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"Guatemala Love List: week 4"
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dreamerbeliever 3380 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-07-05, 01:03 AM (EST)
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"Guatemala Love List: week 4"
Episode four has come and gone. Have your feelings of admiration for some or loathing for others been changed? Time to fess up. Who are you diggin’ and whom would you like to see take the next walk of shame (thanks Lex)?

1) Danni Boatwright (4,3,1) – Knocked out a tile in the immunity challenge, proving once again that she is a challenge hound. Plus when confronted by Gary she didn’t make a big deal about it. There was no major confrontation in front of everyone. She has him pegged but played it cool.

2) Rafe Judkins (6,4,3) – Clever. Came up with the new way of catching minnows. Seems as though it’s either a love hate feeling towards Rafe, well I’m in the love group. Not in a homosexual way, that’s for sure

3) Margaret Bobonich (1,2,4) – Even though things didn’t go in Nurse Marge’s direction at tribal council, she was the one shown working it before hand. Very likable but also has the strategic side as well. Shame that she is now in minority.

4) Brandon Bollinger (2,1,2) – Seemed to be almost depressed this week. The elements are getting to him but not whining about it. Surprised myself that I gave out a little “yeah” when he won immunity for the tribe. So I’m rooting for him.

5) Cindy Hall (7,10,9) – If I would have known that girls like her worked at the zoo, I would have been going more often. Hmm will a fifth place ranking be worthy a longer and better smoosh from her, byoffer?

6) Stephenie LaGrossa (3,7,8) – Only has won 4 out of 21 challenge, wow! Strategically though, I always thought Steph was pretty good at the game. Love the way she is using Jamie and now scheming with him, a person who targeted her only 6 or 7 days ago inside the game. She knows how to work it before a tribal council, practice does make perfect.

7) Lydia Morales (13,6,7) – I will refer to her as Lydia the Cat from now on. If she has nine lives, three of them are now used up. Reminds me a little of Rudy. She is enduring the votes that don’t go to the bootee but will she be forgotten about like Rudy was? I’m starting to think yes.

8) Gary Hogeboom (8,5,5) – Just fess up already.

9) Brian Corridan (11,9,6) – Cool that he got called out as having the most tribe pride but he was kind of annoying this week.

10) Amy O'Hara (16,15,12) – Have a feeling I wont have to hear that voice for much longer. Woo and hoo.

11) Jamie Newton (17,16,14) – A little bump up for the first time. Still don’t like the guy but didn’t really hate him this week. Plus he did play Judd like a fiddle and got him to swing over.

12) Judd Sergeant (5,8,10) – Man, if I hear this guy say man one more time, man I’m gonna lose it. Man he’s a traitor. Thinking that Lydia would be the next boot after Brooke was just naďve. Living far too much in the present and not really thinking ahead, man.

13) Blake Towsley (12,14,13) – Keeping him down here because he got to feed some fruit to Danni and I didn’t. Still to far under the radar for my taste.

14) Bobby Jon Drinkard (10,11,15) – The smelliest! Too funny. BJ really didn’t do anything to PO me but still holding him accountable for last week. And what’s up with him not stepping up to the plate every time the tribe needs an individual performer for a challenge. Is he afraid Tom is gonna kick his butt all over again?

Booted: Brooke Struck (14,13,11) – Well at least there are no more invisible players left. Like Morgan and Brianna, we hardly knew ya.

I showed you mine ... now you show me yours


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4 Max Headroom 10-07-05 1
   RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4 moms 10-07-05 3
 RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4 byoffer 10-07-05 2
 My list arturbars 10-07-05 4
 RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4 Quiddity99 10-07-05 5
 RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4 Aruba 10-08-05 6
 RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4 Das Mole 10-09-05 7
 RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4 321Jump 10-09-05 8
 RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4 Mo0 10-10-05 9
 RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4 oz4ever 10-12-05 10
 RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4 whoami 10-12-05 11
 RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4 Incognito9 10-13-05 12

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Max Headroom 10069 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-07-05, 09:31 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4"
Other than obviously-injured Jim, the theme thus far seems to be, "Boot the lightweight young girls first". How does that relate to my list? Well... it doesn't. Here goes:

