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Conferences On The Lot Forum (Protected)
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Final 15 Episode 3 (June 19) [View All]
Wes Craven will be the guest judge this week. Who will be eliminated from our last group of five? Andrew (Polished)%0
Cathy the Canadian
25 messages
06-25-07 10:15 PM
Final 15 episode 2 (June 12)
Guest judge tonight will be David Frankel, director of The Devil Wears Prada. Why doesn't Spielburg do a stint as guest judge and help
Cathy the Canadian
20 messages
06-13-07 05:33 PM
Trouble on the Lot
MB shouldn't get too comfortable in that director's chair. [b]Fox cuts 'On the Lot' to one episode a week due to poor ratings%5
9 messages
06-12-07 07:51 PM
Finale 15 Show. [View All]
So, they've moved the show to Tuesday at 10 friggin' pm, and reduced it to one hour this week. And the results show is no more. It
Cathy the Canadian
36 messages
06-07-07 09:28 AM
Finale 18 results show - thoughts? [View All]
Well, first off, I hated the stupid Ryan Seacrest impersonation with the whole - "American voted", and "we'll find out...after the break
Cathy the Canadian
33 messages
06-03-07 02:57 AM
Pretty soon people won't have to work so hard
With all these new reality shows coming out, soon there will be not need to study or go to school just apply to get onto a relaity show and hope lik
0 messages
05-22-07 12:07 PM
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