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"The (great) Escape"
bondt007 3413 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"
06-28-12, 06:20 PM (EST)
"The (great) Escape" |
Alcatraz was the first location. Three teams start at midnight trying to escape a cell, then move along to various other locations. There were guards roaming around and search lights, so you could get caught as you maneuver from point to point collecting clues and keys and maps; and if you do get caught you get thrown back into the cell to try to escape yet again. It must have taken 6+ hours because the winners got to the final location as the sun was rising.Next Ep they are on an aircraft carrier. I think I enjoyed it. The team that won was so far ahead that the finish was not suspenseful. I also would like more teams, say, five…? A “TAR”-type point in the game where you can turn a team “…back two spaces” or take an item away might be interesting; as well as some advantage to do an activity with another team, even though you are trying to beat them. I’ll watch again - BTW it's on TNT and the Ex Producer is Opie
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Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
06-29-12, 12:57 PM (EST)
1. "RE: The (great) Escape" |
Pasting my comments from the Summer TV thread:A few notes from last night: * First and foremost: this is Cha$e with station-to-station routes, tasks, and a budget. * So that's how the Race would go down if every team knew where the others were at all times. I'm not sure I like it. Giving audio tabs on each pair's rough location in the game can put the pressure on the opposition, but once you know the fourth task has been cleared -- well, as noted by the second-place team last night, the only hope is a rule break. Zone #4 complete? Nap begun. * Are the cells seeded with all the keys at the start or is each new one added while a captured team is in transit? I'd like to imagine it's the first, if only so a really poor showing could result in 'Just stay in there.' * I don't like the seen-and-start-over rule. I'm guessing it's there to prevent wild chases and ensuing injury, but I'd still prefer a little flag football to keep the dubious flavor of the background going: the guards should at least have to make physical contact for a capture, if only a shoulder tap. * The tasks are too easy and don't pay tribute to the environment. When the biggest challenge of the hour is thinking to look up... I think it has potential, but it needs a lot of work.
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Pretty_Kitty 536 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
07-01-12, 12:54 PM (EST)
3. "RE: The (great) Escape" |
I watched last night with high hopes. I found it slightly tedious. I love the concept but the whole going back to the beggining multiple times annoyed me. I'll watch again but I dont know that it will keep my attention.
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Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
07-01-12, 08:32 AM (EST)
2. "RE: The (great) Escape" |
I watched and will again.I felt the guards could manipulate the game and result if they wanted. How easy would it be to ignore a team that they wanted to proceed but catch a team they wanted to slow down? The cameraman and lights following the team would not be a giveaway to where the team was? I have always wanted them to change it on TAR so the teams can not simply follow another team but do their own challenges. This was successful on this show. They had to solve their own clues. Not sure what I thought about them announcing where the other teams were. I also wondered if there were always several keys hid in each cell. Or did they go and rehide keys after each escape. I hated the green team. Banadana guy was irritating. He got so much camera time I was starting to worry he would win.
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kidflash212 4746 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
09-05-12, 11:01 AM (EST)
5. "RE: The (great) Escape" |
It seems in the last episodes, they worked to make the guards less subjective. Making the guards rounds timed so teams could avoid them and the final episode had the laser beam task which worked like your booby trap suggestion.
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -