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"Take the Money and Run!"
michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-01-11, 10:20 PM (EST)
"Take the Money and Run!" |
That sounds like it could be fun...maybe. I'll give it a watch but I hope that it'll be more comedy than drama.http://abc.go.com/shows/take-the-money-and-run/about-the-show "From the producers of The Amazing Race and the CSI franchise comes an entirely new heart-stopping competition show called Take the Money and Run. The six-episode unscripted series will premiere on TUESDAY, AUGUST 2 (9:00-10:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. Combining all the elements of an edge-of-your-seat spy thriller with the excitement of rooting for real people in various locales outwitting high-level investigators, Take the Money and Run is an exhilarating competition series that will take reality television to a whole new level. The cat and mouse format will pit investigative professionals vs. everyday people trying to win a $100,000 prize."

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cahaya 19367 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-02-11, 11:47 PM (EST)
3. "RE: Impressions" |
LAST EDITED ON 08-03-11 AT 00:12 AM (EST)Yeah, I had pretty much the same impressions. After all, who's going to "break" under faux interrogations? (Well, maybe with a few exceptions.) Agree with you that the "break" was really when they found the time gap in the phone calls and where it corresponded with the GPS location. They should have stuck with how this worked itself out. Thoughts: The thieving duo have to plan on hiding the loot well and creating a long circuitous route with multiple decoys. They also have to hold up under the pressure of interrogation. The police have to piece the information together, but a good plan can thwart their efforts. Paul and Mary are intimidating as interrogators and they’re the ones that (editing made it appear) broke this case. This show looks interesting, but let’s hope success or failure will rest more with gumshoe work than breaking the thieving duo through 48 hours of pressured questioning. I wrote a short recap found here. It's scheduled to run six episodes and it's hard to say if it'll go beyond that. I don't think it has solid multi-season potential. (eta) I'm curious about your ideas, as I've been thinking of a few ideas of my own. One good place (among several I've been pondering) is to hide the case is above an elevator if you can get the vent door open. The other key thing, I think, is to do some footwork and stash the case as far off of the car's GPS track as possible. Have one guy drive to keep the GPS moving, while the other guy hops out at a light and does the stashing on foot, and then meet up again half an hour later.
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udg 3381 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"
08-03-11, 00:58 AM (EST)
4. "RE: Impressions" |
I really wonder about the rules. I suspect there's a rule that they have to stay together, because I was thinking the same thing you were: one guy drives the car with the GPS, and the other guy actually stashes the cash. Also, those guys volunteered an awful lot of information.
"When did you stash the briefcase?" Actual answer: "About 40 min in." Correct answer: "Isn't that your job to figure out?" Why even bother answering their questions (besides the fact that "No comment" ad infinitum makes for bad television)? Just STFU, if you don't want to give them the answers!
 Thanks to tribephyl for the sigpic!
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jbug 17018 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-03-11, 04:08 PM (EST)
6. "RE: Impressions" |
yes, like do they have to stay with the car? can they switch to a cab or subway or go off on foot?
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michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-03-11, 04:56 PM (EST)
7. "RE: Impressions" |
What would I do?The first thing would be to go to a store and buy a big bag that would hide the case. A guy walking around with a metal case handcuffed to his wrist isn't smart. Next, I'd drive indirectly (making a few stops along the way) to the closest rundown area. Every city has an old manufacturing or industrial district that thrived in the 70s but that is deserted now that China and India have all the jobs. If the two can split, the guy with the case would get off while the other drives away. The driver would go around for most of the time left until he rejoined his accomplice who would have walked across to the other side of that site. The places to hide would be abundant: An abandoned warehouse, a pile of junk, a dump filled with old tires, the bed of an old waterway, the bushes alongsdide an abandoned railroad track, etc... Now, if the two have to stay together, (and I suspect that is the case since they only have 1 camera crew and it would mimick the distrust amongst thieves) then I'd stop the car a mile or two away from that area, walk/run to it, hide the case and get back to the van in time. Even better would be to pay someone to drive the van to a spot on the other end of the area. If the guy steals the van, so much the better! Call the detectives to let them know your car is missing! The phone would not be used at all (except to tell mom that she has to lie and say she hasn't seen us in ages!) If there is a rule that says they have to make some calls, then it would be to tell everyone to lie and say they do not know us. I'd remember not to use any patterns making those calls. Just make them in the first few minutes and then at the end, waiting for the cops. Don't give them a timeline. In interrogation, you say you know nothing about a case, you took a ride in your car with a friend and didn't even really notice where you drove. The rest of the time; nap. Easy money!!
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michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-10-11, 05:47 PM (EST)
12. "Rigged!" |
Airtight plan? No, that episode proved this thing is rigged: The wife makes one phone call to her daughter, gets a call back and then they make one stop but the interrogators don't even challenge them on it? Only the detectives called up the daughter and they gobbled up her story of checking up on the kids. They should have brought her in for questionning, going over her phone book to know who did the couple know in the area where they stopped. "Robert" would certainly have surfaced. The show needs a few successful thieves in order to keep its audience and what better story than a mother and father doing it for their kids. Add the grand-father's cancer and you have all the ingredients for a ratings favorable sob story. Bleh... 
