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"Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
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I_AM_HE 6123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-31-03, 00:00 AM (EST)
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"Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-03 AT 00:08 AM (EST)

BIG TWIST! SPOILERS! BEWARE! If you haven't seen the show, and don't want to know, don't read it! OK? OK!

Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A - Osten goes back to his sad existence working for the man

Wow! I don't know what to say about tonight's episode! I entered with some trepidation about the twist and its consequences on the integrity of the game, but then I realized there's no integrity in this game anyway, so I'm alright now. No really, I'm still unsure about the whole thing, but I loved it at the same time. Not least of all because it got rid of Osten. And speaking of Osten, I am thoroughly disgusted at him for (among other things) quitting, but at the same time, I like him better and respect him more than I did the entire time he was on. It was strangely honorable for him to fall on his sword and allow the rest of his team to stay. As you can see, this episode did weird things to me

So, you want to play? It's easy! Just list the remaining EIGHT players in the order you like them, and if you want, tell us why!

1. Sandra (2)
2. Tijuana (4)
3. Christa (5)
4. Rupert (1)
5. Andrew (3)
6. Darrah (8)
7. Ryan O. (6)
8. Jon (9)

Shawn was #7 last week, and Osten was #10

Sandra regains her top spot after Rupert's two-week title run. I *heart* her! Stirring the pot but keeping her hands clean of it all! And I think she was psychic about Lillian and Burton being the ones to come back.

Speaking of Rupert, his totally irrational blowup with Jon drops him three spots and gives him this week's Dave Award. Still dig him, but chill dude. This is the first time he's dropped below third.

Andrew also takes a dip for a not particularly strong challenge performance, but didn't really do anything too annoying. Still solidly on the "like" side of the fence, but takes the bottom spot among them for now. R and A's drops let Tijuana and Christa move up. Congrats to T for her highest ranking yet!

Ryan O. is soooooo boring!

And that leaves us with Jon. First, I thank Osten for quitting so I could put Jon at the bottom of the list again. Second, I think Drake made a huge mistake keeping Jon over Shawn, because he won't think twice about stabbing them in the back! I do commend him for handling Rupert's explosion very, very well. However, he didn't handle Shawn very well. Don't really have anything else to say about Shawn, and I've said everything I need to say about Osten above.

That's it for me! Is Sandra just keeping Lillian's seat at #1 warm for next week? We'll see!

FLL 7.6:

can you tell i miss joe schmo?


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A sittem 10-31-03 1
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A Oscirus 10-31-03 2
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A coolflowerpowerman 10-31-03 3
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A Kokoro 10-31-03 4
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A LozengeofLove 10-31-03 5
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A Angelfood 10-31-03 6
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A bichon 10-31-03 7
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A Spanky68 10-31-03 8
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A Jims02 10-31-03 9
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A dajaki 10-31-03 10
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A djandy 10-31-03 11
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A johnthemod 10-31-03 12
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A PlumBlossom 10-31-03 13
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A Nash 10-31-03 14
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A Steen 10-31-03 15
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A bobstew617 10-31-03 16
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A ejm92 11-01-03 17
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A PepeLePew13 11-01-03 18
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A AugustGirl 11-01-03 19
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A GuessItRains 11-03-03 20
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A shanana banana 11-03-03 21
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A DoodleBug 11-03-03 22
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A whoami 11-03-03 23
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A bubbastan 11-03-03 24
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A nazzWord 11-04-03 25
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A dabo 11-04-03 26
   RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A pdragonfly 11-05-03 27
 week 7A statistics I_AM_HE 11-06-03 28
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A Liska 11-06-03 29

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sittem 4186 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-31-03, 00:13 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
Kind of a surreal show tonight. Osten is a piece of work – I am bitterly disappointed in him. I had very high hopes and his leaving is one of the lowest points in Survivor history, though he definitely deserved what happened. I don’t have a lot of observations beyond that.

