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"Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thread"
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Scarlett O Hara 3439 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

11-13-08, 09:45 AM (EST)
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"Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thread"
LAST EDITED ON 11-13-08 AT 09:54 AM (EST)

Welcome friends to another SOTS at Reality TV World. We are here to collectively try and spoil EPMB’s Survivor series, one episode at a time! Please feel free to join in on the never-ending quest with your insights, your observations, and especially with your speculation. It’s our collective opinions, right or wrong, that we like to put to the test each week.

Please take the time to stop by and read our guidelines, they keep this site running smoothly and make it a great place to hang out! Also, please be patient with the house-keeping this week. We are so fortunate to have SurvivorBlows as our Webby. I know he/she/it is working around the clock to get this site back on it’s feet.

My fellow Spoilers, the State of the Spoiling has never been better! It can’t be more fun than this! It’s time to step up to the plate and make your contributions heard!

The title of this week’s episode was brought to us by Outfrontgirl:

“The Brains Behind Everything”

Now who could this be? In the Vidcap Thread brought to us by Flowerpower, we hear Jeff tell us …

Jeff Probst: Next time on Survivor... (African tribes dancing and singing)

Jeff: Meet the new Fang...

Randy (talking to Matty and demonstrating a challenge): Just set it forward and drop it.

Matty: Shhhhhhhhhhhh.

Randy: Right now, just drop it.

Jeff: Same as the old Fang.

Jeff (at challenge): Fang, one big happy tribe, obviously.

Jeff: And at Kota, Kenny is the man of the house.

Kenny (confessional): Right now, I know for a fact that I can win this game.

It appears to me that the Brains behind everything is either a. Randy or b. Kenny.

In this series of vidcaps, we are shown each tribe arriving to the Reward Challenge …

Note, Corrine strains to see who was voted out from the NuKota tribe. Here is her reaction to the realization that it was Marcus who was voted off.

And Jeff writes in his Blog this week, “...just wait until Corinne gets her first look at the new Kota. Marcus voted out at the last tribal council. She is gonna blow.

These photos of beautiful African dancers tell us that the winners of the Reward Challenge get to take a trip to a local village where they may partake in the Native festivities …

We know that the reward challenge is a slingshot golfball challenge as we see these vidcaps from Survivor Phoenix:

Who wins the Toss Toss Golf challenge you ask? NuFang wins the Reward challenge and receives a visit with the Village People. Here they are with their souvenir sarongs arriving back in time for the Immunity Challenge.

Next, we have the Immunity Challenge. The DAWs arrive …

Note Bob’s body language. He does not look too happy with his NuKota tribe.

Jiffy proceeds to tell them that they are no longer playing for Tribal immunity, but for this …

Individual Immunity. “Drop your buffs, you are now merged.”

What is the Individual Immunity Challenge? I dunno.

Who wins the Individual Immunity Challenge? I dunno. We can conclude however, that whoever wins this challenge (likely Matty and/or Randy) and Sugar, who still has her Hidden Immunity Idol, will be safe from the vote tonight.

Now, let’s examine the last series of vidcaps that came out late on Tuesday. Here is the transcript:

Announcer: Thursday, there are two new Survivor tribes. Enemies sharing the same camp.

Randy: Just drop it!

Matty: Shhhhhhhh!

Sugar: Chill out!

Announcer: And unity...
Randy: I do not forgive people.

Announcer: shattered.

Randy: He's gotta go.

Announcer: Now, of the two weakest players, Sugar and Kenny...

Corinne (in confessional): Sugar is so gullible. She's such a moron.

Announcer: Will Kenny emerge as the strongest?

Sugar: I think I'm the lady of the hour.

Kenny: I'm like a little rat, I go "ch, ch, cha, cha." I know I can win this game.