1. Danni (1)- Rocks at challenges and plays a good game.
2. Lydia (3)- Can't get enough of her good attitude.
3. Gary (2)- QB-denial will eventually be his demise.
4. Margaret (6)- Showed leadership after the semi-tribe swap.
5. Cindy (5)- The world needs more zookeepers like her.
6. Brian (7)- So focused on the game, but awfully hyper.
7. Rafe (9)- Showing some smarts but keeping it UTR.
8. Judd (4)- Very stooopid after the swap. Get with it!
9. Stephenie (10)- Lovable loser. Is she a Cubs fan too?
10. Brandon (13)- Slowly moving up; he's a gamer.
11. Amy (11)- Sorry, I'm not impressed.
12. Blake (14)- Now wearing the Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak.
13. Bobby Jon (12)- Could he possibly be any dumber?
14. Jamie (15)- A repeat Biggest Loser.

Booted. Brooke- The last of the Invisibles has left the building.


moms 11 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

10-07-05, 02:59 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4"
I'm really starting to love Lydia, too! I think she is in better shape than they give her credit for (probably better than Brooke OR Rafe, lol), and her personality is awesome.

I think the fact that she "slid by" the last couple weeks almost guarantees that she will make it to the final 4, at least.
Read our AMAZING RACE blog!


byoffer 15947 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-07-05, 10:11 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4"
>5) Cindy Hall (7,10,9) – If I would have known that girls like her worked at the zoo, I would have been going more often. Hmm will a fifth place ranking be worthy a longer and better smoosh from her, byoffer?

Hey Dreamer, you big stud. You certainly have my attention now moving me into the top 5. I guess I could give you a little *smoosh*. You will have to move me higher before I show you my monkey tricks....

But I am worried that you will have to come visit me in Loser Lodge soon after last night's show.


arturbars 605 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-07-05, 05:47 PM (EST)
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4. "My list"
Hey, Cindy if you are giving out smooches for fifth places, look at where i have you for the second week in a row:

1 (1) - Cindy - I went to the zoo all the time and i did not see a hottie like that in there. Unfortunatley for my favorites this season they are all falling of the steph infection....
2 (3) - Danni - I am starting to dig her a lot...
3 (2) - Good old Gary Hawkins! Keep lying your pants off...
4 (5) - Margaret - I really feel your pain of dealing with that fat stupid ape-rat Judd
5 (8) - Bobby Jon - stinky stays quiet and moves up the list

6 (9) - Blake - seems like he got all the puke out of him. Stick with BJ and Danni for an alpha-alliance
7 (7) - Jamie - showing his devious side by playing Judd like flute...
8 (15) - Brandon - still don't know what to make of him - he is bouncing every week up and down my list...
9 (10) - Lydia - she is useless, but her "freak-out" next week should be fun to watch...
10 (14) - Rafe - too mellow to piss me off too much

11 (12) - Amy - annoying, but will not last for too long i don't think...
12 (13) - Brain - even more annoying, might last longer than Amy
13 (11) - Steph infection is spreading... I would have her lower on the list, but that spot reserved for king-dumb-azz:
14 (6) - Judd - what can i say about this bafoon... In the words of my favorite comic Carlos Mencia - "teh teh deh..... " I can't belive i had him at -6- last week.... no comedy in the world would get this rat from the bottom of the pack.....

15 (4) - Brook - i wish i knew this hottie a little better... Damn you, MB!


Quiddity99 244 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

10-07-05, 09:19 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4"
LAST EDITED ON 10-09-05 AT 06:06 PM (EST)