1. Savage (1) Pretty bitter about the way this is going. It seems to me that Jeff defers to him a bit – seems like he’s almost Jeff’s consultant from within the game. Maybe Jeff just knows he’ll get an interesting comment from him. It’s sad he got hung with Osten.
2. Ryan (5) I’m really beginning to like Ryano.
3. Tijuana (4) I’m also growing in my like of T.
4. Christa (3) Just not enough to hold up at 3.
5. Rupert (2) Too over the top on his confrontation of Jon. Maybe Jon deserved it, but using his size and intimidation was over the top for me. It’s not HIS game.
6. Sandra (6) Just tryin’ to survive.
7. Darrah (7) I’d like to see her higher in some ways, but there’s not much room at the top.
8. Jon (10) F you Jon. I’d have much rather seen Shawn stay.

No observations on those who might return. The only one I’d like to see back is Trish. I don’t miss any of the others, including Lil.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.


Oscirus 1596 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

10-31-03, 00:17 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
1. Tijuana sucks that u had to get stuck with such a moron
2. Andrew the leader Good tc moments
3. Darrah- Little sparkplug likin her more and more
4. Ryano immuntity threat wont last long
5. Jon Stuck with those bastids i hope u turn on them johnny fp
6. Christa athletic but stupid
7. Sandra gloating sucks and so do u
8. Rupert so jon voted against u cry me a river mentor boy

Shawn u should have knocked johnny out that would have been good
pantywaste it took u exactly 6 days to quit and 12 more days to get booted u r definately the worst player ever bu bye


coolflowerpowerman 456 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

10-31-03, 00:18 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
Wow! Another list, another week!

1. Tijuana
2. Darrah
3. Ryan O.
4. Sandra
5. Christa
6. Andrew
7. Jon
8. Rupert

Tijuana comes in at #1 for the first time! She rocks. She handled the Osten situation brilliantly and handled the "Outcast" shocker with grace. She is clearly going to make it far in this game.

Darrah is growing on me. She's a really likeable person once you get to know her a little bit. I hope she makes it far.

Ryan O. went a bit under the radar this episode, but I still think he's a great guy.

Sandra rose back to the middle of the pack after plummeting to the bottom last week. She may very well be psychic-- actually predicting the return of Burton and Lillian to the game. I also enjoyed the way she handled the Shawn/Jon situation. Not as bad as I said she was last week.

Christa is mediocre. Not a sweetheart... not really that annoying. She'll be an early jury boot, methinks.

Andrew is a jerk. Stop dissing the outcasts, man. You're going to be one of the first boots following the merge. I'll laugh!

Jon was actually at #1 on my list last week, but that was more of an anti-Rupert thing than a pro-Jon thing. He didn't deserve to be screamed and cursed and threatened by the fat drama queen, and he amazed me by surviving yet another tribal council. Plus, he had the best saying ever as he cast his vote against Shawn... a short and simple "**** YOU!" Very classy.

Rupert's a fat drama queen. I am sick of him. I think you all are aware of this, so I will not elaborate any more. Go away, Rupert! He still rises two places, but only because two people were booted this week.

Our greatest gainer this week is Sandra (+5 gain)

Our greatest loser is Jon (-6 drop)

Last Week Shawn was #7, and he held an average ranking of 9 during his time in the game.

Last Week Osten was #8, and he held an average ranking of 10 during his time in the game.



Kokoro 3899 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

10-31-03, 00:39 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
1.) Sandra (1)
2.) Rupert (2)
3.) Christa (3)
4.) Jon (5)
5.) Ryan (4)
6.) Tijuana (7)
7.) Andrew (6)
8.) Darrah (9)

Shawn was #9 last week.


1.) Lillian
2.) Ryan S.

**The Grand Canyon**

3.) Michelle
4.) Burton

**You'd Need to Take Three Buses and a Ferry to Get Here**

5.) Nicole
6.) Trish

* Whatever. Sandra, Rupert and Christa are still for the most part the only reason for watching the show. They're so cute together and it was about time someone put Jon in his place. Everyone who felt a horrible injustice had been wrought on the honourable, noble Mr. Fairplay in the first scene, raise your hand. Didn't think so.

* Not to say I don't still like Jon. Loved the voting comment and I wonder why it's never been used before? I for one am glad Shawn is gone. Neither of them is trustworthy, but at least Jon is somewhat fun to be around and works hard around the camp. Shawn was just a jerk and a half.

