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"S13 Gufu Award: Week 3"
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dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-29-06, 00:41 AM (EST)
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"S13 Gufu Award: Week 3"
LAST EDITED ON 09-29-06 AT 00:42 AM (EST)

Dang you! Dang you all to Heck! You blew it! You blew it all to gosh!

heh. Two episodes into the most intriguing Survivor premise in ages they decided to scrap it and go all meltingpot America with tribal reallignments on us. Oh well, but I call scairdycats on them for doing that, but oh well.

The fine print:

The Gufu Award was established to acknowledge the dangdumbest game moves in Survivor, and there's been plenty of dangdumb game moves over the years believe me. The award is in two parts: Contestant gufus acknowledge the dangdumbness of those playing the game: Production gufus acknowledge the dangdumbness of every else associated with the show.

This week you get the traditional two contestant gufu votes, plus whatever wild card honorable mentions you may wish to make. In terms of production nominations, however, go hogwild, you have carte blanche, let 'em have it no holds barred for screwing up the most interesting game premise they've had in like centuries.

Melting pot America my buttocks, they're all just a bunch of DAWs!


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: S13 Gufu Award: Week 3 Colonel Zoidberg 09-29-06 1
   RE: S13 Gufu Award: Week 3 ginger 09-29-06 2
 RE: S13 Gufu Award: Week 3 Cathy the Canadian 09-29-06 3
   RE: S13 Gufu Award: Week 3 AZ_Leo 09-30-06 5
 RE: S13 Gufu Award: Week 3 Dakota 09-29-06 4
 RE: S13 Gufu Award: Week 3 dabo 10-01-06 6

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Colonel Zoidberg 3662 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

09-29-06, 08:36 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: S13 Gufu Award: Week 3"
Hmmm...kind of a weak gufu week for contestants, anyway. Everyone did pretty well.

But nonetheless...

1. Cao Boi doesn't shut up. Seriously. It's not your God-given right to act as annoying as you do. And while we're on the subject, you're not funny and you never have been. Hopefully, your goatee turns around and slaps you one.

2. Cecilia doesn't watch her back. Did she see this ouster coming? Yul and Jonathan must have done something to Becky and Cao Boi if it leaves Ozzy and Sundra in a desperate minority.

OK...hmm, production.

1. Two tribes is awfully predictable. Should have done three. And what's with the forced integration? Sure, make people mix up the tribes a bit, but it's like they're enforcing racial quotas on tribes now. Sheesh, this was the last bastion of equal opportunity. Now it's just a bunch of affirmative action garbage. Frankly, I wanted to see what they would do if they were forced to pick without know, except maybe limits on how many old tribemates they could have.

2. The ink was ridiculous. Eggs full of red and blue splotchy stuff? Come on, is EPMB really hurting for money already? Or sanity?

3. Now that there are two tribes instead of four, is there any reason they still don't have full names? Is "Aitutaki" that much harder to pronounce? And I know "Rarotonga" isn't hard. Jiffy Pop said both on TV. Frankly, if I remember correctly, they're the only two tribes whose full names were actually spoken on the show. It's like they instructed Jeff to talk in Newspeak this season or something.


ginger 22512 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-29-06, 12:13 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: S13 Gufu Award: Week 3"
Actually, between Cowboy and Jonathan, I think of it as "AitutalkitalkitalkitalkitalktalktalktalkTALKi." The tribe just YAKS.


Cathy the Canadian 599 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-29-06, 10:08 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: S13 Gufu Award: Week 3"
LAST EDITED ON 10-01-06 AT 05:55 PM (EST)

1. Yul reveals to Becky that he found the idol. Way too early in the game to be doing that - and offering to possibly use it to save her? WTF?

2. Jessica, and her wishy washy, gee whiz I just don't know, I don't want to be fake, stupid, non-existent game strategy.

Honorable Mention - Parvati, for the lamest, most obvious attempt to use her sexuality. "You're hungry. I bet you could eat all of that". Are you kidding me?

Production -

1. Hyping a season of racial divide, only to merge them on the THIRD EPISODE. With 5 member tribes, there's no reason they couldn't have kept them in the four tribe formation for a few more episodes. Talk about much ado about nothing.

2. Since when are reward and immunity challenges always combined?

3. Coming close to taking the title of EASIEST SEASON EVER. Lots of food. Lots of water. Everyone was given fire early on. The shelters are good. I have yet to even hear a complaint about fatigue or hunger.

Edited to fix my spelling.


AZ_Leo 3526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

09-30-06, 08:58 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: S13 Gufu Award: Week 3"
2. Since when are reward and immunity challenges always combined?

Not only combined but recycled straight out of Pulau. And did anyone other than Billy even break a sweat on last week's? Has the Challenge department gone on hiatus for this season?

3. Coming close to taking the title of EASIEST SEASON EVER.

I think that unless something happens soon it already has become that.

A tribephyl original


Dakota 5819 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-29-06, 11:30 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: S13 Gufu Award: Week 3"
1. No one even talking about voting for Cao Boi, who is doing his best to win Most Annoying Survivor Evah.

2. The Raro women bowing out so early in the challenge, ensuring a loss. At least this 2nd most boring challenge (pole standing being the all-time #1) didn't last long.

Honorable Mention: Jessica: I'm just here to make some friends, don't make me think.

Throwing everyone together too early. Burnett does seem to have conquered the "mostly white, with a few token minorities" syndrome, with the token minorities never completely feeling a part of the tribe. This didn't seem to happen with Latinos in past seasons, however. An interesting scenario would have been one big tribe for the first three days and see how people gravitate of their own accord. Then have a school yard pick before the first challenge to see who picks whom. As it is, Burnett dictated who'd be with whom and put restrictions on picks. Not much of a social experiment if the experimenter is controlling the subjects behavior. Duh.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-01-06, 02:26 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: S13 Gufu Award: Week 3"
Good points, everyone. My #1 gufu this week goes to Flicka/Jessica for even having a waffle about the new tribal politics. Honestly, why would you even question your position in the new tribe, just go with the flow as long as it works your way.

#2 goes to Cowboy just because he continues to overplay his hand.

Production nomination: Merging the tribes too soon. "Melting Pot Anerica", like make me laugh. I mean, okay, we still have two tribes, but you lame-asses threw out the whole racial/ethnic thingie by the way you went about merging the four tribes onto two. Way dumb. Now all we gots to look forward to is the love angles!




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