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Conferences The Bachelor / The Bachelorette Forum (Protected)
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OMG - Could Reality Steve be right? [View All]
HUGE spoiler - if true, it's very sad! As of late tonight... is reporting that yes, Jason picks Melissa but drops her at the
32 messages
03-01-09 02:49 PM
The women tell all 2/23
A question about the camera showing the audience. Not trying to spoil anything here. I'm sure there will be lots to talk about from
12 messages
02-25-09 01:18 PM
2/16 Ep & Upcoming Previews
If you haven't watched last night's episode yet, don't read any further!!!!! ****** ******%2
20 messages
02-18-09 07:22 PM
February 16th - From 3 down to 2 - Who do you think will go tonight?
Who do you want to go home tonight, and who do you think will go home tonight?? Having that second ATFR really makes you think, wha
3 messages
02-17-09 03:37 PM
OKAY!! Post your spoilers here for those of us on the Left Coast that are [i]impatient![/i] [font color="red"][
8 messages
02-17-09 12:46 PM
Let's crack the ending...
More likely than not, the ending of the Bachelor this season has been hyped to the nnnnth degree, and could be nothing more or less than we have a
0 messages
02-17-09 10:16 AM
Dead Doves and Argyle Sweaters
Last night's show was hilarious. Naomi's family was nuts, and now I actually feel bad for her. Melissa's family not showing up was very stran
4 messages
02-15-09 08:40 PM
Enter at your own risk! I warned you! Turn back now or else! I mean it! Okay... More ro
21 messages
02-14-09 01:05 PM
OKAY!! Post your spoilers here for those of us on the Left Coast that are impatient! **Please remember only spoliers and for thos
10 messages
02-11-09 08:35 AM
Jan. 19th Episode
1. Stephanie seems like a nice woman, but there is NO chemistry between her and Jason. N.O.N.E. 2. How awkward was the kiss with Nikki?
18 messages
02-08-09 08:25 PM
Post Feb 2 Episode [View All]
This series of the Bachelor is different in ways that I can not help but notice, besides the fact that Jason is a single dad. This season he seems t
27 messages
02-08-09 05:12 PM
Jan. 26th episode
The five left are not surprising. I thought Jason would keep Nikki instead of Stephanie, but I was wrong. I still don't see any sparks with Steph%
17 messages
01-29-09 06:05 PM
Future Dates For Those Not Chosen
Raise your hand if you think there will be many dateless Saturday nights for the ladies Jason didn't choose. 1)Shannon is way too high
1 messages
01-28-09 10:31 AM
The Jason and Ty Show [View All]
One thing about Jason - he definitely has a type. Brunette. I told hubby that with the Deana/snowboarder break-up that she would show up
41 messages
01-22-09 03:00 PM
I'm curious why they showed a promo last week that Deanna was returning, but then the show on 1/12 as well as promo for next week said NOTHING a
12 messages
01-21-09 07:03 PM
2009 - Ep 1 Jan 5th
Please someone else admit to watching this last night - tell me I'm not the only one :-) I don't think I've ever watched every ep
8 messages
01-07-09 02:18 PM
get for real on the bachelor show
these shows are stupied.. what is so real about the men that are on the shows and the women that are soooo much wanting to be with them.. come on it w
3 messages
01-06-09 10:16 PM
How many people get eliminated per week???
I'm trying to put together a fantasy bachelor bracket but can't figure out how many girls he eliminates per week. Any ideas???
2 messages
01-06-09 12:40 PM
First ad for new season
I saw the first ad for the jan bachelor season on dancing with the stars last night. Jason looked good. Looks like he will have his son with him where
4 messages
01-04-09 02:12 PM
When does the next Bachelor series start?
I'm not sure if they've chosen the next Bachelor. Also, it takes about six weeks to tape. I enjoyed the Bachelorette more than the Ba
12 messages
12-27-08 07:23 PM
Mary and Byron wedding
Hi Does anyone know if they got married in November or if not then when? it is hard to find out info about them. Also, does anyone know the
1 messages
12-07-08 01:35 PM
Trista And Ryan's wedding transcript
Hey there. I would just want to know where I can find the transcript to episode 3 of the wedding. All I actually want is the transcript, or a video
6 messages
12-05-08 03:44 AM
Bachelor romances
I was really disappointed that Deanna and Jesse broke up. Does anyone know if Mary and Byron are still together? I sure hope so.
4 messages
11-26-08 11:45 PM
It's Over
Chris Harrison opened up Monday about the recent split of the latest "Bachelorette" DeAnna Pappas and her former fiancé, Jesse Csincsak.
2 messages
11-06-08 00:41 AM
Men Tell All
Wow, did anybody else think Deanna was a tad, umm, to be pg-13, 'witchy' on the men tell all episode? The comment she made to jeremy was
8 messages
11-04-08 01:14 PM
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