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"dream meanings"
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Canada Girl 3340 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

07-26-02, 11:30 AM (EST)
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"dream meanings"
Has anyone read any books on what dreams mean? I've been having a ton of tornado dreams, where I'm trying to hold down myself, friends, family. Last night I had a dream that I was in an open air church with a tornado above, as I tried to keep my son and fiance from getting pulled up into the tornado, which was directly above. (church=wedding?)

I used to have a lot of tidal wave dreams when change happened in my life.

I'd love to hear what the take on tornado dreams is...


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: dream meanings Drive My Car 07-26-02 1
   RE: dream meanings Femme 07-26-02 4
       RE: dream meanings Asrai 07-26-02 5
           RE: dream meanings Drive My Car 07-26-02 6
 Here's some stuff I found... Femme 07-26-02 2
 RE: dream meanings Femme 07-26-02 3
 RE: dream meanings MakeItStop 07-26-02 7
 RE: dream meanings Red Lady 07-26-02 8
 RE: dream meanings Frau Hexe 07-27-02 9
   RE: dream meanings LadyT 07-27-02 10
       RE: dream meanings Drive My Car 07-27-02 11

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Drive My Car 20045 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-26-02, 11:45 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: dream meanings"

I have heard that Tornado dreams are really common. I am not sure about the meaning, but sounds like a stress dream.

I had an interesting dream. This morning I was having coffee with George Clooney, he was wearing a Tuxedo, and was being really nice to me. I think he was going to kiss me, but then my daughter turned the TV on, and I woke up to the sounds of SpoungeBob, and my husband hollaring at her to TURN THE TV DOWN!! Danggit!! I think George wanted me!


Femme 3621 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

07-26-02, 12:31 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: dream meanings"
Interestingly enough, Buggy, found out some stuff about your dream!

Dreaming of Famous People
If you dream of famous people this portends that you will soon see an increase in your prosperity and a rise to you own place of honor.

Backed up by another site:
To see famous people in your dream, signifies an increase to your prosperity and honor.

Dreaming of Tuxedoes:
To see or wear a tuxedo in your dream, represents culture, sophistication, and/or grace. It refers to a cultivated passion or to your desires for the finer things in life. Alternatively, it suggests that you want to amount to something in your life. You want to make a name for yourself and establish your reputation.

Dreaming of kissing:
To kiss a strange person in your dream, denotes loose morals and questionable integrity.

Dreaming of Seduction:
To dream of seduction, is an expression of your sexual desires. Alternatively, you may be feeling lured into doing something you might not otherwise have done. You may be giving up your power of choice.

Dreaming of Cartoons:
To dream that you are watching cartoons, indicates that you are not taking life seriously.

Ah, heck, maybe you're just horny?



Asrai 6083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-26-02, 12:47 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: dream meanings"
>>Dreaming of kissing:
To kiss a strange person in your dream, denotes loose morals and questionable integrity.<<

Yep, that sounds just about right! ROTFLMAO!!!!!


Drive My Car 20045 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-26-02, 12:50 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: dream meanings"
HEY!!! LOL at Loose morals ( only around here)

I actually didn't dream of the cartoon, it was what woke me up!
That and Hubby yelling for her to turn it down.



Femme 3621 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

07-26-02, 12:11 PM (EST)
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2. "Here's some stuff I found..."
A simple explanation
TORNADO - Strong, sudden changes capable of disruption in your life. An emotional storm. Swirling emotions that can be damaging.

Jungian interpretation
The tornado...the moving force behind this dream is, indeed, religious. When Dorothy was blown out of Kansas and landed in Oz, it was a similar force that took her. Wind is, in religious tradition, the equivalent of the element Air, which means Spirit. In Greek it's Pneuma. In Latin it's Animus. In German it's Geist. The implication is that the Spirit that moves us isn't some simple, religious phrase...but a force that really packs a whallop. When God intervenes in your can be sure that it isn't a little puff of air that gets stirred...and when you fall in can bet that God's going to seem an awful lot like the wolf in the story of the 3 Little Pigs.

