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"Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8"
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Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

04-09-06, 08:02 AM (EST)
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"Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8"
Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8 - Idol Worship

So, yet another week and yet another wrench thrown into the game. While the revelation of the hidden immunity idol by Terry this week may not have had an effect on this week's vote, who knows what effect it'll have down the road. One thing it might have an effect on right now, though, is your list! That's right, it's time to tell us who you love the most. Just list the 8 remaining survivors in the order that you like them and then, if you wish, a short explanation why. Has your list changed from last week? The only way to find out is to get listing!

Position. Name (Position Last Week)

1. Sally (7)
2. Danielle (5)
3. Aras (1)
4. Terry (2)
5. Cirie (4)
6. Courtney (8)
7. Shane (6)
8. Bruce (9)

Austin was #3 last week.

Survivorerist's Chart Notes:

- This week features a jump from out of nowhere as Sally takes the #1 position. I must say, up until now I really didn't see anything special in your game. It seemed like you were always inches away from being booted and just lay there waiting for that killing blow that, as of yet, never came. But this week, you were a whole different person for me. You seemed to start having fun and showed yourself to have an extremely fun and pleasant side. I absolutely loved seeing that and believe wholeheartedly that you deserve this #1!

- Well, usually when this kind of jump happens, the Greatest Gainer isn't too hard to predict either. Sally takes this week's Greatest Gainer Award, going 7-1 on the list. In addition to what was said above, you rocked in that immunity challenge! You put up quite a fight and perhaps now we'll have a new force to be reckoned with come challenge time!

- Also making a jump this week is Danielle, who goes from 5-2. First of all, kudos on surviving your days on Exile Island. From here, it seemed like the worst stay yet! You handled it really well and I commend you for that. Second, it seems as though you're in a very good position after having gotten that offer from Terry. Just keep your head in it and I know you'll have the ability to take it all the way to the end!

- Finally Aras, who dropped a few places this week. It's not that I don't like you anymore, but I just didn't see that calm, calculated coolness about you this week. Could it be that you're beginning to crack? I hope to see you back to your good ol' self next week.

That's it for me this week, how did you see it?



Top 5 FLL Castaways (Generation 2)
1. Aras Baskauskas (4 weeks at #1)
2. Misty Giles (2 weeks at #1)
3. Shane Powers (1 week at #1)
3. Sally Schumann (1 week at #1)


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8 Aruba 04-09-06 1
   RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8 Aruba 04-09-06 2
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8 Das Mole 04-09-06 3
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8 arturbars 04-09-06 4
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8 michel 04-09-06 5
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8 iltarion 04-10-06 6
   RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8 michel 04-10-06 7
       RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8 iltarion 04-11-06 8
           RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8 michel 04-11-06 9
               RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8 Brownroach 04-11-06 11
               RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8 iltarion 04-11-06 12
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8 Max Headroom 04-11-06 10
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8 CattyChat 04-13-06 13

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Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-09-06, 10:40 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8"
1) TERRY (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Austin said it best..."This guy is Super-Human." All the speculation about his poor strategy by not revealing the idol a week ago? This past episode reinforces one fact...YOU CAN'T TRUST ANYONE; so keep it for yourself. And not that everyone knows Terry has it, it could work to his advantage.

2) BRUCE (2,4,7,4,2,3,3) - I suppose it doesn't matter much which way he went. Unless he takes matters in his own hands (ala Terry) and wins some ICs down the road, it's hard to imagine him in the F4. Too bad because I like this guy.

3) ARAS (6,6,8,7,12,12,12T) - Moves up by attrition. He's stepping up his game and taking over the leadership role from Shane...which, not surprisingly, makes him the newest member of Courtney's "hit list".

4) CIRIE (3,3,5,8,11,12,15) - She continues to plug along by doing nothing. But hey, if the other Survivors are moronic enough to keep her around, she could be giggling her way to $1,000,000.

5) DANIELLE (5,7,11,11,8,8,8T) - Let's see...she sticks with Casaya and most likely makes the F5 or she flips with La Mina and most likely makes the F5 WITH possession of the HII. Time will tell if she made the right decision.

