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"Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
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geekboy 1788 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-21-09, 09:32 PM (EST)
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"Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
LAST EDITED ON 04-22-09 AT 08:36 AM (EST)

Well, Disco Night turned out to be better than expected. As Randy said several times, this is one hell of a talented group and it showed tonight. I think this could result in the annual 'shock boot'...but we'll see. On with the rankings.

(1) Kris - She Works Hard For The Money
I know i sound like a broken record, but this boy is on a great roll. He is musically brilliant, vocally consistant, and can take a well known song and craft it into something new time and again. By far, the most memorable performance of the night.

(2) Allison - Hot Stuff
Again, a very well known song crafted to Allison's rock edge and i think it worked for her. She is peaking vocally at the perfect time. I don't want to see this girl go.

(3) Adam - If I Can't Have You
I personally did not like what Adam did with this song, but again like the above two he took a well known song and made it new. I don't think the 'new' worked as well as the above, but at least it was FAR from copycat.


(4) Matt - Stayin' Alive
He surprised me. I actually enjoyed this performance. Granted, he didn't do anything new with it, but only teh above three achieved that.

(5) Danny - September
I don't have much to say, but at least Danny finally sung the beginning of a song as well as he sings the end. Nothing spectacular, but it was entertaining.

(6) Anoop - Dim All The Lights
First off, I LOVE THIS SONG. And some of you might have recognized, he changed the lyrics. Now..."Dim All The Lights" is a song about turning down the lights, stripping off your clothes, and hopping into bed with you significant other and doing the nasty. Its a sex song. If you don't want to sing the sex parts...DON'T PICK A SEX SONG!! Just to clear things up, the song goes "Dim all the lights, sweet darling, cuz tonight its all the way..." Anoop did OK, was ruined for me by changing the lyrics.

(7) Lil - I'm Every Woman
*sigh* What more can be said. She's a copycat singer who doesn't realize when she is copying songs and singers. She has the potential to be great, but she hasn't shown it and has made it farther than she should. I will be SHOCKED if she doesn't go home tomorrow.


"I think what Randy Travis was trying to say was 'What the hell was that?!'" - S. Cowell


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... Corvis 04-21-09 1
   RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... Ahtumbreez 04-22-09 30
 RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... mhdallas 04-22-09 2
   RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... Corvis 04-22-09 6
   RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... Tahj 04-22-09 21
 RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... Glow 04-22-09 3
   RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... Tahj 04-22-09 23
       RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... Glow 04-22-09 26
 RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... samboohoo 04-22-09 4
   RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... Glow 04-22-09 5
       RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... Tahj 04-22-09 25
           RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... Glow 04-22-09 27
               RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... zazzy 04-22-09 28
       RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... samboohoo 04-22-09 36
 RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... zazzy 04-22-09 7
   RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... DoodleBug 04-22-09 15
       RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... zazzy 04-22-09 17
       RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... Ahtumbreez 04-22-09 31
 RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... emydi 04-22-09 8
 RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... Snidget 04-22-09 9
 RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... kingfish 04-22-09 10
 RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... TxMom2011 04-22-09 11
 RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... IdolFan77K 04-22-09 12
 RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... mrc 04-22-09 13
   RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... Glow 04-22-09 14
       RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... zazzy 04-22-09 18
           RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... Glow 04-22-09 19
               RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... mrc 04-22-09 20
                   RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... Snidget 04-22-09 22
 RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... SilverStar 04-22-09 16
   RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... mindy23 04-22-09 24
 RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... dragonflies 04-22-09 29
 RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... more_cowbell 04-22-09 32
   RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... realitytvviewr 04-22-09 33
       RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... Glow 04-22-09 35
       RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... zazzy 04-22-09 41
   RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... Glow 04-22-09 34
   RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... zazzy 04-22-09 40
 RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... nailbone 04-22-09 37
   RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... geekboy 04-22-09 38
       RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... dragonflies 04-22-09 39
 RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... moonbaby 04-22-09 42
 RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disc... mtb002 04-22-09 43

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Corvis 3130 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-21-09, 11:16 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
(1) Kris - She Works Hard For The Money
Wow, what a great performance. Taking a song we know and making it original and new. My favorite Kris performance.

(2) Adam - If I Can't Have You
He's just a class above everyone else in the competition because consistently he is good. He never has an off week.