1.(1) Cindy - Still love ya Cindy, but I'm really worried about you getting booted very soon! She and Margaret got royally screwed in the tribe switch
2.(5) Margaret - Judd's truly an idiot for hating her so much; while not an extremely athletic woman (of course there are very few of that on this show period), she's a good leader and deserves to go far.
3.(4) Danni - Strongest woman on the show, and glad to see her attempts to reveal Gary, whose really bugging me with his lies.
4.(3)Gary - Just admit it Gary! You're lucky the other guys are either very easy to hate or rather invisible. You're a likable guy but your denials is a dumb move if you ask me.
5.(2)Steph - Steph's getting on my nerves, and has fallen from 1 to 2 to 5 in the last 3 weeks. I think its becoming extremely clear that she's the problem. Its not a matter of her being unlucky or on a bad team.
6.(6) Amy - Biggest target on Yaxha with that hurt ankle, while I like her I can't see her lasting too much longer.
7.(12)Brian - Its a mixed blessing with Brian. The strength of his team increased tremendously. But he's also on the short side of the stick and won't last long if Yaxha loses.
8.(6)Blake - He had a tough first couple of weeks, but seems like a strong team member now. The problem? That, and the fact that he could be Steph's twin is the only thing I can say about him, he's been rather invisible.
9.(6) Brandon - Completely invisible, particularly now with the 3 girls being booted. Can't say I like or dislike this guy, we've barely heard from him!
10.(11)Bobby Jon - See last week. Nothing redeeming about this guy.
11.(13)Lydia - Extremely weak player who got extremely lucky when Judd's betrayal put her in a much stronger position.
12.(14)Rafe - Like Lydia, quite lucky. Weakest guy on the show.
13.(15)Jamie - One of the weaker men who is lucky in that pretty much all the strong guys are on the other side. Comes off as rather arrogant at times and I won't miss seeing him go. Update: And man, after seeing the footage for who each person voted for in ep 4 (via the official survivor website) I hate this guy even more! While Brooke, Cindy and Margaret are like "I'm sorry to have to vote for you Lydia, but its all about loyalty" Jamie goes starts ranting on how worthless Brooke is (just like he did regarding Brianna). This guy's a cretin, can't wait til he and Judd go!
14.(10)Judd - The moron just cost himself, Margaret and Cindy the game if Nakum doesn't win the majority of the challenges up to the merge. Get rid of the bum!

16.(6)Brooke - Like Morgan and Brianna you were completely invisible. Can't say I'll miss ya cause I never got to know ya.

EDIT - See Jamie


Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-08-05, 03:43 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4"
WOW...My list differs from most...but that's what makes this interesting and fun.

1) JUD (6,5) - Way to shake things up! Loyalty is fine until you merge or they switch tribes on you. I know I'll take some heat for this ranking, but to win this game you must take chances and Jud is the first to take a chance. Way to go, NJ Boy!!!

2) LYDIA (5,6) - Russia had Rasputin; Guatamala has Lydia. She refuses to die. How could you not love that? Keep going, Girl!

3) BRANDON (3,1) - Still solid in the challenges, but somehow not targeted as a threat. An envious and successful combination for survival in this game.

4) MARGARET (4,2) - You're a sweet woman, you compete your heart out in the challenges, now please start "playing" the Game. Stick with Jud and you'll go far; clash with him and you're eventually gone.

5) BRIAN (1,3) - The tribe flip-flop made him a non-entity this episode. Thus he moves down in my ranking for this week.

6) DANNI (2,4) - NOW is the time to open your large mouth and pound Gary on this past. The next time your new tribe goes to tribal council, Gary will pull all the stops to oust you since you are a threat to him. WAKE UP!

7) RAFE (8,16) - So much for first impressions. I wanted this guy gone after episode 2. For some reason I keep liking him more and more every week.

8) BLAKE (7.9) - Has always been in the middle of the pack for me. Hasn't done anything in my mind to move up or down. Maybe that's his plan? Will be getting tired of him fast if he doesn't do something soon.

9) JAMIE (14,15) - Biggest mover of the week for me. Was instrumental in recruiting Jud to give his old tribemates a voting advantage. Has been pitiful in challenges thus far, but has failed in such a way where he somehow is not targeted, AKA Chris in Vanuatu.

10) GARY (12,13) - Very smart not throwing those tomahawks in the IC. Danni's claim would have been verified. Still walking on eggshells. If you make it to the end this cast would have to rank as the dumbest collectively in Survivor history.

11) BOBBY JON (9,11) - Why is he not making the most of his second chance? Not only a non-factor thus far, but is also the smelliest? Enough said.

12) STEPHANIE (15,12) - OK; a little reprieve from your poor sportsmanship last week. Still a little sour about her and Bobby Jon getting a second chance. Wouldn't shed a tear if she is voted out soon.

13) CINDY (10,7) - I'm convinced that she must have stripped for an all-male casting crew in order to get selected. Other than being nice to look at, she has been a waste of space in this game.

14) AMY (13,14) - Speaking of casting selections??? Ever since the 9/11 tragedy America has fallen more in love with firefighters and police officers...AND RIGHTFULLY SO! Consequently in the Reality TV world every show feels a need to cast at least one firefighter/police officer. I can't think of any other reason for selecting Amy?

BOOTED) BROOKE (11,10) - The last two weeks I was asking who she was. Now I don't care. Good-Bye!


