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"Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
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I_AM_HE 6123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-04-03, 11:59 PM (EST)
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"Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 - I suppose you want a title, huh?

Ok, I fell asleep and missed the show up until the votes were revealed. Blame the stupid Latin composition that kept me up all night. I thought about writing my love list in Latin, but that wouldn't be much revenge, would it? Fortunately, Coconut has given me what I trust to be an accurate accounting of the events of this week's show for me to relate to you here:

Christa had an interesting hairdo (actually I think Pooh said this). Jon was a sleazy bastard. Aliens impregnated Lill Lill was naive. Sandra was jealous (green with envy, green with money, clearly Sandra wins). Burton was a moron. Jiffy looked less dumb than usual (you mean he didn't declare the wrong person to be the winner of a challenge?). Darrah died. Nobody noticed Darrah spoke, sort of. Oh, and there were pelicans (and the people rejoiced!).

Thank you, Coco!

Now you can play along with the Fanatics Love List with the Fanatics Love List Home Game! (Just like playing the Fanatics Love List, but more fun!) Just list the remaining 5 survivors in the order you like them, with an explanation if you so desire.

1. Sandra (1)
2. Lillian (2)
3. Burton (5)
4. Jon (6)
5. Darrah (4)

Sandra must win. Darrah must not. Thus concludes my comments for this week.

FLL 7.10:

Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win. Darrah will not win.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 sittem 12-05-03 1
   RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 survivormitsx 12-05-03 2
   RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 Ra_8secs 12-05-03 23
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 Oscirus 12-05-03 3
 Bubba's something somewhat similar ... bubbastan 12-05-03 4
   RE: Bubba's something somewhat simi... nailbone 12-05-03 25
       RE: Bubba's something somewhat simi... bubbastan 12-06-03 37
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 ejm92 12-05-03 5
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 Kokoro 12-05-03 6
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 johnthemod 12-05-03 7
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 PepeLePew13 12-05-03 8
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 Draco Malfoy 12-05-03 9
   RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 uglystephany 12-05-03 31
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 LionChow 12-05-03 10
   RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 clemsonbeav 12-05-03 13
       RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 nailbone 12-05-03 15
           RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 clemsonbeav 12-06-03 38
               RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 nailbone 12-08-03 46
       RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 LionChow 12-05-03 20
   RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 Ra_8secs 12-05-03 24
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 Spanky68 12-05-03 11
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 nailbone 12-05-03 12
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 djandy 12-05-03 14
   RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 Quisty Boy 12-09-03 54
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 DoodleBug 12-05-03 16
   RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 nailbone 12-05-03 18
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 bichon 12-05-03 17
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 Angelfood 12-05-03 19
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 ivoryElephant 12-05-03 21
   RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 AnnaBanana2005 12-08-03 52
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 dajaki 12-05-03 22
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 PelicanPete 12-05-03 26
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 daltonsangel 12-05-03 27
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 annapolislass 12-05-03 28
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 coolflowerpowerman 12-05-03 29
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 tinybubs 12-05-03 30
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 whoami 12-05-03 32
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 Nash 12-05-03 33
   RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 I_AM_HE 12-05-03 34
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 TherMPrncss 12-06-03 35
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 Ra_8secs 12-06-03 36
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 Sunny_Bunny 12-07-03 39
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 gizmo_ber 12-07-03 40
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 bobstew617 12-07-03 41
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 Fishercat 12-08-03 42
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 Steen 12-08-03 43
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 dabo 12-08-03 44
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 LolaLolaLola 12-08-03 45
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 PlumBlossom 12-08-03 47
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 LozengeofLove 12-08-03 48
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 GuessItRains 12-08-03 49
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 Jims02 12-08-03 50
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 AugustGirl 12-08-03 51
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11 MerryChristmas 12-09-03 53
 Totals Ra_8secs 12-11-03 55

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sittem 4186 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

12-05-03, 00:01 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
LAST EDITED ON 12-05-03 AT 00:04 AM (EST)

Pretty decent show overall tonight and Jon wasn't a total jerk again. I was surprised that Lil got the votes though.

1. Darrah (1) Still a virtual statue except when it comes to challenges. Sheesh – three of them have an extended holiday and about all she can say is yes. I’m feeling her, but I sure wish she’d say something. Great job on the challenges though, but I guess she better keep winning them with JF calling the shots.

2. Lil (4) I never thought I’d put her back this high. Just shows how bad everyone else is – she did clean up pretty well, but I don’t see a whole lot of emotional strength in her.

3. Sandra (5) She’s playing hard and has been playing the whole game – not just floating like D. So, I give her some benefit for that tonight. Still, I wouldn’t have been sad to see her go.