6) SALLY (9,10,6,6,7,14,8T) -I'm sure having a full belly did wonders for her, but nevertheless she did give Terry a run for his money. I still can't believe no one is asking for that spear gun???

7) SHANE (7,9,9,12,13,13,11) - A rare uneventful episode for him. So I'll keep him where he was last week.

8) COURTNEY (8,8,10,9,3,2,8T) - First she has a beef with Bobby; then she hates Shane; now she is at odds with Aras. She clearly is the Survivor you want sitting next to at final TC.

BOOTED) AUSTIN (4,4,2,2,5,8,12T) - No surprise here. I realize the adverse conditions were brutal on Exile Island, but to say it was "the worst day of my life" while being huddled under a blanket all day with Danielle? You must be living a very charmed life!


Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-09-06, 10:45 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8"
>1) TERRY (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - ...And not that everyone knows Terry has it, it could work to his advantage.

OPPS...forgot to proofread. The "not" should read "NOW".


Das Mole 2366 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

04-09-06, 01:24 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8"
Rank. Name (Last week)(Previous weeks)

1. Danielle (4)(1,3,3,5,5,5) - Just because...for sticking it out on Exile Island.
2. Cirie (1)(4,2,2,3,3,1) - Gotta love Cirie.
3. Aras (2)(2,1,1,1,7,3) - I don't know what happened this week. Something tells me he's gonna lose his position in the tribe.
4. Shane (5)(10,11,12,13,14,8) - He didn't have any psychotic episodes for the second week in a row, so...he can stay up here.
5. Sally (7)(7,4,9,9,10,10) - There's nothing really phenomenal about her.
6. Courtney (3)(5,8,5,2,1,4) - Eh.
7. Bruce (8)(6,7,4,4,2,2) - Eh.

8. Terry (9)(9,10,11,12,12,11) - I hope this asswipe gets voted off within the next two TC's because I don't know how much more of him I can take.

Bootee - Austin (6)(3,5,7,6,6,9) - He should've gone farther but he got stuck on the crappy tribe right from the start. Oh well.


arturbars 605 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

04-09-06, 01:38 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8"
My tribe:
1. Sally (3,4,4,4,5,8,5) - Long way coming, and while Terry is temporarily taking a time out from my top spot, she gets the honor.
2. Terry (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - I should have done it last week, but better late than never - Terry getting some points off for playing safe with his HII and not saving his alliance.
3. Dannielle (4,3,3,3,4,3,4) - I think she is the only one i like on Casaya. Should have taken the deal from Terry.

4. Bruce (6,9,10,10,10,7,2) - Two weeks in a row now you make a mistake...
5. Cirie (5,6,6,5,6,9,14) - She is startin to get really cocky...

Tribe of Crazy's:
6. Shane (7,7,8,12,13,13,6)
7. Aras (8,8,9,11,12,14,12)
8. Courtney (9,10,11,8,8,12,8) - these three nut-cases are worth each other...

Austin (2,5,5,6,3,5,11) - La Mina could have played a smarter game after merge.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-09-06, 02:08 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8"
LAST EDITED ON 04-09-06 AT 02:13 PM (EST)

1-Aras (4,4,3,1,2,1,1): He is the leader of Casaya and has a strategy for everything. He even knew how to separate La Mina in three different locations and have a trusted ally to watch over each one. The HII has put this majority leader in more danger than any majority leader has been at this stage of the game. He needs to calculate very precisely.

2-Danielle (2,2,1,3,1,2,3): Sending her to EI to watch over Austin tells me she is in the core alliance with Aras. To see her only F5 in Casaya as did Terry is to be blind to real strategy. She was right to refuse the poisoned gift Terry offered her. Some mystery has been built around her and that is a good sign.

3-Shane (5,5,5,4,4,3,2): The man is clever. He tells Terry that Courtney and Cirie are F4 because he doesn't want to give Terry an opening. Aras entrusted Shane to watch over those 2 and he did a wonderful job, placating Terry's attempts. Making him think Danielle is F5 made Terry desperate and he fumbled the ball, revealing the idol.

4-Cirie (8,8,7,6,6,5,4): She is playing her role of peacekeeper.

