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"Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11"
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ARnutz 13937 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-19-04, 07:17 PM (EST)
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"Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11"
The purpose of this thread is to make a list to rank the candidates (in your preferred order from 1 to 6). It is NOT a discussion thread. Fans like you and I make our lists and then some time before the next episode, I will make a reply post with each candidates high rank, low rank and average. Last week everyone did a great job on their lists and NEW FANATICS are always welcome to join in the fun! So I challenge you, make a list here and discuss elsewhere!

(sing it with me!!!)

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria???
You Friggin' Fire Her Already!

In Episode 11:

The teams are asked to design an in-store catalog for Levi Strauss & Co. They need to convey the idea that Levi's is not just 501's, show how different jeans "fit" and offer sex appeal. Robert Hanson will decide the winning presentation. Apex wins, the prize? An evening with a has-been bad-driver from Long Island who brought his music to Broadway in an effort to not go completely bankrupt after Christy divorced him!! His lesson to you all? Take risks? Is that what he was doing when he drove his car into that person's house? Or how about the previous accident when he drove off the road? (... and I used to LOVE Billy Joel, back in the day!) Was he on this episode because he begged DT for some promotional face time or what? This show is just becoming one big stupid advertisement for all of DT's likes/ preferences or whatever you would call them and "Old Squirrely Hair" does not have very good taste IMO!

Mosaic: Maria flies in on her broomstick to do a "Wicked Witch of the East" impression for Wes. Wes as PM decides he does not have a backbone. Sandy and Andy object to all the Maria takeover and they fail miserably enough to have half of their team eliminated!!

Apex: The team decides to go with a multicultural theme by hiring themselves as the models. It worked! Jen & Kevin were some fabulous eye candy for the catalog. All of Ivana's practice with brainstorming finally paid off and she came up with the ideas which allowed them to win this task.

Has anybody made you love them? Has anybody made you hate them? Show the candidates some love (or hate if you wish)!!


Rank. Name: (last week's rank)

1. Ivana: (4) Yes, I know, I hate her too. I am no longer judging this group by likeability, I am judging by individual weekly performance on the tasks. I have completely given up liking most of them. This week Ivana did the most and is deserving of the number one position. She came through for her team like no other candidate left of this horrific bunch! She may not stay here long, but she deserves her moment in the spotlight.

2. Kevin: (2) Ok so, I could definately do without the sweating! He now has another win under his belt as PM and is a very strong candidate comparatively. Only he and Kelly each have 2 wins. Oh, and he looked great in those ads! mmm baby! He has some body! I am hoping he will answer the phone in his underwear again so I can actually have a reason to watch the show!

3. Andy: (3) Not a lot from him last night, but when he spoke he made an impact! First, he made it known how Wes needed to step in to control the chaos and also how when he was PM, he was able to keep the twitchy witch in check. Second, he brought out his "master debater" skills by impressing DT (and me too) in the BR by saying, "Part of being a good debater is knowing when to be a good listener." Just exactly what DT would like to hear from any minion... ummmm, employee!

4. Sandy: (1) She drove the bus over Maria about how she was not allowed in for the editing portion of the task. She is really doing well and just may be able to become DT's personal wedding planner. I happen to think that having Melania appear each week and DT always mentioning she's his "fiance" could be a little foreshadowing. Why else would it be mentioned every time this woman entered the room? We all know she's his "fiance"... we just cannot imagine why!

5. Kelly: (4) Another immune one seemingly skating through the week. I don't think I saw him do anything. I could do without him, he does nothing for me personally. I do not think he is great at all.

6. Jennifer M.: (5) I used to love her, what the heck was I thinking??? She is a shameless suck-up and she may win because DT LOVES shameless suck-ups. She will just tell him what he wants to hear. She is devious, cunning, and beautiful... all good qualities for the Trump organization. I have to admit, she looked fabulous in those ads!

Fired(1): Maria (9) Go home WITCH. You cannot twitch your way out of this one! I would prefer to spend an entire weekend with O-MOAN-ER-OSA than a single minute looking at your face ever again!!


Fired(2): Wes (7) Whatever, ho hum... you sucked, you lost twice as PM, go home to your wife and give her the jewelry as a consolation prize. You were not even good enough to deserve your own cab. Moreso, you deserved to share that cab with the witch. You should've learned from Kwame last year, when dealing with a screw up, you MUST take control if you are PM!!!

Remember THIS is a love (or hate) list people!!! IT is not a discussion thread. The ranking's are individual opinions. You ARE entitled to your opinion so make your own darn list!

DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the opinions or agree with the wonderful people who moderate and/or host this website. ... and if my opinions are harsh, oh well, I am having a bad day and these idjits on this show deserve all the bad stuff that I can say about them! Sorry, I am no longer feelin' the love! Where is the love?


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11 ohmyheck 11-19-04 1
 RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11 djandy 11-20-04 2
 RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11 kidflash212 11-20-04 3
 RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11 CSHS79 11-20-04 4
   RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11 CSHS79 12-17-04 14
 RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11 RealityX 11-20-04 5
   RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11 frodo2 11-25-04 11
       RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11 RealityX 11-25-04 12
 RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11 xserver 11-21-04 6
 Doin' the bump... ARnutz 11-23-04 7
 RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11 jae 11-23-04 8
 RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11 Wolfcat 11-23-04 9
 This Week's Results ARnutz 11-25-04 10
 RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11 freedomguy 11-25-04 13

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ohmyheck 1919 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

11-19-04, 11:43 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11"
1. Ivana. Oh my friggin heck! How did she manage to make her way to the top? Simple. She was the only reason that Apex won (finally). Was Kelly even in this episode? What was up with Kevin's sweating? Eewwwwwwwwwwww. Why would Jen do that? Had they lost, Jen would have been fired. Would have still been a good episode.

2. Sandy. The only person who stood up to the wicked witch of the west. Yes that's Maria, you dimwit ( not talking to anyone specifically). Still the best on Mosaic. Has been since the teams became coed. co-ed? Anyway, Go Sandy!

3. Andy. For the wisest thing I've heard in the boardroom in a long time if not ever. Very profound statements coming out of his mouth this week, but not even close to balancing out statements like "Give me B!tchy or give death" Puke. Barf. Wretch. And there is also the classic crying scene. Fake crying scene I should say. Anyway, Go Andy?

4. Kevin. Eeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Sweating. Profuse sweating. Do I want to know why he was sweating?Noooooooooooooooooo. Gross. Really Gross. Yuck.

5. Kelly. Was he there? Seriously, Was he there? Oh well just another non-entity to worry about.

6. Jen M. Excuse me while I scream at her. <Runs 40 feet away> Sorry about that. Anyway, what was up with stealing Ivana's thunder? She didn't even seem to understand it. Maybe it was just the editing. And maybe this year in Hawaii, It won't rain. Donald Trump gave her all the credit when in actuality she deserved none. She sucks! She should be exposed and fired. Quickly. Please. I beg of you, Please! In conclusion, she sucks but you all knew that, didn't you?

Wes. Wes, Wes, Wes. You should have sent Maria to the opposing team. You would not be gone if you had made a smart decision. Idiot.

Maria. <Runs outside to scream> I hate you!!! You beyotch!!! You tried to blame Wes for Operation B!tchy!! I mean come on. "Give me B!tchy or give me death?" Oh my friggin heck! Look. My aunt's high school friend may be your husband, but you are the worst candidate. Ever. Period! Goodbye!


djandy 1711 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

11-20-04, 10:22 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11"
1.) Ivana - For the great wheel idea, and for the sympathy factor when Jen took credit for your great wheel idea.
2.) Andy - Tried to keep Wes on task, but was ignored. Tried to say they should wear Levi's to the presentation, but was ignored. Andy has good instincts if anyone would bother to listen to him.
3.) Sandy - Was the only Mosaic team member to stand up to the Witch gone Wild. Sandy has a backbone and is beginning to assert herself.
4.) Kevin - 2nd win as PM, but mainly due to riding on Ivana's coattails.
5.) Kelly - Absent this episode.
6.) Jen - The Levi's exec. asked "How did you come up with the idea of the fit wheel?", and Jen jumped in and answered implying that she personally came up with the idea. That is why the Levi's guy said she was the strongest performer, because he thought that Jen came up with the winning idea. I hate people who take credit for other people's work. On second thought, she'd probably make a great manager.

RIP: Maria - Go twitch and blink somewhere else.
RIP: Wes - He was fired for the traits I pointed out in the Wes thread: inability to lead, and makes poor decisions (how could he give Kelly away and keep Maria?) Biggest bonehead decision in Apprentice history.

S8 ABC Red Ink Champ, S7 ABPABC Red Ink Champ, CMY FOMO Red Ink Champ


kidflash212 5051 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-20-04, 03:11 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11"
1) Sandy - Made the witch cry and showed general all around competence

2) Ivana - The wheel idea was one of the best and most original ideas of the season - so I have to give you credit. You lose points with me for pretending that you thought your reward with Billy Joel was so great.