The tribes merge. There is a rift between Randy and Matty. They are now “enemies.” The old Fangs and the old Onions are now “enemies.” I predict Matty, who may have been on the fence about which side he would go with, now is fully aligned with the old Fangs – Crystal, Kenny and Susie. I think Sugar, who is the swing vote here, will side with Matty. That means there will be five Fangs to four onions and an onion must go. Who will it be? Let’s first look at the Clues brought to us by Flowerpower

The Clues

1. At a hard-fought reward challenge, conflict threatens to cause an upset at the last minute.

Most agree that the conflict is between Randy and Matty at the challenge, but the Nu-Fangs prevail and take the trip to visit the locals.

2. One hot-headed castaway's assertiveness causes a rift in the newly re-formed tribe.

Okay, if this is pre-merge than it must take place over at Nu-Kota or Nu-Fang. If it is at Nu-Kota, where we have all of Kenny, Crystal, Susie and Bob, than I would think the hot-headed one would be Bob, the outsider, who must be fuming over the Marcus boot. Look at his body language as he arrives at the Reward challenge …

If this is at Nu-Fang, where we have Charlie, Corrine, Randy, Matty and Susie, than I would guess that it must be Corrine, who is reeling over the Marcus boot. Jiffy told us this week in his blog that when she saw Marcus gone, she was going to blow!

However, lets consider this clue if it is after the merge. The hot-headed castaway could be one of Corrine or Randy. First, we’ve been told all along by Jiffy that she’s a biyotch and we know she’s going to go ballistic when she finds out Marcus is gone. Based on the last series of vidcaps, however, the hot-headed one could also be Randy, who is suddenly at odds with Matty. He tells us in a confessional that (Matty) has to go.

3. The members of one powerful alliance find themselves short one member and scrambling to recover from the loss.

This relates to Clue Number 2, in my opinion. The Onion alliance’s numbers are down. They’ve lost Marcus and only have four: Corrine, Charlie, Randy and Bob. They are scrambling. Will they recover? I don’t think so.

4. A heated tribal council where dirty laundry is aired

This obviously is Corrine v. Susie OR Crystal v. Randy or Randy v. Matty. It doesn’t matter, the outcome will be the same.

5. One hot-headed castaway's assertiveness causes a rift as new alliances form in the newly re-formed tribe and power shifts into the hands of a swing voter.

This is our boot story. Who is the hot-headed castaway? Is it Corrine? Is it Randy? I think it is likely to be one of them.

First, we have the Onions: Randy, Corrine, Charlie and Bob.

Next, we have the Fangs: Kenny, Crystal and Susie

Last, we have Matty and Sugar. One of these two will be the Swing-voter.

Matty does not trust Randy. He has told us in the past that Randy has a “new family” now – the Kotas. Randy has a beef with Matty and wants him out. He tells us this in a confessional. Why would Randy have a beef with Matty? Because he’s siding with the Fangs. For this Tribal Council, Matty votes with the Fangs.

Sugar will be the Swing vote. Jiffy has told us in his blog that she does not like Corrine. Corrine doesn’t care for her either and this week, calls her “a gullible moron.” Sugar and Matty feel like Fang outsiders and she knows she can not trust Kenny as he led her to betray Ace. What will she do? She will align with Matty and the Fangs. Who will they vote out this week?


Dandy Randy, the King of Gabon!! He is the strongest Onion. He also has bad history with the Fangs and some of this “dirty laundry” could come out at Tribal Council. However, there is evidence over in Veruca Salt’s thread that Dandy Randy has longevity in this game. Therefore, if he is going to last longer than this week, he must have individual immunity. Therefore, I’ll say that he is safe this week.

If Sugar aligns with the Onions, than we could say good bye to the one who can win this game right now …


Kenny, the Weakest Player who is the Strongest

Will the weakest survivor become the strongest? Maybe for one episode and it could be this episode. However, I think the amount of face time Kenny has been given this episode is misdirection. For now, he is safe. Sugar won’t vote with the Onions, she will vote with the Fangs.

That means that the one who called Sugar the “gullible moron” could be our boot this week …



The one who is going to "BLOW" this week is Corrine and she just may blow herself right out of this game.

