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Conferences Survivor Spoilers Forum (Protected)
Sort Topics by..... ID | Topic | Author | Date Discussion Information
S41-W05-E05 Title and Clues
"Ready to Play Like a Lion"
1 messages
10-21-21 07:20 PM
S41-W05-E05|Vidcaps|“The Strategist or the Loyalist”
14 messages
10-20-21 10:40 PM
S41 | Ep 5 | "The strategist of the loyalist"| East Coast Spoiler Thread
Please place all commentary regarding tonights episode in this thread until the show has a aired in its entirety on the West Coast. And, HAVE PHUN%2
16 messages
10-20-21 10:36 PM
S41-W03-E05|“The Strategist of the Loyalist”| VOTE Thread
Please vote, put the boot choice in the Subject line, and your rationale in the message. THANKS :P The candidates: Yase
3 messages
10-20-21 07:15 PM
S41-W05-E05 Title and Clues
“The Strategist or the Loyalist”
4 messages
10-18-21 03:22 PM
S41-W04-E04|Vidcaps|“They Hate Me 'Cause They Ain't Me”
Please place all vidcaps and discussion on said vidcaps in this thread, note, "no sourced spoilers", thank you!
6 messages
10-14-21 06:54 PM
Spoiler Thread
A thread to place spoilers from around the boards.
12 messages
10-14-21 06:29 PM
Ep 4 East Coast Spoiler Thread
All commentary here
9 messages
10-13-21 10:13 PM
S41-W04-E04 Title and Clues
“They Hate Me ‘Cause They Ain’t Me”
2 messages
10-11-21 08:27 PM
S41 - E3 East Coast Spoiler Thread
Form the second time we don't have a previously on Survivor. Tiffany Brad and Sydney get a beware advantage that production put right in
11 messages
10-07-21 11:37 PM
S41 | Ep 3 "My Million Dollar Mistake | VOTE thread"
Time to vote! Place the name of your boot choice in the Subject line, rationale in the message! [b][i][font color=red]F
2 messages
10-06-21 06:40 PM
S41 | Ep 2 "Juggling Chainsaws | East Coast Spoiler Thread
Please post all commentary regarding episode 2 in this thread until it has aired in its entirety on the West Coast, and, HAVE PHUN!
11 messages
10-06-21 05:44 PM
S41-W03-E03|Vidcaps|“My Million Dollar Mistake”
Please place all vidcaps and discussion on said vidcaps in this thread, note, "no sourced spoilers", thank you!
3 messages
10-05-21 05:33 AM
S41-W03-E03 Title and Clues
“My Million Dollar Mistake”
2 messages
10-01-21 07:15 AM
S41-W02-E02|Vidcaps|“Juggling Chainsaws”
Please place all vidcaps and discussion on said vidcaps in this thread, note, "no sourced spoilers", thank you!
9 messages
09-29-21 11:20 AM
S41 | Ep 2 "Juggling Chainsaws | VOTE thread
Time to vote! Place the name of your boot choice in the Subject line, rationale in the message! Here are the choices:
1 messages
09-29-21 10:47 AM
S41-W02-E02 Title and Clues
“Juggling Chainsaws”
2 messages
09-23-21 11:10 PM
S41 | Episode 1 | East Coast Spoiler Thread [View All]
Please feel free to post all comments on the show as it airs in its entirety in this thread until the folks on the left coast have finished viewing. A
26 messages
09-22-21 10:46 PM
S41 Speculation
Time to get BACK in action. If I am the one to start this ball rolling then, [b]Let's GO![/b] Please note the Survivor Cale
15 messages
09-22-21 07:02 PM
S41 | Episode 1 | IT's time to VOTE
I have a sick feeling that I may be the only one in this forum that posts a vote. Come on folks, throw the dart at the board! The choi
4 messages
09-22-21 05:07 PM
Jenna Morasca busted for drugs
The Fanatics forum has too many cobwebs so I'm posting this here. Morasca really has gone into a tailspin. [link:www.ny
5 messages
09-22-21 12:42 PM
S41-W01-E01 Title and Clues
“A New Era”
3 messages
09-22-21 11:39 AM
Vidcaps, Ep 1
Very late, but time to do a quick spec.... Tribes are split into 3, Green, Blue, Yellow. They are on a large boat, and there is
1 messages
09-22-21 06:33 AM
S41 News and Press Info
CBS Press Releases and News about the future of S41
5 messages
09-22-21 03:59 AM
A Look at the Characters [View All]
Even if my interest in Survivor has diminished drastically over the last 10 seasons, a game reuniting 20 Winners merits attention. As a consequence
57 messages
07-14-20 10:20 PM
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