4. Burton (2) Really ended up looking like Jon’s lap dog tonight. And now I’m watching him on Letterman after his first vote out – shoulda stayed there and I still don’t understand why the women can’t figure out corporately that he has to go.

5. Jon (666) He calmed down a lot this week and if it weren’t for the grandma stuff he could have escaped last place. In some ways he was quite a positive person tonight.

Christa – 3rd last week. Oh well……… big loss.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.


survivormitsx 271 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-05-03, 00:13 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
Lillian- Sorry, she's my favorite, can't help it.

Sandra- I like her, plays a good game

Jon- Also playing the game, it's respectable.

Burton- VERY annoying tonight, but at least he has a personality.

Darrah- MEH. Go to hell. Maybe you should apply as a librarian, you'd be valued in that profession. Or maybe you should just stop talking to the dead people. If they don't talk back to you, it's nothing personal.

(No offense to librarians or morticians)

If your happy and you know it, Do the Cooper dance!!


Ra_8secs 1081 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

12-05-03, 03:02 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
I like sweet southern girl who says yes.

-- Ra, Spinning in geo/helio eccentric orbit


Oscirus 1596 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

12-05-03, 00:17 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1.Darrah-This girl has spunk and she can play
2.Jon-ok enough of the garandmama drama
3.Burton-What a waste so smart yet hes jon's b****
5.Sandra-Overrated and useless

Christa- so dumb yet so far but at least no more voice woohoo


bubbastan 625 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-05-03, 00:46 AM (EST)
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4. "Bubba's something somewhat similar to like list Vol. 7.11"
Just not feeling the lvoe for this group right now. Collectively, the remaining group might just be as dumb as the Thailand cast, and that's saying a lot. Still, I'm hoping for better and carrying on with the list...

1. Sandra (2) - The lone remaining bright spot for me which has dimmed somewhat in the past two shows. Come on Sandra, I just know that there's better scheming in you. Now would be a great time to see it.
2. Darrah (3) - Not much to choose from, so she ends up here. Her nice work in the IC challenge makes me believe that she's not completely without merit. But sheesh, she really believes that JON is telling her the truth!!??
3. Burton (4) - He's definitely a one trick pony. Boy did he look pathetic trying to face S&C's questions while Jonny Jackass was away. Does Jon tell him when it's time to go to the bathroom too??
4. Lil (5) - Makes batty granny Jan look sane, lucid, and strategic.
5. Mr. Yuck (666) - I'm all ranted out for the moment.


nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-05-03, 03:05 PM (EST)
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25. "RE: Bubba's something somewhat similar to like list Vol. 7.11"

> But sheesh, she really
>believes that JON is telling
>her the truth!!??

They ALL believe that. Or at least don't care that he's not.

New sigpic courtesy of the lovely and talented JSlice/Thanks, Woe, for the lights!
Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian (StS) o-


bubbastan 625 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-06-03, 02:36 AM (EST)
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37. "RE: Bubba's something somewhat similar to like list Vol. 7.11"
Actually, I don't think that they ALL believe he is telling them the truth when he speaks to them, Grandmother lie (which they all do seem to believe) aside. Sandra quite clearly doesn't believe anything Jon says. Burton made the comment this week to the effect that he was doing or saying what he was "in case Jon did anything funny". Lil, being the most clueless of persons, might still actually believe Jon, but from her comments during their reward getaway, even she seems to be cluing in that Jon's not all that she thought he was. Darrah was the only one this week at least who made a seemingly sincere comment that she believed Jon was telling her the truth that they would be final two.

I still have hopes for Darrah though, which is the reason that I have her ranked number 2. I would far rather see her win than Burton, Lil, or Mr. Yuck.


ejm92 2221 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

12-05-03, 01:04 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1. Sandra
2. Jon
3. Lillian
4. Burton
5. Darrah

Not too much of a change except for Jon's sudden rise....he's such a despicable human being that I cannot stand......which means he continues to rise on the list....he's no Rob Cesternino, but it's still amazing that he's still around.

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champ, Survivor 6 Anti-Bootee Chump

Kokoro 3899 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

12-05-03, 01:37 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1.) Sandra (1)
2.) Lillian (3)
3.) Burton (4)
4.) Jon (5)
5.) Darrah (6)

Christa was #2 last week.

* Go Sandra!

* Go to hell, Darrah.


johnthemod 423 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

12-05-03, 01:48 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1. SANDRA - as always

2. JON - you know what, he's a good villain, what can i say, nothing would make me happier than a sandra-jon final two

3. LILLIAN - well, she's growing on me

4. BURTON - he understands the game pretty well, but getting cocky next week won't help things much

5. DARRAH - at least somewhat visible this week, but only because the other players are dwindling

CHRISTA would be number 2....I was sad to see her go, but rather her than Sandra.


