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Jersey Shore Season 3
So far this season we have 1) A new member Deena, 2)Sammi vs JWow, Snooki and Deena, 3) Snooki arrested (she said she's too pretty for
4 messages
07-10-16 11:23 AM
Jersey Shore Season 3 episode 5
I thought this was a pretty good episode except for Sammi getting all jealous. Jenny and Snooki changing the locks on her house was funny.
1 messages
07-10-16 11:22 AM
Celbrity Rehab Season 4
Some real winners this season. Jason Davis is so vile, EPMB might have considered casting him on Survivor if he could find a way to hollow out the I
12 messages
07-10-16 11:21 AM
Clean House: the new crew.
'Take off your blindfolds [i]and look around[/i]'? That's it. They're doomed. [font size=1]Niecy woul
1 messages
07-10-16 11:20 AM
Live To Dance--ECST [View All]
What would happen if Paula ruled the world, or at least was made executive producer of a reality show. Princess Productions and Shine TV.
32 messages
07-10-16 11:19 AM
Million Dollar Money Drop
Based on the results from the UK version, this is yet another entry in the 'and you will never actually keep any of it' game show field. Here%2
4 messages
07-10-16 11:18 AM
Sarah Palin's Alaska [View All]
Has anyone besides me seen the premiere episode of this show? As long as they stay away from political posturing and focus on Alaska, I think the
Max Headroom
24 messages
07-10-16 11:17 AM
The Next Iron Chef
I can't find a thread on this one so here.... It's almost the end; the finale is next. I enjoy watching Iron Chef America so I l
1 messages
07-10-16 11:16 AM
I hate to even admit this, but I want to know if anyone else is watching "Sister Wives"??
First off, I want to tread lightly, because of the religious portion of this show. THAT being said, what these people are doing is illegal
5 messages
07-10-16 11:15 AM
Storm Chasers
Anyone watching this? The editing isn't nearly as tight as Deadliest Catch, but the subject is compelling. I was shocked to learn that Matt Hugh
1 messages
07-10-16 11:14 AM
"My Big Friggin Wedding" airs Monday at 9pm on VH1.
I'm excited for this show! It looks like it's full of drama, and these people seem crazy! but of course in an amazing and entertaining way.
3 messages
07-10-16 11:13 AM
Deadliest Catch on Deathwatch?
The Hillstrands are in a lawsuit with Discovery, and Sig Hansen is backing his captain buddies.
8 messages
07-10-16 11:12 AM
Money Hungry
VH1 took [b]The Biggest Loser[/b] and the never-produced [b]Tontine[/b], then brought them together in extremely unholy matrimon
14 messages
07-10-16 11:11 AM
Masterchef (U.S. Edition) [View All]
Anyone else watch last night? I enjoyed it. A good, varied judging pannel. I think they made a lot of good calls, and Gordon's soft
50 messages
07-10-16 11:10 AM
Haven't seen it here, but anyone watching "Hoarders"??
I have a lot of compassion for the mentally ill, and as a nurse, have worked with many people who have been in different states of mind. I, mys
4 messages
07-10-16 11:10 AM
with a long haired Jackie Warner. I loved the first show. And I love watching Nikki though I'd probably want to pop her one in real life
3 messages
07-10-16 11:07 AM
The Great Food Truck Race
Food Network's second foray into TAR territory involves seven teams of food trucks on a cross country tour from Los Angeles/San Diego to New York
13 messages
07-10-16 11:06 AM
Discvery Channel- two new shows
I was amazed at "Beyond Survival with Les Stroud" and at "Six Versus the World." Those two new shows had me holding my breath before each new
1 messages
07-10-16 11:05 AM
HGTV's Next Food Star-2010?? [View All]
Anyone watching this? Anyone care? After several seasons, I don't remember seeing the last few season's winners on ANYTHING! I know Mel
38 messages
07-10-16 11:04 AM
The Bachelor Pad
I watched ABC's version of Big Brother last night. I guess it's a clever way to launch a reality show with an "All-Star" version but I didn'
3 messages
07-10-16 11:02 AM
Robin Hood Rally Reality Show
Came across this the other day... The robin hood rally show show will feature amateur drivers entering in their own cars in various rally-style races
1 messages
07-10-16 11:02 AM
Total Drama World Tour.
And this time, the action starts in the States [i]before[/i] Canada gets all the spoilers -- marking the first season where we all have to
19 messages
07-10-16 11:01 AM
Deadliest Catch: Season 5
Avast ye landlocked Lubbers.... Drawback ya boombrakes, and scrape the Daggerboards. It's season 5! Where's my Rognild? Ca
16 messages
07-10-16 11:00 AM
You're Cut Off. [View All]
[b]The Simple Life[/b] multiplied by 4.5, with no retreat zone, no breaks, and apparently no ability to go out and find a pawnshop. T
33 messages
07-10-16 10:59 AM
Celebrity Rehab #4 cast announced.
And appearing on the only reality show where you generally hope everyone wins (and know you'll be lucky to get one): Jeremy London
4 messages
07-10-16 10:56 AM
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