5-Sally (10,10,8,5,5,6,6): She saw possibilities as soon as she heard the word political used for the reward. Unfortunaltely, she gained nothing from Aras during their retreat.

6-Terry (3,3,2,2,3,4,5): I was very disppointed in Terry during this episode. He was played by Shane and didn't even attempt to talk to Courtney who is the weak link. Danielle isn't F5!! Can't he see that? Now they know he has the HII. It is so easy to flush out before F5. He needs every immunity. At least that he understand and has a shot.

7-Courtney (7,7,6,8,8,9,7): She knows Aras' neck is on the line because of the HII. She may have placed herself below Bruce in the Casaya standings. She's idol bait now.

8-Bruce (9,9,9,9,10,8,9): He has Terry's respect but he needs admiration. Did you hear Aras say "The 2 casaya men aren't protected by their tribe." Bruce is already dismissed and blind to it.

Austin (6,6,10,10,9,7,8): He was more determined to be honest than to win the game. The insider reveals he planned on building a fake idol to surprise Danielle. In the end he abandonned his idea because he didn't want to lie.


iltarion 1791 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-10-06, 02:29 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8"
1) Terry- I might be wrong about his chances of winning all ICs but 1. He won another, pretty easily, which included solving a puzzle faster than Shane, Danielle or Courtney. If they can't beat him at that, then what will they beat him at? I don't think he was fooled by Shane at all. Due to her strength, and her fights with Shane, Danielle COULD be the next one to go at F5. He once again wasn't willing to lie and offer an F3 or F2 spot. I can respect that. I think the II being revealed only helps him at this point.
2) Sally- She is fighting hard and has a chance now that Shane and Aras know the women of their tribe won't be so sad to see them go, and she is not the urgent target that Austin and Nick were. If Terry wins another II, Shane and Aras might consider making a move.
3) Danielle- Regardless of whether Shane was dishonest and Aras was honest, Danielle still has to be concerned whether she was just outed by her team. She did the obviously right thing by sticking with her own tribe. I give her credit for being targeted for her toughness, and I like the fact she bonded with Austin, though not enough to change anything.
4) Shane- I think, when it comes to pure game-playing, Shane is the best on his tribe. He has played it smart ever since putting himself in danger by taking his son's name back. He is sitting back, allowing Aras to be the target, and he will be in position to "change the game" if the chance allows it. He was also smart in the info he gave, and didn't give, to Terry.
5) Aras- He drops a little on his tribe because of his arrogance after thinking of something as "brilliant" as "gang-up on the guys."Then, after declaring himself a target because of his strength, he fails to advance beyond the 1st round of the IC. AND, he vigorously argues for a vote against Sally and loses out once again. Obviously, he is NOT the one in charge of the votes.
6) Cirie- Normal, ho-hum episode for Cirie. Her telling Aras to go away so the girls could talk showed her momentary power in the tribe. However, the women might have shown their hand too early. Shane and Aras still have options if they feel the women will simply vote them out at F5. Also, sorry Cirie-lovers, but I realized this week Cirie has little chance of winning. UTR can commonly get you to F3, but no one will want to take a likable UTR player to the F2. Like Danni, she would have to win the final IC to make the F2. Cirie win an endurance challenge?? Not likely.
7) Courtney- She finally moves up from the bottom spot. She hasn't done anything irritating in weeks, and she won the battle with Aras as her team chose to vote her way. I'm sure if given another hour or two, she would have solved that puzzle.
8) Bruce- He has no tribe, really. They never include him when it is time to discuss votes. Being constantly courted by Terry only makes him more of an outsider. Sticking with Casaya is wise because they are the majority, but he has no chance to advance unless someone breaks ranks while Sally or Terry is still around.