PepeLePew13 26140 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-05-03, 03:39 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1. Sandra (1) - Fun to see how she gets along with people.

1. Darrah (3) - Deserves to be #1 along with Sandra as she's becoming a force in the challenges and doing a good job not to piss too many people off. Also becoming much more visible in the game.

3. Burton (2) - Got to give him a good whack as he's becoming more of a puppet. Not long for the game.

4. Jon (5) - Egggh, but at least he's working the people quite well and dictating the vote, for the moment.

5. Lillian (4) - Not sure what to make of her kerfuffle with Jon during the reward and I'm getting more and more turned off against her. Didn't need to see those granny undies either!

Christa was #4 last week.


Draco Malfoy 10525 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-05-03, 07:52 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
Fleh. I miss all the really likeable people.

1. Jon- The only entertaining thing left in this game.
2. Sandra- I thought she was in the army? You'd think she'd know how to fire a gun.
3. Lil- Meh.
4. Darrah- Double meh. It's amazing what they can do with CGI, considering she was dead when they got to the island.
5. Burt- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

giving wrestling fans a bad name since Episode 1
Start Weight:339 Last Weigh-in:294 Loss To Date:-45


uglystephany 7 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-05-03, 10:31 PM (EST)
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31. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1. Lillian-- shes nice!
2. Darrah-- shes nice too!
3. Jon-- aack... when he acts like a sleazy jerk, everyone gets upset. But for some reason, these next two act just as bad, and no one says anything. It is for this reason that Jon is ranked above them.



4. Sandra
5. Burton


LionChow 2033 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

12-05-03, 08:39 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
Was it just me or was this a dull episode? I've really enjoyed most every one prior to this one. I guess knowing without question that Christa was going took away from watching it.

1. Sandra - Has played strategically all along, hasn't been UTR at all and shows that she WANTS it (unlike two others...)!

2. Burton - Also has been a strong player and has been fighting like mad to win.

3. Jon - Not gonna get into the whole grandma thing. He's entertainign, and he's suckered in a bunch of people.

4. Darrah - She did speak this episode and she did swim around with her top off, but despite these mitigating circumstances, she's still very dull and has never shown any stron desire to win this thing. I'm also a longtime UTR hater.

5. Lillian - Hate, hate, hate the Lillian.

RIP - Christa - Would've been #1 if she lasted. For some strange reason I liked that voice.


clemsonbeav 4208 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

12-05-03, 10:38 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
4. Darrah - She did speak this episode and she did swim around with her top off

And she got her bright yellow bikini, and we're shown her in the shower! C'mon...she's a little better than 4th! (Sorry, I'm in the DarrahFOMO boat...wait...wrong board...umm...the DarrahFOUS boat.)

1. Darrah - A hoss. Wouldn't be surprised if she wins the rest of the immunities, though I think Sandra will win next week's. Just don't expect to outlast her if there's another endurance game...remember when she was held up by Osten (sort of)? She was very nonchalant about winning yesterday's IC. "Yeah, guys, you ain't never been deer huntin' before? Piece o' cake!" And, she's a hottie with a Southern accent! (I don't see how some people can't understand her! Then again, I'm from SC.)

2. Sandra - She's got that latina spunk! It's not that she's mean, it's just that Jon's a bastard. I hope his head falls off.

3. Burton - Seems to be the more genuine between he and Jon. Though, who is genuine at this point in time? My actual thoughts on him: blah.

4. Lillian - Jon actually said something correct. Naïve.

-∞. Jon - I want to rip his hair off. Then, his head should explode. Unless he himself exploded first. That would be good.

Even when you can't see Him, God is there!


nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-05-03, 10:48 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
(Sorry, I'm
>in the DarrahFOMO boat...wait...wrong board...umm...the
>DarrahFOUS boat.)
What does that mean? Cuz I think I'm in that same boat.

>she's a hottie with a
>Southern accent! (I don't
>see how some people can't
>understand her! Then again,
>I'm from SC.)
Amen, Brotha Beav!!

New sigpic courtesy of the lovely and talented JSlice/Thanks, Woe, for the lights!
Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian (StS) o-


clemsonbeav 4208 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

12-06-03, 06:34 PM (EST)
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38. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
FOUS - I just made it up. FOr Ultimate Survivor. You do know what FOMO is, right? If not, here it is. It's from The Mole. Whoever you want to win, you are WhoeverFOMO, FOr MOle. I'm too lazy to go see if you watched The Mole or not.

