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Conferences Beauty and the Geek Forum (Protected)
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Is Nate over-rated?
I really like Nate, he is a genuine, nice and kind person. Nate has more integrity than 99% of people who ever appear on realityTV, so don'
10 messages
02-20-07 02:11 PM
Beauty fades - who will be worse off.
Over the years I have noticed that different girls age at very different rates. Often you can tell who will fade fast, and who will not. %0
Earl Colby Pottinger
10 messages
02-17-07 01:29 AM
The Finale.... [View All]
This is the last episode. So what did everyone think of the results?
27 messages
02-17-07 01:27 AM
Disappointments of the Season
Now that we have seen how things ended, and ended well in a lot of opinions, what does everyone still feel like was a disappointment this season%3
2 messages
02-16-07 05:09 PM
Richard vs. Josh vs. CeCe... no change is a good thing.
In an earlier thread, folks were complaining about how the show has lost its charm because of CeCe's lack of change. Meanwhile, Season One was
6 messages
02-15-07 11:26 PM
I can see why Jennylee likes Nate
I didn't see the first, but now I can kind of see why Jennylee likes Nate. Nate is just a good upright person....his values just
1 messages
02-15-07 08:13 PM
Suvivor Twist better than Elimination room
I never was too much into the quiz thing at the end.... I liked the jury twist that they used this time. Before, guys could act like total jerks an
0 messages
02-15-07 07:52 PM
Scooter - Geek Chic
Is it just me, or does Scooter become more appealing with each show? Although he wasn't one of the worst cases, I really think he has evolved
12 messages
02-15-07 10:23 AM
Cee Cee isn't as dumb as she acts
This girl has mastered the art of acting and looking dumb, but she is a lot smarter than she is letting on. It takes a smart woman to ac
ultrabrite smile
6 messages
02-13-07 09:29 PM
What did CeeCee say at the end...
when the host congratulated her and Nate? Something about taking the blonde out of the ranch and the bikini out of the blonde? What? And JennyLe
Jadens Mommy
9 messages
02-09-07 06:00 PM
Bye JennyLee and Niels
As much as I didn't like her, I would have prefered her over CeeCee. Then again, we would have lost Nate. Out of the last two teams%2
Jadens Mommy
8 messages
02-08-07 10:46 PM
Forgive me...Nate looked like a good kisser...
FYI guyes...want to melt a woman's heart? Touch her face while you kiss her. Still don't like the fact that Jennylee and Nate were ki
5 messages
02-08-07 11:22 AM
Season 3 missed the boat
This is definitely the most disappointing installment in this series and I place most of the blame on CeeCee. The clickiness of the girls and all the
7 messages
02-08-07 05:52 AM
Beauty and Geeks on the Dr. Keith Ablow Show
FYI - Some of the beauties and geeks from this season are going to be on the Dr.'s show Wednesday, Feb. 7 on FOX 5 at 10AM on the east coast (do
Jadens Mommy
1 messages
02-07-07 01:21 PM
Cece and the Chihuahua
I think how people treat animals is a real sign of their character. I was really bothered by the scene where Cece put those rings around the cute lit
7 messages
02-07-07 00:04 AM
Mario and Nadia
The best couple on this season is, sadly, no more. I liked both of them very much. Mario was a super-cool guy who seemed to grow tremendously from
8 messages
02-05-07 08:45 AM
"I'm a super good screwer!"
That was said by Cecile. The girls had to use tools to build a dog house and also learn about tools and building for the elimination round. Nice choic
Jadens Mommy
17 messages
02-05-07 08:17 AM
Beauty and the Geek 4
Well, the 3rd installment kind of disappointed me...but the previous two seasons always made me feel good watching...kind of like a fun amusing litt
0 messages
02-05-07 05:51 AM
Asking for phone numbers
They had to do this the first episode and again today. I hate this challenge! And they are timed so the guys are desperate and have to move fast. I
Jadens Mommy
4 messages
02-05-07 02:59 AM
I think that Jennylee is totally adorable! Even when she has a major attitude I think she is kind of funny. I know a lot of you have said that you d
5 messages
02-02-07 07:57 AM
A moment of silence, please.
My beloved Drew is gone. The Hot Buttered Nerd is no more. Not that I'm not glad to see the back of the ove
9 messages
01-30-07 01:54 PM
Optically Challenged
I wish that as part of the makeover show they gave some of the guys new eyewear. Does anyone agree that they dropped the ball on this aspect of the ma
1 messages
01-27-07 11:21 AM
1.24.07 Episode...JennyLee is still here...
ugh...and Nate is returning the affections? I really just lost alot of respect for Nate. I also have new-found respect for Meg
1 messages
01-25-07 10:15 AM
"I'm cooler than you...."
Um...okay - are we in MIDDLE SCHOOL again? Jennylee needs a reality check. Honey, you are 22 going on 12. Granted, Andrea had her mo
15 messages
01-23-07 10:06 AM
Beauty and the Geek: Josh and Cher are the Winners!!!!
This was a close win. It's clear that the two best teams made it to the end. I knew that Josh and Cher were going to win with their last two questio
6 messages
01-22-07 08:18 PM
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