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cahaya 19367 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-10-11, 07:34 PM (EST)
15. "RE: Rigged!" |
Yeah, I get what you're saying about the daughter being available, and very likely she was available. As I mentioned earlier the cops dropped the ball on that one. They should have gone to her house at the very least, instead of wandering around aimlessly nearby some bushes next to a highway.No doubt there were witnesses to them leaving the car and approaching the house, but there didn't seem to be anybody near or within the walled compound the house was in. Had they been real burglars, they'd gotten away scot clean. It's funny, though, if you look at the background bystanders during some takes, it looks like they hardly took notice of the couple at all -- and that's with a cameraman in tow. I agree with your strategy of covering the case up, but there's no way to hide that cameraman, who is sure to draw attention one way or another. I did kind of wonder about the stashing it in the house, though. The rules state that it has to be accessible all 24 hours of the day for all 48 hours of the search. I wondered, did they leave the house unlocked as it was unoccupied? I don't think it was 'scripted' in the sense that it was already decided who'd win the money, but then again you could be right. If so, that's a show killer.
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michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-10-11, 08:03 PM (EST)
16. "RE: Rigged!" |
>I agree >with your strategy of covering >the case up, but there's >no way to hide that >cameraman, who is sure to >draw attention one way or >another. Again, maybe I am assuming too much but I think the detectives would be allowed to ask about witnessing people running with a briefcase but wouldn't be allowed to ask about seeing a camera crew running along. It would be kind of breaking the 4th wall.
>I did kind of wonder about >the stashing it in the >house, though... I >wondered, did they leave the >house unlocked as it was >unoccupied?
If the detectives have to follow the law, they would never be allowed to enter a friend's house if they aren't invited in. Judges don't give warrants to TV shows. So, there has to be a rule that forces the participants to let the detectives enter and search. >I don't think it was 'scripted' >in the sense that it >was already decided who'd win >the money, but then again >you could be right. If >so, that's a show killer.
Last week, the interrogators were particularly clever regarding the phone calls and the timeline that they revealed. This week, they totally ignored the calls and, for the whole 48 hours, they were certain the case was off I-119. Very smart one week, extremely dumb the next? Following a script is a simpler explanation.
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cahaya 19367 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-17-11, 01:58 AM (EST)
18. "Week 3" |
LAST EDITED ON 08-17-11 AT 01:59 AM (EST)A fine week for a pair of competent detectives for once. Manny and Jorge were thorough in sifting the clues and locations and in searching the locations they suspected the case might be hidden. But they almost missed it! Jorge walked right by it, but Manny with his prodding pole found it in Jorge's wake. The sisters did a horrible job hiding the case. In fact, they didn't really even hide it. While they left no clues (no calls, no receipts) and drove by three decoy locations for the cops to have to check, the case was plainly visible in broad daylight. Only a few feet off the roadside where the cameraman could zoom his lens on it, it was fairly easily found. There were quite a number of other better, further off the road locations that would have been much better. They also didn't bury or cover the case to make it harder to find. Nor did they do that well during the interrogation. The Miami detectives Manny and Jorge deserve all the credit for this one. They were far more competent than the other bumbling Miami cops and even the SF cops. I actually enjoyed watching this one, rooting for the cops simply because they were doing a good job of it, while the sisters did an incompetent job of hiding the case. I almost when "Argh!" when Jorge walked right by the case and smiled when Manny behind him saved the day. Recap here.
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Puffy 6676 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-18-11, 10:55 PM (EST)
23. "RE: Week 3" |
The girls should have made several phone calls and made many stops so the cops would waste time in following up those false leads.
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PepeLePew13 25872 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-19-11, 06:27 PM (EST)
24. "RE: Week 3" |
LAST EDITED ON 08-19-11 AT 06:30 PM (EST)That's what I would have done as well, and I would also have stopped and made 20 u-turns, circled 20 streets twice each, stopped at a few out-of-the-way location multiple times each to completely throw them off. I would also have tossed the case as far as I could into the bushes, then checked to see if it was possible to see it at all from the path. What killed the girls were two things - the blurting out of "after Banyan ... {deer in headlights look} ... wait, what's Banyan?" and the fact they hid the case only a short distance from the path where it could be seen or felt with the exploring stick. I thought it was not bad of a concept for a show and would watch it again. ETA: If they ever decided to bring this show up to Toronto and I got to take part, I know the perfect location to hide the case and I know where I'd go to create a false path to follow. Pick me, pick me!
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kpod 125 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
08-23-11, 11:58 PM (EST)
25. "Week 4" |
LAST EDITED ON 08-23-11 AT 11:59 PM (EST)A beautiful job of leaving a false trail and totally flummoxing the interrogators, all for nothing because one of them couldn't handle 48 hours in lockup. And the cops won $100,000 for... doing what exactly? Four episodes, four anticlimactic endings. Only two more episodes left so I might see it through regardless, but at this point I can't hold out much hope for the advertised "heart-stopping" drama.
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Puffy 6676 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-24-11, 01:10 AM (EST)
27. "RE: Week 4" |
I totally agree. My thoughts exactly. What a let-down. The guys had it won and the cops did nothing at all. The interrogators were totally fooled and didn't even wear them down. This was frustrating.

