RE: Question..." |
I'd have to re-watch to know for sure but I'm pretty sure everyone left has had a flashback scene except for Heather but I seriously doubt Heather is winning.
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PepeLePew13 26111 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
12-01-21, 10:10 PM (EST)
29. "RE: Question..." |
Uh huh, she ain't winning after her comments at the start of tonight's TC.
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-01-21, 09:21 PM (EST)
4. "Xander very confident, Liana out for revenge, deshawn needs to chill" |
Viakana, day 20Ricard cooking rice....eating Danny: last few days have been kinda heavy. Today marks 25 years since my dad died in a car accident....here can't hide from it. My entire life I was angry at him, you want your dad to be superman...jealous and mad at every fathers day, every football game....I was really upset...being able to sit still here, helps me understand, trying to get rid of the shame of being angry for so long for something that he couldn't control....moving forward my thoughts will change greatly, move forward being happy and making him proud.... Cut to IC...day 221, 7 left, face another very dangerous twist, big decision based on where they think they stand in the game, comes with deadly risk...come on in.... use handles to balance ballon wooden cylinder, add more twist: dangerous one. first person to drop out of this challenge forced to participate in S do or die. at TC, they have to participate in deadly game of chance. If you win you can participate, or if you lose, you are out and TC is over. could be out without a vote get two rocks. gray means I do not want to play do or die gray: sit out, red I am competing. Liana and Heather sit out Ricard, Erika, Danny, Deshawn, Xander all participating so first person to drop out is going to be the do or die victim. Deshawn is OUT!!! Playing do or die, a game of chance to see if he lives or if he dies. Not even 3 seconds go 5 minutes then 2 more sections of cylinder they all survived the first round add the 2 sections 5 minuts in this round too. Erika drops Xander Ricard Danny left last 2 sections of cylinder have been added. Go until a winner. Really dig here. This will go till 2 people drop. so far 6 minutes. windy now....Ricard and Xander drop. Danny wins. Danny wins. If deshawn lives then normal vote, if deshawn dies, then no vote. Prepare like it is TC Ricard: the person most likely will die is deshawn, if he dies, there is no vote, and if he lives, then he can't be voted on. I hope it's die.
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michel2 4059 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
12-01-21, 09:23 PM (EST)
5. "Good Idea" |
Did you notice that Danny pulled his arms in when Jeff started the last round? I think it was smart and helped him win because it was a much less stressful stance.
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-01-21, 09:31 PM (EST)
9. "Deshawn = Do or Die" |
I have a feeling no matter who they decide to vote out, that Deshawn is toast. I have a feeling they will plan to blindside Xander but do or die may save him? Good point, Pepe. who has had a flashback moment: Ricard, Deshawn, Erika, Danny I don't think Xander or Heather have, nor Liana....maybe Liana? Deshawn says he's content with this....if he goes out he feels at least I didn't hget voted out...either I win immunity or going home....after voting out shan I have a huge target on my back, at least I have a fighting chance Danny won the IN for hhis dad...I didn't think it would bring me this much joy, some of those negative emotions about my dad, this experience helped me to let it go...Danny wants to do whatever they can do to vote out Ricard see a snake... See Xander and Danny. Danny is trying to vote out Ricard...do you believe he is the biggest threat? Yes. Xander: dEshwn was the number one target, but I don't want to see Ricard go cause he's his shield....they will get me out if I let them get ricard out. I'm acting that I am going with it but I trust Ricard way more then Liana. To break up my majority would be a stupid move Erika and Xander: what are you thinking? Do we vote out Liana or Ricard....Erika tells Xander that he would beat all of us. Liana would be good to get rid of, she voted for me, the problem to keep Ricard, he's the biggest threat to win the game...Erika is so unsure...if I don't take the shot now he could run away with the game, my head is spinning oaths one Xander says to Xander D/D are going for you. As long as erika and Heather stick with us we are good. Heather 100%, Erika is squeamish.... If Deshawn is safe, they will be voting for me. I have a 4 person all but Erika is unsure of what to do. j Deshawn says that everyone wants Ricard. If Danny and Deshawn are safe tonight, I am the one they will get. if not I could play the shot in the dark Erika thinks that she is the swing vote....so obvious to take out the big threat in the game, but it's so important to have people you can trust. I am rolling the dice just like Deshawn is. Whatever I do, I just have to own it.
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michel2 4059 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
12-01-21, 09:44 PM (EST)
13. "RE: The Vote" |
The ;l lonmger they talk the less Deshawn has a chance!!! It's getting late to have a vote
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michel2 4059 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
12-01-21, 09:48 PM (EST)
17. "RE: The Vote" |
But for a commercial break! Deshauwn is a goner.
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-01-21, 09:48 PM (EST)
18. "Deshawn" |
That was a pretty good swan song for Deshawn....I'm thinking it will be him and Ricard and Liana will live to see another day?
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PepeLePew13 26111 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
12-01-21, 09:57 PM (EST)
23. "RE: Deshawn" |
Deshawn has had two long airing outs of his thoughts in the past two episodes -- I don't see anything less than a final TC for him.
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-01-21, 09:47 PM (EST)
15. "TC......" |
So, Erika is the wildcard, wants to vote out Ricard with D/D and Liana. But, will Deshawn live to be immune? Night 21, TC Shan looks pained, haha Start with the IC, Danny wins, and the challenge came with a twist. Deshawn is first out, will play the do or die in a few minutes. Liana's todays' twist was about relationships. but, looking at the IC, I am not good at so I had to sit out, Heather said same. Xander says that you want to believe that every tribal is determined by relationships but now its high risk high rewards and have to gamble a little bit. Danny says it's crazy he doesn't know what is going to happen. Erika: Last night you can take your shot in the dark....if deshawn does't die, and someone play s it, there is no certainty for what will happen tonight. Jiffy says you have to have the low lows and the high highs deshawn backs it up to decision to play....shan went home, a bit of discussion ....I wanted the truth, me confronting Ricard made me out like some kind of aggressive guy Ricard says there was a lot of talk about getting me out last time, me and shan talked about it. Ricard explains how it happened. Deshawn is worried about his integrity...talks about minority players, wanted to represent the black community as well as possible, crying....Liana is hugging him....the game play and morals, it was hard....cause this is the game that I love, my people don't understand...didn't think voting her out would be this hard...playing with the information that I was given, so here I am.... Jiffy asks about the culture...Laiana says that everywhere I go when people look at me they see a black woman....people are just now being conscious, now it's this thing, coming to play gives us something to play for....50% POC this year, the fan base watching...we ae all types of black, we love this game too, how do we do it at the same time....they explain how it feels to play as a black person and wanting to represent and give back to the black community Xander's emotion: I am here playing a game and you make it this real world thing, I don't represent a people, I don't have to think about that and I have so much respect to those that do represent, that's powerful ....the main thing to show is that new have allies....Xander you a re a part of that, says Danny. If we call on this cast as allies, hwe have a good group. Heather says it breaks her heart to hear this...she has a lot more to learn, she's sorry, thank you for your words Heather. Liana: explains to viewers at home, they are a microcosm of the real world. Jiffy says this is what survivor is all about, putting strangers together in the jungle. Deshawn thanks them all for the support. Do or Die. Evvie says that she is nervous
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-01-21, 09:56 PM (EST)
22. " Do or Die Twist" |
Deshawn.Jiffy has 3 boxes at his podium. inside one is a fire symbol. safe. Inside 2, skull symbol, death, and you are gone. Choose one box chooses. Jiffy opens one of the other boxes first...the skull box. Now one skull and one flame. Do you want to keep the box you have, or trade. He's keeping. flame. Deshawn got flame and is safe!!!! Danny says welcome back. Ricard is looking concerned. time to vote. Ricard is voting. Liana Danny votes Ricard Erika, this sucks, she says. No one plays an idol Ricard Lianna Ricard Liana Ricard Liana Liana Liana She said to the cast, I really liked playing with all of you...see Shan shaking her head.
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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-01-21, 10:02 PM (EST)
24. "Votes" |
Votes 3 Ricard (Liana, Danny, Deshawn) 5 Liana (2x Xander, Erika, Heather, Ricard)
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-01-21, 10:43 PM (EST)
31. "Liana boot" |
LAST EDITED ON 12-01-21 AT 10:45 PM (EST)Congrats Coldbrewer and Pepe! WoooHooooo! Not unhappy to be wrong, tbh. So much for Liana playing her own game.
Kind of rooting for Ricard a bit. I thought he was eloquent with his explanation of events from last episode. Called Deshawn out.
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coldbrewer 350 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"
12-01-21, 11:55 PM (EST)
34. "RE: Votes" |
I think Xander used it because Erika was undecided. Even then, if Erika did vote Ricard, he would be toast on the revote.
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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-02-21, 00:00 AM (EST)
35. "RE: Votes" |
Yes CONGRATS to Coldbrewer and Pepe for nailing it.Re: "Xander wasted his double vote." I assume Xander was worried about Erika flipping and voting out Ricard (who Xander seems to be building a relationship with). Extra vote insured Ricard stayed (unless BOTH Erika and Heather flipped) and now Ricard might feel he owes Xander for insuring his safety. Plus the Extra Vote expires next TC when people will know Xander would be forced to play it vs a surprise at this TC. What I'm curious about is Xander said he could play his Idol at FOUR! I hope that is NOT true!
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-01-21, 10:51 PM (EST)
32. "NTOS...." |
So, thinking about the NTOSWe know that Xander, Ricard, Heather, Erika all ended up voting together. But Erika wants Ricard out. So, when Erika says to Deshawn, "we want to keep you", who is the "we" she is referring to? Then, Deshawn goes to Xander and mentions he, Xander, and Erika as final 3. What happened to Heather? What happened to Danny with Deshawn?
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PepeLePew13 26111 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
12-01-21, 10:06 PM (EST)
27. "As an aside..." |
I think Heather just showed why she might get dragged to the final TC - I'll eat my hat with BBQ sauce on it if she gets a single vote after what she said about not participating in the IC because everyone she could beat were all on the jury.
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
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