3)Kelly - Playing the Invisible Man seems to work for you.

4)Kevin - People who run companies are expected to do alot of public speaking. If he gets that nervous I don't think he can handle it.

5)Andy - Yes, you were right about wearing jeans and yes, you were right about controlling Maria but a leader needs to be able to get people to listen - something you have yet to show you are capable of. And why didn't you step up and confront Maria yourself? You seem to lack a backbone.

6)Jen - You seemed totally out of sorts this week - Did Malaria slip you some drugs to try and get rid of you? Maybe DT's mannequin feels threatened?


CSHS79 908 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

11-20-04, 04:32 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11"
My list of favorites from start to finish is one man:Kelly

Kelly is #1-6 in my book because in various challenges he knows when to step up & when to step back, since a true leader recognizes his team's ablities and uses them. Perhaps too he's also smart enough to let the other candidates implode upon themselves and be the cream that rises to the top. Afterall the winner is judged on his overall performance and that is where you will see that Kelly will ultimately be: The Apprentice.


CSHS79 908 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

12-17-04, 02:09 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11"
My list of favorites from start to finish is one man:Kelly.Kelly is #1-6 in my book because in various challenges he knows when to step up & when to step back,since a true leader recognizes his team's ablities and uses them. Perhaps too he's also smart enough to let the other candidates implode upon themselves and be the cream that rises to the top.Afterall the winner is judged on his overall performance and that is where you will see that Kelly will ultimately be: The Apprentice.

Did I call it or did I call it? All the reasons I said Kelly should win were repeated by person after person when asked who should win and why. So it goes to show you cream always rises to the top just as it did here.


RealityX 106 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

11-20-04, 06:07 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11"
LAST EDITED ON 11-25-04 AT 05:34 PM (EST)


Rank. Name: (last week's rank)

1. Andy: (1) Andy's Harvard courage is the force to reckon with. Andy's age makes Trump and George feel like the mentors they long to be. Andy's success is magnified by his age, his smarts, and his unthreatening appeal. According to the NBC home renovation episode recap, "Andy said he realized that their contractor was in serious trouble, overwhelmed by all the work that had to be done. But another contractor was in the neighborhood. Andy talked to the new contractor and that contractor was eventually hired. The new contractor made the renovation a family affair as many of his relatives showed up to work and observe." Challenged Kelly to lead the wedding dress task. During the Levi's task when Andy was confronted by an attacking boardroom billionaire for not speaking up enough, young Andy cited the unnecessary, nonproductive, incessant talking among his "mature" teammates, then brilliantly distinguished between knowing when to talk and knowing when to listen. Trump could only reply, "Good answer." The young Harvard warrior continues to shine. Long live Andy. Long live his destiny. Official website(s):

2. Kelly: (2) Lawyer/MBA. The sharpest and the most knowledgeable and will probably not win because of this. Shows great abilities to innovate, solve problems, and lead. Kelly's dog washing exaggeration to Trump casts Kelly as a threat to Trump's authority, like Pam. Gonzo! During the wedding dress task, proclaimed himself the best leader and no one had the courage to dissent except Andy. For the first time, Kelly was outshined by Jennifer M.'s Levi's sex machine, even though she did little more than he did. Kelly appears to be the most versatile and still looks good. Official website(s):,

3. Jennifer M.: (3) Strong Harvard courage, strong profession, and strong politically. Exceptional respect from the team and Trump. Hasn't shown the ability to solve problems during the Apprentice tasks, but hasn't shown failure to solve problems either. Jennifer M.'s presence dominates most other players, but how far can she ride on presence? Disappointment when seeing her Harvard brother Andy rise from beneath the ashes, of Wes's boardroom session, shows a sinister underhandedness in Jennifer M.'s character. Jennifer M. didn't want to knock down Raj's wall, but not because she understood moving from four rooms to three rooms lowers the value, but because of how much time it would take. Jennifer M.'s offer to attack Ivana was miscalculated and would have failed, just like it did for Raj. Jennifer M.'s continued attack on Ivana is unjustified. Now this feisty b---- steals the show during Ivana's Levi's presentation. Jennifer M. is the first woman this year to aggressively take on a man by citing Kevin and Ivana as the weakest players on the team. When Pam and Stacy R. tried this on Andy, Pam failed and Stacy R. got her contract cancelled. When last year's Ereka tried it on Nick she got her a-- fried. Last year's Amy succeeded at amazoning Nick, but it probably led to the backlash Amy received during the interviews from Trump's entrenched male soldiers. Will Jennifer M. succeed against Kevin? If she does, could it be because he's black?