Even when you can't see Him, God is there!


nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-08-03, 12:25 PM (EST)
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46. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"

LOL...FOMO is definitely better than MOFO.

New sigpic courtesy of the lovely and talented JSlice/Thanks, Woe, for the lights!
Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian (StS) o-


LionChow 2033 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

12-05-03, 02:02 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"

The 4th place is strictly due to the UTR-ness. If she were more active, she'd be up much higher.

I've never minded the accent either. Hell, my brother went to Clemson and I can still understand him!!!


Ra_8secs 1081 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

12-05-03, 03:04 PM (EST)
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24. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
i was a pretty soft and lame-o episode.

-- Ra, Spinning in geo/helio eccentric orbit


Spanky68 8092 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-05-03, 09:26 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
I am already jonesing for All-Star Survivor. Everyone I didn't dispise has been voted off of this one. (I'm wondering whether to stay mum about not dispising Sandra, since it will surely get her booted).

I like her:
1. Sandra (2)
I might stop watching if these are the only people left:

2. Darrah (3
3. Lill (4)
4. Burton (5)
5. Jon (6)

Poor Christa would've been 2nd if she wasn't sent to LL prematurely.

Sandra was the MVP in episode 1, and got the Drakes off to a LARGO lead. Sure, she is a potty mouth. But having to live around scumbag Jon and two #$(#( ghosts who should NOT be there might make me go a little haywire, too.

Darrah- "Giving the South a bad name since Episode 1". I do hope you don't make final 2. Isn't it sad that I dispise you and yet you're 2nd?

Lill, you should've been my biology teacher. Not for the Mary K. LaTourneau reasons YOU'RE wanting. No, your 1st boot proved more Darwin to me than all those classes ever did. I only wish you would've gone straight to fossil instead of coming back. MB, if you're surfing, this was NOT a good twist. This was a shark-jump.

Burt, I dislike you more than Lill b/c you are smart enough to know not to be this annoying. You ousted Rupe and felt all warm and fuzzy about yourself. Hope you enjoyed it, b/c your 2nd boot is coming soon. For your next trick, maybe MB can put you on ASS and you can get voted out of there 4 or 5 times. What a loser.

And can there be a biger loser than you, Jon? I am ashamed to be the same SPECIES as you. Lies happen. I tell my wife that her hair looks fine just to get her places on time. But the "dead grandma" lie was beyond disgusting. And the worst part is: it didn't change my mind about you.


nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-05-03, 10:29 AM (EST)
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12. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"

1.Darrah - ya know, if she doesn't say anything, y'all b!tch about her being non-existent, but when she does talk, y'all make fun of her!! Two IC's in a row now, and she's UTR???

2.Jon - the BIG LIE was bad, but I gotta admit he's playing the game...and he's hilarious

3.Burton - playing smart to make Jon the bad guy, but it's just so easy

4.Lil - even more useless than my beloved Amber

5.Sandra - I HATE THIS B!TCH!! I've never seen anyone so perpetually pissed off!

New sigpic courtesy of the lovely and talented JSlice/Thanks, Woe, for the lights!
Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian (StS) o-
Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win


djandy 1711 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

12-05-03, 10:43 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1.) Darrah (4) - 3 straight challenge wins, and she's finally strategizing.
2.) Sandra (1) - Still love her, but moved her down because she single-handedly lost the RC for her team.
3.) Lillian (2) - Lill said that she liked when Jon took over and ordered her food for her. Just like she's letting Jon tell her who to vote for. Get a brain, woman! Ick!
4.) Burton (4) - Get your own brain, puppet!
5.) Jon (5) - How can this cretin still be here, and running things no less?



Quisty Boy 3 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-09-03, 11:32 PM (EST)
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54. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
#1 Darrah
#2 Lillian
#3 Burton
#4 Sandra
#5 Jonny Pin in the ass

DoodleBug 5133 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-05-03, 10:52 AM (EST)
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16. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1. Darrah (2) - she's one tough cookie. Two immunities in a row AND a reward! Just let them all duke it out while you sail through, hon. Go Darrah!!

2. Lillian (3) - surprised on the votes last night, but it makes sense.... she's a nice lady. Kind of emotionally unstable in this game though.


3. Burton (4) - frustrated because he's not winning the challenges, playing good cop/bad cop with Johnny Fairplay is a decent strategy, but it's too easy...

4. Sandra (5) - not impressed by her last night - she looked a lot shocked last night at TC. I think her claws will come out next week.

5. Jon (6) - blech, you are somewhat entertaining. I can't believe you are still around... that in and of itself is amazing. I still don't respect your game playing though. And for that? You are last.

Everybody just moved up a notch from last week... no changes.

Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!


nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-05-03, 11:08 AM (EST)
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18. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"

>Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go
>Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go
>Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go
>Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!Go
>Darrah!Go Darrah!Go Darrah!

*Big high five for Doodle*

New sigpic courtesy of the lovely and talented JSlice/Thanks, Woe, for the lights!
Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian (StS) o-


bichon 124 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

12-05-03, 11:08 AM (EST)
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17. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1.(1) Sandra

2.(3) Lil
3.(4) Burton
4.(5) Jon
5.(6) Darrah


Angelfood 2114 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

12-05-03, 11:36 AM (EST)
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19. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1. Sandra (1)
2. Burton (3)
3. Darrah (4)
4. Jon (666)

125,000. Lill (25) - no right to be on this show.

"I don't want to be evil now, I'm just saying the truth" - Olinda


ivoryElephant 2257 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

12-05-03, 02:29 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"

1. Sandra - entertaining, likeable and from my state!
2. Darrah- doing great in challenges and I could meet her if I wanted to.
3. Lillian- emotionally very very weak.
4. Burton-doofus is wrapped around jons finger
5. jon- very entertaining but a total asshole


AnnaBanana2005 8 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-08-03, 09:01 PM (EST)
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52. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
Ooooh... where in Washington do ya live?

I grew up in Skykomish!

My rankings:

1) Darrah... Cool!
2) Sandra... Cool!
3) Lill-- Mmmm... She's going to be voted out soon, riight?
4) Burton-- EYE CANDY! WHOO!!!
5) Jon-- The slimiest slimeball in the whole pack of slimeballs.

Yeah, Darrha and Sandra are the most strategic and should be the final 2.

*crossing my fingers*



dajaki 1454 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

12-05-03, 02:57 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1. Sandra
2. Darrah
3. Burton
4. Jon
5. Lil

I never thought that Lil would take up residence in the basement, sending Jon up a notch. They are both annoying as heck, but Jon is evil whereas Lil is whining and naive. I'll take evil any day.


PelicanPete 140 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

12-05-03, 08:49 PM (EST)
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26. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1. Darrah- Numero Uno until she leaves! Darrah kicked those boys butts at the challenges this last week (and the girls butts too) and I hope she has the first ever female IC run and wins S7!
2. Sandra- Here by default. You deserved to be screwed over by D this week after you hypocritically alligned with Jon to boot my girl T last week. Too bad your loud mouth is still on that island!
3. Jon- Another one here by default. Still come close to despising him for what he did last week. But hasn't been voted out yet like the other two.
4. Burton- always going to be in the bottom two (unless Jon messes up again) because he shouldn't be in the game. He has still gone fishing and been dominant at the challenges so he's much better than Lill.
5. Lillian- Probably will remain dead last for the remainder of the game. If anyone returns, then they should do something besides frown and ride the coattails of a young challenge hog. Then she complains and cries about everything until someone gives her attention. Just stop feeling sorry for yourself and play the game!

P.S. Lill, for goodness sake, don't take off you pants for challenges- NOBODY wants to see your rather large panties!



daltonsangel 4 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-05-03, 09:23 PM (EST)
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27. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
Jonny Fairplay should win but...

Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win.Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win.Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win.Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win.Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win.Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win.Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win.Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win.Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win.Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win. Darrah will win.

Anyway, my list:

1. Fairplay (Jon)
2. Hick Girl (Darrah)
3. Old Lady (Lillian)
4. The Bitchy Jock (Burton)
5. The Bitchy Latina (Sandra)


annapolislass 12 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

12-05-03, 09:37 PM (EST)
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28. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1. Darrah
3. Jon
4. Burton
5. Sandra

coolflowerpowerman 456 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

12-05-03, 10:24 PM (EST)
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29. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
Yay. The game is almost over. The most whiny, annoying people are slowly being picked off, one by one.

1. Darrah
2. Lillian
3. Sandra
4. Burton
5. Jon

1. Darrah-- She is so adorable! I really really want her to win. Good luck Darrah. You're not sleazy like the rest of them!

2. Lill-- You're not sleazy either. I hope you make it to the Final 2, at least. I don't think you deserve to win, but I also don't think you deserved to be voted out on Day 9. I hope you turn on Burton soon.

3. Sandra-- Sandra is a slimy witch. It appears she does something to sabotage the food supply AGAIN next week. With Christa gone, it will only be too obvious who the real culprit is.

4. Burton-- Too cocky. Much worse than Lillian, as far as outcasts go.

5. Jon-- A despicable human being, and WAY too cocky to be a great player of Survivor. He's not going to be in this game much longer.

This week, our greatest gainer is SANDRA (rises 3 spots), but since I hate her, I'll give the award to Lillian and Darrah, who remain in the top two spots.