(3) Matt - Stayin' Alive
This could have been a trainwreck and it wasn't. In fact, it was cool and fun and I really enjoyed it. Plus the notes he hit were awesome.

(4) Allison - Hot Stuff
I was actually a little bored with this. Her youth is really showing - she doesn't always connect with the songs. When she does, it's the exception and not the rule. She needs a couple more years of seasoning.

(5) Danny - September
Yawn. He's really getting boring.

(6) Anoop - Dim All The Lights
Oh Anoop. What a shame after such a good night last week.

(7) Lil - I'm Every Woman
I want her gone! She's so karaoke, it's not even close to funny.

If America is smart, it'll be Adam vs. Kris in the final.


Ahtumbreez 10456 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 11:55 AM (EST)
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30. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
I'm just here to Ditto Corvis. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Mangalicious by The Slice
09/25/2008 Bre left for Iraq
04/29/2009 Bre leaves Iraq


mhdallas 165 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

04-22-09, 06:56 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
Frankly I have a headache just from remembering last night's fiasco. Call me crazy, but the one redeeming quality of 'disco' is that it's supposed to have a good beat and make you want to dance. Last night, the only thing I wanted to do was hurl.

1 - Adam. As usual, he was the one bright spot of the night. Even though I would've preferred it if he'd sung a more 'disco' sounding song, still...he wowed me as usual with his originality and incredible vocal skills. Please - just give this boy the contract already and send everybody else home.

2 - Danny. I'd give him a C- for this. It wasn't particularly bad, but it wasn't particularly good, either.

3 - Lil. I thought it was an okay performance, but that song was just not the one she should've picked. All it made me do was think about Oprah - and that's not a good thing. Lil is a sweetheart, but Simon had it right on this one. That was her swan song.

4 - Allison. UGH. That song is not supposed to be so blasted slow. Her vocals are fine, but her performance with that song was just atrocious. Someone could've had a lot of fun with that song; instead, we got this. Big sigh.

5 - Anoop. Not great, but not that bad, either. However, mediocre's just not going to go much further in this contest.

6 - Matt. At least, he tried to keep it sounding 'disco', I'll give him props for that. But he took a song that's way out of his range and turned it into pure karoke (I know I can't spell it - that's because I don't do it, don't like it, and don't like listening to it.) What a waste of a save. Him and Lil have to go this week.

7 - Kris. The only good thing about this is that I'm no longer ambivalent about Kris - I now officially hate him. He took a song that was awful to begin with, and turned it into something that I never, ever want to hear again. I don't care who does it, I don't care how they do it, but I never want to hear this song again for fear that I'll be reminded of this ghastly performance. What was that? White boy reggae? Methinks the boy was trying to pull an "Adam" by doing something unexpected, which only goes to prove just how unoriginal Kris is. I don't get the judges love on this one (and I usually see eye to eye with Simon), and I'm sure that all of Kris' fans will love him wholeheartedly, but still... I don't get it and, frankly, I no longer want to.

Ok - I feel better now that I've got that out of my system! My apologies to Kris fans - but we all have contestants we don't like, and he just became mine.


Corvis 3130 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-22-09, 07:45 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
"into pure karoke (I know I can't spell it - that's because I don't do it, don't like it, and don't like listening to it.)"

I don't agree with your rankings, but this made me laugh out loud! Heh!


Tahj 4136 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

04-22-09, 10:28 AM (EST)
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21. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
*Boogle* at Lil number 3. Come on. Seriously, come ON!

It's a Tribe!


Glow 14353 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 07:04 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
LAST EDITED ON 04-22-09 AT 07:07 AM (EST)

Adam “If I Can't Have You” – dude. That was amazing. Brilliant. wow.

edited to fix bolding

1. Kris “She Works Hard For the Money” – yes. This. That was awesome. I am totally buying Kris' CD.
2. Danny “September” – He does have a sexy voice and I love that song. Vince Neil certainly appreciated it and who am I to argue with Vinnie?
3. Allison “Hot Stuff” – that wasn’t as good as they want me to believe. It was awful in theory (the arrangement was OTT... overindulgent, if you will) but she managed to somehow pull it out.