Bootee- Austin, NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I liked the guy, but he was on an ill-fated tribe whose bad luck included Sally losing the spear before it could ever be used and the disadvantage of Casaya getting Bruce after voting out Melinda, which basically meant La Mina needed to win one more IC than Casaya to just stay even and had to win 2 more to have an advantage. I am sorry to see him go, but it was already obvious he was going since previews of future episodes showed Shane saying he was "going to change the game." Obviously, Shane wouldn't need to "change the game" if Danielle had already done it. At least before his boot, Austin got to spend two days under a canvas with Danielle. Sweet for you!! Imagine if it had been Courtney?? Austin might have thrown himself off a cliff on the morn of the 2nd day.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-10-06, 08:08 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8"
Hello Iltarion: Just two points about Terry: On Survivor Live, Austin who finished the puzzle first, said he forgot to put the cover back on his puzzle. He said Terry, who was next to him, peeked to solve his own.

We saw the Danielle-Shane confrontation. Terry couldn't see that. What is still unsettling is that it didn't cross his mind that Shane could've been lying to him . He never approached Courtney, Austin admitted as much.


iltarion 1791 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-11-06, 02:42 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8"
HA! First of all, Austin took off running once Jeff told him he had correctly solved the puzzle; so when did he notice Terry looking? Secondly, if Terry did use Austin's left-open puzzle to solve his, sounds like good common sense to me.
Lastly, once Terry had made his play for Danielle, it would have been foolish to approach Courtney. That would have all but ruined his chance of getting Danielle to trust him.
Though Shane knew what he was doing at the time, maybe someone should consider the idea that maybe Shane told the TRUTH. Afterall, if Shane had his druthers, bringing Aras, his closest ally, Cirie, the least threat, and Courtney, his ideal F2 opponent, makes COMPLETE SENSE. I doubt, if Shane had his choice, that he WOULD bring Danielle to the F4. She is physically the biggest threat besides Aras, and Shane doesn't trust her.

michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-11-06, 08:37 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8"
LAST EDITED ON 04-11-06 AT 09:26 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 04-11-06 AT 09:24 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 04-11-06 AT 08:41 AM (EST)

Iltarion: I don't know how he knows but I didn't make it up. Austin says so in his "Survivor Live" interview and we know that he was adamant to play survivor without lying. He wouldn't start now. Maybe Terry said "Thanks for leaving it open". I don't care how it happened but Austin said it. The interview is still available at so you can verify for yourself. Austin even called forgetting to cover it up, a dumb move on his part since he needed immunity.

I agree it was a smart move by Terry. All I wanted to point out is that he had help solving that puzzle so we cannot assume, as you did, that he'd win the next.

Terry's idea of approaching Danielle was made after Shane told him his F4. Before talking to Danielle, Courtney was right there at camp, available for an offer. Terry wasted that chance. Watching tribe dynamics tells me that Courtney is nothing more than idol bait now. Yes, Shane's best chance at winning in the F2 is going against Courtney except he needs her off to get to F2. Now that's a dilemma!

I'll repeat again, I'm not anti-Terry. It would be quite an accomplishment to win, coming from this predicament. I have been however very disappointed in his lack of strategy. He still saw himself a La Mina. That team is dead. You see his refusal of offering F2 or F3 as noble. I see that he should be asking for an F2 or F3 deal for himself, not offering vacations to others!

Nick was right that he has no concept of strategy. It is all "Win or Lose" and "Us against Them". The subtleties that were so second nature to Danni are ignored by Terry. Yes he cannot be off the radar has Danni managed to be but why not propose to Aras: "We're the two best players. Let's run the tables together, get rid of all undeserving players and fight it out at F3" Even with the danger of the HII as leverage, it is unlikely to work but worth a shot if only to get information out of Aras to use against him. Who does Aras see as undeserving? Get something going, do something positive. He has offered nothing but 2 weeks of no stress to almost everyone and a poisoned gift to Danielle. No really thought-out deep strategy.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-11-06, 05:21 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8"
Maybe Terry said "Thanks for leaving it open". I don't care how it happened but Austin said it.

We know that contestants talk after the fact, even though they're not supposed to. And Austin and Terry are certainly on good enough terms to do so. It could easily have come up in a conversation later.