* The Morgan tribe all still get a big "Meh" from me since they're all still pretty bland personalities. Ryan is still riding on his likability from last week. I'm surprisingly liking T more. If only she'd get more screen time. I still don't like Andrew all too much. He may do well as a leader, but he doesn't make me think "wow, what a great guy", especially during some of his confessionals. And in his undying love for Osten, even in the beginning of this episode. Darrah is still a fine mixture of Sarah-like smarts, a masterful Zoe-like camera prescence and a lovely Clay-like accent.

The Losers:

* Lillian and Ryan were the only two losers who were shown in any way to be likable. Of course they're at the top.

* Burton and Michelle don't really have personalities, but I guess they're pretty.

* Nicole and Trish pulled the same stupid strategy and both got booted. Trish has the coldest, blackest heart of any of the current players. I'm expecting her to steal my Christmas presents any day now.


LozengeofLove 1060 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

10-31-03, 00:57 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
1. Savage (5): I'm sorry, but I really hate this twist, so I'm totally with him on his revolving door thing.
2. Sandra (1): She drops for the first time ever, but I like her even more than ever! Go Sandra!
3. Ryan (2): How awesome is he? How much do I lvoe him? (((((THIS MUCH!)))))
4. Tijuana (6): I really really really enjoy her. She is the queen of this show.
5. Christa (3): She falls, but again, I only lvoe her more.
6. Rupert (4): How disappointed am I in you Rupert? Let me count the ways...
7. Darrah (8): BLAH
8. Jon (7): Oh...go fall off a burning building.

Osten goes down, IMHO, as WORST SURVIVOR EVER. What a waste of matter.


Angelfood 2114 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

10-31-03, 08:31 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
1 rupert
2 andrew
3 sandra
4 ryano
5 tijuana
6 christa
7 darrah
8 jon

This is the same as last week for me. rupert did good to make up with jon, still love andrew.
Sandra - everything she says is On The Money. Jiffy wonders how she is always so confident & Correct! In the know!

I'd like to see Lill back. Otherwise, they are all bantha-fodder.

WHY I THINK THEY KEPT JON: Yes, you can't trust him, but with the possibility of Burton returning - cant let Burton & Shawn make it together to the merge (that doesn't sound pg13, huh?). Also, Morgan already Hates Jon, so no worry of alliance there. No one would vote for Jon to be in final 2. And with a Ghost returning and having immunity one week, Jon can be voted off next week (if they lose a challenge).

Evil Queen in Disguise


bichon 124 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

10-31-03, 10:11 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
1.(1) Rupert
2.(2) Andrew
3.(4) Sandra
4.(3) Christa
5.(6) Tijuana
6.(7) Ryan O.
7.(9) Darrah

1. Burton
2. Trish
3. Michelle
4. Ryan S.
5. Lillian
6. Nicole


Spanky68 8092 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-31-03, 10:14 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
This week (last week)

1. Tijuana (4)
2. Rupert (1)
3. Sandra (3)
4. Christa (2)

Can tolerate
5. Ryano (5)
6. Andrew (6)

Could do without
7. Darrah (7)
8. Jon (9)

I don't love watching Tijuana as much as I used to love watching Rupert, but I am disappionted with his behavior.

Rupert, relax. The blowup was surreal. I knew it would be bad, but I didn't expect this level of ugly. I think it will hurt him long-term. The only reason he didn't drop lower is that it was aimed at Jon. I loathe Jon, too.

I don't trust Sandra, but I have to admit that she's been valuable and a player since day 1. She's the reason Drake was well-fed and supplied early on.

I think Christa is a better player than most of us expected her to be.

I still don't like him. He seems lazy and I don't get the heartthrob angle at all. Just don't see it.

Andrew, if you're really a decent lawyer, you should know more about human nature than you evidently do. Why cry over Osten? He cost you so many challenges that you would've been DEAD as a tribe if not for Drake throwing one way too early!!!

Darrah did nothing to change my opinion. I still see her as lazy, dumb and boyish.

Some people moved Jon up out of sympathy b/c of the "Rupert gone wild" attack. I think he's deserved it for so many other reasons that I feel no sympathy for him at all.

Tijuana was my big mover, but don't read a lot into that.