4. Anoop “Dim All The Lights” - eh
5. Matt “Stayin' Alive” – some of that was painful for me
6. Lil “I'm Every Woman” – that was bad

"What he does is original, deliberate, and intentional. He knows what he's doing and why. He is so superior to any of the other contestants that he really doesn't even belong there." - Tahj


Tahj 4136 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

04-22-09, 10:32 AM (EST)
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23. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
As usual, we are completely in sync. Now I don't have to do my own list. Thanks dahlin' .

It's a Tribe!


Glow 14353 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 10:46 AM (EST)
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26. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
I like to save you the trouble. *curtsies*

"What he does is original, deliberate, and intentional. He knows what he's doing and why. He is so superior to any of the other contestants that he really doesn't even belong there." - Tahj


samboohoo 17173 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 07:10 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
First Week I have actually watched the entire show:

I'm just going to ditto you Geekboy.

Adam has an amazing voice. Amazing. But I did not like what he did with the song. At all. Kris made me want to buy his song, and I will.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie


Glow 14353 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 07:26 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
my sister doesn't watch the show but she watches Fringe so she catches the recaps (and sometimes Adam's entire performance!). She really likes Kris. She really does not like Adam. A lady I work with just told me her daughter walked into the room last night and said "ew" to Adam. I'll have to ask if she likes Kris.


Tahj 4136 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

04-22-09, 10:40 AM (EST)
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25. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
That's why, for the first time this season, I voted for Adam. I think he could be at risk from here on out. He has his rabid fans and his rabid haters and I think some people might be starting to turn on him.

It's a Tribe!


Glow 14353 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 10:51 AM (EST)
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27. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
Several rabid Adam fans are in the media. More people are watching the show because of all the media coverage. Lots of people aren't going to get him and some people who do get him won't like him. If those people that start voting...

"What he does is original, deliberate, and intentional. He knows what he's doing and why. He is so superior to any of the other contestants that he really doesn't even belong there." - Tahj


zazzy 4390 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

04-22-09, 11:06 AM (EST)
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28. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
We'll have two big things coming up affecting voting beyond the the boots rack up, and when we get to the F4 and F3, a portion of those whose fav was already booted may redeploy to one of those left.

Then there are those who don't vote until F3 or F2...and that can change things, too.

IMO Adam will show all sides of Adam when they go to 3 songs. Likely -- Ballad Adam, Wild Adam and Funky/Fun Adam. No one else will entertain with as much diversity. He'll smoke whoever is there with him when they go to 3 songs.


samboohoo 17173 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 01:21 PM (EST)
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36. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
I think the one benefit to not watching is that I'm not invested in any one person.

I have seen bits and pieces of Adam, and I think he is clearly in a league of his own. I applaud him for doing something different with that song, I just didn't like it. At least I got more exposure to him as an artist.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie


zazzy 4390 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

04-22-09, 08:00 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
1. Adam. You are captivating! You would have been waaayyy above the rest if you had not snuck in the Adam "wail" or whatever that shrill high yowl is. It didn't fit what you were trying to do; it fits a rock song so much better. I get that it's your trademark, though.

2. -Tied-

Kris--didn't love it when I just heard the audio from another room; liked it a lot when I watched it the whole performance. I liked the drum treatment and the Santana-esque arrangement. I love how Kris is a consummate performer, doesn't miss a note, sings on pitch, etc.

Danny--one of his more enjoyable performances. He looked great and sang great. Very entertaining. Too bad this was the week to really depimp him. I could see in his eyes that he knows what the judges are doing.

4. Matt -- also one of his more enjoyable performances. I liked the energy and the range he displayed. It wasn't great but good enough for a mid pack AI singer and much better than many other former mid pack AI singers. I think he'll do well on tour when he repeats the same 2 songs all summer long.

5. Allison -- interesting lighting/drama treatment for her. I spent the first part of the song wondering how well would she stand up from the steps on those insanely high hooker type shoes. And she was graceful. I liked the slow part; I could understand what she was saying. When the tempo picked up I lost a lot of her words. She sounded good but not great. I wonder about her capacity to do three songs a night at F3 and F2. I wonder if the producers are wondering about that as well.

6. Anoop -- it was one of his best. Still, he doesn't blow me away but that was miles better than some of his others. The look was so much better as well. I dislike that he immediately has a disappointed look on his face at the end of the performance, as if he is grading himself. I get that he is hardest on himself, but dude! JT or whoever you want to be like wouldn't wince over himself if he blew the last note--he would just smile and take in the applause. Do that next week! Enjoy it!