4. Kevin: (4) Kevin's fashion pricing stint, his strong-arm tactics against Elizabeth, his real estate contractor woes, his leaderism fears, and Jennifer M.'s cleavage came back to haunt this brother during the Levi's task and just about knocked the sweat out of his a--. Kevin's idea to use his own team as models, because of their diversity, was key to his team's success. Kevin's big Levi's win makes Kevin and Kelly the only two players left with two or more wins as leader. Kwame's Harvard courage was politically smoother, but Kevin is a Wharton Marketing/Management graduate, an Emory MBA, and has one more year to be a Chicago University Lawyer.

Kevin's brother Eric is a Brown University Chemical Engineer and a Wharton MBA hopeful:

Kevin's parents sold their $17 million dollar environmental engineering firm probably for at least $8 million dollars:

Kevin clearly dominates Ivana and Sandy, but Jennifer M. describes Kevin as one of the "weakest players" on her team, a statement which is inconsistent with Kevin's background. Official website(s):

5. Ivana: (5) Ivana makes an excellent showing of business innovation skills during the Levi's task, but Jennifer M. manipulates the credit out of Ivana hands. Ivana's constant complaining about Jennifer's M. sexual prowess amounts to fembotism, and Ivana's only chance against it is if Jennifer M. destroys herself. Ivana might last a little longer, if not just because she's proud of her American heritage, because Kevin is clearly her ally. In the real estate industry, Ivana's financial skills are more important than Sandy's dog washing "skills" and wedding industry knowledge. Ivana is the only player left with no win as leader. If Ivana loses again as leader she's toast. Official website(s):

6. Sandy: (6) Sandy is highly visible now that the more agressive players, who took risks, have been fired. Works hard washing dogs, but washing dogs has nothing to do with leading a real estate company. Sandy didn't f--k up as leader because Andy was the key player who handled contractor selection, so she gets a free ride, even though she cried. Knew how to market wedding dresses, but manipulatively used her association with the wedding industry to take Kelly aside to criticize the rest of the team. During the Levi's task, Sandy sat on the bench bickering about getting no game time, offered no jump shots of her own, then got kicked out of the catalog room. Like Troy, Sandy has no college credentials. She won't go the distance. Sandy has shown nothing outside her own industry and we expect she never will. Sandy and Ivana are the only two crybabies left, unless someone else makes a big mistake, one of them is already gone. Official website(s):,

Fired: Wes (8) and Maria (7) Maria flaunted her marketing expertise, strutted her stuff, then strong-armed control of the Levi's catalog project out of Wes's frail hands. Maria terrorized the photo shoot models with her kamikaze, wicked-witch leadership style, accepting input from no one. Wes was too limp to command Maria's respect, wear her down, and stroke some sense into her. Maria's chicken-hearted, wolf pack racism attack on Stacie J. comes home to roost. Wes's free pass from stupid John expires. Wes and Maria bite the dust.

Official websites of fired contestents:
Jennifer C.:,
Stacie J.:
Stacy R.:


frodo2 289 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

11-25-04, 12:18 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11"
Why didn't you like Kevin this week? You mention his family stats. Yes, he's from a rich family, but I wouldn't think that disqualifies him. He's interviewing for a corporate job, not trying to pass himself as a rapper.

RealityX 106 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

11-25-04, 12:41 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11"
LAST EDITED ON 11-25-04 AT 05:19 PM (EST)

>Why didn't you like Kevin this
>week? You mention his family
>stats. Yes, he's from a
>rich family, but I wouldn't
>think that disqualifies him. He's
>interviewing for a corporate job,
>not trying to pass himself
>as a rapper.

Hello frodo2!

This is not a discussion thread, it's just a thread for making lists. Hopefully, ARnutz will not disapprove of this one time response, since our position on Kevin was questioned here.

We ranked Kevin #4 and said "Kevin's idea to use his own team as models, because of their diversity, was key to his team's success." We included Kevin's family statistics to validate that Kevin was even MORE qualified than others are beginning to think he is.