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michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-24-11, 00:16 AM (EST)
26. "Week 4" |
I can't count the number of police shows that I've quit watching over the years because, at one point, the story becomes less about the investigation and more about the investigators' personal lives. CSI, NCIS and Criminal Minds are three of the latest examples but those took a season or so to jump the shark."Take the Money and Run" needed only 4 episodes. I don't know for sure that it was an act (Mostly because I don't know if Ron is that good an actor) but that wasn't an investigation. Mary asking the guy to sing? Telling him she wanted to screw the detectives by letting the two keep the money but having the satisfaction of knowing the hiding spot?? And then she felt guilty about it???? That wasn't serious. The detectives received as little airtime as Kelly and Brett in Survivor Samoa! They were totally irrelevant. All we had was a poor psychological study of how isolation affects an individual. It seems the thing to do is to hide the case in one of your friend's house. I feel stupid for all those suggestions at the top of the thread for what would make a good hiding spot. I thought that the detectives would get a hold of the criminals' phone book and the addresses of family and friends. You know, like in reality.

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cahaya 19367 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-24-11, 02:03 AM (EST)
28. "RE: Week 4" |
LAST EDITED ON 08-24-11 AT 02:42 AM (EST)Yup, you expressed most of my sentiments exactly. And, sorry to say, I did not find this week's episode the least bit entertaining. At the conclusion of my recap, which I subtitled Dys-Cast: What a weird, freakish episode, mostly a result of the casting of two emotionally fragile guys that never should have applied to participate in this show to begin with. One more episode like this one and I'm totally outta here. I know the concrete jungle of Chicago well enough to have had a field day hiding that case so it would have never been found. But this show is putting less emphasis on the hiding skills and gumshoe skills, where the fun really is, and way too much emphasis (and time) on the interrogation mind games and emotional train wrecks. By now, I know what I like. I like the first ten minutes where they're hiding the case, critiquing their methods, routes, decoys and hiding location. I also like the gumshoe part of it, what of it there is. I've seen more than enough of Paul and Mary and I wouldn't feel the least bit sorry to see the whole interrogation thing completely cut out from the game.
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michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-24-11, 07:55 AM (EST)
29. "RE: Week 4" |
"What a weird, freakish episode, mostly a result of the casting of two emotionally fragile guys that never should have applied to participate in this show to begin with." But see, I disagree with this conclusion: Casting was looking for exactly that type. Either they knew that the guys wouldn't survive isolation or they got them to act the part.
It had to be planned because the interrogators didn't follow their routine: They didn't go over the route and they didn't question the singer until 10 (TEN!) hours had passed. Cops are creatures of routine so why the huge change? They knew it wouldn't be about interrogation and detective work but a mind game. A pre-planned mind game. Now, we've had 1 episode where the criminals succeeded, one where the interrogators outwitted them, one where the detectives' work paid off and 1 where the system succeeded. Variety at the expense of reality.
 Ils sont fous, ces Romains! Thanks Tribe!
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michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-25-11, 08:26 PM (EST)
34. "RE: Week 4" |
The format change that is needed is for the producers to stop thinking we believe this is reality.
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mindy23 1319 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"
08-31-11, 12:11 PM (EST)
35. "RE: Week 5?" |
LAST EDITED ON 08-31-11 AT 12:16 PM (EST)I'm not sure where we are now, here on Aug. 30th, because I missed a few weeks. But MY question is: Will ANYONE of the clients ever get to keep the money? Will there be a time when the cops do not find it??? Just saying.....
 ETA: I see in the post above that one couple DID get to keep the money? That is the episode I missed, I guess....darn! Wish I could delete this altogether, but nope.
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samboohoo 17173 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-24-11, 09:38 AM (EST)
31. "RE: Week 4" |
Agree; however, I did LOL completely at:Cop: "Do you have any weapons on you, anything that could poke me." Suspect: Well I do have something that could poke you, but it's not a weapon." LMAO!!  Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie
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Puffy 6676 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-24-11, 07:11 PM (EST)
32. "RE: Week 4" |
And BOTH guys said it, too! Great minds think alike.

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Puffy 6676 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
09-07-11, 08:50 PM (EST)
38. "RE: Week 6 final" |
I have a feeling that this was the first episode filmed. Mary and Paul seemed more "made up" and their real-life job descriptions were listed. They gave a little more background info about the rules, too.I liked their plan to get rid of the case early, tell nobody about it, and drive around to decoy places. Their interrogation had me nervous that they'd blow it. They also should have covered the case completely, maybe even under some dirt. They could have put a coat over her arm at the Dugout, as if they were covering up a case, too, like one other couple did. I had a feeling that the cops would lose, to even out the results of each show in the series, a little more.

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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
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