Das Mole 2366 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

10-09-05, 04:53 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4"
Rank. Name (Last Week)(Previous weeks)

1. Lydia (1)(1,1) - Thought it was interesting that they edited it (as I'm sure they did) to make it seem as though whenever Lydia said something, the team got a point...foreshadowing? Maybe...
2. Danni (2)(3,6) - Please, continue pestering Gary about it so he can go home.

3. Jamie (9)(11,17) - Hope he sticks around, I like him.
4. Amy (8)(12,13) - I like her now.
5. Judd (3)(2,8) - In one way, betraying Nakum could hurt him in the future, but it was smart of him to actually do something about the situation, rather than simply sit around and wait for a frickin tie at TC.

Eh, neutral
6. Brian (4)(5,5) - He hasn't done much lately except sit around and smile.
7. Cindy (7)(7,3) - Doesn't do much.
8. Blake (11)(13,12) - Doesn't do much.
9. Brandon (12)(15,16) - Doesn't do much.
10. Margaret (6)(6,2) - Don't like her, but I don't want to say I dislike her either.

11. Stephenie (10)(4,4) - Eh.
12. Gary (13)(14,14) - Give it up, dummy. Nobody's gonna believe you.

Go away
13. Rafe (15)(16,15) - I still hate him, although he's not quite so irritating as he has been in previous weeks...but I still hate him.
14. Bobby Jon (14)(10,11) - He has done nothing and brought no dynamics of any sort to the was completely pointless bringing him back if you ask me.

Bootee -
Brooke (5)(9,7) - Oh noes!!1 - Average rank: 7.00

Bootee Ranks by Average (BRA)
1. Brooke - 7.00


321Jump 606 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-09-05, 08:10 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4"
At this point, I don't really hate anyone, but here goes...

The positive
1. Brian (He dropped down a bit on my unposted list last week--he's so over the top!--but he's the one that I'm rooting for the most. "Who can give you reasons; who can tell you why...")
2. Margaret (Maybe it's the dehydration hitting me, but I find her extremely sexy.)
3. Brandon (speaking of sexy...)
4. Danni (and, yeah, her too.)
5. Amy
6. Rafe
7. Cindy
8. Jamie (He's a curmudgeon, but not quite loveable.)
9. Lydia

The negative
10. Judd (At least he did something!)
11. Bobby Jon (Wake me up when he does something mildly interesting.)
12. Stephenie (Sorry, Steph, butI'm sick of you.)
13. Gary (His story was stale, even before it started.)
14. Blake (He's invisible, so why should I care?)


Mo0 427 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

10-10-05, 01:36 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4"
(5)(1)(2)(1) Judd - Devious this early? Excellent.
(6)(6)(9)(2) Lydia - Somehow she's mastered the ability to dip under the radar after she's repeatedly been dragged above it. Usually once the target's painted it stays there, but she's in the clear for the forseeable future, and I like that. She's also got one helluva spunk.
(2)(16)(7)(3) Stephenie - I really can't hate Stephenie for very long, since she always manages to come across as engaging and interesting.
(T10)(T10)(1)(4) Amy - I still admire her determination to keep going on that ankle. Bravo!
(4)(15)(5)(5) Gary - I find myself rooting for Gary even though I know that he's digging himself an early grave by lying about his career.
(T10)(5)(6)(6) Brian - I feel sorry for Brian being stuck in a minority just because he had the most Yaxha spirit.
(17)(7)(10)(7) Danni - Now that she knows she's got blackmail on Gary, I want to see her be devious about it. For her to not only remember him but realize that he's trying to keep it a secret is incredibly intelligent of her. Definitely more than eye candy.
(3)(4)(3)(8) Rafe - I still like Rafe, but he was pretty much a non-entity this past episode.
(1)(3)(11)(9) Margaret - At least she showed enough foresight to realize that Judd wasn't sticking with Old Nakum. Too bad her effort to get him to come back basically sucked.
(8)(14)(12)(10) Blake - Nonexistent. Maybe he's going to pull a Ramona and just get voted out without anyone really caring?
(T10)(T10)(13)(11) Cindy - INVISO-WOMAN!
(T10)(2)(8)(12) Jamie - Where's his strategic skills from week 2? Was I hallucinating?
(9)(9)(14)(13) Brandon - I just can't bring myself to like Brandon. He's callous.
(7)(8)(15)(14) Bobby Jon - I really think that the producers were expecting more from Bobby Jon than what they've gotten out of him so far. I'm guessing either Bobby Jon really doesn't have his heart in it this time, OR he changed his strategy to avoid being pinned down easily, unlike Steph, who's basically picking up where she left off last season. Either way, he's still almost not there and while that's not usually a bad thing, the fact of the matter is he was hyped up to do more than what he is doing, and so he remains at the bottom of my list.
(T10)(T10)(4)(Bootee) Brooke - I love this boot because this season is a whole lot less predictable in terms of overall week-to-week guessing than last season was. Targets just come out of nowhere, and this one is no exception.