7. Lil -- You looked fierce! You looked transformed from when you were at the Hollywood rounds stage. Now it's time to take the voice and shape it the way you have your look. You have the raw material. I hope Melinda and especially Lakisha have been in contact with you to help you through the savage comments you have gotten from the judges. They understand the roller coaster that is AI.


DoodleBug 5133 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 09:21 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
I'm agreeing, again, with you except for one thing.... Kris is slightly higher in the rankings than Danny for me. I would love to see an Adam/Kris final.

zazzy 4390 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

04-22-09, 09:42 AM (EST)
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17. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
thanks! I nearly did rank Kris over Danny but I thought Danny delivered in the entertainment area. So that's how I got to a tie.

Ahtumbreez 10456 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 11:59 AM (EST)
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31. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
Totally agree with your Adam/Kris finale.

Mangalicious by The Slice
09/25/2008 Bre left for Iraq
04/29/2009 Bre leaves Iraq


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 08:16 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
Meh...why even do disco week if you don't make them sing disco!?!

1. Adam-I'm putting him here bc of his higher range..but I was so hoping for Flamebert not Lambert tonite...nice comment Simon jackA$$ if he said the same thing about Lil everyone would be calling racisim....

2. Kris-this was good. I liked the bongo drums I still can't get past his monkey faces though

3. Anoop-this was ok but Kris should've gotten the pimp spot

4. Matt-this was desperate...he really channeled his inner Timberfake this week

5. Lil-Oh dear that was karaoke but I like her sass and I really hope VFTW saves her from double elim

6. Allison-oh boy was that an inappropriate song for her to sing and she did it in a god awful outfit. And please Alliosn, just gargle with warm salt water that should clear that frog right up. Over her.

7. Douche-ok was I in an alternative universe during the 5 minutes he was singing and the judges were judging? What part of that screeching and awkward dancing was good. He started with a high pitched screech and then he was the clear karaoke champion of the nite.. when will America get over this douchebag?


Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 08:32 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
1. Kris. I really liked this. I like jazzy Kris. I can't watch your mouth when you sing, but maybe that is what you have to do with it to make that sound so I'm in a forgiving mood.

2. Adam. This was not my favorite performance of his. Probably because I didn't seem much new other than he's back to tortured ballad mode. I like that mode. I just would (I never thought I'd say this about Adam) like a bit more variety when he's in that mode.

3. Allison. I'm sorry, I like the little whiskey and koolaid soaked girl. I know I shouldn't. I know she ought to be 16 instead of 45, but I liked that.

--small gap--

4. Anoop. Not great, shouldn't have gotten the pimp spot, but it was OK. Would have been more memorable if the other people had all sung disco as disco.

--big gap--

5. Matt. It was bad. It was a fourth rate Timberlake impersonation. The falsetto near the beginning came out of his forehead and would have sounded better if not strangled by his hat. However it was at least vaguely entertaining in a look at the desperation kind of way.

6. Lil. Thank goodness you at least have Diva Sass. It keeps the Diva vote working for you. You are lucky there is no other diva on the show. I think things would go better for you if you just embraced the karaoke (I finally learned to spell that, yea me) I can't be original to save my butt self and ran with it. Trying to convince us you are really an artiste is not going to work. Be the other singers, have no sense of self, run with it, and be proud of it. Impersonators can make a really good living if you'd just throw yourself into it you could be great.

7. Kare-go-key. It ain't an original name, but then he ain't an original singer, either. I will say at least it was an uptempo song. But as a second rate Taylor Hicks I just can't deal with your performances. At least I liked the tone of Taylor's voice and his awkwardness was owned and he had fun with it. You do something grating with your vowels. Your pitch isn't as perfect as the judges insist. The awkward geeky thing can be cute when the person owns it and knows they are a goof. When the person is smug about how great they are it is annoying as all heck. I can't figure out if it is just delusion or arrogance that has you think you really are that freaking entitled.


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 08:44 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
1.Adam “If I Can't Have You” – Brilliant. Professional, artistic, musically perfect, range...once again, so superior to the others that it seems unfair that he is in the same competition.

2. Allison. Very good. Solid second place.

3. Lil. I missed her performance, just caught the recap at the end. But because the others (4-7) were so mediocre, I put her in third.

