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East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/19/05 Episode Discussion [View All]
Please keep all discussion of tonight's episode here until the peeps on the West Coast have a chance to see it.
24 messages
10-21-05 10:13 AM
Repeats Already?
Two websites, msnbc and tvguide, show Adrift replaying for next Wednesday. Does anyone know if this is NOT true?
4 messages
10-19-05 08:10 PM
Saeed in Australia
I may have missed it, but do we know why Saeed was in Australia. I know why everyone else was in Australia beofe the plane trip (i.e., retrevin
4 messages
10-19-05 07:21 PM
The doctors and the boat people.
I know someone in another thread mentioned they could be the same people, but I didn't see any pictures or responses. What do you think?
19 messages
10-19-05 09:38 AM
Food room
Ok, Jimbo is missing something here…what the crap is going on with the food room? We know Desmond consumed more than just the mystery inje
11 messages
10-18-05 09:25 AM
Sun's wedding ring
A small continuity error? A plot point? When Sun digs the hole to bury the bottle, she is not wearing any rings.%
10 messages
10-18-05 07:06 AM
Small group of back-planers
I don't believe for one minute that that group is from the back of the plane. They just don't scream "survivors" at me. They are more milita
18 messages
10-17-05 06:59 PM
Wierd Lost-related site. Anybody else who've seen this? Found this link on another forum. Anyone of you who know anything about it? So far, I only k
20 messages
10-17-05 04:22 PM
Walt on milk carton
This is probably old news, but I haven't seen it mentioned. Did anyone notice Walt on the milk carton that Hurley was drinking in his d
3 messages
10-17-05 08:57 AM
Randy is the Boss-Man of both Hurley and Locke!
When Mr. Fabfive and I saw the Mr. Cluck scenes last night, I said, that's the same sort of crabby boss that poor Locke had--and this morning%2
9 messages
10-16-05 11:54 AM
Character Love List
Well, there's an episode love list, so I thought I'd make a Character Love List :) Don't know if anyone else already made one of these..
Das Mole
3 messages
10-13-05 10:00 PM
Lost spoilers from the blogworld....
---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, I always
4 messages
10-13-05 08:44 PM
Serious Question about Portrayals
DISCLAIMER: This post is regarding Scientific Psychological questions of how characters are portrayed on the show. Please stick to that. %
1 messages
10-13-05 05:01 PM
Maroon's Mom comes through again
The island is not a natural piece of land. It was built somehow to camoflage the magnetic whatever that goes from one end to the other, therefore%2
2 messages
10-13-05 02:21 PM
Anyone getting tired of all the flashbacks?? [View All]
I AM. Yes I know it is somewhat important to the storyline but could they not do so many please. You just are getting excited about something happenin
22 messages
10-13-05 01:45 PM
and on a real island.....
[b]Actor Josh Holloway and wife robbed at gunpoint in home[/b] HONOLULU — Josh Holloway and his wife reportedly were robbed at
1 messages
10-13-05 12:33 PM
Naveen on The View
Freaky, I just turned the t.v. on for a second, just as Naveen was being introduced on The View. Very nice interview. Of course, he had NO ans
3 messages
10-13-05 08:12 AM
Diagram of inside the hatch - possible spoilers
I got these links from and haven't read them completely. They contain diagrams and pictures of Desmond's home and possibly spoilers. H
2 messages
10-12-05 08:22 PM
Awesome Summaries
Just thought I'd post a site as an FYI. Not sure if it was posted last season or not. This person has VERY detailed summaries posted for
0 messages
10-12-05 02:28 PM
Timeline question/Hanso French Woman connection?
The Team that set the distress signal 16 years ago were scientists there to study something. They had an incident. How does that
4 messages
10-12-05 09:26 AM
It's pre-show time!!! Comments, off-color jokes and fashion fiascos are the norm here! There's only one rule - Do
2 messages
10-12-05 09:23 AM
what's up with their hands????
Kristin from eonline had something in her spoilers yesterday about looking at the left hand of martin (the host of the orientation video) and it i
4 messages
10-11-05 03:49 PM
Answers!!! Beg if you want more!!!
[b]I'll keep this short and sweet!!![/b] Desmond lied to Jack on first meeting. Animals were tagged to later b
6 messages
10-11-05 08:11 AM
Locke's Girlfriend
Can someone help me? My hubby and I got into a big argument over this last ep. I say that Locke's girlfriend is Katie Segal (Peggy Bundy) he
7 messages
10-10-05 08:37 PM
Season One Episode Love List
I thought it would be interesting to see what everyone's favorite episodes were from season one. It'll work just like the Love Lists from other s
7 messages
10-10-05 11:29 AM
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