I'm not stupid, just selectively ignorant.


oz4ever 1604 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

10-12-05, 02:29 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4"
Rank this week - name - rank episode 3 - rank episode 2 - rank episode 1.

1.Cindy Hall (3,12,6)-I hope she doesn't go soon just because her tribe got switched around and she stayed with the girls instead of the boys.

2.Jamie Newton (13,16,14)-used Judd to his advantage, seems a lot nicer than I first thought.

3.Blake Towsley (6,7,4)-doing a lot better now that he isn't sick anymore, and great tan & abs!

4.Stephenie LaGrossa (5,9,2)-finally figured out what tribe switching and alliances are all about.

5.Bobby Jon Drinkard (1,10,7)-great to see some strategy from him, with his alliance with Blake.

6.Gary Hogeboom (7,1,3)-I'm not quite sure why he's still lying when it's pretty clear Danni knows what she's talking about. Had hoped he'd have a go at the throwing part of the challenge and expose his quarterback throwing style.

7.Amy O'Hara (4,6,10)-Genuinely disappointed at the tribe swap and I felt sorry for her.

8.Rafe Judkins (2,11,9)-I know you always want to further yourself more, but what makes him thinks he deserves it more than any of the others?

9.Judd Sergeant (15,15,8)-moving up, nice to see an alliance switch so early but it could make him go early too.

10.Margaret Bobonich (8,8,1)-Look, lady, switching alliances is what people do on Survivor. You should start trying to save your own sorry butt now that you don't have anyone to nurse on your tribe.

11.Brian Corridan (10,3,10)-That's what you get for having too much pride for a loser.

12.Danni Boatwright (11,2,16)-I understand that she's trying to call Gary out but she seems to be getting really annoyed with the fact that he's still lying. She should try to forge an alliance with him instead. Maybe she never liked Central Michigan and is trying to hold grudges.

13.Lydia Morales (14,4,17)-You have to be good at challenges to stay in this game, at least I think so. I know she tries hard at camp but that hasn't helped them in challenges yet.

14.Brandon Bollinger (12,13,15)-I don't understand why whoever it was on new Nakum, Lydia or Brooke or someone, thought he was a really strong competitor like BobbyJon or Blake. And I still don't know what to make of Brandon.

Booted: Brooke Struck (8,14,10)- The last of the invisibles goes.

Handcrafted by RollDdice


whoami 2936 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

10-12-05, 10:31 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4"
I have not done a list yet this season, but I think I will do at least one. None of them really stand out to me.

#1.- Margaret
#2.- Gary- May need to change his game plan some because of the merge
#3.- Judd- May have turned to soon.
#4.- Amy- I think she will do well.
#5.- Cindy
#6.- Brandon
#7.- Stephenie- Every survivor they have brought back has not been as good as the first time.
#8.- Lydia
#9.- Jamie
#10.- Brain
#11.- Danni
#12.- Blake
#13.- Bobby Jon- He was better last season.
#14.- Rafe- He just strikes me as a dork.


Incognito9 1622 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

10-13-05, 07:31 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Guatemala Love List: week 4"

Almost forgot to do this. No time for explanations or cumulative scores and whatnot. Here's my abridged list, and next week's will be back to normal for me.

After Episode 4:
1.) Brandon
2.) Jamie
3.) Danni
4.) Cindy
5.) Blake
6.) Amy
7.) Rafe
8.) BoobyJon
9.) Margaret
10.) Lydia
11.) Stephenie
12.) Judd (big drop)
13.) Brian
14.) Gary

I mourn for Brooke's departure. Guess now Cindy has been upgraded to hottest girl remaining in the game. 2nd-Place hottie is Stephenie

Oh, something really cool happened in this past week, pertaining to my activity on these boards. PM me if you want to find out... maybe I'll tell you. Maybe.



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