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"Top 10 things the 'Fans' tribe will say in the first episode."
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Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-12-08, 02:17 PM (EST)
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"Top 10 things the 'Fans' tribe will say in the first episode."
10. 'Why don't we all just vote for Jeff?'

9. 'It doesn't matter if we catch any fish or not. The producers have to feed us sooner or later.'

8. 'So is this supposed to be some kind of glorified game show or what?'

7. 'See that skinny idiot with the blonde hair? I think I can take him.'

6. 'I found a clue to the immunity idol. It says 'We strapped it to your back, stupid.' Does anyone know what that might mean?'

5. 'They wouldn't dare vote me out! I'm the strongest person here!'

4. 'Did anyone find the remote so we can mute the host?'

3. 'I can't participate in the challenge! I've got to go post some insider spoilers on the Internet!'

2. 'You guys pay all the taxes on our winnings, right?'

1. 'Where's Phil?'


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Top 10 things the 'Fans' tribe ... michel 01-12-08 1
 RE: Top 10 things the 'Fans' tribe ... Dakota 01-13-08 2
   RE: Top 10 things the 'Fans' tribe ... Spanky68 01-14-08 4
 RE: Top 10 things the 'Fans' tribe ... Aruba 01-14-08 3
 RE: Top 10 things the 'Fans' tribe ... jbug 01-14-08 5
 RE: Top 10 things the 'Fans' tribe ... jbug 01-14-08 6
   RE: Top 10 things the 'Fans' tribe ... jbug 01-14-08 7
 RE: Top 10 things the 'Fans' tribe ... jbug 01-18-08 8
 RE: Top 10 things the 'Fans' tribe ... Buggy 01-25-08 9
   Re: #7 Estee 01-25-08 10
       RE: .......reached shore Dakota 01-30-08 11
           RE: .......reached shore Estee 01-30-08 12

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michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-12-08, 06:10 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Top 10 things the 'Fans' tribe will say in the first episode."
Here's a few more:

- It's been a while since anyone tried the alphabet strategy. I'll surprise them with it.

- Fairplay lies but he tells the truth also.

- When we get down to 4, I'll vote you out.

- I've hidden some beef jerky in my bag.

- We should throw the first challenge.

- I'll make a fake immunity idol out of a coconut.

- I just have to say that I'm going to win the million in episode #1 and I'll win the game.

- I have final 2 deals with everyone. I don't think anyone will think to compare notes.

- Is that Amanda? I don't recognize her without her blur.

- Let's build our shelter in this dried out river bed.
- No, let's make a bunker on the beach.
- No, we need a deluxe firepit first.
- We don't need a floor for our shelter.
- How 'bout we use all these rawks? We have plenty of rawks.
- Should we be this close to the shoreline?
- It's not a problem, we'll just put logs to stop the tide.


Dakota 5819 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-13-08, 02:31 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Top 10 things the 'Fans' tribe will say in the first episode."
1. "I didn't know that chickens could fly."

2. "I dunno."

3. "But not in a homosexual kind of way."

4. "Do I have stupid written on my forehead?"

5. "Obviously, this isn't All Stars." Followed by laughter.

6. "Got any Hidden Immunity Idols?" "Go fish."

7. "Janice said I had to lose weight and 'poof' I ended up here.

8. "I hope I get a rose from a guy who can commit this time."

9. "When do we leave for Prague?"

10. "I've got to show Bret my oobies"

11. "Flavor Flaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav"

12. "So where's the slop?"

My brain on reality tv and it's meltiiiiiiinggg.


Spanky68 8092 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-14-08, 11:47 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Top 10 things the 'Fans' tribe will say in the first episode."
I love New York.

Agman tricked out my siggie


Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

01-14-08, 11:46 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Top 10 things the 'Fans' tribe will say in the first episode."
10. HMMM, I understand the host is available again?

9. If I don't find the HII, I sure hope James does.

8. "A-huh; A-huh; A-huh; A-huh; A-huh..." (that should get me to the F4).

7. Maybe if I'm a lazy sack of human trash I can say I'm "saving myself" for the challenges?

6. Too bad we don't have a speargun...can't think of anything better to do on a small raft over 20 feet of ocean.

5. Wonder if that Perv-ati "Ho" will think I'm cute?

4. We're on a beach...DARN, I left my skateboard at home.

3. I'm gay

2. I'm a virgin

1. Which one of those has-been losers will make the most of their second opportunity (aka S8).


jbug 17146 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-14-08, 12:03 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Top 10 things the 'Fans' tribe will say in the first episode."
The clue I got to the HII is that it is definitely on the ground (~~~~walking around looking up in the trees~~~~).

If I give you the automobile when I win it, will you promise to help me win the million?

Does this bikini make me look fat? skinny?

I found a coconut. I'm going to use it at TC as the HII if I need it.


jbug 17146 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-14-08, 12:05 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Top 10 things the 'Fans' tribe will say in the first episode."
LAST EDITED ON 01-14-08 AT 12:12 PM (EST)

carp! posted thrice! What kind of Monday is this going to be?


jbug 17146 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-14-08, 12:11 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Top 10 things the 'Fans' tribe will say in the first episode."
sorry - posted twice!

jbug 17146 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-18-08, 02:45 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Top 10 things the 'Fans' tribe will say in the first episode."
1. I'm right!

2. You're fired!


Buggy 5089 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-25-08, 07:50 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Top 10 things the 'Fans' tribe will say in the first episode."
What the SuperFans Tribe will say? Excellant!

10. Hey, I know how this all works, my Uncle was a cameraman.

9. I can make a colorful chart that will predict who goes in what order, all I need is a laptop.

8. That was you?

7. I wonder why they didn't pick anyone from Society Islands to come back?

6. How many boards have you been banned from?

5. Let's rate the popularity of the other tribe with a LoveList!

4. OMG! <click>

3. You're evil, like, Bebo evil!

2. when entering tribal council set - Now is the time on Survivor when we vote.

And the number 1 thing said by the Fans Tribe on Survivor

" Hey, this really does Blow!"

Look! There's Jeff! Hi Jeff!!!


Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-25-08, 08:52 PM (EST)
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10. "Re: #7"

I have my doubts about your ever having reached shore.


Dakota 5819 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-30-08, 05:43 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: .......reached shore"
Is that a spoiler?

surfkitten siggie shop 2007


Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-30-08, 05:45 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: .......reached shore"
Yes. Yes, it is.

But that season's over.



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