Our big losers are Burton and Jon, who remain parked at the bottom of the list.

Last week, Christa was ranked #3. During her time in the game, she averaged: #4. Not too shabby for one of the most boring survivors of the season.


tinybubs 547 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-05-03, 10:26 PM (EST)
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30. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1 Morgan 3 Drake 2 Outcast start the episode, the Morgan stays and a Drake goes. Maybe more is going on with Darrah than we are being shown.

1. Darrah(3) - She may be UTR but thats where she needs to be.

2. Burton(2) - At least he is fishing and not whining

3. Lill(4) - Useless, no idea why she is still there

4. Sandra(5) - Totally ineffectve, toast now that Christa is gone

666. Jon (666) - still a scumbag


whoami 2936 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

12-05-03, 11:07 PM (EST)
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32. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
What is going on here? Everyone I like is being voted off.
Rupert is still the #1 Survivor.

#1.- Sandra (2) A friend of Rupert's and a very good player. letting other people do the dirty work for her.
#2.- Darrah (3) Just can not get enough of that accent. You need to talk more. Way to go on the I.C. last night. Try to keep your top on, Ok.
#3.-Lillian (4) You were voted off. You do not belong here. Go back to L.L.
#4.- Burton (5) You do not belong here. You were voted off. Go back to L.L.
#666.- 666 (666) Not worth saying anything.

How you play a game is how you are in real lif when push comes to shove.


Nash 437 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

12-05-03, 11:32 PM (EST)
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33. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1. I hate to say it but JON. He is really playing the game well. He is truly evil and he's just dissing everyone and no one seems to get it.

2. Sandra - She's sassy and smart. I think that she has a hidden agenda.

3. Darrah - Well she's too quiet to really form an opinion.

4. Lil I hate her

5. But I hate Burton worse.


I_AM_HE 6123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-05-03, 11:46 PM (EST)
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34. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
i couldn't ever make Jon #1, but i agree with your reasoning. he's a Jerri type, someone i absolutely LOATHED, but was a great villian (even though it took a couple seasons and seeing even worse people like Lindsey and Rob M. for me to see that in Jerri (and i still loathe her just with a bit of appreciation that she did add something to the show))



TherMPrncss 4 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-06-03, 00:31 AM (EST)
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35. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1. Darrah -- Boring
2. Lillian -- Boring
3. Sandra -- Stupid
4. Burton -- Idiot
5. Jon -- Overexposed

Ra_8secs 1081 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

12-06-03, 01:37 AM (EST)
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36. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
LAST EDITED ON 12-07-03 AT 09:47 PM (EST)

** Out. Christa (1). ** Oh, my poor little Christa. The writing was on the wall throughout the entire episode, but you toughed it out. Who's gonna braid your hair at Bootee Bungalow? Maybe T knows how. You jurors have enough for a game of bridge, at least. Seeing how interested Rupert was at the TC festivities last night, maybe you could play at the next one. Rupert seemed "shocked, shocked!" to learn everyone was lying yet still (snicker) trusted each other. And, oh, I'm still trying to figure out the logic of your answer at TC -- "I pissed some people, well, alot of people, off, and that's why they won't vote for me tonight."

1. Darrah (3). I'm not sure how Darrah made it to the top this week. I guess she was just less stupid than everybody else. "Jon's a snake, but I believe him." She played her swing vote position well. Also wore her yellow bikini well. And didn't wear her buff well. And another naked shower scene! Wowza Wowza! Oh yeah, that's why she's #1. And she spoke, even, at TC.

2. Burton (4). It's really sad to see Burton's story arc peak. I'll miss him after next week. Please win IC and let it be Jon that goes. Your good cop strategy is a good one, and positive points for a major fishing haul. Negative points for being a wimp by having to check with Master Fairplay Jon when you had the chance to set up a Plan B. Now each of you coppers have a target on your back, being the last pair standing. Bad luck getting third position in the RC. Burton's obviously the smartest person left in the game, but that don't mean squat in Survivor.

3. Sandra (2). This hot tamale is a classic survivorette. I guess letting Christa take the fall for the fishy garbage bought you a few days. Bad luck getting first position in the RC. Keep working Darrah and Lill; they'll eventually join up with you. Just make Lill cry, that always seems to work. Nice set-up move at TC saying Lill was the one person to not go against at F2. Maybe another midnight stroll with Darrah behind Jon and Burton is in order. Sandra drops a spot mostly because of her negotiation skills about voting with Darrah and Lill -- or should I say lack of skills. At least she didn't curse at them.