More on Tornadoes
To see a tornado in your dream, suggests that you are experiencing some extreme emotional outbursts and temper tantrums. Is there a situation or relationship in your life that may be potentially destructive?
To dream that you are in a tornado, signifies that you are feeling overwhelmed and out of control. You will be met with a series of disappointments for the next week or so.  Your plans will be filled with complications.

More about Tornadoes
If you dream that you are caught up in a tornado, or see other people in one, or you are in danger from a tornado, then you will find all your well laid business plans come to naught and failure will dog your footsteps until you do something to change your chances of success; more education, better training or so forth.

Here’s a site where you can enter your dream for interpretation.



Femme 3621 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

07-26-02, 12:12 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: dream meanings"
LAST EDITED ON 07-26-02 AT 12:13 PM (EST)

Ooo, this is good news:


dreaming of a church is a good luck omen and especially so if you dream of the outside of the building, which shows luck in love and marriage. The inside of a church shows that you will have a few small problems that could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Of course, you must study the dream as a whole, for other activities may change the interpretation so that the church itself has no meaning other then that of location.




MakeItStop 1098 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

07-26-02, 01:02 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: dream meanings"
I've always found dream interpretation fascinating. I actually own a book that helps you interprete your dreams. Unfortunately it is in storage since we sold our house and we're temporarily living in a tiny apartment. But I do remember that it said whatever emotions you are feeling in your dream are emotions that you are dealing with in real life. Hope this helps.


Red Lady 2010 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

07-26-02, 01:18 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: dream meanings"
In "The Dream Book: Symbols for Self-Understanding", by Betty Bethards the following explanations were given for these symbols:

CHURCH: May represent an outer appearance of spirituality rather than an attunement within your own inner temple. Also, a worshipful consciousness within the self; a need to awaken awareness in acknowledgement of a Higher Power.

TORNADO/Hurricane: Strong, sudden changes. One is caught in an emotional storm rather than staying in the eye of calmness. Meditate and center.

Dreamy Regards,
Red Lady


Frau Hexe 716 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

07-27-02, 03:53 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: dream meanings"
It looks like you've had some great responses already, but I'd like to give you my spin (ugh...bad pun NOT intended) on this. I've had these same kinds of dreams before about tornados, and yet, I've never experienced one before. These always come when my life feels particularly out of control and I'm trying to get a handle on it, in addition to appeasing the people closest to me. Your dream sounds similar, and if you think about it, you're planning this major event, and it's probably a tad bit chaotic right now, and to top it all off, you have all these factors you can't control: the people you love. The tornado likely represents this chaos, and trying to hold down/onto the people you care about likely has something to do with 1) holding onto things that are stable and familiar while this is happening in your waking life, and/or 2) gaining some control over these unpredictable factors in your planning.

Most dream interpretation is best done if you think about what these symbols might mean to you specifically. For instance, when you think of a tornado, what is the first feeling or abstract description you would associate with it? This is usually what it applies to in your life. Are you getting married in a church? If so, the church symbolism is pretty clear, and the tornado with the church would pretty much hammer home what I said above.

So for what it's worth, hope this helps.

"I know I can't be the only whatever I am in the room." -Ani Difranco


LadyT 5567 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-27-02, 10:20 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: dream meanings"
Hexie said everything I would say too. Tornadoes represent chaos. Think about it, after a tornado rips through town, there is a lot of changes going on. You are getting marriedin a week, thats a major life change. It's just a symbol of hey, my life is changing. For the better. It's a stressful time for you right now, but it will calm down.

How come I never dream of George Clooney? Although I dream of sleeeve and thats better

Lady T-mean Uber b!tch


Drive My Car 20045 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-27-02, 02:17 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: dream meanings"
Clooney wants me.



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