I think it'll be Lil and Burton coming back in. As much as I hated Burton's "I am the greatest" rant, I think he's got the rage to win ICs and might stay on for a while. Lil will last as a Drake b/c they seem to value a work ethic.


Jims02 7407 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-31-03, 10:38 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-03 AT 10:38 AM (EST)

Jims' Angels
1. Sandra (3)
2. Christa (2)
3. Tijuana (5)

Fisher and Apprentice
4. Rupert (1)
5. Ryan O (4)

Kinda "blah, but not TOO terrible" people
6. Darrah (7)
7. Andrew (6)
8. Jon (9)

BEST EPISODE EVER!!! If I were making my love list, Shawn and Osten would definitely #9 and #10 (respectively, of course) They got rid of all the people that I really can't stand! Now I have 8 people who are at best "okay"

Sandra and Christa are AWESOME! I am rooting for them over anyone else in the game right now. Sandra passes up Christa this week, just based on screen time. The girls in this season rock. Period. End of story. Try convincing me otherwise. You can't.

I really liked what Tijuana had to say about Osten's quitting. I'm glad she let him make his decision and stop dragging her down. I was worried that she would try to convince him to stay. I really like T's attitude.


Oh yeah, and Tijuana is definitely S7's Halle Berry.

Rupert, you're still the man, but you need to CHILL. Do you know how many people before you have received votes? Do you know how many people completely freaked out? Just one. And his name is Lex. But at least Lex didn't scream and holler.

Ryan O... Still a nice guy. I kinda feel sorry for him. He's not really much of a fisherman, but at least he tries. Morgan's just a sad tribe in general. A leader who can't lead and a fisherman who can't fish. Maybe Ryan will get better next episode, with Rupert.

Darrah? Well, she has a good attitude and she's real cute... So yeah, I'll put her #6.

Andrew, Andrew, Andrew... He gets major props for the IC last episode. But now we get to listen to him gripe about the Ghost Tribe scenario for 20 minutes? Oh YAY! Yeah, I know it isn't fair, but instead of crying about it, get ready for it instead.

First of all, I don't hate Jon. I just happen to like everyone more. I think Jon was right about Shawn. Shawn spent more time arguing his way into not working, than actually doing any work. Jon could have handled Shawn a little better. If Jon wanted to make Shawn look like a real idiot, just cut him off. Actions speak louder than words.

Oh yeah, and I give him props for handling Rupert surprisingly coolly. Of course, I'd be pretty timid too, if big Rupert came after me.

1. Ryan S- "Die Jerks" LOLOLOLOLOL!
2. Lillian
3. Burton- Nice job destroying the competition
4. Michelle- Revenge IS sweet
5. Trish
6. Nicole- Sorry, don't really know you too well

JSlice is off da hizzle, yo


dajaki 1454 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

10-31-03, 11:08 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
Okay, I loved last night's show. I think that bringing in the Outcast tribe was a great idea! Who cares if it turned the tables on Drake/Morgan? Anything's fair in love, war and reality TV. That being said, the list.

1. Sandra - (4-3-3-3-1-4-3) Get's the top spot for the second time. She has been fantastic with strategizing the last two eps. She has controlled some aspects of Drake without appearing to.
2. Rupert - (1-1-1-1-2-5-2) Still love Rupert, but last night's totally irrational blow-up was weird. Not uncharacteristic, but weird.
3. Christa - (3-4-4-4-6-11-16) She's grown on me.
4. Tijuana - (6-5-5-6-9-8-12) She may be the last Morgan standing.
5. Darrah - (7-6-7-8-8-6-15) She should ride on Tijuana's coattails up to the Final 4.
6. Andrew - (2-7-8-9-10-9-1) Started to like him last week, but showed his ugly side again this week. Stop whining and casting stones you big loser.
7. Ryan O. - (5-8-9-10-11-10-10) Andrew's puppy. Woof Woof.
8. Jon - (10-11-12-13-13-15-7) Still in last place, but this time it's by default. Had Osten stuck around, he'd follow Jon.