4. Lillian (6). "I guess I'm gonna have to win immunity." Yeah, that's a plan, Lill. Take another bite of that cucumber -- or was it a mushroom? You move up out of last place just because you had fun jumping on the bed at the hotel/spa.

5. Jon (5). Self-appointed master of the game. That's what I like about Jon. He showed his class and distinction by memorizing the menu at Thank God It's Friday's. Jon seems to have a F2 alliance with everybody. Get some new jokes, though, Jon; the wicker one is old. The fat lady will be singing for you soon, and the sooner the better. Is it just me, or does everyone else realize that Jon hasn't been shown doing any work -- ZERO WORK -- over the last four episodes or so. I think he cleaned a plate of food five episodes ago (which is not the same as washing/scraping it).

-- Ra, as fast as light


Sunny_Bunny 5597 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-07-03, 08:32 PM (EST)
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39. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
Latest down the walk of shame: Christa. The obligatory epiphany in the final hour was just too little, too late. You’re logic is mind boggling. “I know he lies. He has lied to me before, but I will trust him. I have pissed people off, so maybe that will keep me here.“ Maybe all those tight hairstyles affected your thought processes. Ah well, you will have all the time in the world for more hair experimentation at loser lodge. If Rupert doesn’t throttle you for being as thick as the plank you ending up walking, that is.

1. Darrah: Yep, you. You are the quiet one everyone underestimates. You don’t say much, but you observe everything and then just give blank stares. As a result, everyone assumes you are being led around by your nose. Having not said much, there wont be much that can be used against you in the “inane and poor me statements” portion of the final Jury questions. In fact, the biggest question you may be asked is “You were on the island? When?!” You may be the best strategist in this game.

2: Sandra. You can’t shoot, and you cant swim... but in terms of eavesdropping, you are the queen baby! Lure Darrah and Lil into the woods so they can hear right from the horses.... mouth what idiots they think you all are. Good job not tacking “because everyone loves the village idiot” at the end of your “Everybody loves Lil” speech. But please, please, please....realize that the guys have to go. I know you love to bash Jon. We all love to bash Jon. But bash him where it hurts...right on the flame of his torch.

3. Burton: If you could possibly have learned to think for yourself, you might have had a fair chance of making the “good cop” thing work. Unfortunately, that routine calls for improvisation... and you didn’t seem to have the skills to think quickly on your feet. Too bad Luv, the first rule of acting is to assume that you have to carry a scene once in awhile. I’ll miss you. The tribe will miss you. The tribe will miss eating as well.

4. Jon: What can I say about the guy who decides what his date will eat, and when? I put you higher than Lil this week, simply because it took guts to sleep next to kissy, huggy Lil all night, even if Darrah was on your other side. But that said, you do seem to have a certain way about you. You gave a better “keep hope alive” speech than Jesse Jackson ever did.

5. Lil: You dear, have to learn that it is ok for a woman to make her own choices. Constantly asking Burton and Jon what you should do has cost you dearly. “I like a man to take charge” said it all. You are in a game. You want to win. You can’t win if you don't at least TRY and think for yourself. Choice number one for you next week? Please choose to put your pants back on. Then choose to vote the men off. Oh, and choose to see the truth. Jon smirks every time your back is turned, and sometimes when it isn't.


gizmo_ber 337 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

12-07-03, 09:18 PM (EST)
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40. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
neat! I'm new registry, so obviously i don't have any last week votes (which i'm assuming were those in the parentheses) so i'll start fresh:

1. John. Love him, hate him, he's playing the game right now, and i admire that if there's no one around i like, and in the case of this cast, there isn't. So he's at the top of the list by default.

2. Burton. Same as above, only he's the #2 man.

3. Sandra. Same as above, but annoying, and out of Rupert's shadow, she hasn't proved herself yet.

4. Lil. She's annoying, and boring, but we're from the same damn town, so that gives her a 4 over the 5.

5. Deaduh. Umm, i complained that i didn't know who she was, then the last couple episodes she came around. Makes me wish she'd just go back into hiding. Great she's winning challenges, but she's boring, and i can't hardly understand what she's saying.


bobstew617 723 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-07-03, 09:20 PM (EST)
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41. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
Darrah died. Nobody noticed
I_AM_HE, that was hysterical. Too bad I think you're fighting a losing battle there re: Survivor's newest Southern Belle. (It must be something about a Southern accent that mesmerizes a jury. )

Anyway, here goes:

1) SANDRA (1)--talks straight, acts sneaky. I can't wait to see her make Jon sweat next week.

2) DARRAH (2)--Ah ahm slolee tayuking ovah thee-us gayum BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

3) LILLIAN (6)--still annoying, but moves up by default.