The statement, "Kevin's fashion pricing stint, his strong-arm tactics against Elizabeth, his real estate contractor woes, his leaderism fears, and Jennifer M.'s cleavage came back to haunt this brother during the Levi's task and just about knocked the sweat out of his a--." simply assessed why Kevin was sweating.


xserver 115 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

11-21-04, 00:33 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11"
1. Sandy (2) - Starting to grow on me. Seems like the only reasonable female in the group.
2. Andy (1) - Still think he has a chance. Seems to bail himself out of trouble at the last minute. Leader in BR appearances.
3. Kelly (4) - Like Jennifer, no trips to boardroom yet. Got a compliment from Trump.
4. Kevin (5) - Good job this week, but many trips to the BR doesn't bid well.
5. Jennifer M. (3) - Con artist. First Raj, then Chris, now Ivana. Will it finally catch up to her?
6. Ivana (7) - I give her credit for the design idea, but I don't think she'll last. Her boardroom skills are deficient.

Fired: Maria & Wes. These firings were long overdue.


ARnutz 13937 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-23-04, 08:28 AM (EST)
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7. "Doin' the bump..."
back to p. 1

Averages will be posted Thursday midday, so get those lists in whilst you can! Let your rankings be counted.

A J Slice original (c)2004


jae 412 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

11-23-04, 09:33 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11"
01 Andy <1>
02 Jen M <2>
03 Sandy <3>
04 Kelly <5>
05 Kevin <6>
06 Ivana <7>

Wes was #4 last week (Maria was #8).


Wolfcat 84 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-23-04, 10:00 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11"
LAST EDITED ON 11-23-04 AT 10:01 AM (EST)

Not really Favorties, but "office politico" specialists....sadly

1. JenM - No I don't like her, I think she is a head turner, but I wouldn't want to live with her. Jumping in on the presentation.. Iv'e seem that happen in the real world with the same results. So, a bit a real reality....sadly
2. Kelly - comments about the invisible man last week are right. Knows when to stay low and slow.
3. Sandy - You hang in there lady. You are about the only likeable person left right now. Didn't used to like her at all but she's improved through exposure of the last few episodes.
4. Andy - Same as last week. Rocket Boy will soar to heavan or explode on the pad. He DID try to stop Maria, but Wes waved him off and said he would take care of it. Of course that didn't happen.
5. Kevin - Surpising myself to place him here, but his alliance with Ivanna reminds me of a really corny navy saying about hanging with either Eagles or Turkeys. I was very surprised to see him so nervous too. Really had not seen anything up to last week to anticipate it.
6. Ivanna - Coming off Jen stealing her thunder, her self awareness of the success of her one time good idea, I think she will likely flop like a follow up rcord of a one hit wonder band. ONE good idea in three months doesn't make the grade.

GONE - Maria - Thank Gawd!
GONE - Wes - It was over as soon as you traded Kelly instead of Maria. I stuck up for you and you let me down....badly! Where were your kahonies!? Sheesh!!!


ARnutz 13937 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-25-04, 12:05 PM (EST)
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10. "This Week's Results"
(CSHS79- I just counted you as a #1 for Kelly, his total is divided by 9 & the others by 8... each ranking is relative to the other candidates, so an incomplete list throws off all of the other rankings. In the future, I may not count incomplete lists.)

Well... the trend has shifted here. Those candidates once thought of as the best of the bunch have become the bottom half of the list. Amazingly, Sandy & Ivana have edged them out in popularity. Tune in tomorrow for episode 12's list.

8 lists this week and 1 extra vote for Kelly.

#.Name(last week's ranking) : high rank, low rank, average

1. Andy (1) : 1, 5, 2.625 the kid leads again, 3rd week in a row.

2. Sandy (2) : 1, 6, 2.875

3. Ivana (7) : 1, 6, 3.5 big mover this week, she did contribute the most to this task.

4. Kelly (4) : 1, 5, 3.88 (without the extra vote, he would be in 5th with an average of 4.25)

5. Kevin (3) : 2, 5, 4

6. Jenn (5) : 1, 6, 4.375 with Maria gone, Jenn takes over the bottom spot.

A J Slice original (c)2004


freedomguy 22 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

11-25-04, 04:52 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Fanatics Love List Volume 2.11"

1. Ivana - Everyone in the whole world hates her except me. Love is blind. I think she has a great personality, pretty, cute and I like her valley girl talk. I am only looking at "style", not her substance. Please Mr. Trump, don't fire Ivana!

2. Andy - This guy really knows how to articulate, and I like hearing what he has to say. He may be the smartest person on the show.

3. Jen - You are evil and have the icey stare that frightens me, but you make for good television.

4. GI Joe Kelly - Just too bland for me.

5. Sandy - Pretty and competent. What else?

6. Kevin - I got offended when he yelled at Elizabeth and came off as too harsh. Also, I find him a bit arrogant.



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