RIP - Shawn is a putz. Osten may rank in many "Worst Survivor Ever" polls. Jeff was right to rip into him at Tribal Council. Too many people in this country have tried hard to get on Survivor. To make it and then give up is unforgiveable.


djandy 1711 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

10-31-03, 11:49 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
1.) Sandra (2) - Stir the pot, girl!
2.) Ryan O. (4) - Seems nice and sweet, but ineffective.
3.) Rupert (1) - Had to drop him down for his blow up.
4.) Tijuana (5) - Insightful about Andrew's vulnerability.
5.) Christa (3) - Still riding on last weeks strong challenge performances.
6.) Darrah (6) - Is in it for the long haul no matter what.
7.) Andrew (8) - Is running scared. If you'd been a better leader, you wouldn't be.
8.) Jon (10) - At least he works hard, but he's still obnoxious.

Out: Osten (9) - If Osten would have stayed he actually would have broken Jon's stranglehold on last place.

Out: Shawn (7) - Spent too much effort being lazy. It would have actually been easier just to do the work, than to try so hard to get out of it then have to do it anyway. Reminds me of a teenager.



johnthemod 423 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

10-31-03, 12:27 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
Pretty good twist, since I didn't like either of the guys being screwed by it. I actually hope it is Lillian and Burton, they're the best of the losers.

1. SANDRA (2) - claiming Rupert's usual spot this week. I really hope she manages a win.

2. CHRISTA (3) - looked great at tribal council

3. RUPERT (1) - just a little grating this's getting to be his time soon I think

4. RYAN O. (5) - good guy, good chances

5. TIJUANA (8) - nice showing this week, she's really there to play

6. JON (7) - he's got crazy eyes

7. ANDREW (4) - as soon as the "losers" are brought up his jerk personality comes out again. my roommate hates him.

8. DARRAH (9) - useless.

SHAWN would've been 7 and OSTEN would've been beyond dead last, for the seventh week in a row. He beat out Ghandia for worst survivor ever.


PlumBlossom 679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-31-03, 02:13 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
1. Rupert (1)
2. Andrew (2)
3. Tijuana (7)
4. Ryan O. (4)
5. Sandra (3)
6. Darrah (6)
7. Christa (5)
8. Jon (11)

Shawn was #8 and Osten was #9 last week.

an IceCat original


Nash 437 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

10-31-03, 03:48 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
My love list....

1. Andrew - He's tough, He's committed, He's solid. He's probably done after this week, I fear

2. Tijuana - Love her smile. She's a lady in control.

3. Darrah - Yes she's finely moving up.

4. Sandra - Because she is all that and she knows it!

5. Ryan O. - Yes I like him

6. Christa - Her voice bugs me.

7. Rupert - Stop whining already you are not King of Survivor

8. Jon - There is nothing redeeming about him.


Steen 1544 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

10-31-03, 03:57 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
I still like the Morgan tribe much, much more than Drake or the outkasts.

1. Ryan o
2. Tijuana
3. Andrew
4. Christa
5. Sandra
6. Darrah
7. Rupert
8. Jon


bobstew617 723 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-31-03, 11:11 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-03 AT 11:16 PM (EST)

Well, here I am back another week stirring up trouble...
Quite a shakeup this week and when the 2 GTs come back, even a little more:

1) SANDRA (2)--one of the most straightforward, "shoot from the hip" players Survivor has ever seen. Her comment after Shawn and Jon were fighting concerning it was fine as long as she stays shows she is thinking about the game.
2) TIJUANA (5)--she showed she is playing the game more than we thought, and finally realized she was no longer going to be able to try to convince Osten to stay. Cut your loss (what-ever!) and move on.
3) RYAN O (1)--still like him, just didn't hear much from him this Ep.
4) RUPERT (3)--still a strong player, but as I said last week, reminds me of LEX. Jon (and/or Sandra) may use your emotions against you, Mr. Pirate.
5) CHRISTA (6)--more in this game than I thought, and she looked a TON better this week. Her alliance with Sandra is helping her.
6) DARRAH (7)--showed some courage at TC. She is more of a "man" than osten ever will be.
7) SAVAGE (4)--after such a great win last week, I was SO disappointed in him; strategies revealed do not succeed. I think he has HUGE bullseye on him now.
8) JON (9)--you do more work than Shawn, you are entertaining, but you irritate the fool out of me. Can't wait to see your torch snuffed.

and osten, I really do feel sorry for you. Such potential wasted. IF you do go to Panama for the reunion, JP is going to call you out for your coward comments and I hope he KICKS YOUR A$$.


ejm92 2221 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

11-01-03, 12:08 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
What a great episode.....