{the Field}

4. Danny “September” – Dull

5. Anoop “Dim All The Lights” - Put his light out, please. Bland.

6. Matt “Stayin' Alive” – What a terrible performance. Incredibly Dull.

7. Kris "She works hard for the Money" - He needed to work harder for the song. Boring performance for me, and his guitar work was substandard. I actually liked the sidemen better, it was a mistake to put professional studio musicians on stage with him, the contrast was not in his favor. And the visual of him singing is just very off-putting.


TxMom2011 188 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

04-22-09, 08:44 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
1. Danny - I really enjoyed this. Thought he did a great job. I wish he were more consistent.

2. Kris - Very nice - but his musical styling still borders on boring.

3. Allison - She can sing anything. And I like how she seems to just be herself.

4. Adam - Nice vocals (if you ignore the screeches) but I still dont want him to win.

The rest were not good.

5. Anoop - He has a nice voice but not much showmanship. I still hate the way he dresses.

6. Matt - Though I think his is the closest to the type of music I like, he just doesn't always deliver.

7. Lil - Oh go home already! She did look great in that cat suit though.


IdolFan77K 10 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

04-22-09, 08:51 AM (EST)
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12. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
Disco night wasn't that cool. It was hard to pick a fave. Even Danny seemed to slip.
If you missed any of it, check out this funny video about it. The host is really funny with some of the stuff he says about the judges. And there's a lot of cool pics.


mrc 10113 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 09:12 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
1. Kris. Excellent.

2. Allison. Very good.

3. Adam. Would have been better w/o the screeching. And the Eddie Munster look.

4. Danny. Only here by default. What was up with the heart sign at the end?

5. Anoop. Rushed and that last note was horrible.

6. Matt. As Top Idol called him, "a poor man's Justin Timberlake." Very karaoke.

7. Lil. Put her and us out of our misery and send her home. She just doesn't get it.

A Slice of Manga


Glow 14353 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 09:20 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
"What was up with the heart sign at the end?"

I always assume that kind of thing is a gesture to their fans.

If I learned nothing else from Mark Kanumera.


zazzy 4390 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

04-22-09, 09:50 AM (EST)
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18. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
His sisters were in the audience. I thought he was looking at them when he did it, perhaps they did it to him first.

Glow 14353 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 09:55 AM (EST)
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19. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
That makes perfect sense.

mrc 10113 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 10:11 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
It looked like posturing to me, but then again, maybe emydi is just rubbing off on me.

A Slice of Manga


Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 10:31 AM (EST)
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22. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
Obviously it is the secret sign that Papa needs a new pair of glasses so the flock better send those donations to Sophia's Heart tonight or else.

*takes off tinfoil hat*

A lot of the signs had the I <3 Danny stuff so I'm guessing it was a heart back at them.

He really needs to be turning water into wine if he's going to put out that much cheese.


SilverStar 6205 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 09:32 AM (EST)
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16. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
1. Kris-- Awesome. I'm finding I'm more surprised each week by what Kris does than by what Adam does. He always seems to find a way to change up songs and they fit his style perfectly.

2. Allison-- Sort of a middle of the road performance, but I still liked it.

3. Adam-- *sigh* I want to love him, but I'm losing patience. It seems like he only has 2 modes-- over the top theatrics, or slow, serious ballad. And when I want the over the top, he pulls out the ballad. I mean, it's disco night! I was expecting some crazy, fun, wacky stuff, and then... that. It was good, he has an awesome voice, blah blah. I'm actually getting bored with him. He never lives up to my expectations.


4. Matt-- It was alright, in parts. Matt has been kind of mediocre lately, but I still don't want him to go home and I'm glad they used the save on him.

5. Anoop-- Never heard this song before, but it was alright. He still bores me and I still want him to go home.

6. Danny-- He's just so frickin' cheesy! I can't stand him. Love the song, but no.

7. Lil-- I don't know why the judges keep saying she's one of the best singers. When has she ever shown that? Every week is painful. Go home already.


mindy23 1319 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

04-22-09, 10:33 AM (EST)
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24. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
I was almost pleasantly suprised at the new spin on disco night. Turning disco into Santana and Bee Gees into ballad wasn't as painful as it could have been.

My rankings:

Adam-no one can outdo or out sing this guy. That is just a matter of fact. Wasn't crazy that he turned my Bee Gees around so far, but at least he gave them honorable mention, and did them note by note. Originality is definitely his game!

