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"Celebrity Fit Club #7"
toad8098 199 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
09-29-09, 05:34 PM (EST)
"Celebrity Fit Club #7" |
Casting has been announced for the 7th season of Celebrity Fit Club. CFC #7 is currently filming and is expected to air in early 2010.http://blog.vh1.com/2009-09-22/exes-kevin-federline-and-shar-jackson-head-fit-club-7-cast/ Kevin Federline - Back up dancer, rapper and ex-husband of Britney Spears Shar Jackson - Actress and ex-girlfriend of Kevin Federline Bobby Brown - R&B Singer, Reality Star and ex-husband of Whitney Houston Nicole Eggert - Actress from Baywatch Sebastian Bach - Former frontman of Skid Row Kaycee Stroh - Actress from High School Musical Jay McCarroll - Fashion Designer, winner of season 1 Project Runway Tanisha Thomas - Season 2 of Bad Girls Club
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weltek 16935 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
09-30-09, 03:57 PM (EST)
1. "RE: Celebrity Fit Club #7" |
Nicole Eggert will always be "Actress from Charles in Charge" to me. 
-A Tribetastic Creation
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mindy23 1319 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"
11-21-09, 11:47 AM (EST)
3. "RE: Celebrity Fit Club #7" |
Wow, I actually recognize all but one of the people. Most of the time, I have to google the contestants to figure out how they became 'celebrities' who want to get 'fit' in the first place!I'll be looking forward to seeing some of these people. Can't imagine Nicole Eggert being over weight, but happens to the best of us! And Federline and X-Fed, or Fed-X (hey, that's a good nick name I just came up with! LOL) should be a riot together! Hope they aren't on the same team, that would be way too easy!! And boring.. Jay should be interesting, as well. He was always over the top, and kind of sloppy. We'll see what kind of a scene he decides to makes. And now the FUN part: Keeing Bobby Brown and Sebastian Bach sober long enough to get ANYTHING slightly productive out of either of them! Should make for a really interesting season. I can't even imagine some of these men following the 'general's' advice! What a trip this should be! I'll be sure to set my DVR!

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mindy23 1319 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"
02-13-10, 06:02 PM (EST)
4. "RE: Celebrity Fit Club #7" |
Anyone but me watch the first episode? I thought it was fitting that Bobby Brown-who is becoming a reality star in his own right by now-had fried chicken and a BEER on his first night at the ranch! LOL. That guy is too much!They showed him a video of himself from, what 20 years ago? Now THAT would make any of us run for the hills! Who of us, without a lot of cosmetic work, and/or a personal trainer all these years, could even come close to looking as well as we did then? That is, IF we were looking good then. Which he was. I was pleasantly surprised by Jay, who has a great attitude and really isn't all that overweight. Neither is Nicole, who just wants to shed a few pounds, but could be a great inspiration to those of us who need to permanently, FINALLY, lose those last 10 or so. Since she's petite (as I am), I can relate to how hard it is to throw off that baggage once it climbs on. I think it'll be interesting this season around. Sebastian actually seems respectful-let's hope he stays away from the boozing whilst there, too.

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