Bridge for sale to highest bidder. Call 1-800-BRroach.


iltarion 1791 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-11-06, 11:59 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8"
LAST EDITED ON 04-12-06 AT 03:03 AM (EST)

No argument from me. Terry has not shown a knack for strategy, though he HAS tried. It isn't like he is sitting around doing nothing, hoping to just win immunities. His problem is that he is loyal to La Mina and refused to offer any Casayan a spot better than a La Minan. That is why he can't just approach Aras or Bruce and say, "Hey, let's go to the F2." He is too loyal to stab his friends in the back, and I do respect that. Morons don't become fighter pilots. I'm sure Terry is VERY intelligent. It isn't that he can't think of these strategies; it is just that it isn't in his nature to attempt deception or disloyalty.
I wouldn't call Austin a liar. I'm sure he is telling the truth if he said it.
Terry is probably the best combo of survival skills and athletic ability that Survivor has ever seen. But it is damn tough to win Survivor without deception. That's why Tom's win is especially appreciated by many, but Terry can not pull a Tom. HE doesn't have the numbers, whereas Tom did.
Oh, and I want to add something I forgot to mention during my list, where does your man, Aras, get off calling Austin a slimeball? Or calling the members of La Mina snakes? Pretty pathetic...


Max Headroom 10069 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-11-06, 08:59 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8"
Haven't done this in a while, so there's no previous rankings to reference. Anyway, here goes:

1. Sally - A great showing, though I don't see her around much longer.
2. Danielle - Stuck with her alliance, a strong move.
3. Cirie - Successfully UTR again, but for how much longer?
4. Terry - Better keep winning those IC, buddy.
5. Shane - Has much more game than I originally thought.
6. Aras - Letting his alliance slip away from him.
7. Bruce - The man without a tribe; it's not looking good.
8. Courtney - What a shrew. Ugh.


CattyChat 3379 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-13-06, 10:05 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.8"
Current Rank ~~ Survivor ~~ (Prior Rankings Wk 1 through 8)

1. Terry ( 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 ) - Holding strong. I hope he continues to prevail in the challenges and now uses the II for leverage to protect Sally. I would be in heaven to see both LaMinas as F2.

2. Sally ( 8 / 12 / 11 / 7 / 4 / 4 / 3 ) - The spear is a dim memory. I’m a big Sally fan. She sucks it up and is holding strong. I was VERY impressed that she was able to keep up with Terry in the IC. She deserves to stay in the game.

3. Shane ( 12 / 14 / 13 / 9 / 9 / 8 / 5 ) - Pure entertainment value. His facial expressions crack me up. You never know what’s coming out of his mouth. I do have to say that I was disappointed in his “creepy Christian” remark about Austin and if any of the remaining Casayans were better, he’d be lower on my list.

4. Cirie ( 5 / 5 / 6 / 6 / 6 / 5 / 4) - Cirie is maintaining her status quo. She doesn’t slip in my list, because I was impressed by her remark about Aras at Tribal. She’s working her game.

5. Danielle ( 4 / 8 / 7 / 10 / 7 / 7 / 6 ) - Well, I wish she would’ve made a move based on her “bond” with Austin on Exile Isle, but she let me down. She can go either way with me -- there is something about her that is irritating, but there are MUCH worse in her tribe.

6. Aras ( 14 / 13 / 12 / 8 / 10 / 9 / 7) - I have to give him some credit for being a crafty strong player, but I just don’t like the many faces of Aras. I guess I’ve met too many people like him that you truly believe they are your pal & a great person & meanwhile they are slandering the heck out of you behind your back.

7. Bruce ( 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 8 / 6 / 9 ) - Bruce has been my biggest disappointment this season. I had such high expectations. I assumed he had the wisdom that came with his age, the strength of being physically fit, the mental fortitude achieved through his martial arts training. He has really been playing a dumb game and is a pawn, rather than a serious player. I’m just disappointed.

8. Courtney ( 15 / 10 / 10 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 8 ) - She’s annoyed me to varying degrees since the beginning. Props for fighting to save Sally over Austin and not giving Aras & Shane any more of the upper hand than they have. These women are pathetic this year.

Booted - Austin ( 11 / 11 / 5 / 4 / 2 / 2 / 2 ) - He’s not a “creepy Christian” or a “sah-limeball” in my eyes. He played a decent game and if things were different (spear = food = strength) he would have made it much farther and I was looking forward to a F4 - may-the-best-man-win scenario.

Kind Creation of ARNutz



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