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Expedition Impossible PTTE Thread [View All] ds/User_files/4e065d775d06568e.gif First lists are [link:community.realitytvworld.
30 messages
07-10-16 11:45 AM
Sandwich King
Yay!! I thought it deserved its own thread. :) It debuted yesterday at 11:30 a.m. I didn't get to see it until muc
8 messages
07-10-16 11:44 AM
Anyone watching Millionaire Matchmaker this season??
First off, as most know, Patty is single, is now 50, and, OHMYHECK has had one of THE worst plastic/botox jobs I've seen in a while!%0
4 messages
07-10-16 11:44 AM
Celebrity Rehab Season #5 [View All]
Next Celeb Rehabbers from TMZ Michaele and Tareq Salahi Dwight "Doc" Gooden Bai Ling Michael Lohan Jeremy Jackson
21 messages
07-10-16 11:43 AM
Masterchef: Season #2. [View All]
The amateurs are coming. I [i]really[/i] hope they're actually amateurs. The question here is 'How do we keep Seco
110 messages
07-10-16 11:42 AM
HGTVs Next Food Network Star - 2011 [View All]
Is anyone else interested in this show, I find it more interesting than its sister show (the HGTV Design Star) and a few of the other better kno
39 messages
07-10-16 11:42 AM
Love In The Wild [View All]
For those of you missing Temptation Island - well, it's back. I'll admit it - I liked it. I'm easy when it comes to summer viewing
30 messages
07-10-16 11:41 AM
Is there a forum for the Next Food Network Star??
I honestly have searched high and low, and even used the 'search' button (YEAH, Mindy!!). But I cannot find it... Now, n
3 messages
07-10-16 11:40 AM
Celebrity Wife Swap.
...and that conclusively disproves your idiotic 'benevolent deity' theory. What else ya got?
4 messages
07-10-16 11:39 AM
101 Ways To Leave A Gameshow.
#1. You get so bored waiting for anything to happen, you walk off the set. ds/User
8 messages
07-10-16 11:38 AM
Platinum Hit with Jewel and Kara D
Anyone watching this? Interesting, but I'm so sick of this world thinking that once you reach 35+ you can't think straight or have the inte
6 messages
07-10-16 11:37 AM
Same Name
:-) Got a intro during BB; the Hoff entertains. I sorta liked it. But I don't think it will have a long run. #1 how ma
4 messages
07-10-16 11:36 AM
Deadliest Catch
Who's watching this season? ds/User_files/40b63fe135a9661f.jpg [small][f
8 messages
07-10-16 11:35 AM
Whatever it's called -- the Jersey Cookie show
So much for being a memorable television event. (Stereo)typical Jersey [small](**waves to all our Jersey peeps**)[/
2 messages
07-10-16 11:34 AM
America's Next Great Restaurant [View All]
Two words: Saucy Balls! ds/User_files/46b761dc12208255.jpg [font size =%2
61 messages
07-10-16 11:34 AM
Expedition Impossible [View All]
This new show has been described as a cross between Survivor and The Amazing Race, so that immediately perked up my interest. It'll be interestin
64 messages
07-10-16 11:32 AM
The X-Factor: early news/rumors discussion. [View All]
Brits: tell us what you know. Stateside: tell us what you suspect. -fact
24 messages
07-10-16 11:31 AM
The Voice: premiere. [View All]
Remember all those singers you couldn't stand the first time they showed up on a reality show? Well, [i]here they come again![/i]
141 messages
07-10-16 11:30 AM
I thought there'd be a board for this. If I missed it, please someone leave a trail of breadcrumbs for me. It seems Carlisle didn'
2 messages
07-10-16 11:29 AM
Fear Factor Revival?
Guess like all good horrors, it just won't stay dead. eviving-fear-factor-making-it-b
1 messages
07-10-16 11:28 AM
Reality TV iPhone App?
Hey has anyone tried this? Just saw that someone put out a Reality TV app for the iPhone. Seems to be focused on giving people contact in
1 messages
07-10-16 11:27 AM
RussHell on A&E--Flipped
Here go hell come! [i]A&E has ordered seven one-hour episodes of “Flipped” from Departure Films, it was announced today by Da
6 messages
07-10-16 11:26 AM
You're Cut Offf: Season #2. [View All]
You'd like to think the nice thing about ambush casting shows is that it's impossible to get anyone who's just there to show off on television.
24 messages
07-10-16 11:25 AM
Now Casting For Several Reality Shows!
Hey Reality TV fans! We are currently casting for several new and fun reality shows including Bridezilla, Excused (a future dating s
1 messages
07-10-16 11:24 AM
Wedding Wars
It's engaged couples competing a la Survivor. Surprise! They're not staying at an exclusive Hawaiian resort. They have to rough it in the "jun
2 messages
07-10-16 11:23 AM
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