1. Sandra (2) - The funniest and most interesting to watch.
2. Rupert (1) - His attitude is a bit too controlling.
3. Ryan O. (3) - Seems like a really good guy...we'll see.
4. Tijuana (4) - All-around good attitude about the game.
5. Andrew (8) - Almost a 180 degree attitude seems.
6. Darrah (6) - Not too much to say lol...but she seems determined.
7. Christa (5) - No comment.
8. Jon (9) - Sorry, suck.

The Outcasts:
1. Burton - This guy is determined....I hope he gets back in.
2. Lill - I've always liked her.
3. Michelle - Spunky and cute like Tijuana.
4. Skinny Ryan - He wouldn't last a week if he got back in.
5. Nicole - We hardly knew ye.
6. Trish - Stay gone.

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champ, Survivor 6 Anti-Bootee Chump

PepeLePew13 26140 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-01-03, 04:27 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
LAST EDITED ON 11-01-03 AT 07:03 PM (EST)

1. Rupert (1) - he did what we all would have loved to do to Jon, so he get bonus points for that. (even if it was irrational)

2. Sandra (3)

3. Tijuana (6)

4. Andrew (2)

5. Ryan O. (4)

6. Darrah (5)

7. Christa (7)

8. Jon (9)

Shawn was #8 and Wussten was #10 on my list last week.

Heidi: My biggest assets to the tribe are my athletic skills and my intelligence. I've lost one of them.
Jiffy: Which one?


AugustGirl 11534 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-01-03, 04:56 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
1. Sandra (2) - Smart cookie. Love her.
2. Rupert (1)- Dropped for throwing the hissy fit.
3. Christa (3)- Staying at #3.
4. Ryan O (5)- UTR, but no reason to drop him.
5. Andrew (4)- Dropped a bit for whining about the Outkasts.
6. Tijuana (7)- No where else to put her.
7. Darrah (6)- No where else to put her, either.
8. Jon (10)- Gag.

Shawn was #8 last week.
Osten was #9.


GuessItRains 700 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

11-03-03, 10:02 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
1. Ryan O.(2)--Worked his butt off in the challenge to no avail and joined the others in disapproving of Osten's ostening.
2. Tijuana(4)--Seemed less dejected than the others with the twist. She persuaded Osten to stay when she needed him, but let him go when she didn't. Smart.
3. Sandra(3)--Loved her comments on Shawn and Jon. Maybe should have held her tongue a bit with tribemates returning.
4. Rupert(1)--Gotta drop him for going off on Jon. Hey Rupert, everybody wants to win. Grow up.
5. Christa(6)--She's the first person since Elisabeth who's gotten more attractive as the series progresses.
6. Andrew(5)--Needs to stop whining about the twist and prove he still belongs.
7. Darrah(7)--I actually like Darrah, just not as much as the others. I'll still be cheering for her over any outcast.
8. Jon(10)--I still loathe Jon.

Shawn was #8 and would have stayed there. Osten was #9 and would have dropped below Jon.


shanana banana 658 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

11-03-03, 01:20 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
My list basically stayed the same this week:

1. Andrew: (1) He's kind of won me over. He's fierce and determined and has pride, but also humility. He's come a long way from that first episode or two.

2. Rupert:(2) Rupert is still a lot of fun to watch, but his ego is starting to get a bit out of control for me. His tirade at Jon was a bit much --- get a grip, dude. I hate Jon too, but this game is about one-upping the others. Jon made a big mistake, but it didn't warrant the tirade.

3. Christa: (3) Still liking her. Not much to say this week.

4. Sandra: (4) Ditto for Sandra as for Christa.

5. Rhino: (5) Rhino is a nice guy. I have he and Tijuana on equal footing this week, pretty much.

6. Tijuana: (7) Equal for me with Rhino.

7. Darrah: (8) Pretty much MIA for me.

8. Jon: (9) Once again, buddy, Osten saves you from last place.

Osten was in the number 10 spot last week (good riddance) and Shawn was number 6. I'm not liking the idea of the Ghost Tribe members coming back into the game -- the only one I kind of like is Lil --- the rest of them deserve to be voted out like they were and shouldn't be allowed back into the game, I feel.