4) BURTON (4)--Lying (unfortunately) gets you farther in this game. Equivocating does NOT. I think Lill will wise up to you when offered a chance to go further.

5) JON (5)--I wish YOU were a wicker chair so I could sit on you and break you. GRRRRRRR!


Fishercat 4168 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

12-08-03, 00:35 AM (EST)
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42. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1. Sandra
-She has spunk, more personality than anyone that isn't Jon that is left in the game, witty and not afraid to speak, not someone I would want to live with but a good reality show contestant.
2. Jon
-At least he is interesting, unlike the remaining three contestants, and although I am not a fan of his tactics or comments a lot, he makes the show interesting post-Rupert with his feud with Sandra.
3. Darrah
-She doesn't whine or say anything, which puts her above Lil. She is doing well in immunties without immense brawn or cockyness, which makes her better than Burton (Although cocky isn't right for Burton to be fair). Not to mention, my god I cannot believe I am saying this, she is the best eye candy left on the island
4. Burton
-Well, he is Jon's pawn, a beta male, pretty uninteresting, etc.
5. Lillian
-God bless her, but could there be a worse reality show contestant. At least crazy Jan had some odd traits we could have good fun with.

Steen 1544 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

12-08-03, 08:36 AM (EST)
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43. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"

All really close though

Awesome J Slice Creation 2003


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-08-03, 11:15 AM (EST)
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44. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1. Darrah (1) * Showing herself to be a real player, finally.

2. Sandra (3) * Scrappy, fiesty, what's not to love.

3. Burton (2) * Falls a bit for losing his edge in the game with Lillian.

4. Jon (5) * Still can't stand the guy but he's playing hard to win.

5. Lillian (4) * Still think she's great but she seems to have totally lost her game.

Christa was #6 last week; amazingly, the deer in the headlights still didn't see it coming.



LolaLolaLola 8 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-08-03, 12:19 PM (EST)
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45. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1. Darrah
2. Sandra
3. Lil
4. Burton
5. Jon

PlumBlossom 679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-08-03, 01:21 PM (EST)
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47. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
LAST EDITED ON 12-08-03 AT 01:27 PM (EST)

1. Sandra (1)
2. Darrah (3)
3. Lillian (4)
4. Burton (5)
Extremely HUGE Gap
5. Jon (6)

Christa was #2 last week.

an IceCat original

edited to fix numbering


LozengeofLove 1060 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

12-08-03, 01:36 PM (EST)
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48. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1. Sandra (1)
2. Burton (3)
3. Jon (4)
4. Lillian (6)
5. Darrah (4)

Uhh... I'm with HE!



GuessItRains 700 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-08-03, 04:25 PM (EST)
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49. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1. Sandra(4)--I'm felling the lvoe for Sandra again. She fights like crazy, despises Jon, and is the only contestant left never to have a vote placed against her. Plus, she cracks me up.

2. Darrah(2)--She's finally starting to play the game and she managed to deceive Christa pretty thoroughly. If she keeps winning those challenges she'll stay highly ranked with me.

3. Jon(6)--I hate Jon, but I also hate Burton and Lillian and of the three Jon is playing the best game right now.

4. Burton(3)--Alienating the women and refusing to lie to Lillian are not smart moves. Still too smarmy for my tastes.

5. Lillian(5)--I know these people are telling Lillian they like her to her face, but does anybody really believe a word these people say anymore? She can't play the game and needs to leave. Again.

Christa was #1 last week, so for the fourth week in a row my favorite player was booted. Man I hate this season.


Jims02 7407 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-08-03, 07:34 PM (EST)
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50. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1. Sandra
2. Darrah
3. Jon
4. Burton
5. Lillian

This is sad. Sandra's the only one I really care about. Darrah gets second because of 3-5. I'd rather watch Jon over the Outcasts. And Lil is a complete sourpuss.

It's like I'm watching S6 all over again.

A holiday gift from JSlice


AugustGirl 11534 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-08-03, 08:06 PM (EST)
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51. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"
1. Sandra - but please, stop trusting Jon.
2. Darrah - she's winning. gotta give her credit for that.
3. Burton - no where else to put him.
4. Lil - for the love of God, keep your pants on!
5. Jon - bleech.

Christa was # 1 last week.


MerryChristmas 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-09-03, 11:29 PM (EST)
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53. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.11"

Ra_8secs 1081 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

12-11-03, 09:58 AM (EST)
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55. "Totals"
LAST EDITED ON 12-11-03 AT 11:29 AM (EST)

Totals: 5 pts for first place, 4 for 2nd, etc.

SurvivorPointsFirstsLast WeekAvg. Pts.

I am opposed to millionaires, but it would be dangerous to offer me the position. -- Mark Twain



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