But wait, if I were a Fang, logically, I’d want to vote the strongest physical Onion off first. If Randy has the immunity necklace, than the logical choice for being voted off this week is:



Now that Marcus is gone, Charlie’s reason for being is over. Either way, it is a flip of the coin this week. If Randy doesn't win Immunity, he's gone. If Randy does win immunity it will be either a. Corrine or b. Charlie.

Don’t forget to cast your Vote in Vince3’s Vote Thread.

Also, our own Corvis is back with his magnificent Confessional Count Thread. Check it out and see why his choice for winner this year is either Matty or Randy.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thr... emydi 11-13-08 1
 RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thr... CTgirl 11-13-08 2
 RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thr... Brownroach 11-13-08 3
 RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thr... samboohoo 11-13-08 4
 RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thr... MJewel 11-13-08 5
   RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thr... Brownroach 11-13-08 6
       RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thr... MJewel 11-13-08 7
 RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thr... michel 11-13-08 8
   RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thr... Flowerpower 11-13-08 9
   RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thr... emydi 11-14-08 11
 RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thr... kingfish 11-13-08 10
 RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thr... LFJ 11-14-08 12
 RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thr... Georjanna 11-18-08 13

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Messages in this topic

emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-08, 09:52 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thread"
Great Sots on a week we didn't have a lot of time!


CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-08, 11:59 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thread"
Excellent job Scar! What a week to have to fly solo.

Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-08, 11:59 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thread"
Good job, Scarlett!

I actually don't see Randy as having the longevity that a lot of people think, so I'm guessing he won't win immunity and gets booted. (But I've been wrong on every boot since Paloma.) )


samboohoo 17173 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-08, 12:57 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thread"
Great Job!!

Tribe is pushing up my daisies!


MJewel 1951 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

11-13-08, 04:12 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thread"
Great SOTS Scarlett! Does anyone know if the games forum is back up yet? If it is I can't find it.

Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-08, 04:15 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thread"
It doesn't look like it's been restored yet.

Bleauin' ze bleus eaué, coeurtesie oeuf agmanne


MJewel 1951 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

11-13-08, 04:53 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thread"
ok, thanks!

michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-08, 05:05 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thread"

Beautiful SOTS Scarlett and I must say I agree with your logic. It isn't looking good for the onions and my reputation's on the line with Corinne.

<chants>let it be Charlie, let it be Charlie, let it be Charlie</chants>


Flowerpower 7262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-08, 07:25 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thread"
Scarlett: GREAT job with the SOTS, covered all bases in a very logical way, as always! Thrilled that I got in in time to read it! Thanks for the great effort and thanks for getting it in here for all of us!

Hey michel - I was convinced at the beginning of the week, taking into consideration the editing and all, that Matty must align with the Onions to target Ken, or, one with Ken...Vidcaps and voiceovers lead me in the opposite direction, along with the wise ole peeps here at Blows. I do think that one of the onions will be toast, but your reputation will remain intact, regardless! Let's face it, CBS has done a remarkable job this season with mixing it up, it is far more challenging, THANK GOD, I love it!

I can't say if Matty will be the winner, he certainly has ALOT to overcome along the way! But I am rooting for him!


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-14-08, 09:15 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thread"
The rat did Charlie in...I should have anticipated that with his focus on Charlie last week after the feast!! If she pulls it off she will be Chris from Vanuatu like


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-08, 07:51 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thread"
A most excellent and coherent Spoiling status, Miss Scarlett. And most timely, I might add. Thankee Ma'am!

I shall never be hungry again(for Survivor spoilers)!!!!

signated by Shar.


LFJ 363 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-14-08, 09:41 AM (EST)
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12. "RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thread"
Amazing job Miz Scarlett.

Georjanna 1316 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

11-18-08, 10:39 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: Ep. 9 State of the Spoiling Thread"
I know how late this is, but I just wanted to say that I think this was a truly terrific SOTS.

Your analysis of boot possibilities at this point in a very puzzling Season was fantastic.


Older than Gillian. Shorter than Susie. As athletic as Crystal.



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