Kris-different take on a song about a street walker. Can't really find fault, and it was certainly unexpected, and on tune. Starting to like him more and more, and bumping him up to number 2, hoping for a Kris/Adam finale.

Allison-OK, she has a tough time getting those words out of her mouth, and she needs a younger make-over, but that girl can sing! I always feel her songs need to be brought up about a key to a key and a half, but whatever. Still thought she was better than the others beneath her.

Anoop-I had never heard this song before, so I can't really critique on anything but the vocals, which I thought were very good, with the exception of the last few scratchy, off-key, misses. His face said it all. I still like Anoop, and think he has a really cool voice. There's just something about him that America doesn't get, and I'm not sure what it is.

Danny-he disappointed me tonight. Nothing in particular about what he did rocked or rolled or disco'd. He sang in tune, as usual, but I think I'm just tired of all the hype behind him, and I've seen and heard much better from him.

Matt-At least he stayed true to the disco era, and what would it be without 'Stayin' Alive'?? Too bad he pretty much killed it. I hope Robin and Barry were doing something else last night.

Lil-enough said about this. She's a dead horse who can only be beaten for so long.


dragonflies 8051 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 11:38 AM (EST)
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29. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
1. Kris - loved it!
2. Adam - loved it almost as much as Kris!
3. Danny - liked it, was fun
4. Allison - sort of liked it, was enough to get her through
5. Matt - not bad, not great
6. Anoop - awful
7. Lil - really awful

beautifully created by Syren


more_cowbell 60 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

04-22-09, 12:08 PM (EST)
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32. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
1. Adam - Adam's been the class of the field since day one. Last night's performance wasn't his greatest, but it was still better than everyone else's by a country (or disco) mile. The song started out fine, but then degenerated into an emo parody of himself. Mostly I'm just disappointed that he didn't sing "Lady Marmalade". C'mon, Adam. You can do better than that.

2. Kris - Kris is That Guy Who I Keep Forgetting Is Still In The Competition. So I was pleasantly surprised by his vanilla-reggae slacker version of "She Works Hard For The Money". The arrangement was creative and interesting, though his voice got a little thin at the upper end of the range. But overall, nice job. Extra bonus points for causing Paula to babble about ladies' underwear.

3. Allison - I enjoyed her version of "Hot Stuff", it was a great song choice. She's got a unique voice. Didn't care as much for the vampire concubine costume, but it didn't really detract from the performance either.

4. Anoop - "Dim All The Lights" was a decent effort. Not his best, but not his worst. Anoop is one of the best pure vocalists this season, but unfortunately his voice gets overshadowed by lack of stage presence, image consultants who insist on dressing him like Snooty Von College Boy Snootington IV (who thought pink and chin scruff was a good combination?), and irrational hatred from Simon and the producers. On the other hand, Anoop, Gokey and Adam seem to have the biggest fan bases, judging from the number of posts at the AI boards. So I'm hoping he survives this round. I heart Anoop. I want him to stay because he annoys Simon so much.

5. Matt - His singing was insipid, ingratiating, and lacquered in spray cheese, but you at least have to give him credit for sticking to the disco genre. I fervently wish he would stop wearing that stupid little "ring-a-ding kid" fedora. It's way too small for his head.

6. Danny - He took a classic EWF groove, and sang the whitest, smuggest, most church picnic version ever. For which he earns my undying hatred. Not only that, he screwed up the lyrics in the second verse. I thought that was an unforgivable AI sin? Why do the judges continue to pimp him week after week?

7. Lil - After failing to channel Chakha, and committing multiple sins of pitch and tonality, Lil's a dead diva walking. It seems like she's been getting worse every week, but I think it's really that she's staying at the same level, while everyone else is leaving her in the dust. (To be fair, I do think the judges have been overly harsh on her. They yank her this way and that..."Sing Mary J! No, sing Whitney!...No! Why can't you just be yourself?")

I predict she'll be gone tonight, but her rear end will take an additional three days to leave. (I'm sorry, that wasn't very nice. BAD Dobby!)


realitytvviewr 13 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

04-22-09, 12:36 PM (EST)
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33. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
ADAM- I am not an Adam fan. He can sing but he also screams too much. The song started out ok for me but he should have picked up the pace a bit instead of trying to wake the dogs.