DoodleBug 5133 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-03-03, 02:40 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
1. Sandra (3)
2. Christa (4)
3. Tijuana (5)
4. Rupert (2)
5. Andrew (1)
6. Ryan O. (4)
7. Darrah (7)
8. Jon (9)

No comments because I was so late posting this....

Rates the twist an 8. Survivor needed a shake-up, but fire is LIFE? What happened to that??


whoami 2936 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

11-03-03, 09:54 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
#1.-Rupert(1) He should have beat the s#%T out of Jon. But that would of taken all day.
#2.-Sandra (2) Like her a lot.
#3.-Christa (3) Playing a good game.
#4.-Andrew (4) The ghosts should not of came back into the game. Once out stay out.
#5.-Tijuana(5) Still like her, just could not move her up.
#6.-Darrah (7) Like to hear her talk, What an accent.
#7.-Rayn O.(6) Not as good as Darrah
#8.-Jon (9) Only moved up because this is last place this week. Do not understand why he is still here.
YEA YEA Glad Osten is gone, sbout time.

If we just think about it we can figure this thing out.


bubbastan 625 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

11-03-03, 10:24 PM (EST)
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24. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
LAST EDITED ON 11-03-03 AT 10:28 PM (EST)

Not liking the "ultimate twist" .... I had less of a problem with some of the other twists, mainly because they brought some newness to the game without violating the whole "fire is life" thing. I think it sucks that folks who were voted out in previous weeks get a chance to come back while the folks who got voted out last week have no chance to come back. Well, okay, Osten quit and wouldn't have wanted to come back, but what about Shawn ?? I never really liked Shawn but that doesn't mean that I want to see him get hosed by new rules.

Anyway, on to my list.
1. Rupert (1) - Still sticking with my man. Was his outburst an example of smart gameplay? Heck no. But his strategy isn't the main thing that I like about him anyway. I think that he genuinely thought of Jon as an ally and was stung to have realized that Jon voted for him. Was Rupert's reaction over the top? Sure, but what about Rupert isn't over the top in some way?
2. Andrew (2) - I agree with his comments about not wanting the returning former bootee(s) to stick around. As you can see from my previous comments, I'm not digging the twist, and I think that if I was one of the players who struggled so hard to get as far as these folks have, I'd be pretty po'd about someone who was already voted out getting to return. By being away from the game, they've gotten out of having to deal with the mental stress of watching every word you say and also of living with folks day in and day out and having to vote them off. Unfair advantage to returnee's, IMHO.
3. Sandra (5) - loving the whole Rupert, Sandra, Christa dynamic.
4. Christa (3) - see above.
5. Ryan O (4) - still really like this guy. He sure isn't a quitter, and has a lot of heart. Keep on trying to catch those fish Rhino!
6. Tijuana (6) - What we've gotten to see of Tijuana lately, I'm really liking. I expect her to be moving up my rankings in the coming weeks.
7. Darrah (7) - Doing well in the challenges. Can't say very much more at this point in time.


8. Jon (tie - 10) - Anyone else see anything ironic about this clown-ass giving a speech about how the "losers" (i.e. the Outcast Tribe) were losers their whole life and were used to it? This guy is actually giving Robfather and Ghandia a run for the money as my most hated survivor contestant of all time.

I Refuse to rate the Outcasts, not because I have anything against them as individuals, but because I think that any of them being able to re-enter the game after being voted out sucks.


nazzWord 60 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-04-03, 02:49 AM (EST)
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25. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
1.Sandra - just like her
2. Rupert - Man, your outburst was way over the top.. Hope you col off soon enough.
3.Tijuana - She's kinda cool
4. Christa - the alliance with Rupert and Sandra might bring her to few more episode
5. Ryan O - Boring
6. Savage - I didn't really like him even from the start. The way he tried to lead but sometimesbias treatment to tribemembers ticks me off.
7. Darrah - Boring.
8. Jon - He's still entertaining to watch even though he irritates the hell out of me.

Man, I really hate the twist.
but if i have to choose - Burton and Lil, at least i dont really hate them.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-04-03, 09:42 AM (EST)
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26. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
1. Andrew (1) Barely held onto this position, his griping about the twist is not good game (though I agree it was a lousy twist)

2. Rupert (2) Might have regained #1 except for going off on Jon like that. Not that I minded seeing Jon getting the hot coals, mind you.

3. Sandra (4)
4. Darrah (7)
5. Ryan O. (3)
6. Christa (6)
7. Tijuana (8)
8. Jon (9)

Last week Shawn was #4 and Osten was #10.

Special Surprise Twist Ghost List
1. Michelle
2. Ryan S.
3. Lill
4. Trish
5. Burton
6. Nicole


pdragonfly 318 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-05-03, 10:14 AM (EST)
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27. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
New to this game (not the show)

1.Sandra - love her strategy: let others fight and vote each other out. Hope she wins. I think she psychic. She won my heart when she bought out the whole village.
2. Rupert - was in last place for me before the show started, but he's grown on me. Love the skirt. Real men don't let things like that bother them.
3. Ryan O. - I love this guys voice. I get weak in the knees each time I hear it. Only one out there trying to fish. The rest of the tribe deserves to starve.
4. Christa - Belonged in the Amazon series. Love her strength and stamina - haven't seen the annoying side to her yet.
5. Darrah - loved her comment about dragging her body from the place. has the will power, but we need to see some gusto.
6. Tijuana - You should have voted for for Osten instead of Lil
7. Andrew - You should have voted for Osten instead of Lil
8. Jon - f you. parents around the world now have to be prepared to change the channel because of you. Bad example for kids everywhere. Hope he sterilizes himself.


I_AM_HE 6123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-06-03, 02:24 AM (EST)
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28. "week 7A statistics"
LAST EDITED ON 11-06-03 AT 02:25 AM (EST)

compiling 28 lists

rank. name (last week) (total, high, low)
1. Sandra (2) (71, 1, 7)
2. Rupert (1) (91, 1, 8)
3. Tijuana (6) (104, 1, 7)
4. Andrew (3) (118, 1, 7)
5. Fat Ryan (5) (119, 1, 7)
6. Christa (4) (122, 2, 7)
7. Darrah (7) (169, 2, 8)
8. Jon (9) (214, 4, 8)

Shawn was #8 last week, and Osten was #10

First place votes:
12 Sandra
6 Rupert
5 Andrew
3 Tijuana
2 Fat Ryan

Last place votes:
24 Jon
2 Darrah, Rupert

Moving up (2+):
Tijuana (6 to 3)

Moving down:
Christa (4 to 6)

* We have a new Queen! Congrats to Sandra, as she had a fairly large lead over her nearest competition, Rupert, the hitherto undefeated Champion of the Love List, and also garnered twice as many first place votes!

* Competition for the 4-6 spots is fierce, with only 4 points separating Andrew, Fat Ryan, and Christa.

* all but 4 people ranked Jon dead last - looks like a lot of people shared my thanks for Osten quitting so they could put Jon at the bottom.

How will the returning ghosties shake up the rankings next week? Tune in tomorrow to see, same bat time, same bat forum!


Liska 8 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-06-03, 03:18 PM (EST)
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29. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7A"
1 - Andrew - my favorite since day one and the only one they're showing speaking his mind about the outcasts. It IS unfair and he has a right to be pissed off. The coolest survivor ever!

2 - Ryan O - really playing the "nice guy" thing well, could go far if he doesn't become too much of a post-merge threat.

3 - Tijuana - love her. She's awesome, and handles the game with class.

4 - Christa - she seems cool. a little annoying at time, but a tough chick.

5 - Darrah - although her voice can be a bit abrasive, she's got good things to say.

6 - Sandra - not too fond of her, but i don't hate her either.

7 - Jon - he can't help being an annoying piece of crap, it's just who he is.

8 - Rupert - i may be the only person who can't stand this guy any more, but oh well. He thinks he's going to rule the island, they should have voted him off when they had the chance. He takes the game to personally, get over yourself man.



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