KRIS - I liked his performance tonight.

ALLISON - I thought her performance tonight was bad. The arrangement of the song was horrible. I felt like I couldn't breath watching her. Her outfit was too tight and she sounded like she couldn't catch her breath. She sings good but her voice is the kind that would get on my nerves after the third song on her cd. Know what I mean?

DANNY - I don't know what all the fuss is about this guy. He sings okay and his performances are cheesy (others have said this too I believe). I can't believe the judges said Matt's performance was karaoke but they didn't say that about Danny. He had that corny smile on his face the entire song and it just reminded me of some goofy wedding singer.

LIL - She does not have any originality in her voice or performances. I feel like I've heard her before. Oh wait, that's because there are too many of her on the radio already!

MATT - I like Matt. Yes, his song wasn't that good last night but it wasn't that bad either. He's got a nice voice and he can play the piano. He just needs to not wear that goofy JT hat.

ANOOP - He sings well but he just doesn't have the look or stage presence needed to be a winner.

PAULA - Ok, we all know she is wacko but I just couldn't get over the look on her face when Adam was singing. Can we say "Corey Clark"? Unfortunately Paula, I don't think Adam swings your way. I'm just guessing.


Glow 14353 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 12:49 PM (EST)
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35. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
Welcome to the boards.

"She sings good but her voice is the kind that would get on my nerves after the third song on her cd. Know what I mean?"


"Unfortunately Paula, I don't think Adam swings your way. I'm just guessing."

If I to guess, I'd agree with you.


zazzy 4390 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

04-22-09, 04:49 PM (EST)
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41. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
Hi, hope you keep posting!

BTW, the judges were not that kind to Danny last night...go back and check out Simon's comments. He was disdainful of Danny. They are really starting to depimp him, comments wise.


Glow 14353 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 12:45 PM (EST)
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34. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
I was completely blown away by Adam last night. I watched it several times this morning too. I just kept rewinding and rewatching while I was getting ready for work. So I've been a little surprised reading the comments.
I listened to Kris' again without watching (I didn't have time to sit and watch because I watched Adam too many times) and I liked it even better than last night. That tends to happen with his. I love his performances when I see them and then I love them more and more every time I listen. I relistened to Allison too. It was better than it was last night. Maybe I should have relistened to Danny.

Welcome to the boards. Love the sig (nice job, Slicey).

"Snooty Von College Boy Snootington IV"

That's exactly how they dress him. I like how he's so fed up with this show's agenda and doesn't care who knows.

"What he does is original, deliberate, and intentional. He knows what he's doing and why. He is so superior to any of the other contestants that he really doesn't even belong there." - Tahj


zazzy 4390 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

04-22-09, 04:46 PM (EST)
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40. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
Hey More Cowbell....enjoyed your snark:

"...lacquered in spray cheese"

"...vampire concubine"



nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 01:22 PM (EST)
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37. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
I'll just say that I agree with Geekboy 100%. I didn't have a problem with Anoop changing the lyrics, though, because I've never ever heard that song before.


geekboy 1788 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-22-09, 03:35 PM (EST)
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38. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
Listen to the original a few times, then listen to Anoop's version. The way he changed and sung the chorus just didn't work.

Or maybe its just me being the total music geek that I am. I got into music in the 70's, and still love it today.


"I think what Randy Travis was trying to say was 'What the hell was that?!'" - S. Cowell


dragonflies 8051 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 04:00 PM (EST)
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39. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
I agree with you GB about changing the lyrics. DH & I were commenting on that last night as well.


moonbaby 17120 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-09, 05:13 PM (EST)
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42. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
1-Allison: Crappy arrangement but still the best there is in this.
2-Adam: Loses points from me every time for blowing out the eardrums with the high note power vocals. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. It's like nails on a blackboard to me now.
3-Kris: He's good. And seems to be getting better.
4-Matt: I don't like him much but there were worse this week like...
5-Anoop: Come ON, man. Break out! He has a good voice but YAWN.
6-Danny: Yikes. That first noise he made scared me.
7-Lil: As good as gone.

mtb002 200 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-22-09, 05:34 PM (EST)
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43. "RE: Rankings - Top 7 Part II - Disco Night"
Is it sad that I didn't care enough to rank them? Nobody really sucked, nobody was fantastic, it was all just shades of grey for me.


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